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File metadata and controls

2348 lines (1830 loc) · 81.8 KB




Blockly ist ein grafischer Editor, der es Nutzern erlaubt Skripte durch zusammenfügen von Blöcken zu erzeugen. Er wurde für Nutzer entwickelt, die keine Erfahrung in Programmierung von Computern besitzen.


Getting started

Beispiel 1

Zustand eines Datenpunkts bei Änderung eines anderen Datenpunkts ändern

Getting started 1

Dies ist das klassische Beispiel bei Änderung eines Datenpunktes etwas anderes zu schalten.

Hier wird das Licht an oder ausgeschaltet wenn Bewegung bzw. keine Bewegung erkannt wird.

Zuerst den Block "Triggers=>Falls Objekt" einfügen. Die Objekt ID auswählen um den Zustand des Objekts als Trigger für dieses Skript zu benutzen.

Einen anderen Block - "System=>Steuere" hinzufügen und im Dialog den anderen Zustand der durch den Trigger geändert werden soll auswählen.

In diesen Steuerungsblock einen Block "System=>Wert von Objekt ID" einfügen und im Dialog das Objekt "Bewegung" auswählen, um dessen Zustand in "Licht": zu schreiben.

Es gibt bei den Trigger Blöcken eine spezielle Variable "Wert". Diese wird immer hier definiert und kann für verschiedene Zwecke verwendet werden. Sie enthält den aktuellen Wert des triggernden Objekts und man kann daher einfacherer Skripte erzeugen indem man den Block "Variable=>Objekt ID" benutzt und ihn in "Wert" umbenennt.

Getting started 1

  Beispiel zum importieren:

<xml xmlns="">
  <block type="comment" id="s7s**k+Cc_KjDnJW`(h~" x="12" y="63">
    <field name="COMMENT">Switch light ON or OFF it motion detected or IDLE</field>
      <block type="on_ext" id="#}:B(M-o5:/]k,_msr%y">
        <mutation items="1"></mutation>
        <field name="CONDITION">ne</field>
        <field name="ACK_CONDITION"></field>
        <value name="OID0">
          <shadow type="field_oid" id="o~6)!C0IVy{WD%Km(lkc">
            <field name="oid">javascript.0.Motion</field>
        <statement name="STATEMENT">
          <block type="control" id="(ZqzhS_7*jGpk;`zJAZg">
            <mutation delay_input="false"></mutation>
            <field name="OID">javascript.0.Light</field>
            <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field>
            <value name="VALUE">
              <block type="get_value" id="a-E@UcwER=knNljh@:M/">
                <field name="ATTR">val</field>
                <field name="OID">javascript.0.Motion</field>


Beispiel 2

Licht bei Bewegung anschalten und ausschalten wenn 10 Minuten keine Bewegung.

Getting started 2

Wenn der Zustand "Bewegung" mit dem Wert "wahr" aktualisiert wird, mache:

  • schalte "Licht" an
  • starte die Verzögerung von 10 Minuten um "Licht" auszuschalten und lösche alle bisherigen Verzögerungen für diesen Datenpunkt.

Wie man sieht wird der Flag "lösche Verzögerung" durch den letzten Befehl gelöscht. Dieses löscht alle Timer für diesen Datenpunkt und startet einen neuen Timer

  Beispiel zum importieren:

Switch light ON and OFF in 10 minutes of IDLE true true javascript.0.Motion javascript.0.Light FALSE TRUE javascript.0.Light TRUE 600000 TRUE FALSE ```


Beispiel 3

Verschicke eine E-Mail, wenn die Außentemperatur höher als 25 Grad Celsius ist.

Getting started 3


Zuerst müssen wir eine Variable definieren um zu speichern, dass die E-Mail für den aktuellen Temperaturalarm bereits gesendet wurde und diese Variable auf "falsch" setzen. Dann beobachten wir die Veränderungen der Temperatur. Wir könnten dieses Skript auch periodisch ausführen, aber das ist nicht so effektiv.

Wenn sich die Temperatur ändert vergleichen wir den aktuellen Wert mit 25 und prüfen, ob die E-Mail bereits verschickt wurde oder nicht. Wenn die E-Mail noch nicht versendet war, speichern wir, dass wir sie jetzt senden und senden sie auch. Natürlich muss der E-Mail-Adapter vorher installiert und konfiguriert worden sein.

Wenn die Temperatur unter 23 Grad fällt setzen wir die Variable "emailSent" zurück, damit beim nächsten Temperaturalarm wieder eine E-Mail gesendet wird. Dazu wird die aktuelle Temperatur mit 23 verglichen und es werden keine E-Mails geschickt, solange die Temperatur um 25 Grad schwankt.

Um den "falls ... sonst falls ..." Block zu erstellen klickt man auf das Zahnrad und fügt die zusätzlich benötigten Elemente dem "falls" Block hinzu.

Getting started 3

Man kann zu jedem Block einen Kommentar hinterlegen, indem man "Kommentar hinzufügen" im Kontextmenü des Blocks anklickt. Diesen Kommentar kann man später durch anklicken des Fragezeichens ansehen.

Getting started 3

Man kann größere Blöcke einklappen, um eine bessere Übersicht zu erhalten, indem man im Kontextmenü den Punkt "Block einklappen" auswählt.

Getting started 3

  Beispiel zum importieren:

<xml xmlns="">
  <block type="comment" id="r53:ZiP]3DYe;Ly;@!v5" x="87" y="13">
    <field name="COMMENT"> Send email if outside temperature is more than 25 grad Celsius.</field>
      <block type="variables_set" id="oyEg!Z7~qid+!HYECD8C">
        <field name="VAR">emailSent</field>
        <value name="VALUE">
          <block type="logic_boolean" id="gakxd?9T354S1#_(=)%K">
            <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field>
          <block type="on_ext" id="DR}w0I%EUL-FCI%`w5L4">
            <mutation items="1"></mutation>
            <field name="CONDITION">ne</field>
            <field name="ACK_CONDITION">true</field>
            <value name="OID0">
              <shadow type="field_oid" id="}TdS?2Lg~Mt[0!o0iMG.">
                <field name="oid">javascript.0.Outside_temperature</field>
            <statement name="STATEMENT">
              <block type="controls_if" id="rBBI(VLLLRnwd|ys59si">
                <mutation elseif="1"></mutation>
                <value name="IF0">
                  <block type="logic_operation" id="B5R%#,6F,xYI1gB!jjq|">
                    <field name="OP">AND</field>
                    <value name="A">
                      <block type="logic_compare" id="I=R,TaB*pge*l#j|[HZ0">
                        <field name="OP">EQ</field>
                        <value name="A">
                          <block type="variables_get" id="wd1I0gzqle,y-:h@GF)v">
                            <field name="VAR">emailSent</field>
                        <value name="B">
                          <block type="logic_boolean" id="q5~/ZIb))r`w]/RaSXUu">
                            <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field>
                <statement name="DO0">
                  <block type="variables_set" id="i):z[{@|*;4zOruzXH46">
                    <field name="VAR">emailSent</field>
                    <comment pinned="false" h="80" w="160">Remember, that email was sent</comment>
                    <value name="VALUE">
                      <block type="logic_boolean" id="56A@]MZKiuL(iuuj)MRI">
                        <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field>
                      <block type="email" id="3J#TXZ`oei_NMEL,_w8K">
                        <field name="INSTANCE"></field>
                        <field name="IS_HTML">FALSE</field>
                        <field name="LOG">log</field>
                        <value name="TO">
                          <shadow type="text" id="j*x?kanQQyGH/pN,r9B2">
                            <field name="TEXT">[email protected]</field>
                        <value name="TEXT">
                          <shadow type="text" id="QE(T_Z]{=o8~h~+vz!ZU">
                            <field name="TEXT">Temperature is over 25°C</field>
                        <value name="SUBJECT">
                          <shadow type="text" id="/_AxN7@=T|t@XW.^Fu1(">
                            <field name="TEXT">Temperature alert</field>
                <value name="IF1">
                  <block type="logic_compare" id="S?0|;{3V3!_rqUk]GJ4)">
                    <field name="OP">LT</field>
                    <value name="A">
                      <block type="variables_get" id="IJwq1,|y;l7ueg1mF{~x">
                        <field name="VAR">value</field>
                    <value name="B">
                      <block type="math_number" id="m(.v?M3ezTKz(kf5b9ZE">
                        <field name="NUM">23</field>
                <statement name="DO1">
                  <block type="variables_set" id="M0{G}QBtF!FYrT,xWBnV">
                    <field name="VAR">emailSent</field>
                    <value name="VALUE">
                      <block type="logic_boolean" id="ti#H=_:;-XRC%CzR/+/0">
                        <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field>





Debug Ausgabe

Debug output

Dieser Block macht nichts, außer eine Zeile ins log zu schreiben. Man kann ihn zum debuggen des Scripts nutzen, wie diesen hier:

Debug output

  Beispiel zum Importieren:

<xml xmlns="">
  <block type="comment" id="K|2AnJ|5})RoNZ1T%Hh#" x="38" y="13">
    <field name="COMMENT">Print time into log every second</field>
      <block type="timeouts_setinterval" id="LNsHTl,!r6eR8J9Yg,Xn">
        <field name="NAME">interval</field>
        <field name="INTERVAL">1000</field>
        <statement name="STATEMENT">
          <block type="debug" id=".oLS7P_oFU0%PWocRlYp">
            <field name="Severity">log</field>
            <value name="TEXT">
              <shadow type="text" id="X^Z/.qUry9B5Rr#N`)Oy">
                <field name="TEXT">test</field>
              <block type="time_get" id="TPo6nim+=TBb-pnKMkRp">
                <mutation format="false" language="false"></mutation>
                <field name="OPTION">hh:mm:ss</field>

Man kann 4 verschiedene Schweregrade für die Nachrichten definieren:

  • debug (dazu muss der debug-Level der Javascript Instanz aktiviert sein.)
  • info (default, zumindest der info log level muss in der Javascript Instanz aktiviert sein.)
  • warning
  • error (wird immer angezeigt. Die anderen Level können ignoriert werden, wenn es entsprechend in der Javascript Instanz eingestellt ist.)




Einen Kommentar zum Skript hinzufügen um es später besser verstehen zu können.

Der Block macht gar nichts, es ist nur ein Kommentar.


Steuere State

Control state

Man kann einen Zustand auf zwei verschiedene Arten schreiben:

  • Um etwas zu steuern und den Wert an die Hardware zu schicken (Dieser Block)
  • Einen neuen Wert schreiben, der nur der Information dient, z.B. Temperaturänderung (nächster Block)

  Typische Anwendung dieses Blocks:

Control state

Die Object ID wird im Dialog ausgewählt der zu sendende Wert muss angegeben werden. Abhängig vom Typ des Datenpunkts kann der Wert vom Typ string, number oder boolean sein.

Weitere Erklärungen gibt es hier.

Dieser Block schreibt den Befehl in den Datenpunkt mit (ack=false). Zusätzlich kann eine Verzögerung angegeben werden. Wenn die Verzögerung nicht 0 ist, wird der Zustand nicht sofort, sondern erst nach der angegebenen Zeit in Millisekunden gesetzt.

Man kann alle anderen Verzögerungen für diesen Datenpunkt löschen, indem man die Checkbox anhakt.

So wird in dem folgenden Beispiel der Datenpunkt "Licht" nur einmal geschaltet (nach 2 Sekunden): Control state

  Beispiel zum Importieren:

<xml xmlns="">
  <block type="comment" id="K|2AnJ|5})RoNZ1T%Hh#" x="38" y="13">
    <field name="COMMENT">Will be executed only once</field>
      <block type="control" id="IWceY@BFn9/Y?Ez^b(_-">
        <mutation delay_input="true"></mutation>
        <field name="OID">javascript.0.Light</field>
        <field name="WITH_DELAY">TRUE</field>
        <field name="DELAY_MS">1000</field>
        <field name="CLEAR_RUNNING">FALSE</field>
        <value name="VALUE">
          <block type="logic_boolean" id="I/LUv5/AknHr#[{{qd-@">
            <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field>
          <block type="control" id=".Ih(K(P)SFApUP0)/K7,">
            <mutation delay_input="true"></mutation>
            <field name="OID">javascript.0.Light</field>
            <field name="WITH_DELAY">TRUE</field>
            <field name="DELAY_MS">2000</field>
            <field name="CLEAR_RUNNING">TRUE</field>
            <value name="VALUE">
              <block type="logic_boolean" id="B?)bgD[JZoNL;enJQ4M.">
                <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field>

Im Gegensatz zu dem vorherigen Beispiel wird der Zustand von "Licht" in dem folgenden Beispiel zweimal geschaltet(nach 1 Sekunde und nach 2 Sekunden): Control state

<xml xmlns="">
  <block type="comment" id="K|2AnJ|5})RoNZ1T%Hh#" x="38" y="13">
    <field name="COMMENT">Will be executed twice</field>
      <block type="control" id="IWceY@BFn9/Y?Ez^b(_-">
        <mutation delay_input="true"></mutation>
        <field name="OID">javascript.0.Light</field>
        <field name="WITH_DELAY">TRUE</field>
        <field name="DELAY_MS">1000</field>
        <field name="CLEAR_RUNNING">FALSE</field>
        <value name="VALUE">
          <block type="logic_boolean" id="I/LUv5/AknHr#[{{qd-@">
            <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field>
          <block type="control" id=".Ih(K(P)SFApUP0)/K7,">
            <mutation delay_input="true"></mutation>
            <field name="OID">javascript.0.Light</field>
            <field name="WITH_DELAY">TRUE</field>
            <field name="DELAY_MS">2000</field>
            <field name="CLEAR_RUNNING">FALSE</field>
            <value name="VALUE">
              <block type="logic_boolean" id="B?)bgD[JZoNL;enJQ4M.">
                <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field>


Aktualisiere State

Update state

Dieser Block ist ähnlich dem Steuere Block, aber er setzt nur den aktuellen Wert. Es wird kein Befehl zum Steuern der Hardware gesendet.

Typische Anwendung dieses Blocks:

Update state


Bind States

Bind state

Dieser Block bindet zwei Zustände aneinander.

Man kann das Gleiche mit diesen Blöcken erreichen:

Bind state

Man kann auswählen, ob der Wert nur weitergeleitet wird, wenn sich die Quelle ändert, oder bei jeder Aktualisierung.

  Beispiel zum Importieren:

<block xmlns="" type="on_ext" id="w/@=5/5!D;8wn4DZ;jzG" x="287.99999999999943" y="37.999999999999716">
  <mutation items="1"></mutation>
  <field name="CONDITION">ne</field>
  <field name="ACK_CONDITION"></field>
  <value name="OID0">
    <shadow type="field_oid" id="tQBL3[;V1luVO[`h2ONM">
      <field name="oid">javascript.0.Motion</field>
  <statement name="STATEMENT">
    <block type="control" id="w=sN]yxb)5Jv!,YK[C5%">
      <mutation delay_input="false"></mutation>
      <field name="OID">javascript.0.Light</field>
      <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field>
      <value name="VALUE">
        <block type="variables_get" id="6`1|t;T%_h^|ES+nd~/?">
          <field name="VAR">value</field>


Write states

Write state

Universal write block that can do the same as "Update state" and "Control state" together.

But in compare with them, you can define Object ID and delay with other blocks to make your script more universal.

Create state

Create state There are two types of variables that can be created in scripts:

  • local variables
  • global variables or states.

Global states are visible in all scripts, but local are visible only in this current script.

Global states can be used in vis, mobile and all other logic or visualisation modules, can be logged into db or whatever.

This block creates global state and if the state yet exist, the command will be ignored. You can safely call this block by every start of the script.

Dieser Block erzeugt globale Zustände und wenn dieser bereits existiert wird der Befehl ignoriert. Daher kann dieser Block ohne Risiko zu jedem Skriptstart verwendet werden.

  Typische Anwendung dieses Blocks:

Create state

<xml xmlns="">
  <block type="comment" id="dBV.{0z/{Fr@RB+10H5i" x="38" y="13">
    <field name="COMMENT">Create state and subscribe on it changes</field>
      <block type="create" id="D%[{T~!b9^V#Z.7bI+3y">
        <field name="NAME">myState</field>
        <statement name="STATEMENT">
          <block type="on_ext" id="H@F~z_,FpvXo8BptmAtL">
            <mutation items="1"></mutation>
            <field name="CONDITION">ne</field>
            <field name="ACK_CONDITION"></field>
            <value name="OID0">
              <shadow type="field_oid" id="hn{OMH9y7AP_dns;KO6*">
                <field name="oid">javascript.0.myState</field>
            <statement name="STATEMENT">
              <block type="debug" id="DjP1pU?v=))`V;styIRR">
                <field name="Severity">log</field>
                <value name="TEXT">
                  <shadow type="text" id="de?mCXefl4v#XrO])~7y">
                    <field name="TEXT">test</field>
                  <block type="text_join" id="^33}.]#ov(vUAEEn8Hdp">
                    <mutation items="2"></mutation>
                    <value name="ADD0">
                      <block type="text" id="_-p%CZq4%)v1EYvh)lf@">
                        <field name="TEXT">Value of my state is </field>
                    <value name="ADD1">
                      <block type="variables_get" id="6r!TtpfrfQ@5Nf[4#[6l">
                        <field name="VAR">value</field>

Man kann den neu erzeugten State bereits in dem Block selber nutzen.

Der folgende Code gibt bei der ersten Ausführung einen Fehler aus, weil 'subscribe' für "myState" das Objekt nicht finden kann:

Create state

Bei der zweiten Ausführung wird keine Fehler ausgegeben, weil der Datenpunkt jetzt existiert.


Wert von Objekt ID

Get value of state

Dieser Block dient dazu den Wert eines Datenpunktes auszulesen. Folgende Attribute des Datenpunktes können ausgelesen werden:

  • Wert
  • Acknowledge - Befehl = falsch oder update = wahr
  • Timestamp in ms seit dem 01.01.1970 (Hat den Typ "Datumsobjekt")
  • Letzte Änderung des Wertes in ms seit dem 01.01.1970 (Hat den Typ "Datumsobjekt")
  • Qualität
  • Quelle - Name der Instanz, die den letzten Wert geschrieben hat, wie z.B. system.adapter.javascript.0

  Beispiel um die Zeit der letzten Änderung des Wertes auszugeben:

Get value of state

<xml xmlns="">
  <block type="comment" id="GVW732OFexZ9HP[q]B3," x="38" y="13">
    <field name="COMMENT">Print time of last change for myState</field>
      <block type="debug" id="t,GmgLjo]1d0{xT+@Yns">
        <field name="Severity">log</field>
        <value name="TEXT">
          <shadow type="text" id="w{UF-|ashrP4e*jl~{9_">
            <field name="TEXT">test</field>
          <block type="text_join" id="i~L{r:B9oU}.ANc.AV8F">
            <mutation items="2"></mutation>
            <value name="ADD0">
              <block type="text" id="r5=i|qvrII+NCAQ~t{p5">
                <field name="TEXT">Last change of myState was at</field>
            <value name="ADD1">
              <block type="convert_from_date" id="?cGS1/CwThX!tTDMVSoj">
                <mutation format="false" language="false"></mutation>
                <field name="OPTION">hh:mm:ss</field>
                <value name="VALUE">
                  <block type="get_value" id="k+#N2u^rx)u%Z9lA`Yps">
                    <field name="ATTR">lc</field>
                    <field name="OID">javascript.0.myState</field>


Objekt ID

Get Object ID

Dieses ist ein einfacher Hilfsblock um komfortabel die Objekt-ID zum triggern des Blocks auszuwählen.

Der ID Auswahldialog wird durch Anklicken von "Objekt ID" geöffnet.

  Typische Anwendung dieses Blocks:

Get Object ID

<xml xmlns="">
  <block type="comment" id="GVW732OFexZ9HP[q]B3," x="38" y="13">
    <field name="COMMENT">Typical usage of Object ID selector</field>
      <block type="on_ext" id="D+1_tP(lF!R]wy?R#|~A">
        <mutation items="1"></mutation>
        <field name="CONDITION">ne</field>
        <field name="ACK_CONDITION"></field>
        <value name="OID0">
          <shadow type="field_oid" id="rpg#*-DXMVqzexE8-^Xc">
            <field name="oid">default</field>
          <block type="field_oid" id="YYTRKxeC@l3WE~OJx4ei">
            <field name="oid">javascript.0.myState</field>
        <statement name="STATEMENT">
          <block type="debug" id="{;_x6LATJ,b^leE,xgz9">
            <field name="Severity">log</field>
            <value name="TEXT">
              <shadow type="text" id="-)V}_9Cxt2kj:]36y,7#">
                <field name="TEXT">Changed</field>




Exec - Kommando

Exec - execute

Dieser Block führt das eingegebene Kommando im System aus, so als ob man es auf der Kommandozeile via SSH eingegeben hätte.

Der Befehl wird mit den rechten des Users ausgeführt unter dem ioBroker gestartet wurde.

Wenn keine Ausgabe gewünscht ist, kann diese unterdrückt werden:

Exec - execute

Wenn eine Ausgabe erfolgen soll:

Exec - execute


<xml xmlns="">
  <block type="comment" id="GVW732OFexZ9HP[q]B3," x="313" y="38">
    <field name="COMMENT">Execute some system command</field>
      <block type="exec" id="hGkHs.IkmiTa{jR^@-}S">
        <mutation with_statement="true"></mutation>
        <field name="WITH_STATEMENT">TRUE</field>
        <field name="LOG"></field>
        <value name="COMMAND">
          <shadow type="text" id=":KG#hyuPRhQJWFSk)6Yo">
            <field name="TEXT">ls /opt/</field>
        <statement name="STATEMENT">
          <block type="debug" id="ELv(y5V4[hZ,F8,]D51x">
            <field name="Severity">log</field>
            <value name="TEXT">
              <shadow type="text" id="J[o*Fylexfu41}smph).">
                <field name="TEXT">result</field>
              <block type="variables_get" id="gWo7Y^,QI=PqL(Q;7D=^">
                <field name="VAR">result</field>


Zur Analyse der Ausgabe werden 3 besondere Variable erzeugt:

  • Ergebnis, enthält die reguläre Ausgabe auf die Konsole (z.B. für den Befehl "ls /opt" lautet die Ausgabe "iobroker nodejs")
  • Fehlerobjekt, wenn der Befehl vom JavaScript Modul nicht ausgeführt werden konnte
  • stderr, die Fehlerausgabe des ausgeführten Programms

Zusätzlich wird die selbe Ausgabe auch im Log erscheinen, wenn der loglevel nicht auf 'none' steht.


request URL

request URL

Ruft eine URL auf und gibt das Ergebnis zurück.


request URL

Zur Analyse der Ausgabe werden 3 besondere Variable erzeugt:

  • Ergebnis, enthält den body der angeforderten Seite
  • Fehler, enthält eine Fehlerbeschreibung
  • Antwort (nur für Fortgeschrittene), Spezialobjekt vom Typ http.IncomingMessage

Wenn keine Ausgabe gewünscht ist, kann diese unterdrückt werden. Dazu die Option "mit Ergebnis" abhaken.



SendTo Blöcke

Send to telegram

Send to telegram

Dieser Block dient dazu eine Nachricht über telegram mit Hilfe des telegram-Adapters zu senden.

Selbstverständlich muss dafür vorher der telegram-Adapter installiert und konfiguriert werden.

Um die Nachricht über eine bestimmte Instanz zu senden, muss die gewünschte Instanz des Adapters (üblicherweise telegram.0) ausgewählt werden, ansonsten wird die Nachricht über alle verfügbaren Instanzen verschickt.

Das Feld Meldung ist zwingend notwendig und der dort enthaltene Text wird exakt so an den Klienten gesendet.

User name ID is optional and this is ID from telegram (Unique identifier for user or bot).

Additionally, if the log level is not "none", the same message will be sent to log.


Send to SayIt

Send to SayIt

This block is used to send text to sayit instance to pronounce this text.

Of course the sayit adapter must be installed and configured.

To send message to some specific instance, you should select the installed adapter instance (Normally sayit.0), elsewise message will be sent to all existing instances.

Property message is mandatory and exactly this text will be pronounced.

You must check the language property. This will be used for text2speech engine.

Volume is optional (normally from 0 to 100).

Additionally, if the log level is not "none", the same message will be sent to log.


Send to pushover

Send to pushover

This block is used to send text to pushover client. You can read about pushover driver here.

Of course the pushover adapter must be installed and configured.

To send message to some specific instance, you should select the installed adapter instance (Normally pushover.0), elsewise message will be sent to all existing instances.

Property message is mandatory and exactly this text will be sent to client.

All other properties are optional, and you can read bout them here:

  • device ID - your user's device name to send the message directly to that device, rather than all the user's devices (multiple devices may be separated by a comma)
  • title - your message's title, otherwise your app's name is used
  • URL - a supplementary URL to show with your message
  • URL title - a title for your supplementary URL, otherwise just the URL is shown
  • priority - send as -2 to generate no notification/alert, -1 to always send as a quiet notification, 1 to display as high-priority and bypass the user's quiet hours, or 2 to also require confirmation from the user
  • time in ms - a Unix timestamp of your message's date and time to display to the user, rather than the time your message is received by our API
  • sound - the name of one of the sounds supported by device clients to override the user's default sound choice

Additionally, if the log level is not "none", the same message will be sent to log.


Send email

Send to email

This block is used to send text as email.

Of course the email adapter must be installed, configured and tested.

To send message to some specific instance, you should select the installed adapter instance (Normally email.0), elsewise message will be sent to all existing instances.

Property text is mandatory and exactly this text will be sent to client.

Of course the destination (to) must be filled with valid email address.

You can attach up to files (normally images) to email. To use images in the text, you must change format to HTML (check "Send as HTML" option) and text could look like:

<p>Embedded image 1: <img src='cid:file1'/></p>
<p>Embedded image 2: <img src='cid:file2'/></p>

You can refer to files as <img src='cid:file1'/>. "file1" and "file2" are reserved IDs and cannot be changed.

"file name" must consist full path to image on disk.

Send to email

<block xmlns="" type="email" id="VeysPTJXFh^.CW1t(s@Q" x="563" y="63">
  <field name="INSTANCE"></field>
  <field name="IS_HTML">FALSE</field>
  <field name="LOG"></field>
  <value name="TO">
    <shadow type="text" id=".6+6Rp^N7JHiNkP/.^09">
      <field name="TEXT"></field>
    <block type="text" id="NC6==~4g|OB^`xZ:|Rlx">
      <field name="TEXT">[email protected]</field>
  <value name="TEXT">
    <shadow type="text" id="jaGOyI%O4wl(.s.wo(Y`">
      <field name="TEXT"></field>
    <block type="text" id=")--+u-+rdoAyWpi9I87+">
      <field name="TEXT">&lt;p&gt;Embedded image 1: &lt;img src='cid:file1'/&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</field>
  <value name="SUBJECT">
    <shadow type="text" id="|49=rPOCP]hwFD[HX@_I">
      <field name="TEXT">From Sweet Home</field>
  <value name="FILE_1">
    <block type="text" id="tlb_Kuh5?JvPTQr)A{}4">
      <field name="TEXT">/opt/video/imageCam.png</field>

Additionally, if the log level is not "none", the same message will be sent to log.


Custom sendTo block

Custom sendTo block

This is just a help block to send internal system message (sendTo) to any adapter.

Of course, you can use custom function block to do anything crazy, and to send messages too.

You can define your own parameters for sendTo command:

Custom sendTo block

Read more here about "sendTo".

Example how to send SQL query to sql adapter:

Custom sendTo block

<xml xmlns=""> -->
  <block type="comment" id="GVW732OFexZ9HP[q]B3," x="163" y="13">
    <field name="COMMENT">Send query to SQL adapter</field>
      <block type="sendto_custom" id="84lYloO4o+RvLszPVHZ5">
        <mutation items="" with_statement="true"></mutation>
        <field name="INSTANCE">sql.0</field>
        <field name="COMMAND">query</field>
        <field name="WITH_STATEMENT">TRUE</field>
        <field name="LOG">log</field>
        <value name="ARG0">
          <shadow type="text" id=")faamoSD,nGPXawY4|(Z">
            <field name="TEXT">SELECT * FROM datapoints</field>
        <statement name="STATEMENT">
          <block type="debug" id="Q#UJl]^_g/VHzM*G/a:f">
            <field name="Severity">log</field>
            <value name="TEXT">
              <shadow type="text" id="#!NJS43!0z@}z:6~_,9(">
                <field name="TEXT">test</field>
              <block type="procedures_callcustomreturn" id="0E2fmQQduf4)-({z(om|">
                <mutation name="JSON.stringify">
                  <arg name="obj"></arg>
                <value name="ARG0">
                  <block type="variables_get" id=",^2E2eT#598hI^TvABD9">
                    <field name="VAR">result</field>
  <block type="procedures_defcustomreturn" id="lm*.n3kQXll8o9X^*m,k" x="163" y="263">
    <mutation statements="false">
      <arg name="obj"></arg>
    <field name="NAME">JSON.stringify</field>
    <field name="SCRIPT">cmV0dXJuIEpTT04uc3RyaW5naWZ5KG9iaik7</field>
    <comment pinned="false" h="80" w="160">Describe this function...</comment>

If you use only one parameter with empty name, so no structure will be created, like here:

var obj, result;

 * Describe this function...
function JSON_stringify(obj) {
    return JSON.stringify(obj);

// Send query to SQL adapter
sendTo("sql.0", "query", 'SELECT * FROM datapoints', function (result) {
console.log("sql.0: " + "");

Or how to request history from SQL adapter:

Custom sendTo block

<xml xmlns="">
  <block type="comment" id="GVW732OFexZ9HP[q]B3," x="263" y="13">
    <field name="COMMENT">Get history from SQL adapter</field>
      <block type="variables_set" id="J;8I^fN*4YQ1+jPI3FS#">
        <field name="VAR">end</field>
        <value name="VALUE">
          <block type="time_get" id="kZFFxa-2%7/:=IHU|}eB">
            <mutation format="false" language="false"></mutation>
            <field name="OPTION">object</field>
          <block type="sendto_custom" id="84lYloO4o+RvLszPVHZ5">
            <mutation items="id,options" with_statement="true"></mutation>
            <field name="INSTANCE">sql.0</field>
            <field name="COMMAND">getHistory</field>
            <field name="WITH_STATEMENT">TRUE</field>
            <field name="LOG"></field>
            <value name="ARG0">
              <shadow type="text" id=")faamoSD,nGPXawY4|(Z">
                <field name="TEXT">system.adapter.admin.0.memRss</field>
            <value name="ARG1">
              <shadow type="text" id="/nmT=qDw;S`#*tXN=C6n">
                <field name="TEXT">{start: end - 3600000, end: end, aggregate: "minmax"}</field>
            <statement name="STATEMENT">
              <block type="debug" id="Q#UJl]^_g/VHzM*G/a:f">
                <field name="Severity">log</field>
                <value name="TEXT">
                  <shadow type="text" id="#!NJS43!0z@}z:6~_,9(">
                    <field name="TEXT">test</field>
                  <block type="procedures_callcustomreturn" id="0E2fmQQduf4)-({z(om|">
                    <mutation name="JSON.stringify">
                      <arg name="obj"></arg>
                    <value name="ARG0">
                      <block type="variables_get" id=",^2E2eT#598hI^TvABD9">
                        <field name="VAR">result</field>
  <block type="procedures_defcustomreturn" id="lm*.n3kQXll8o9X^*m,k" x="263" y="313">
    <mutation statements="false">
      <arg name="obj"></arg>
    <field name="NAME">JSON.stringify</field>
    <field name="SCRIPT">cmV0dXJuIEpTT04uc3RyaW5naWZ5KG9iaik7</field>
    <comment pinned="false" h="80" w="160">JSON.stringify object</comment>

Generated javascript code:

var obj, end, result;

 * JSON.stringify object
function JSON_stringify(obj) {
    return JSON.stringify(obj);

// Get history from SQL adapter
end = (new Date().getTime());
sendTo("sql.0", "getHistory", {
   "id": 'system.adapter.admin.0.memRss',
   "options": {start: end - 3600000, end: end, aggregate: "minmax"}
}, function (result) {

If you start value with "{" it will be interpreted as JSON string. Use double quotes in string.



Date and Time blocks

Time comparison

Time comparision

If used operator "between" or "not between", the block looks like this:

Time comparision

You can specify a time, which must be compared. Block expects the time as "Date object".

Time comparision

There are following compare modes:

  • less than, check if actual time less than specified time.

  • equal to or less than

  • greater than

  • equal to or greater than

  • equal to

  • between, check if the time between some day times.

    • E.g. if time must be between 12:00 and 20:00. It will be checked if actual time grater or equal than 12:00 and less than 20:00. 20:00 will return false.
    • or for instance between 21:00 and 8:00. In the last case it will be checked if time greater or equal to 21:00 or less than 8:00.
  • not between, if the time is not in the given period of the daytime. If the time less than start and greater or equal to end. (if start time is greater than end time, it will be checked if the time greater or equal than end and smaller than start)

Following time formats are valid:

  • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
  • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm
  • hh:mm:ss
  • hh:mm


Actual time comparision

Actual time comparision

This block is used to compare the day time with actual time. It has the same logic as Time comparision, but limits cannot be a blocks, and it compares only actual time. (for compatibility with old versions)


Get actual time im specific format

Get actual time im specific format

Returns the actual time in some specified format.

Following formats are supported:

  • milliseconds - returns only milliseconds of current second from 0 to 999 (not epoch milliseconds). To get epoch milliseconds use "Date object";
  • seconds - returns only seconds of current minute from 0 to 59,
  • seconds in day - returns number of seconds from start of the day (0 to 24 * 3600 - 1),
  • minutes - returns minutes of current hour from 0 to 59,
  • minutes in day - returns number of minutes from the day start (0 to 24 * 60 - 1),
  • hours - returns hours of current day from 0 to 23,
  • day of month - get day of month from 1 to 31,
  • month as number - get month as number from 1 to 12,
  • month as text - get month as text. Language must be specified.
  • month as short text - get month as text: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, June, July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec. Language must be specified.
  • short year - Year from 0 to 99, e.g. for 2016 the result will be 16.
  • full year - Full year: 2016
  • week day text - Get day of week as text.
  • short week day - Get day of week as short text: Su, Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa.
  • week day as number - Day of week as number from 1 (monday) to 7 (sunday).
  • custom format - You can specify your own format.
  • Date object - Returns date and time as number of milliseconds from start of epoch (1970.1.1 00:00:00.000Z GMT). This is always GMT.
  • - 2016.09.14
  • yyyy/mm/dd - 2016/09/14
  • - 16.09.14
  • yy/mm/dd - 16/09/14
  • - 14.09.2016
  • dd/mm/yyyy - 14/09/2016
  • - 14.09.16
  • dd/mm/yy - 14/09/16
  • mm/dd/yyyy - 09/14/2016
  • mm/dd/yy - 09/14/16
  • - 14.09.
  • dd/mm - 14/09
  • mm.dd - 09.14
  • mm/dd - 09/14
  • hh:mm - 12:00
  • hh:mm:ss - 12:00:00
  • hh:mm:ss.sss - 12:00:00.000


Get time of astro events for today

Get time of astro events for today

Returns the time in current day of some specific astrological event.

The attribute "offset" is the offset in minutes. It can be negative too, to define time before astro event.

Following values can be used as attribute in astro-function:

  • sunrise: sunrise (top edge of the sun appears on the horizon)
  • sunriseEnd: sunrise ends (bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon)
  • goldenHourEnd: morning golden hour (soft light, best time for photography) ends
  • solarNoon: solar noon (sun is in the highest position)
  • goldenHour: evening golden hour starts
  • sunsetStart: sunset starts (bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon)
  • sunset: sunset (sun disappears below the horizon, evening civil twilight starts)
  • dusk: dusk (evening nautical twilight starts)
  • nauticalDusk: nautical dusk (evening astronomical twilight starts)
  • night: night starts (dark enough for astronomical observations)
  • nightEnd: night ends (morning astronomical twilight starts)
  • nauticalDawn: nautical dawn (morning nautical twilight starts)
  • dawn: dawn (morning nautical twilight ends, morning civil twilight starts)
  • nadir: nadir (the darkest moment of the night, sun is in the lowest position)

The return value has type "Date Object", what is just the number of milliseconds from 1970.01.01.

Note: to use "astro"-function the "latitude" and "longitude" must be defined in javascript adapter settings.



Convert blocks

Sometimes it is required to convert value into other type. Following blocks allow converting value into specific types.

Convert to number

Convert to number

Convert value to number (float).


Convert to boolean

Convert to boolean

Convert value to boolean (true or false).


Convert to string

Convert to string

Convert value to string.


Get type of variable

Get type of variable

Get type of value. Type can be: boolean, number, string, object.


Convert to date/time object

Convert to date/time object

Convert value to "Date object". Read here, what the "Date object" is.


Convert date/time object to string

Convert to boolean

Convert "Date object" into string. It has the same format options as Get actual time im specific format.


Convert JSON to object

Convert JSON to object

Convert JSON string into javascript object. If an error occurs, the empty object will be returned. (only for experts)


Convert object to JSON

Convert object to JSON

Convert Javascript object to JSON string. If prettify option is selected the result string looks like:

  "a": 1,
  "b": 2

if not:

{"a": 1, "b": 2}

Convert by JSONata Expression

Convert by JSONata Expression

Convert Javascript object by JSONata expression. You can read more about it here:

Example payload:

{"example": [{"value": 4},{"value": 7},{"value": 13}]}


[{"value": 4},{"value": 7},{"value": 13}]


Trigger on states change

Trigger on states change

This block executes some action if state of given objects changed or updated. This is the main block to build interactions between different states and accordingly systems.

With this block you can bind different states together or send message or email on value change.

Typical usage of block:

Trigger on states change

<xml xmlns="">
  <block type="comment" id="]L0d;6j+=OH*[4n{C7v^" x="112" y="13">
    <field name="COMMENT">Switch light on if motion detected</field>
      <block type="on_ext" id="QYVeQlu|#2hwniNg)=z8">
        <mutation items="1"></mutation>
        <field name="CONDITION">ne</field>
        <field name="ACK_CONDITION"></field>
        <value name="OID0">
          <shadow type="field_oid" id="Xe6D#r|nf9SEK`.oAuS0">
            <field name="oid">javascript.0.Motion</field>
        <statement name="STATEMENT">
          <block type="control" id="J(HiEvnNKw2B%V1~WXsX">
            <mutation delay_input="false"></mutation>
            <field name="OID">javascript.0.Light</field>
            <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field>
            <value name="VALUE">
              <block type="logic_boolean" id="o;j8lE#h.XE,0:0_LcW{">
                <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field>

You can define as many ObjectIDs as you want via extension dialog:

Trigger on states change

If only one object ID is used so special variables are available in the statement block:

  • value - actual value of state
  • oldValue - old value of state

Trigger on states change

<block xmlns="" type="on_ext" id="QYVeQlu|#2hwniNg)=z8" x="38" y="39">
  <mutation items="1"></mutation>
  <field name="CONDITION">ne</field>
  <field name="ACK_CONDITION"></field>
  <value name="OID0">
    <shadow type="field_oid" id="Xe6D#r|nf9SEK`.oAuS0">
      <field name="oid">javascript.0.Motion</field>
  <statement name="STATEMENT">
    <block type="debug" id="jT6fif_FI9ua|,rL[Ra1">
      <field name="Severity">log</field>
      <value name="TEXT">
        <shadow type="text" id="}=qIm)a0)};f+J/JRgy^">
          <field name="TEXT">test</field>
        <block type="text_join" id="wjgpY(Whewaqy0d8NVx%">
          <mutation items="4"></mutation>
          <value name="ADD0">
            <block type="text" id="M?[Xy1(Fu36A;b#=4~[t">
              <field name="TEXT">Actual value is</field>
          <value name="ADD1">
            <block type="variables_get" id="W)*G#(JDzuVpV^1P|[2m">
              <field name="VAR">value</field>
          <value name="ADD2">
            <block type="text" id="7TW;voPvdc#c4e/SWCjZ">
              <field name="TEXT">Old value was</field>
          <value name="ADD3">
            <block type="variables_get" id="s`6)4s:}%L#f]pu4E[vK">
              <field name="VAR">oldValue</field>

elsewise if more than one object ID is used for trigger, you can access value and old value via Trigger info.


Trigger on state change

Trigger on state change

This is the same block as "Trigger on states change", but with no possibility to use multiple object IDs for triggering (for versions compatibility).


Trigger info

Trigger info

Get information about value, timestamp or ID of the state, that triggered the trigger.

This block can be used only inside of "Trigger on states change" or "Trigger on state change" blocks.

Following information can be accessed:

  • object ID - ID of state, that fired the trigger
  • name - name of state from
  • description - description of state from common.desc
  • channel ID - ID of channel to which belongs the state. If not channel there, it will be null
  • channel name - name of channel to which belongs the state. If not channel there, it will be null
  • device ID - ID of device to which belongs the state. If not channel there, it will be null
  • device name - name of device to which belongs the state. If not channel there, it will be null
  • state value - actual value of fired state
  • state timestamp - actual timestamp as Date object
  • state quality - actual quality code of value
  • origin of value - name of instance that cause the change
  • is command or update - is it command (ack=false) or update (ack=true)
  • last change of state - timestamp of last change of this value
  • previous value - previous value of this state, before the trigger fired
  • previous timestamp - previous timestamp of this state, before the trigger fired
  • previous quality - previous quality of this state, before the trigger fired
  • previous origin - previous origin of this state, before the trigger fired
  • previous command or update - previous type of this value, before the trigger fired
  • previous last change - previous "last changed value" of this state, before the trigger fired

Typical usage:

Trigger info

<block xmlns="" type="on_ext" id="QYVeQlu|#2hwniNg)=z8" x="113" y="238">
  <mutation items="1"></mutation>
  <field name="CONDITION">ne</field>
  <field name="ACK_CONDITION"></field>
  <value name="OID0">
    <shadow type="field_oid" id="Xe6D#r|nf9SEK`.oAuS0">
      <field name="oid">javascript.0.Motion</field>
  <statement name="STATEMENT">
    <block type="debug" id="jT6fif_FI9ua|,rL[Ra1">
      <field name="Severity">log</field>
      <value name="TEXT">
        <shadow type="text" id="}=qIm)a0)};f+J/JRgy^">
          <field name="TEXT">test</field>
        <block type="text_join" id="wjgpY(Whewaqy0d8NVx%">
          <mutation items="4"></mutation>
          <value name="ADD0">
            <block type="text" id="M?[Xy1(Fu36A;b#=4~[t">
              <field name="TEXT">Actual value is</field>
          <value name="ADD1">
            <block type="on_source" id="_q8v0HD`c[7e76O{@4Tq">
              <field name="ATTR">state.val</field>
          <value name="ADD2">
            <block type="text" id="7TW;voPvdc#c4e/SWCjZ">
              <field name="TEXT">Old value was</field>
          <value name="ADD3">
            <block type="on_source" id="D`gpXSShKRQuy:jyMK}6">
              <field name="ATTR">oldState.val</field>




This is second main block for automation after "Trigger on states change". This block lets execute some actions periodically.

The definition of schedule rule will be done in very well documented CRON format. With extension, that seconds can be defined too. If seconds should be used they must be defined as very first parameter of CRON rule and rule will have 6 parts.

Generally CRON rule consist of 5 or 6 parts:

  • seconds rules (optional)
  • minutes rules
  • hours rules
  • day of month rules
  • month's rules
  • and day of week rules.

For every part following formats are allowed:

  • * - fire every (second, minute, hour, ...)
  • X (e.g. 5) - fire only in this second, minute, hour...
  • from-to (e.g 1-9) - fire only in this interval
  • */X (e.g. */5) - fire every X seconds, minutes... In case of "*/5" for hours the trigger will fire on 0, 5, 10, 15 and on 20 hours.
  • numbers and intervals can be combined by comma (e.g 1,3,4-6). Do not make spaces between numbers, because space is delimiter for rule's parts.

*/10 * * * 6,7 - fire every 10 minutes on saturday and sunday.

*/30 * * * * * - fire every 30 seconds.

 ┌───────────── min (0 - 59)
 │ ┌────────────── hour (0 - 23)
 │ │ ┌─────────────── day of month (1 - 31)
 │ │ │ ┌──────────────── month (1 - 12)
 │ │ │ │ ┌───────────────── day of week (0 - 6) (0 to 6 are Sunday to Saturday; 7 is also Sunday)
 │ │ │ │ │
 │ │ │ │ │
 │ │ │ │ │
 * * * * *  schedule

or if seconds used:

 ┌───────────── seconds (0 - 59)
 │ ┌───────────── min (0 - 59)
 │ │ ┌────────────── hour (0 - 23)
 │ │ │ ┌─────────────── day of month (1 - 31)
 │ │ │ │ ┌──────────────── month (1 - 12)
 │ │ │ │ │ ┌───────────────── day of week (0 - 6) (0 to 6 are Sunday to Saturday; 7 is also Sunday)
 │ │ │ │ │ │
 │ │ │ │ │ │
 │ │ │ │ │ │
 * * * * * *  schedule

But there is a good help for you to build such a rules. By clicking on rule the CRON dialog will be opened and you can specify by mouse your rule.



Trigger on astro event


Execute some action on astrological event. Following events are possible:

  • sunrise: sunrise (top edge of the sun appears on the horizon)
  • sunriseEnd: sunrise ends (bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon)
  • goldenHourEnd: morning golden hour (soft light, best time for photography) ends
  • solarNoon: solar noon (sun is in the highest position)
  • goldenHour: evening golden hour starts
  • sunsetStart: sunset starts (bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon)
  • sunset: sunset (sun disappears below the horizon, evening civil twilight starts)
  • dusk: dusk (evening nautical twilight starts)
  • nauticalDusk: nautical dusk (evening astronomical twilight starts)
  • night: night starts (dark enough for astronomical observations)
  • nightEnd: night ends (morning astronomical twilight starts)
  • nauticalDawn: nautical dawn (morning nautical twilight starts)
  • dawn: dawn (morning nautical twilight ends, morning civil twilight starts)
  • nadir: nadir (the darkest moment of the night, sun is in the lowest position)

Note: to use "astro"-function the "latitude" and "longitude" must be defined in javascript adapter settings.

Additionally, you can set the offset in minutes to astrological event, e.g. to fire the trigger 1 hour before down:


As you can see the offset can be negative too to specify time before astrological events.


Named schedule


This block is the same as Schedule, but with possibility to set CRON rule by string and with possibility to stop the schedule.

You can specify unique name of this schedule block and then later to clear it with Clear schedule.

Here is an example of configurable alarm clock:


<xml xmlns="">
  <block type="comment" id="QWp.l96v1;-4{x)j5K5y" x="38" y="13">
    <field name="COMMENT">Configurable alarm. Set time as: hh:mm</field>
      <block type="create" id="5*XX`C;PgnU(q#Nk~D,o">
        <field name="NAME">alarmTime</field>
        <statement name="STATEMENT">
          <block type="on_ext" id="ot:9oFMh.(c)sxkufTxA">
            <mutation items="1"></mutation>
            <field name="CONDITION">ne</field>
            <field name="ACK_CONDITION"></field>
            <value name="OID0">
              <shadow type="field_oid" id="qV#=^mz,%qxL#}VsA)3C">
                <field name="oid">javascript.0.alarmTime</field>
            <statement name="STATEMENT">
              <block type="schedule_clear" id="ukGIQYyTpip_9!1H_xnN">
                <field name="NAME">alarm</field>
                  <block type="schedule_create" id=")^!A|k+`1=[pFp(S-*sw">
                    <field name="NAME">alarm</field>
                    <value name="SCHEDULE">
                      <shadow type="field_cron" id="uSka7fK[T7j0m_4!4+fO">
                        <field name="CRON">* * * * *</field>
                      <block type="procedures_callcustomreturn" id=")E!Ljg1z9iQ3)Nb#CX~n">
                        <mutation name="time to CRON">
                          <arg name="time"></arg>
                        <value name="ARG0">
                          <block type="on_source" id="qs+k30Lnd1V(BSNs{}P!">
                            <field name="ATTR">state.val</field>
                    <statement name="STATEMENT">
                      <block type="debug" id="7arB5vcx^ci2Un#}TLKh">
                        <field name="Severity">log</field>
                        <value name="TEXT">
                          <shadow type="text" id="N;`AY!p#T_do@vP_OQr9">
                            <field name="TEXT">Wake up!</field>
  <block type="procedures_defcustomreturn" id="_*_L4XpCr!7eLsYWS(R(" x="38" y="337">
    <mutation statements="false">
      <arg name="time"></arg>
    <field name="NAME">time to CRON</field>
    <field name="SCRIPT">dmFyIHBhcnRzID0gdGltZS5zcGxpdCgnOicpOwovLyBpZiBpdCBpcyBDUk9OCmlmIChwYXJ0cy5sZW5ndGggPT09IDEpIHJldHVybiB0aW1lOwpyZXR1cm4gcGFydHNbMV0gKyAnICcgKyBwYXJ0c1swXSArICcgKiAqIConOw==</field>
    <comment pinned="false" h="80" w="160">Describe this function...</comment>


Clear schedule


With this function block you can clear named schedule. If you define named one more time without clearing it, the old one will still active.

See an example in Named schedule


CRON dialog


Create CRON rule from dialog. This block can be connected with Named schedule.


<xml xmlns="">
  <block type="comment" id="]aB;GhQJvYrr~:H4Ft9l" x="63" y="38">
    <field name="COMMENT">Every 0th minute every hour</field>
      <block type="schedule_create" id="?}upFtiA@CE_Gd)SmDo|">
        <field name="NAME">schedule</field>
        <value name="SCHEDULE">
          <shadow type="field_cron" id="1Ag|noK^~u]GFEW/(lb)">
            <field name="CRON">* * * * *</field>
          <block type="field_cron" id="phjg#B~@BJTO9i[HmZ4O">
            <field name="CRON">0 * * * *</field>
        <statement name="STATEMENT">
          <block type="debug" id="Lv[a}BtvBDO-2Lt,s+z4">
            <field name="Severity">log</field>
            <value name="TEXT">
              <shadow type="text" id="evxnn0R1(AC^Y_U`oT_a">
                <field name="TEXT">It is exactly</field>
              <block type="text_join" id="6!2uB_db8.g}63I{^e}#">
                <mutation items="3"></mutation>
                <value name="ADD0">
                  <block type="text" id="HH((bCdxr?A5)8Svuo6(">
                    <field name="TEXT">It is exactly </field>
                <value name="ADD1">
                  <block type="time_get" id="7{BBfF0jmKD[qX,y6voK">
                    <mutation format="false" language="false"></mutation>
                    <field name="OPTION">h</field>
                <value name="ADD2">
                  <block type="text" id="edML0zJ2V9kN}5/DLdS5">
                    <field name="TEXT"> o'clock</field>


CRON rule


Combine CRON rule from different parts.

You can display rule as block or as line:


With additional parameter "with seconds" you can specify seconds for CRON rule too


This block can be used (like CRON dialog) only with Named schedule block.

Trigger auf Dateiaktualisierung


Sie können Dateiaktualisierungen abonnieren und einige Aktionen ausführen. Z.B. hier wird der Inhalt von `vis´ bei jeder Projektaktualisierung ausgedruckt:

<xml xmlns="">
    <variable id="@-v}))=J7?dr9n$tR,=j">data</variable>
  <block type="onFile" id="4`C)*,R0DVN@nRaM@/[N" x="188" y="37">
    <field name="WITH_FILE">TRUE</field>
    <value name="OID">
      <shadow type="field_oid_meta" id="K^Qc~2T8{V+K017=]c^d">
        <field name="oid">vis.0</field>
    <value name="FILE">
      <shadow type="text" id="A7UXrl-.!o]Oi9g[eBxr">
        <field name="TEXT">main/*</field>
    <statement name="STATEMENT">
      <block type="debug" id="fl3BZ)}mE7qw[`W*ZUx}">
        <field name="Severity">log</field>
        <value name="TEXT">
          <shadow type="text" id="se+gg@!ryr*!AO~Bx3uX">
            <field name="TEXT">test</field>
          <block type="variables_get" id="E{)LJvx~EH~shD%3!);w">
            <field name="VAR" id="@-v}))=J7?dr9n$tR,=j">data</field>

Wichtig: Diese Funktionalität ist nur mit [email protected] oder neuer verfügbar.

Ereignis bei Dateiaktualisierung abbrechen

onFile Mit diesem Block können Sie Veranstaltungen per Dateiaktualisierung abbestellen.

Wichtig: Diese Funktionalität ist nur mit [email protected] oder neuer verfügbar.


Delayed execution

Delayed execution

With this block you can execute other blocks delayed by some time specified in milliseconds. if you know Javascript it is the same function as setTimeout.

There is no "pause" in blockly, but you can use this block to simulate pause. If you place all blocks, that must be executed after the pause you will achieve the same effect as with pause.

An additional feature is to set the interval by using a variable, just replace the "ms" with a predefined variable: Execution by interval variable

Every delayed execution can have unique name. It can be canceled by other block. Clear delayed execution

Delayed execution

<xml xmlns="">
  <block type="debug" id=":6GZ!E*FHy@vPKKl{`hV" x="487" y="163">
    <field name="Severity">log</field>
    <value name="TEXT">
      <shadow type="text" id="LV!-dx[I(8bAu(_kcG.U">
        <field name="TEXT">Make a pause 5 seconds</field>
      <block type="timeouts_settimeout" id="~?BW3eBK_t:TzNk}x9l3">
        <field name="NAME">timeout</field>
        <field name="DELAY">5000</field>
        <statement name="STATEMENT">
          <block type="debug" id="glbs:mQxsDfEieLaru!0">
            <field name="Severity">log</field>
            <value name="TEXT">
              <shadow type="text" id="_7T9e{FEJTWcpLl*BltU">
                <field name="TEXT">After pause</field>


Clear delayed execution

Clear delayed execution

This block is used to cancel running delay by name. Typical usage is simulation of motion detection scenario. By first motion the light should go on and after the last motion after 30 seconds the light should go off.

Clear delayed execution

<xml xmlns="">
  <block type="on_ext" id="+nZ`H6mh/;g(e3u,t;wJ" x="163" y="12">
    <mutation items="1"></mutation>
    <field name="CONDITION">ne</field>
    <field name="ACK_CONDITION"></field>
    <value name="OID0">
      <shadow type="field_oid" id="{mRcPH:!k^_5q-hwg1q%">
        <field name="oid">node-red.0.javascript.0.Motion</field>
    <statement name="STATEMENT">
      <block type="controls_if" id="]lX4.m?HnwXigM.6wY/D">
        <value name="IF0">
          <block type="logic_compare" id="s0DHFun9e*,c3AawmP_~">
            <field name="OP">EQ</field>
            <value name="A">
              <block type="variables_get" id="g}IH`Bx0T(mkht8~{Ul0">
                <field name="VAR">value</field>
            <value name="B">
              <block type="logic_boolean" id="Meek9{gS-NOR?|(fgbVg">
                <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field>
        <statement name="DO0">
          <block type="debug" id=":6GZ!E*FHy@vPKKl{`hV">
            <field name="Severity">log</field>
            <value name="TEXT">
              <shadow type="text" id="LV!-dx[I(8bAu(_kcG.U">
                <field name="TEXT">Motion detected</field>
              <block type="comment" id="6_T-s#wApgZhu0+4uEk}">
                <field name="COMMENT">Switch light ON</field>
                  <block type="control" id="fxgT@s0r?[`LJIsqR~M_">
                    <mutation delay_input="false"></mutation>
                    <field name="OID">javascript.0.Light</field>
                    <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field>
                    <value name="VALUE">
                      <block type="logic_boolean" id="0mgo#`N%Zm{MTELxw%~0">
                        <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field>
                      <block type="comment" id="rZ^o06`}^uFftKj2oYvE">
                        <field name="COMMENT">Stop timer, even if it not running</field>
                          <block type="timeouts_cleartimeout" id="#H#~HxipC8_-/{%,2R1P">
                            <field name="NAME">lightOff</field>
                              <block type="timeouts_settimeout" id="~?BW3eBK_t:TzNk}x9l3">
                                <field name="NAME">lightOff</field>
                                <field name="DELAY">5000</field>
                                <statement name="STATEMENT">
                                  <block type="debug" id="glbs:mQxsDfEieLaru!0">
                                    <field name="Severity">log</field>
                                    <value name="TEXT">
                                      <shadow type="text" id="_7T9e{FEJTWcpLl*BltU">
                                        <field name="TEXT">Light OFF</field>
                                      <block type="control" id="McdOD=k4)MlO42RVgB~r">
                                        <mutation delay_input="false"></mutation>
                                        <field name="OID">javascript.0.Light</field>
                                        <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field>
                                        <value name="VALUE">
                                          <block type="logic_boolean" id="XLHrXB)/|dqGlh,nXl^[">
                                            <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field>


Execution by interval

Execution by interval

This block allows you to execute some action periodically. Of course there is a CRON block, but CRON block has the smallest interval one second. This block can execute actions in milliseconds periods.

If you set the interval too small (under 100ms) it can be, that intervals will be bigger.

Similar to timeout block you can set unique interval name too.


Stop execution by interval

Stop execution by interval

With the help of this block you can cancel periodically execution of interval block by its name.




If else block

Comparision block

Logical AND/OR block

Negation block

Logical value TRUE/FALSE

null block

Test block




Repeat N times

Repeat while


For each

Break out of loop




Number value

Arithmetical operations +-*/^

Square root, Abs, -, ln, log10, e^, 10^

sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan

Math constants: pi, e, phi, sqrt(2), sqrt(1/2), infinity

Is even, odd, prime, whole, positive, negative, divisibly by

Modify variably by value (plus or minus)

Round, floor, ceil value

Operations on the list of values: sum, min, max, average, median, modes, deviation, random item


Limit some value by min and max

Random value from 0 to 1

Random value between min and max




String value

Concatenate strings

Append string to variable

Length of string

Is string empty

Find position in string

Get symbol in string on specific position

Get substring

Convert to upper case or to lower case

Trim string




Create empty list

Create list with values

Create list with same value N times

Get length of list

Is list empty

Find position of item in list

Get item in list

Set item in list

Get sublist of list

Convert text to list and vice versa




Colour value

Random colour

RGB colour

Mix colours




Set variable's value

Set variable's value

To use this block you should understand basic programming rules: how to use variables.

With this block you can write into global (visible everywhere in this script) variable and use it to store some values. If variable does not exist, it will be declared automatically.

This block can create new variable or use existing one.

Set variable's value

This code:

Set variable's value

<block xmlns="" type="variables_set" id="ch{H@omhfzI(QA{syxAG" x="212.99999999999977" y="37.99999999999994">
  <field name="VAR">item</field>
  <value name="VALUE">
    <block type="math_number" id="SbmD7,uR:hMW!(P%IZRc">
      <field name="NUM">0</field>

does only this:

var item;
item = 0;


Get variable's value

Get variable's value

This block gets the value of variable. You can create a new one or use existing one.

Get variable's value

There is one exception with trigger blocks Trigger on states change and Trigger on state change. Inside these blocks variable "value" yet exist, but anyway to read their values you must rename variable into value and then use it.

Get variable's value




Create function from blocks with no return value

Create function from blocks with return value

Return value in function

Create custom function with no return value

Create custom function with return value

Call function