Management of Merkleization #281
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So, I just realized that maybe this URI layer is not actually necessary. In theory, everything could be managed locally by the runtime. We don't actually need a way to publish and share the continuations. We need a way to recreate them locally. Then the party that initiates the contract could initialize a local index of continuations that the runtime has access to. The other parties to the contract would need a way to obtain the original source of the contract (for example in extended Marlowe) and generate their own local index of continuations that their own runtimes could manage for them. Then the metadata of the create transaction would just need to include a link to the source code in extended Marlowe. Of course, this means that Extended Marlowe would be the only way to create the contracts, so that's a potential downside of this approach. |
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Picking back up again on this discussion. Since this is a relatively large topic, let's break it down into sub-problems and attack them separately.
I will start a thread for each. |
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Creation of Merkleized ContractsThe problems with creating Merkleized contracts are
There are existing solutions to this problem in the There is probably a space here for a runtime (or runtime-adjacent) component, and this problem could be solved with a protocol. However, it may not be the highest priority to build for the time being if other existing tools are viable for end users. I'm curious to hear thoughts on the viability of the existing tools for solving this problem. |
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Storage of continuationsSome options here include:
Some problems to consider:
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Distribution of ContinuationsSome options here include:
The second option seems like the most practical and the least limiting (it could work with or without the Marlowe Runtime and requires no local software daemons to be running). |
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Here are the steps I propose we take to incrementally improve Merkleization support in the Runtime:
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Here is a module that implements the necessary functionality to work with the proposed continuation map structure: {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Merkle.ContinuationMap
( BuildMerkleizedInputError(..)
, ContinuationMap(ContinuationMap, contract, continuations)
, LoadContinuationsError(..)
, RecursivelyValidateContinuationMapError(..)
, buildMerkleizedRedeemer
, buildMerkleizedRedeemer'
, buildV1MerkleizedInput
, buildV1MerkleizedInput'
, loadAndParseURI
, loadContinuations
, mkContinuationMap
, recursivelyValidateContinuationMap
) where
import Cardano.Api (FromJSON, hashScriptData)
import Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted (mapConcurrently, mapConcurrently_)
import Control.Error (MaybeT(..), hoistMaybe, noteT)
import Control.Error.Util (note)
import Control.Monad (mfilter, unless)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT(..), except, throwE, withExceptT)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, defaultOptions, eitherDecode, genericParseJSON, parseJSON, toJSON, withText)
import Data.Aeson.Types (parseFail)
import Data.Bifunctor (first, second)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Semigroup (First(..))
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Language.Marlowe.Core.V1.Semantics as V1
import qualified Language.Marlowe.Core.V1.Semantics.Types as V1
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Cardano.Api (fromCardanoDatumHash, toCardanoScriptData)
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.ChainSync.Api (DatumHash(..), toDatum)
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Core.Api (Contract, Datum, MarloweVersion(..), MarloweVersionTag(..), Redeemer)
import Network.URI (URI, parseURIReference, uriToString)
import Plutus.V2.Ledger.Api (fromBuiltin, toBuiltin)
-- | A URI newtype wrapper for JSON serialization
newtype JsonURI = JsonURI { unJsonURI :: URI }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance ToJSON JsonURI where
toJSON = toJSON . flip (uriToString id) "" . unJsonURI
instance FromJSON JsonURI where
parseJSON = withText "URI"
$ maybe (parseFail "invalid URI") (pure . JsonURI)
. parseURIReference
. T.unpack
-- | Holds a contract and a map of continuation hashes to URIs of JSON files
-- that hold the continuation map for that hash.
data ContinuationMap v = UnsafeContinuationMap
{ contract :: Contract v
, continuations :: Map DatumHash JsonURI
} deriving (Generic)
deriving instance Show (ContinuationMap 'V1)
deriving instance Eq (ContinuationMap 'V1)
deriving instance Ord (ContinuationMap 'V1)
instance FromJSON (ContinuationMap 'V1) where
parseJSON json = do
cmap <- genericParseJSON defaultOptions json
unless (validateContinuationMap MarloweV1 cmap) $ parseFail "Invalid continuation map"
pure cmap
instance ToJSON (ContinuationMap 'V1)
-- | Validate the structure of a ContinuationMap
validateContinuationMap :: MarloweVersion v -> ContinuationMap v -> Bool
validateContinuationMap version UnsafeContinuationMap{..} = hashesFrom version contract == Map.keysSet continuations
{-# COMPLETE ContinuationMap #-}
pattern ContinuationMap :: Contract v -> Map DatumHash JsonURI -> ContinuationMap v
pattern ContinuationMap contract continuations <- UnsafeContinuationMap contract continuations
mkContinuationMap :: MarloweVersion v -> Contract v -> Map DatumHash JsonURI -> Maybe (ContinuationMap v)
mkContinuationMap version contract continuations = mfilter (validateContinuationMap version) $ Just UnsafeContinuationMap{..}
-- | Extract the set of hashes referenced by a contract.
hashesFrom :: MarloweVersion v -> Contract v -> Set DatumHash
hashesFrom MarloweV1 = go
go = \case
V1.Pay _ _ _ _ c -> go c
V1.Close -> mempty
V1.If _ c1 c2 -> go c1 <> go c2
V1.When cases _ c -> foldMap hashesFromCase cases <> go c
V1.Let _ _ c -> go c
V1.Assert _ c -> go c
hashesFromCase = \case
V1.Case _ c -> go c
V1.MerkleizedCase _ hash -> Set.singleton $ DatumHash $ fromBuiltin hash
data LoadContinuationsError v
= BrokenLink URI
| MalformedContents DatumHash String
| ChecksumFailure DatumHash (Contract v)
-- | Load the continuations in a continuation map and collect the results in a
-- Map.
:: MonadBaseControl IO m
=> (URI -> m (Maybe LBS.ByteString))
-> MarloweVersion v
-> ContinuationMap v
-> ExceptT (LoadContinuationsError v) m (Map DatumHash (ContinuationMap v))
loadContinuations fetchURI version = fmap Map.fromDistinctAscList
. mapConcurrently (uncurry loadAndParseURI')
. Map.toAscList
. continuations
loadAndParseURI' datumHash uri = (datumHash,) <$> loadAndParseURI fetchURI version datumHash uri
-- | Load a continuation map at a URI
:: MonadBaseControl IO m
=> (URI -> m (Maybe LBS.ByteString))
-> MarloweVersion v
-> DatumHash
-> JsonURI
-> ExceptT (LoadContinuationsError v) m (ContinuationMap v)
loadAndParseURI fetchURI MarloweV1 datumHash (JsonURI uri) = do
response <- noteT (BrokenLink uri) $ MaybeT $ fetchURI uri
except do
cm@UnsafeContinuationMap{..} <- first (MalformedContents datumHash) $ eitherDecode response
let scriptData = toCardanoScriptData $ toDatum contract
unless (datumHash == fromCardanoDatumHash (hashScriptData scriptData)) $ Left $ ChecksumFailure datumHash contract
pure cm
data RecursivelyValidateContinuationMapError v
= There DatumHash URI (RecursivelyValidateContinuationMapError v)
| Here (LoadContinuationsError v)
| Loop
-- | Recursively validates a continuation map and all linked continuation maps.
:: forall m v
. MonadBaseControl IO m
=> (URI -> m (Maybe LBS.ByteString))
-> MarloweVersion v
-> ContinuationMap v
-> ExceptT (RecursivelyValidateContinuationMapError v) m ()
recursivelyValidateContinuationMap fetchURI version = recursivelyValidateContinuationMapWithLoopDetection mempty
recursivelyValidateContinuationMapWithLoopDetection :: Set DatumHash -> ContinuationMap v -> ExceptT (RecursivelyValidateContinuationMapError v) m ()
recursivelyValidateContinuationMapWithLoopDetection seenHashes = mapConcurrently_ (uncurry loadAndRecurse) . Map.toList . continuations
loadAndRecurse datumHash uri = withExceptT (There datumHash $ unJsonURI uri) do
unless (Set.notMember datumHash seenHashes) $ throwE Loop
nextMap <- withExceptT Here $ loadAndParseURI fetchURI version datumHash uri
recursivelyValidateContinuationMapWithLoopDetection (Set.insert datumHash seenHashes) nextMap
data BuildMerkleizedInputError v
= InvalidInput
| InvalidContinuationMap
| LoadContinuationsError (LoadContinuationsError v)
-- | Build a V1 merkleized input out of regular input content, given a
-- continuation map. Also returns the next State and ContinuationMap after
-- applying the input.
:: MonadBaseControl IO m
=> (URI -> m (Maybe LBS.ByteString))
-> ContinuationMap 'V1
-> UTCTime
-> UTCTime
-> V1.State
-> V1.InputContent
-> ExceptT (BuildMerkleizedInputError 'V1) m (V1.Input, (V1.State, ContinuationMap 'V1))
buildV1MerkleizedInput' fetchURI continuationMap invalidBefore invalidHereafter state inputContent = do
(mHash, state') <- except $ findHashForInput (contract continuationMap)
case mHash of
Left contract' -> pure (V1.NormalInput inputContent, (state', pruneContinuationMap contract' continuationMap))
Right datumHash -> do
uri <- noteT InvalidContinuationMap $ hoistMaybe $ Map.lookup datumHash $ continuations continuationMap
let contractHash = toBuiltin $ unDatumHash datumHash
continuationMap' <- withExceptT LoadContinuationsError $ loadAndParseURI fetchURI MarloweV1 datumHash uri
pure (V1.MerkleizedInput inputContent contractHash (contract continuationMap'), (state', continuationMap'))
utcTimeToPOSIXTime = floor . (* 1000) . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds
env = V1.Environment (utcTimeToPOSIXTime invalidBefore, utcTimeToPOSIXTime invalidHereafter)
findHashForInput :: V1.Contract -> Either (BuildMerkleizedInputError 'V1) (Either V1.Contract DatumHash, V1.State)
findHashForInput = \case
V1.When cases _ _ -> note InvalidInput $ getFirst <$> foldMap findHashForInputInCase cases
_ -> Left InvalidInput
findHashForInputInCase :: V1.Case V1.Contract -> Maybe (First (Either V1.Contract DatumHash, V1.State))
findHashForInputInCase = \case
V1.Case action contract -> returnIfApplies action $ Left contract
V1.MerkleizedCase action hash -> returnIfApplies action $ Right $ DatumHash $ fromBuiltin hash
returnIfApplies action mHash = case V1.applyAction env state inputContent action of
V1.AppliedAction _ state' -> Just $ First (mHash, state')
V1.NotAppliedAction -> Nothing
pruneContinuationMap :: Contract 'V1 -> ContinuationMap 'V1 -> ContinuationMap 'V1
pruneContinuationMap contract cm = cm { contract, continuations = Map.restrictKeys (continuations cm) $ hashesFrom MarloweV1 contract }
-- | Build a V1 merkleized input out of regular input content, given a
-- continuation map.
:: MonadBaseControl IO m
=> (URI -> m (Maybe LBS.ByteString))
-> ContinuationMap 'V1
-> UTCTime
-> UTCTime
-> V1.State
-> V1.InputContent
-> ExceptT (BuildMerkleizedInputError 'V1) m V1.Input
buildV1MerkleizedInput fetchURI continuationMap invalidBefore invalidHereafter state inputContent =
fst <$> buildV1MerkleizedInput' fetchURI continuationMap invalidBefore invalidHereafter state inputContent
-- | Build a merkleized redeemer out of a regular redeemer, given a
-- continuation map. Also returns the next State and ContinuationMap after
-- applying the redeemer.
:: forall m v
. MonadBaseControl IO m
=> (URI -> m (Maybe LBS.ByteString))
-> MarloweVersion v
-> ContinuationMap v
-> UTCTime
-> UTCTime
-> Datum v
-> Redeemer v
-> ExceptT (Int, BuildMerkleizedInputError v) m (Redeemer v, (Datum v, ContinuationMap v))
buildMerkleizedRedeemer' fetchURI MarloweV1 cmap invalidBefore invalidHereafter md =
fmap (second \(marloweState, cmap') -> (md { V1.marloweState, V1.marloweContract = contract cmap'}, cmap'))
. foldlM buildV1MerkleizedInput'' ([], (V1.marloweState md, cmap))
. zip [0..]
:: ([V1.Input], (V1.State, ContinuationMap 'V1))
-> (Int, V1.Input)
-> ExceptT (Int, BuildMerkleizedInputError 'V1) m ([V1.Input], (V1.State, ContinuationMap 'V1))
buildV1MerkleizedInput'' (inputs, (state, continuationMap)) (i, input) = withExceptT (i,) do
inputContent = case input of
V1.NormalInput c -> c
V1.MerkleizedInput c _ _ -> c -- Ignore manually provided continuations. We need to recompute them to propagate the state properly.
first (: inputs) <$> buildV1MerkleizedInput' fetchURI continuationMap invalidBefore invalidHereafter state inputContent
-- | Build a merkleized redeemer out of a regular redeemer, given a
-- continuation map.
:: forall m v
. MonadBaseControl IO m
=> (URI -> m (Maybe LBS.ByteString))
-> MarloweVersion v
-> ContinuationMap v
-> UTCTime
-> UTCTime
-> Datum v
-> Redeemer v
-> ExceptT (Int, BuildMerkleizedInputError v) m (Redeemer v)
buildMerkleizedRedeemer fetchURI version cmap invalidBefore invalidHereafter md =
fmap fst . buildMerkleizedRedeemer' fetchURI version cmap invalidBefore invalidHereafter md |
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In case it is useful, the Also, in principle the |
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