The doing
tool is an acronym for devops-ing. The tool was built to help speed up development a data science teams using Azure Devops but more accustomed to a github/gitlab style workflow.
The tool uses modern python packages like Click and rich and is built on top of the azure devops CLI.
We use mkdocs with mkdocs-material theme. The docs are structured using the Diátaxis documentation framework. To view the docs locally:
pip install mkdocs-material
mkdocs serve
- We use pre-commit. Setup using
pip install pre-commit
and thenpre-commit install
. - For development, use an editable install:
pip install -e .
- For publishing,
- Update the version on
& commit - Tag and push a release using:
git tag -a v0.1 -m "doing-cli v0.1" && git push origin v0.1
- Draft a new release at
- The publish pypi github action will trigger when the release is published.
- Update the version on
We are basically wrapping the Azure Devops CLI.
Here for reference. To view all shell commands being executed during a doing
command, set verbose_shell
to True
in the .doing-cli-config.yml
file (see config reference), or use environment variables: export DOING_CONFIG_VERBOSE_SHELL=true
# Settings
organization={your organization url}
project={your project}
team={your team}
iteration={your iteration path}
area={your area path}
repo_name={name of your repo in azure devops}
# Configuration
az devops configure -l
az devops configure --defaults organization=$organization project=$project
# List areas for a team
az boards area team list --team=$team
# list work items
az boards work-item show --id 37222
az boards query --wiql "SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE ([System.State] = 'Active' OR [System.State] = 'New') AND [System.IterationPath] = '$iteration' AND [System.AreaPath] = '$area'"
# list relation types
az boards work-item relation list-type --query 'name'
# Update a work item
az boards work-item relation add --id 112011 --relation-type 'Branch' --target-id 6566809
# Artifact Link
az boards work-item relation add --id 112011 --relation-type 'Artifact Link' --target-id 6566809
# from ojbectID of a branch with
az repos ref list --repository $repo_name
az boards work-item relation add --id 112011 --target-id "<hash>" --relation-type "Artifact Link"
# List iterations
az boards iteration team show-backlog-iteration --team $team
az boards iteration project list --path '$organization/$project/$repo_name/sprintname'
az boards iteration project show --id '<hash>'
az boards iteration team list --team $team
# List remote branches
az repos ref list --repository $repo_name --query '[].name'
# Creating work items
az boards work-item create --title "Test from command line" --type "User Story" --area $area
az boards work-item create --title "testing" --type "User Story" --area $area --iteration $iteration --assigned-to "<your email>"
# Deleting work items
az boards work-item delete --id 112011
# Creating a branch
# 1) get object id of master branch:
az repos ref list --repository $repo_name --query "[?name=='refs/heads/master'].objectId"
# 2) get branch
az repos ref create --name "heads/<branch name>" --repository $repo_name --object-id "<hash>"
# Creating a PR
az repos pr create --repository $repo_name --work-items '112011' --draft --title "test pr" --source-branch "<branch name>" --transition-work-items 'true'
# Get a repository id, as well as default branch
az repos show --repository '<repo_name>'
# List policies active on a repo branch
az repos policy list --repository "<id_hash>" --branch 'master' -o jsonc
az repos policy merge-strategy create --repository "<id_hash>" --branch 'refs/heads/master' --blocking false --enabled true --allow-no-fast-forward true --allow-rebase true --allow-rebase-merge true --allow-squash true