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Jayme 2.0 Migration

File metadata and controls

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Jayme 2.0 Migration Guide

Jayme 2.0 is the latest major release of Jayme. As a major release, following Semantic Versioning conventions, 2.0 introduces several API-breaking changes that one should be aware of.

This guide is provided in order to ease the transition of existing applications using Jayme 1.x to the latest APIs, as well as explain the design and structure of new and changed functionality.

Automatically Suggested Changes

There are some compiler migration mechanisms that have been implemented in Jayme 2.0 by leveraging the @unavailable attribute in a Compatibility.swift file.

For these changes you only have to follow the compiler suggestions and they should be applied automatically.

For instance:

  • ServerRepository has been renamed to CRUDRepository.
    • The compiler will automatically suggest the replacement of ServerRepository to CRUDRepository.

Manual Changes

However, there are some other changes that would have required overwhelming (if ever possible) mechanisms to be implemented in order to keep automatic suggestions from the compiler. In consequence, we decided not to implement them but to write them down here in a separated list.

⚠️ Therefore, it's up to you to perform these changes manually.

They are listed below:

  • path variable has been renamed to name in Repository protocol declaration. (related issue: #17)

    • You have to change every path appearance in your Repositories by using name instead.
  • init?(dictionary: StringDictionary) has been replaced by init(dictionary: [String: AnyObject]) throws. (related issues: #25, #28)

    • StringDictionary[String: AnyObject] replacements should be suggested by the compiler.
    • You have to manually replace your init? initializers for every class or struct that conforms to DictionaryInitializable by its throwable equivalent.
    • You have to perform { throw JaymeError.ParsingError } whenever you can't initialize a DictionaryInitializable object instead of performing { return nil }.
  • Identifier typealias no longer exists. Now your entities define their own identifier type. (related issue: #22)

    • You have to change every Identifier appearance and replace it by a concrete type you need to use (e.g. String, Int, or your own, as long as it conforms to CustomStringConvertible). This change should be suggested by the compiler.
    • However, since by default String does not conform to CustomStringConvertible, you'd probably want to add this extension to your code:
      • extension String: CustomStringConvertible { public var description: String { return self } }
  • Convenient parsing functions under one of the extensions in ServerRepository (now CRUDRepository) have been moved into separated new classes called DataParser and EntityParser. If you were calling those functions somewhere in your code, you have to change their calls to use those parsers classes instead of your repository itself. (related issue: #20)

    • Possible replacements are:
      • self.parseDataAsArray(…)DataParser().dictionariesFromData(…)
      • self.parseDataAsDictionary(…)DataParser().dictionaryFromData(…)
      • self.parseEntitiesFromArray(…)EntityParser().entitiesFromDictionaries(…)
      • self.parseEntityFromDictionary(…)EntityParser().entityFromDictionary(…)
  • Results from Repositories using NSURLBackend (ex ServerBackend) are now returned on the main thread, instead of on a background thread.

    • This will not break your existing code, but it's strongly recommended that you remove any possible dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) { ... } call that you could have performed within your ViewControllers when getting results back from any repository. These calls are unnecessary now.

For further documentation regarding changes, check out the Change Log.