Install dependencies:
yarn install
sudo pip3 install slither-analyzer
To build and test the contracts:
forge test -vvv
yarn test
To execute solhint:
yarn run solhint contracts/**/*.sol
To resolve formatting issues:
npx prettier --write --plugin=prettier-plugin-solidity 'contracts/**/*.sol'
To run slither:
slither --compile-force-framework forge --foundry-out-directory foundry-out .
To check the test coverage based on Foundry tests use:
forge coverage
To deploy the contract with foundry use the following command:
Additional Links:
forge create --rpc-url <RPC_URL> --constructor-args <CONSTRUCTOR_ARGUMENTS> --private-key <DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY> <PATH_TO_CONTRACT:CONTRACT> --gas-price <GAS_PRICE> --priority-gas-price <PRIORITY_GAS_PRICE>
An example for deploying an Immutable ERC721 preset on testnet:
forge create \
--rpc-url "" \
--constructor-args "0xD509..." \
"Imaginary Immutable Iguanas" \
"III" \
"" \
"" \
"0x6b969FD89dE634d8DE3271EbE97734FEFfcd58eE" \
"0xD509..." \
"2000" \
--private-key "7e03....." \
contracts/token/erc721/preset/ImmutableERC721.sol:ImmutableERC721 \
--gas-price 20000000000 \
--priority-gas-price 20000000000