The multi-sample and trio pipelines require files form the sinlge sample analysis (BAM ,CNV, ...).
Thus, each samples has to be analyzed using the single sample analysis first.
After the single-sample analyses, the multi-sample or trio analysis is perfomed.
Multi-sample DNA analysis is performed using the multisample.php
Please have a look at the help using:
> php megSAP/src/Pipelines/multisample.php --help
The main parameters that you have to provide are:
- A list of input BAM files.status
- A comma-separated list of affected status corresponding to the input BAM files.out_folder
- Output folder.system
- The processing system configuration INI file (see next section).
Note: The processing system of the first sample is used to determine the target region for the multi-sample and trio analyses.
Mapping is not part of this pipline - it has to be perfomed beforehand using the single-sample pipeline. The tools used for variant calling and annotation are the same as for the single-sample pipeline.
After the analysis, these files are created in the output folder:
- a multi-sample variant list
in VCF format. - a multi-sample variant list
in GSvar format.
Trio DNA analysis is a special case of the multi-sample analysis for an affected child and healthy parents.
It is performed using the trio.php
Please have a look at the help using:
> php megSAP/src/Pipelines/trio.php --help
The main parameters that you have to provide are:
- BAM file of father.m
- BAM file of mother.c
- BAM file of child (index).out_folder
- Output folder.system
- The processing system configuration INI file (see next section).
Mapping is not part of this pipline - it has to be perfomed beforehand using the single-sample pipeline. The tools used for variant calling and annotation are the same as for the single-sample pipeline.
After the analysis, these files are created in the output folder:
- a multi-sample variant list
in VCF format. - a multi-sample variant list
in GSvar format.