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Join Our Slack

Julia Nguyen edited this page Jul 23, 2018 · 26 revisions

We use Slack as our primary communication tool for contributors. You must read our Code of Conduct before taking the next steps to join. Please note that we will not add you to our Slack workspace if your violate our Code of Conduct in your introductory email.

Steps to Join

  1. Email us at [email protected] - tell us about yourself and what you're interested in working on.
  2. If you want to contribute to our project via GitHub, also let us know your username so we can add you to the organization.
  3. We'll send you an invitation to join our Slack team and, if it applies to you, add you to our GitHub organization.
  4. Once you accept the invite, you'll be automatically added to the #general and #introduction channels. Depending on what you shared with us in your email, we'll also add you to channels related to your interest area for contributing.
  5. Feel free to introduce yourself in #introduction, but know it's not mandatory.
  6. We recommend that you put your preferred pronoun in the full name field of your Slack profile e.g. Full name: Julia Nguyen (she/her). Otherwise, you will be referred to by your first name instead of using pronouns.

Slack Code of Conduct

  • Our Code of Conduct applies to Slack as well.
  • In Slack channels, we encourage the use of threads when a conversation about a topic goes back and forth.
  • Use @here and @channel only if you want to communicate something to the entire channel.
  • Use @everyone only if you want to communicate something to ALL of our contributors.
  • If a one-on-one conversation is going on for a long time in a channel, please take it to a direct message conversation.
  • Be mindful with pronouns and gendered language. Use the preferred pronouns indicated in someone's Slack profile, otherwise, use their first name. Instead of saying "guys" or other words that imply gender, use words like "everyone", "y'all", or "folks" to describe a group of people.
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