From c8877dfeef7aeb820463395a7664ec30dbb082c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: csurf Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 00:43:02 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] add greyscale on/off option (for monochrome displays) --- src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/alt.lua | 12 ++++++------ src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/config.lua | 1 + src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/menu.lua | 2 ++ src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/pilot.lua | 24 ++++++++++++------------ src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/radar.lua | 8 ++++---- src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/view.lua | 8 ++++---- 6 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/alt.lua b/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/alt.lua index a0569c0..47dae2e 100644 --- a/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/alt.lua +++ b/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/alt.lua @@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap -- Altitude graph local BOTTOM = SMLCD and 47 or 63 tmp = (SMLCD and 30 or 40) / (data.altMax - data.altMin) - line(RIGHT_POS - 60, BOTTOM, RIGHT_POS - 1, BOTTOM, SOLID, SMLCD and FORCE or GREY_DEFAULT + FORCE) + line(RIGHT_POS - 60, BOTTOM, RIGHT_POS - 1, BOTTOM, SOLID, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and FORCE or GREY_DEFAULT + FORCE) for i = 1, 60 do local cx = RIGHT_POS - 61 + i local cy = math.floor(BOTTOM - (data.alt[((data.altCur - 2 + i) % 60) + 1] - data.altMin) * tmp) if cy < BOTTOM then - line(cx, cy, cx, BOTTOM - 1, SOLID, SMLCD and FORCE or GREY_DEFAULT + FORCE) + line(cx, cy, cx, BOTTOM - 1, SOLID, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and FORCE or GREY_DEFAULT + FORCE) end if (i ~= 1 or not SMLCD) and (i - 1) % (60 / config[28].v) == 0 then line(cx, BOTTOM - (SMLCD and 30 or 40), cx, BOTTOM, DOTTED, 0) @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap if data.headingHold then fill((x2 + x3) * 0.5 - 1, (y2 + y3) * 0.5 - 1, 3, 3, SOLID) else - line(x2, y2, x3, y3, SMLCD and DOTTED or SOLID, FORCE + (SMLCD and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT)) + line(x2, y2, x3, y3, SMLCD and DOTTED or SOLID, FORCE + ((SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT)) end line(x1, y1, x2, y2, SOLID, FORCE) line(x1, y1, x3, y3, SOLID, FORCE) @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap if config[7].v % 2 == 1 then line(RIGHT_POS, 8, RIGHT_POS, 63, SOLID, FORCE) line(RIGHT_POS + (SMLCD and 4 or 6), 8, RIGHT_POS + (SMLCD and 4 or 6), 63, SOLID, FORCE) - line(RIGHT_POS + 1, 35, RIGHT_POS + (SMLCD and 3 or 5), 35, SMLCD and DOTTED or SOLID, SMLCD and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT) + line(RIGHT_POS + 1, 35, RIGHT_POS + (SMLCD and 3 or 5), 35, SMLCD and DOTTED or SOLID, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT) if data.armed then tmp = math.log(1 + math.min(math.abs(0.6 * (data.vspeed_unit == 6 and data.vspeed * 0.3048 or data.vspeed)), 10)) * (data.vspeed < 0 and -1 or 1) local y1 = 36 - (tmp * 11) @@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap if data.crsf == false then text(LCD_W + 1, config[22].v == 0 and 32 or 22, "HDOP", RIGHT + SMLSIZE) end - hdopGraph(LCD_W - 12, config[22].v == 0 and (data.crsf and 37 or 24) or 31, MIDSIZE, SMLCD) + hdopGraph(LCD_W - 12, config[22].v == 0 and (data.crsf and 37 or 24) or 31, MIDSIZE, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1)) else - hdopGraph(LCD_W - 39, data.crsf and 24 or 10, MIDSIZE, SMLCD) + hdopGraph(LCD_W - 39, data.crsf and 24 or 10, MIDSIZE, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1)) if data.crsf == false then text(LCD_W - (config[22].v == 0 and 24 or 25), config[22].v == 0 and 18 or 20, "HDOP", RIGHT + SMLSIZE) end diff --git a/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/config.lua b/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/config.lua index 3712361..46a4515 100644 --- a/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/config.lua +++ b/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/config.lua @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ local config = { { o = 30, c = 1, v = 0 }, -- Orientation - 32 { o = 26, c = 1, v = 0 }, -- Roll Scale - 33 { o = 34, c = 1, v = 0, l = {[0] = "?"}, x = -1 }, -- Review Log Date - 34 + { o = 35, c = 1, v = 0 }, -- Force Monochrome - 35 } for i = 1, #config do diff --git a/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/menu.lua b/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/menu.lua index b03c09e..3f763fa 100644 --- a/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/menu.lua +++ b/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/menu.lua @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ local function view(data, config, units, lang, event, gpsDegMin, getTelemetryId, { t = "Orientation", l = {[0] = "Launch", "Compass"} }, -- 32 { t = "Roll Scale", l = 1 }, -- 33 { t = "Playback Log", l = config[34].l }, -- 34 + { t = "Greyscale Gfx", l = {[0] = "On", "Off"} }, -- 35 } -- Import language changes @@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ local function view(data, config, units, lang, event, gpsDegMin, getTelemetryId, config2[23].p = not data.showFuel and 1 or nil config2[24].p = data.crsf and 1 or (config[7].v < 2 and 1 or nil) config2[27].p = (not data.crsf or config[23].v > 0) and 1 or nil + config2[35].p = HORUS and 1 or nil if config2[17].p == nil then config2[17].p = (not data.showCurr or config[23].v ~= 0) and 1 or nil config2[18].p = config2[17].p diff --git a/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/pilot.lua b/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/pilot.lua index d22a122..a4a7e43 100644 --- a/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/pilot.lua +++ b/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/pilot.lua @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap local yd = math.cos(roll1) * r local x1, y1, x2, y2 = x - xd, y + yd, x + xd, y - yd if (y1 > 15 or y2 > 15) and (y1 < 56 or y2 < 56) then - line(x1, y1, x2, y2, SMLCD and DOTTED or (adj % 10 == 0 and SOLID or DOTTED), SMLCD and 0 or (adj > 0 and GREY_DEFAULT or 0)) + line(x1, y1, x2, y2, SMLCD and DOTTED or (adj % 10 == 0 and SOLID or DOTTED), (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and 0 or (adj > 0 and GREY_DEFAULT or 0)) if not SMLCD and adj % 10 == 0 and adj ~= 0 and y1 > 15 and y1 < 56 then text(x1 - 2, y1 - 3, math.abs(adj), SMLSIZE + RIGHT) end @@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap for x = LEFT_POS + 1, RIGHT_POS - 1 do local yy = y + 0.5 if (not upsideDown and yy < 64) or (upsideDown and yy > 7) then - line(x, math.min(math.max(yy, 8), 63), x, upsideDown and 8 or 63, SOLID, SMLCD and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT) + line(x, math.min(math.max(yy, 8), 63), x, upsideDown and 8 or 63, SOLID, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT) end y = y + a end elseif (y1 > 15 or y2 > 15) and (y1 < 56 or y2 < 56) then - line(x1, y1, x2, y2, SMLCD and DOTTED or (adj % 10 == 0 and SOLID or DOTTED), SMLCD and 0 or (adj > 0 and GREY_DEFAULT or 0)) + line(x1, y1, x2, y2, SMLCD and DOTTED or (adj % 10 == 0 and SOLID or DOTTED), (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and 0 or (adj > 0 and GREY_DEFAULT or 0)) if not SMLCD and adj % 10 == 0 and adj ~= 0 and y1 > 15 and y1 < 56 then text(x1 - 2, y1 - 3, math.abs(adj), SMLSIZE + RIGHT) end @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap if data.headingHold then fill((x2 + x3) * 0.5 - 1, (y2 + y3) * 0.5 - 1, 3, 3, SOLID) else - line(x2, y2, x3, y3, SMLCD and DOTTED or SOLID, FORCE + (SMLCD and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT)) + line(x2, y2, x3, y3, SMLCD and DOTTED or SOLID, FORCE + ((SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT)) end line(x1, y1, x2, y2, SOLID, FORCE) line(x1, y1, x3, y3, SOLID, FORCE) @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap for x = LEFT_POS + 1, RIGHT_POS - 1 do local yy = y + 0.5 if (not upsideDown and yy < 64) or (upsideDown and yy > 7) then - line(x, math.min(math.max(yy, 8), 63), x, upsideDown and 8 or 63, SOLID, SMLCD and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT) + line(x, math.min(math.max(yy, 8), 63), x, upsideDown and 8 or 63, SOLID, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT) end y = y + a end @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap if (not upsideDown and yy < 64) or (upsideDown and yy > 7) then local t = upsideDown and 8 or math.min(math.max(yy, 8), 63) local h = upsideDown and math.min(math.max(yy, 8), 64) - t or 65 - t - fill(x, t, width, h, GREY_DEFAULT) + fill(x, t, width, h, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT) end y = y + a * width end @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap lastx = x break end - fill(x, 8, width, h, GREY_DEFAULT) + fill(x, 8, width, h, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT) end else if y < 64 then @@ -234,13 +234,13 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap lastx = x break end - fill(x, t, width, 65 - t, GREY_DEFAULT) + fill(x, t, width, 65 - t, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT) end end y = y + a * width end if lastx then - fill(lastx, 8, RIGHT_POS - lastx, 57, GREY_DEFAULT) + fill(lastx, 8, RIGHT_POS - lastx, 57, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT) end ]] local inside = SMLCD and 6 or 13 @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap if config[7].v % 2 == 1 then line(RIGHT_POS, 8, RIGHT_POS, 63, SOLID, FORCE) line(RIGHT_POS + (SMLCD and 4 or 6), 8, RIGHT_POS + (SMLCD and 4 or 6), 63, SOLID, FORCE) - line(RIGHT_POS + 1, 35, RIGHT_POS + (SMLCD and 3 or 5), 35, SMLCD and DOTTED or SOLID, SMLCD and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT) + line(RIGHT_POS + 1, 35, RIGHT_POS + (SMLCD and 3 or 5), 35, SMLCD and DOTTED or SOLID, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT) if data.armed then tmp = math.log(1 + math.min(math.abs(0.6 * (data.vspeed_unit == 6 and data.vspeed * 0.3048 or data.vspeed)), 10)) * (data.vspeed < 0 and -1 or 1) local y1 = 36 - (tmp * 11) @@ -313,9 +313,9 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap if data.crsf == false then text(LCD_W + 1, config[22].v == 0 and 32 or 22, "HDOP", RIGHT + SMLSIZE) end - hdopGraph(LCD_W - 12, config[22].v == 0 and (data.crsf and 37 or 24) or 31, MIDSIZE, SMLCD) + hdopGraph(LCD_W - 12, config[22].v == 0 and (data.crsf and 37 or 24) or 31, MIDSIZE, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1)) else - hdopGraph(LCD_W - 39, data.crsf and 24 or 10, MIDSIZE, SMLCD) + hdopGraph(LCD_W - 39, data.crsf and 24 or 10, MIDSIZE, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1)) if data.crsf == false then text(LCD_W - (config[22].v == 0 and 24 or 25), config[22].v == 0 and 18 or 20, "HDOP", RIGHT + SMLSIZE) end diff --git a/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/radar.lua b/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/radar.lua index 689ef3e..4f1b1d9 100644 --- a/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/radar.lua +++ b/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/radar.lua @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap fill((x2 + x3) * 0.5 - 1, (y2 + y3) * 0.5 - 1, 3, 3, SOLID) end else - line(x2, y2, x3, y3, SMLCD and DOTTED or SOLID, FORCE + (SMLCD and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT)) + line(x2, y2, x3, y3, SMLCD and DOTTED or SOLID, FORCE + ((SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT)) end line(x1, y1, x2, y2, SOLID, FORCE) line(x1, y1, x3, y3, SOLID, FORCE) @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap if config[7].v % 2 == 1 then line(RIGHT_POS, 8, RIGHT_POS, 63, SOLID, FORCE) line(RIGHT_POS + (SMLCD and 4 or 6), 8, RIGHT_POS + (SMLCD and 4 or 6), 63, SOLID, FORCE) - line(RIGHT_POS + 1, 35, RIGHT_POS + (SMLCD and 3 or 5), 35, SMLCD and DOTTED or SOLID, SMLCD and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT) + line(RIGHT_POS + 1, 35, RIGHT_POS + (SMLCD and 3 or 5), 35, SMLCD and DOTTED or SOLID, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT) if data.armed then tmp = math.log(1 + math.min(math.abs(0.6 * (data.vspeed_unit == 6 and data.vspeed * 0.3048 or data.vspeed)), 10)) * (data.vspeed < 0 and -1 or 1) local y1 = 36 - (tmp * 11) @@ -146,9 +146,9 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap if data.crsf == false then text(LCD_W + 1, config[22].v == 0 and 32 or 22, "HDOP", RIGHT + SMLSIZE) end - hdopGraph(LCD_W - 12, config[22].v == 0 and (data.crsf and 37 or 24) or 31, MIDSIZE, SMLCD) + hdopGraph(LCD_W - 12, config[22].v == 0 and (data.crsf and 37 or 24) or 31, MIDSIZE, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1)) else - hdopGraph(LCD_W - 39, data.crsf and 24 or 10, MIDSIZE, SMLCD) + hdopGraph(LCD_W - 39, data.crsf and 24 or 10, MIDSIZE, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1)) if data.crsf == false then text(LCD_W - (config[22].v == 0 and 24 or 25), config[22].v == 0 and 18 or 20, "HDOP", RIGHT + SMLSIZE) end diff --git a/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/view.lua b/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/view.lua index 83aa1a0..2b358a4 100644 --- a/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/view.lua +++ b/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/view.lua @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap if data.headingHold then fill((x2 + x3) * 0.5 - 1.5, (y2 + y3) * 0.5 - 1.5, 4, 4, SOLID) else - line(x2, y2, x3, y3, SMLCD and DOTTED or SOLID, FORCE + (SMLCD and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT)) + line(x2, y2, x3, y3, SMLCD and DOTTED or SOLID, FORCE + ((SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT)) end end @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap else text(tmp, 17, math.floor(data.gpsAlt + 0.5) .. units[data.gpsAlt_unit], gpsFlags) end - hdopGraph(RIGHT_POS - 30, data.crsf and 17 or 9, SMLSIZE, SMLCD) + hdopGraph(RIGHT_POS - 30, data.crsf and 17 or 9, SMLSIZE, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1)) icons.gps(RIGHT_POS - 17, data.crsf and 17 or 9) text(RIGHT_POS - (data.telem and 0 or 1), data.crsf and 17 or 9, data.satellites % 100, SMLSIZE + RIGHT + telemFlag) @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap local rad1 = math.rad(bearing) local x1 = math.floor(math.sin(rad1) * 10 + 0.5) + X_CNTR_2 local y1 = 19 - math.floor(math.cos(rad1) * 10 + 0.5) - line(X_CNTR_2, 19, x1, y1, SMLCD and DOTTED or SOLID, FORCE + (SMLCD and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT)) + line(X_CNTR_2, 19, x1, y1, SMLCD and DOTTED or SOLID, FORCE + ((SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT)) fill(x1 - 1, y1 - 1, 3, 3, ERASE) fill(x1 - 1, y1 - 1, 3, 3, SOLID) end @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ local function view(data, config, modes, dir, units, labels, gpsDegMin, hdopGrap tmp = math.max(math.min(math.ceil(data.altitude / config[6].v * 46), 46), 0) fill(l + 1, 56 - tmp, w - 2, tmp, INVERS) tmp = 56 - math.max(math.min(math.ceil(data.altitudeMax / config[6].v * 46), 46), 0) - line(l + 1, tmp, l + w - 2, tmp, SOLID, GREY_DEFAULT) + line(l + 1, tmp, l + w - 2, tmp, SOLID, (SMLCD or config[35].v == 1) and 0 or GREY_DEFAULT) text(l + 1, 58, config[7].v % 2 == 1 and "A" or "Alt", SMLSIZE) end From a0e1e226b4eae55b101fdc87718e6c86b1415fb7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: csurf Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 01:49:50 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] fixed formatting & comments --- src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/config.lua | 2 +- src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/menu.lua | 2 +- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/config.lua b/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/config.lua index 46a4515..340bf51 100644 --- a/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/config.lua +++ b/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/config.lua @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ local config = { { o = 30, c = 1, v = 0 }, -- Orientation - 32 { o = 26, c = 1, v = 0 }, -- Roll Scale - 33 { o = 34, c = 1, v = 0, l = {[0] = "?"}, x = -1 }, -- Review Log Date - 34 - { o = 35, c = 1, v = 0 }, -- Force Monochrome - 35 + { o = 35, c = 1, v = 0 }, -- Greyscale toggle - 35 } for i = 1, #config do diff --git a/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/menu.lua b/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/menu.lua index 3f763fa..1d42c3d 100644 --- a/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/menu.lua +++ b/src/SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/iNav/menu.lua @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ local function view(data, config, units, lang, event, gpsDegMin, getTelemetryId, { t = "Orientation", l = {[0] = "Launch", "Compass"} }, -- 32 { t = "Roll Scale", l = 1 }, -- 33 { t = "Playback Log", l = config[34].l }, -- 34 - { t = "Greyscale Gfx", l = {[0] = "On", "Off"} }, -- 35 + { t = "Greyscale Gfx", l = {[0] = "On", "Off"} }, -- 35 } -- Import language changes From 0fd9a0157892b377ecce5ab3c6ef9d8b54572644 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: csurf Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2024 16:34:56 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Update config docs w/ new option --- docs/ | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ index 2151759..3afce7a 100644 --- a/docs/ +++ b/docs/ @@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ Note also that on some of the smaller B&W radios (Boxer, Zorro, TX12) with a rol * **GPS Warning** - GPS accuracy (HDOP) to trigger warning (default: > 3.5 HDOP [at least 1 bar]) * **GPS** - GPS coordinates as decimal or degrees/minutes format (default: Decimal) * **Playback Log** - Playback telemetry log files (latest 5 logs from the last 2 weeks) **[[help](../Configuration-Settings/#playback-telemetry-log-files)]** + * **Greyscale Gfx** - Turn on/off the use of greyscale display graphics (only for monochrome displays) ### Suggested Battery Settings #### Voltage and Current Calibration