This folder contains the helm charts which are used for the deployment of the R3 Corda Enterprise components. Each helm chart that you can use has the following keys and you need to set them. The global.cluster.provider
is used as a key for the various cloud features enabled. Also you only need to specify one cloud provider, not both if deploying to cloud. As of writing this doc, AWS is fully supported.
serviceAccountName: vault-auth
provider: aws # choose from: minikube | aws
cloudNativeServices: false # future: set to true to use Cloud Native Services
kubernetesUrl: "" # Provide the k8s URL, ignore if not using Hashicorp Vault
type: hashicorp # choose from hashicorp | kubernetes
network: corda # must be corda for these charts
# Following are necessary only when hashicorp vault is used.
address: http://vault.url:8200
authPath: supplychain
secretEngine: secretsv2
secretPrefix: "data/supplychain"
role: vault-role
- Kubernetes Cluster (either Managed cloud option like EKS or local like minikube)
- Accessible and unsealed Hahsicorp Vault (if using Vault)
- Configured Ambassador AES (if using Ambassador as proxy)
- Update the dependencies
helm dependency update enterprise-init helm dependency update cenm helm dependency update enterprise-node helm dependency update cenm-networkmap
helm install init ./enterprise-init --namespace supplychain-ent --create-namespace --values ./values/noproxy-and-novault/init.yaml
# Install cenm services : Zone, Auth, Gateway, Idman and Signer
helm install cenm ./cenm --namespace supplychain-ent --values ./values/noproxy-and-novault/cenm.yaml
# Install the inital set of notary nodes
helm install notary ./enterprise-node --namespace supplychain-ent --values ./values/noproxy-and-novault/notary.yaml
# Install cenm services : Networkmap service
helm install networkmap ./cenm-networkmap --namespace supplychain-ent --values ./values/noproxy-and-novault/cenm.yaml
# Install cenm services : Networkmap service
helm install node ./enterprise-node --namespace supplychain-ent --values ./values/noproxy-and-novault/node.yaml
# Run init for new namespace
helm install init ./enterprise-init --namespace manufacturer-ent --create-namespace --values ./values/noproxy-and-novault/init.yaml
# This step is an operator task, where the network operator provides the network-root-truststore.jks file and its passwords
mkdir -p ./enterprise-node/build
kubectl get secret -n supplychain-ent cenm-certs -o jsonpath="{\-root\-truststore\.jks}" | base64 --decode > ./enterprise-node/build/network-root-truststore.jks
kubectl create secret generic -n manufacturer-ent cenm-certs --from-file=network-root-truststore.jks=./enterprise-node/build/network-root-truststore.jks
# Update the ./values/noproxy-and-novault/node.yaml with the given truststore password at network.creds.truststore
# Install a Corda node
helm install manufacturer ./enterprise-node --namespace manufacturer-ent --values ./values/noproxy-and-novault/node.yaml
Replace the global.vault.address
, global.cluster.kubernetesUrl
and global.proxy.externalUrlSuffix
in all the files in ./values/proxy-and-vault/
folder. Also update the nodeConf.networkMapURL
and nodeConf.doormanURL
as per your global.proxy.externalUrlSuffix
of nms and doorman.
kubectl create namespace supplychain-ent # if the namespace does not exist already
# Create the roottoken secret
kubectl -n supplychain-ent create secret generic roottoken --from-literal=token=<VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN>
helm install init ./enterprise-init --namespace supplychain-ent --values ./values/proxy-and-vault/init.yaml
# Install cenm services
helm install cenm ./cenm --namespace supplychain-ent --values ./values/proxy-and-vault/cenm.yaml
# Install a notary service
helm install notary ./enterprise-node --namespace supplychain-ent --values ./values/proxy-and-vault/notary.yaml
# Install cenm services : Networkmap service
helm install networkmap ./cenm-networkmap --namespace supplychain-ent --values ./values/proxy-and-vault/cenm.yaml
kubectl create namespace manufacturer-ent # if the namespace does not exist already
# Create the roottoken secret
kubectl -n manufacturer-ent create secret generic roottoken --from-literal=token=<VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN>
# Run init for new namespace
helm install init ./enterprise-init --namespace manufacturer-ent --create-namespace --values ./values/proxy-and-vault/init.yaml
# This step is an operator task, where the network operator provides the network-root-truststore.jks file and its passwords
mkdir -p ./enterprise-node/build
mkdir -p ./enterprise-node/build/doorman
mkdir -p ./enterprise-node/build/nms
kubectl get secret -n supplychain-ent cenm-certs -o jsonpath="{\-root\-truststore\.jks}" | base64 --decode > ./enterprise-node/build/network-root-truststore.jks
kubectl get secret -n supplychain-ent doorman-tls-certs -o jsonpath="{.data.tls\.crt}" | base64 --decode > ./enterprise-node/build/doorman/tls.crt
kubectl get secret -n supplychain-ent nms-tls-certs -o jsonpath="{.data.tls\.crt}" | base64 --decode > ./enterprise-node/build/nms/tls.crt
kubectl create secret generic -n manufacturer-ent cenm-certs --from-file=network-root-truststore.jks=./enterprise-node/build/network-root-truststore.jks
kubectl create secret generic -n manufacturer-ent doorman-tls-certs --from-file=tls.crt=./enterprise-node/build/doorman/tls.crt
kubectl create secret generic -n manufacturer-ent nms-tls-certs --from-file=tls.crt=./enterprise-node/build/nms/tls.crt
# Update the ./values/proxy-and-vault/node.yaml with the given truststore password at network.creds.truststore
# Install a Corda node
helm install node ./enterprise-node --namespace manufacturer-ent --values ./values/proxy-and-vault/node.yaml
To clean up, just uninstall the helm releases.
helm uninstall --namespace supplychain-ent node
helm uninstall --namespace supplychain-ent notary
helm uninstall --namespace supplychain-ent cenm
helm uninstall --namespace supplychain-ent networkmap
helm uninstall --namespace supplychain-ent init
helm uninstall --namespace manufacturer-ent manufacturer
helm uninstall --namespace manufacturer-ent init
# Clean up the created namespaces to completly clean up the env.
kubectl delete ns supplychain-ent
kubectl delete ns maunfacturer-ent