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Types, Values, and Variables

The Puppet Programming Language is a dynamically typed language, which means that the type of values are not in general known until runtime (when the program logic is evaluated).

The Puppet Programming Language has a type system as well as operations on types.

The Kinds of Types and Values

There are two kinds of types in the Puppet Programming Language; Puppet Types, and the types of the underlying runtime "platform" language - the Platform Types.

Many of the types in the type system are Parameterized Types which means that a Base Type can be further specialized.

When describing types, the term assignability (in different forms) is used to describe the relationship between two types such that a type T is assignable from a type T2 if all possible values having type T2 are also values of type T. This can also be expressed as "a type T2 is assignable to a type T", or "T accepts T2" (as a short form of "A variable typed T accepts an assignment of a value of type T2"). As an example we can say; "The type ´Numeric´ is assignable from the type ´Integer´".

Platform Types

At present, the only existing implementation of the Puppet Language is written in Ruby, but there may be other implementations in the future. In general, the ability to refer to platform types is to allow configuration of a runtime, and handle references to concepts such as plugins. Regular Programs in the Puppet Programming Language do not make use of the platform types.

A Platform type is a Parameterized Type taking two parameters; the name of the type (currently only Ruby), and a reference to the type name in the platforms type system encoded as a Puppet String.

As an example, if there is a puppet extension written in Ruby with the name Puppetx::MyModule::MyClass, the platform type is Runtime['Ruby', 'Puppetx::MyModule::MyClass'].

The Undef Type

There is a special undefined/null/nil type - called Undef; the type of the expression undef.

A value of Undef type is assignable to any other optional type with the meaning it is allowed to have no value. This is achieved by using the type Optional[T] instead of just the type T, by using Any to accept anything, or using Data to accept a pre-defined set of data types (including Undef), or using a Variant where one of the accepted types accepts an Undef value.

The Default Type

The type of the expression default is Default. The Default type is used to signal special behavior for various expressions in the language.

Puppet Types

Puppet Types include the types that are meaningful in a Puppet Program - these are divided into the conceptual categories Data Types e.g.:

  • Integer
  • Float
  • Boolean
  • String
  • Array
  • Hash
  • Undef
  • URI
  • Binary

Scalar Types e.g.:

  • Integer
  • Float
  • Boolean
  • String
  • Regexp
  • SemVer
  • Timespan
  • Timestamp

Catalog Types e.g.:

  • Resource
  • Class

Abstract Types e.g.:

  • Any; the parent type of all types
  • CatalogEntry; the parent type of all types that are included in a Puppet Catalog
  • Collection; a parent type of Array and Hash
  • Data; a parent type of all data directly representable as JSON (alias for Variant[Undef, ScalarData, Array[Data], Hash[String, Data]])
  • Enum; an enumeration of strings
  • Iterator; a special kind of lazy Iterable suitable for chaining
  • NotUndef; a type that represents all types not assignable from the Undef type
  • Numeric; the parent type of all numeric data types (Integer, Float)
  • Optional; either Undef or a specific type
  • Pattern; an enumeration of regular expression patterns
  • RichData'; a parent type of all data types except the non serializeable types Callable, Iterator, Iterable, and Runtime
  • Scalar; the same as Variant[ScalarData, Regexp, SemVer, Timespan, Timestamp]
  • ScalarData; a parent type of all single valued data types that are directly representable in JSON (alias for Variant[Integer, Float, String, Boolean])
  • SemVerRange; a range of SemVer versions
  • Struct; a Hash where each entry is individually named and typed
  • Tuple; an Array where each slot is typed individually
  • Variant; one of a selection of types
  • Iterable; a type that represents all types that allow iteration

(The term abstract denotes that instances of such a type are always an instance of some other concrete type).

and Platform Types:

  • Callable; something that can be called (function, lambda)
  • Default; the "default value" type
  • Runtime; the type of runtime (non Puppet) types
  • Sensitive; a type that represents a data type that have "clear text" restrictions
  • Type; the type of types
  • Undef; the "no value" type
  • Deferred; a type describing a call to be resolved in the future

All types are organized into one Type System.

The conceptual categories shown above are for documentation purposes (e.g. there is no type in the type system called "DataType"), and to establish names for these categories that can be used when talking about types.

Optional Typing

Typing is optional. When something is not typed, it has the type Any.

Type Aliases

It is possible to create type aliases in the Puppet Programming Language. An aliased type is indistinguishable from the original type.

type MyInteger = Integer

Recursive Types

It is possible to create type aliases for recursive types. An alias definition may refer to itself.

type IntegerTree = Array[Variant[Integer, IntegerTree]]

For more details see the type alias expression.

The Type System

A type is denoted by an upper cased bare word; e.g. Integer (an integer value) optionally followed by one or more type parameters enclosed in square brackets [], e.g. Integer[1,10] (integer values 1 to 10 inclusive), or Array[String[1]] (an array of non empty strings). See the description of each type for the available type parameters.

The type hierarchy is shown in the figure below. (A single capital letter denotes a reference to a type, lower case type parameters have special processing rules as shown in section specific to each type). Note that a type supporting parameters also may be referenced without any parameters, in which case type specific rules apply. Also note that the same type may appear more than once in the hierarchy (e.g. a ScalarData is both Scalar and Data).

   |- Scalar
   |  |- ScalarData
   |  |  |- Numeric
   |  |  |  |- Integer[from, to]
   |  |  |  |  |- (Integer with range inside another Integer)
   |  |  |  |- Float[from, to]
   |  |  |  |  |- (Float with range inside another Float)
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- String[from, to]
   |  |  |  |- Enum[*strings]
   |  |  |  |  | - (narrower Enum - a subset of options)
   |  |  |  |- Pattern[*patterns]
   |  |  |  |  | - (Enum with all options matching pattern)
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- Boolean
   |  |
   |  |- Regexp[pattern_string]
   |  |- SemVer
   |  |- Timespan
   |  |- Timestamp
   |- SemVerRange
   |- Collection
   |  |- Array[T, from, to]
   |  |  |- Tuple[*types, from, to]
   |  |- Hash[K, V, from, to]
   |  |  |- Struct[{ key => T, ...}]
   |- Variant[*types]
   |- Optional[type]
   |- NotUndef[type]
   |- Iterator[type]
   |- Iterable[type]
   |  |- String
   |  |- Array[type]
   |  |- Hash[type]
   |  |- Type[Integer[from,to]]
   |  |- Type[Enum[*strings]]
   |  |- Iterator[type]
   |- CatalogEntry
   |  |- Resource[type_name, title]
   |  |- Class[class_name]
   |- Undef
   |- Data
   |  |- ScalarData
   |  |- Undef
   |  |- Array[Data]
   |  |- Hash[String, Data]
   |- RichData
   |  |- Default
   |  |- Object
   |  |- Scalar
   |  |- SemVerRange
   |  |- Sensitive
   |  |- Binary
   |  |- URI
   |  |- Type
   |  |- Undef
   |  |- Array[RichData]
   |  |- Hash[RichData, RichData]
   |  |- Deferred
   |- Callable[signature...]
   |- Default
   |- Object[specification...]
   |- Runtime[runtime_name, class_name]
   |- Sensitive[T]
   |- Type[T]
   |- TypeSet[specification...]
   |- Binary
   |- URI
   |- Deferred

In addition to these types, a Qualified Reference that does not represent any of the other types is an alias for Resource[the_qualified_reference] (e.g. File is shorthand notation for Resource[File] / Resource[file]).

The descriptions use Set Algebra Notation to describe properties / operations on types.

Runtime Types

An implementation of the Puppet Language is allowed to make efficient use of the underlying runtime and may choose to represent instances of puppet types using instances of types in the platform language's type system. In these cases, it is allowed to map these types directly to the puppet type system.

Ruby Object to Type Mapping

The Ruby implementation of the Puppet Programming Language uses the Ruby classes String, Integer (in some versions subclasses thereof, etc), Float, Hash, Array, Regexp, TrueClass, FalseClass, NilObj. Instances of these Ruby types are directly mapped to the corresponding puppet types (e.g. even if an instance of a puppet String is an instance of the Ruby class called String, it is not interpreted as Runtime['Ruby', 'String'].

The catalog types are mapped to their corresponding runtime implementation in Ruby.

Runtime['Ruby', T]

Represents a type in the platform's type system (currently only 'Ruby'). The type parameter T must be of String type and contain a valid string representation of the Ruby type. The referenced type does not have to exist; it is still a reference to a type (albeit a currently not existing type). The type must exist when operations are performed on the type (i.e. it must be loadable).

An Runtime['Ruby'] type without a type name represents all/any Ruby runtime types.


Represents the abstract type "any instance".

Type Algebra on Any

Any ∪ Any        → Any
Any ∪ (T != Any) → Any


Represents the notion of "missing value". Undef is the type of the expression undef.

Values of the Undef type can always undergo a widening reference conversion to any other type. The reverse is however not true; only the value undef has the type Undef.

In practice, to accept a typed value that may be Undef, an Optional[T], or Variant[Undef, T] must be used.

Type Algebra on Undef

Undef ∪ Undef          → Undef
Undef ∪ (T ∉ Undef)    → Any


Represents the abstract notion of "concrete JSON data". It is an alias for Variant[ScalarData, Array[Data], Hash[String, Data], Undef] Note that a hash element key must be String.

Type Algebra on Data

Data ∪ Data                 → Data
Data ∪ Numeric              → Data
Data ∪ String               → Data
Data ∪ Array[Data]          → Data
Data ∪ Hash[String, Data]   → Data
Data ∪ Undef                → Data
Data ∪ (T ∉ Data)           → Any


Represents the abstract notion of "serializeable" and includes all the types in the type system except Runtime, Callable, Iterator and Iterable. It is expressed as an alias o Variant[Default, Object, Scalar, SemVerRange, Type, Undef, Array[RichData], Hash[RichData, RichData]])


Represents a restricted set of "value" data types that have concrete direct representation in JSON. ScalarData is an alias for Variant[Integer, Float, String, Boolean].


Represents the abstract notion of "value", its subtypes are Numeric, String (including subtypes Pattern, and Enum), Boolean, Regexp, TimeStamp, TimeSpan, and SemVer.

Type Algebra on Scalar

Scalar ∪ Scalar          → Scalar
Scalar ∪ (T ∈ Scalar)    → Scalar
Scalar ∪ (T ∉ Scalar)    → Any


Represents the abstract notion of "number", its subtypes are Integer and Float.

Type Algebra on Numeric

Numeric ∪ Numeric          → Numeric
Numeric ∪ (T ∈ Numeric)    → Numeric
Numeric ∪ (T ∈ Scalar)     → Scalar
Numeric ∪ (T ∉ Scalar)     → Any

Since version 4.5.0

A new Integer or Float can be created from Integer, Float, Boolean and String values.

Callable[Variant[Numeric, Boolean, String]]
  • If the value has a decimal period, or if given in scientific notation (e/E), the result is a Float, otherwise the value is an Integer.
  • The conversion from String always uses a radix based on the prefix of the string.
  • Conversion from Boolean results in 0 for false and 1 for true.

Example Converting to Numeric

$a_number = Numeric(true)    # results in 1
$a_number = Numeric("0xFF")  # results in 255
$a_number = Numeric("010")   # results in 8
$a_number = Numeric("3.14")  # results in 3.14 (a float)

Integer ([from, to])

Represents a range of integral numeric value. The default is the range MIN INTEGER to MAX INTEGER.

An Integer value is a signed 64 bit integral value in the range MIN INTEGER=-2^63 and MAX INTEGER=2^63-1.

Note: while the Puppet runtime implemented in Ruby may make use of BigInt to represent values outside of this range, such values cannot correctly be represented in catalogs and Puppet db.

The Integer type can optionally be parameterized with from, to values to provide a range. The range must be ascending.

If from is unassigned, the default is MIN INTEGER, and if to is unassigned, the default is MAX INTEGER.

From the Puppet Language, the default values are set by using a literal default. If only one parameter is given, it is taken as both from and to, (thus producing a range of one value). The from and to are inclusive. It is not possible to create an empty range (such construct, if allowed would represent the set of all integers that are not integers, which would make it a paradox).


 Integer[0, default]   # All positive (or 0) integers
 Integer[1, default]   # All positive integers
 Integer[default, 0]   # All negative (or 0) integers
 Integer[default, -1]  # All negative integers

When performing tests in the Puppet Programming Language, a range inside of another is considered to be less than the wider range (i.e. a subset of). They are equal if, and only if the lower and upper bounds are equal.

 Integer[1,10] > Integer[2,3]   # => true
 Integer[1,10] == Integer[2,3]  # => false (they are not equal)
 Integer[1,10] > Integer[0,5]   # => false (overlap)
 Integer[1,10] > Integer[1,10]  # => false (not a subset, they are equal)
 Integer[1,10] >= Integer[1,10] # => true (they are equal)
 Integer[1,10] == Integer[1,10] # => true (they are equal)

Testing value against range:

 $value =~ Integer[1,10]

 $value ? { Integer[1,10] => true }

 case $value {
   Integer[1,10] : { true }

Iterating over an integer range:

 Integer[1,5].each |$x| { notice $x } # => notices 1,2,3,4,5

 Integer[0, default].each |$x| { notice $x } # error, unbound range (infinite)

Type Algebra on Integer

Integer ∪ Integer               → Integer
Integer ∪ Float                 → Numeric
Integer ∪ Numeric               → Numeric
Integer ∪ (T ∈ Scalar)          → Scalar
Integer ∪ (T ∉ Scalar)          → Any
Integer[a, b] ∪ Integer[c, d]   → Integer[min(a, c), max(b,d)]

Since version 4.5.0

A new Integer can be created from Integer, Float, Boolean, and String values. For conversion from String it is possible to specify the radix.

Radix Name Base Prefixes
binary 2 0b 0B
octal 8 0
decimal 10 no prefix
hexadecimal 16 0x 0X


type Radix = Variant[Default, Integer[2,2], Integer[8,8], Integer[10,10], Integer[16,16]]
type 'NamedArgs   = Struct[{from => Convertible, Optional[radix] => Radix}]'
Callable[Variant[String, Numeric, Boolean] Radix, 1, 2]
  • When converting from String the default radix is 10
  • If radix is not specified or set to default an attempt is made to detect the radix by matching the radix prefix against the start of the string. Strings without such a prefix are decimal.
  • Conversion from String accepts an optional sign in the string.
  • When radix is 2, 8, or 16, the conversion accepts an optional leading corresponding radix prefix.
  • Conversion from Boolean results in 0 for false and 1 for true.
  • Radix is only applicable to String conversion, and is ignored for all others.
  • Float value fractions are truncated (no rounding)

Example Converting to Integer

$a_number = Integer("0xFF", 16)  # results in 255
$a_number = Numeric("010")       # results in 8
$a_number = Numeric("010", 10)   # results in 10
$a_number = Integer(true)        # results in 1
$a_number = Numeric("0x10", 10)  # this is an error. Prefix and radix does not match.

Float ([from, to])

Represents a range of inexact real number values. The default is the range +/- Infinity.

A float is an inexact real number using the native architecture's double precision floating point representation. In contrast to Integer, operations on Float can cause the result to be negative or positive Infinity (i.e. it loses precision to the point where there is no value digits left). This is treated as an error in the Puppet Programming Language (it can be observed by dividing a floating point value with 0).

A Float range behaves as an Integer range and accepts both integer, and float values when specifying the range. It is however, not possible to iterate over a Float range.

You can learn more about floating point than you ever want to know from these articles:


Type Algebra on Float

Float ∪ Float               → Float
Float ∪ Integer             → Numeric
Float ∪ Numeric             → Numeric
Float ∪ (T ∈ Scalar)        → Scalar
Float ∪ (T ∉ Scalar)        → Any
Float[a, b] ∪ Float[c, d]   → Float[min(a, c), max(b,d)]

Since version 4.5.0

A new Float can be created from Integer, Float, Boolean, and String values. For conversion from String both float and integer formats are supported.

  • For an integer, the floating point fraction of .0 is added to the value.
  • A boolean true is converted to 1.0, and a false to 0.0
  • In String format, integer prefixes for hex and binary radix are understood (but not octal since floating point in string format may start with a '0').

Timespan ([from, to])

Since version 4.8.0

Represents a range of timespan values. The default is the range +/- Infinity.

A timespan is an duration, measured in seconds, with nanosecond precision.

A Timespan range behaves as an Integer range and accepts integer, float, or timespan values when specifying the range. It is however, not possible to iterate over a Timespan range.

Type Algebra on Timespan

Timespan ∪ Timespan            → Timespan
Timespan ∪ Numeric             → Scalar
Timespan ∪ (T ∈ Scalar)        → Scalar
Timespan ∪ (T ∉ Scalar)        → Any
Timespan[a, b] ∪ Timespan[c, d]   → Timespan[min(a, c), max(b,d)]

A new Timespan can be created from Integer, Float, String, and Hash values. Several variants of the constructor are provided.

Timespan from seconds

When a Float is used, the decimal part represents fractions of a second.

  Variant[Float, Integer] $value
Timespan from days, hours, mintues, seconds, and fractions of a second

The arguments can be passed separately in which case the first four; days, hours, minutes, and seconds are mandatory and the rest are optional. All values may overflow and/or be negative. The internal 128-bit nanosecond integer is calculated as:

(((((days * 24 + hours) * 60 + minutes) * 60 + seconds) * 1000 + milliseconds) * 1000 + microseconds) * 1000 + nanoseconds
  Integer $days, Integer $hours, Integer $minutes, Integer $seconds,
  Integer $milliseconds = 0, Integer $microseconds = 0, Integer $nanoseconds = 0

or, all arguments can be passed as a Hash, in which case all entries are optional:

    Optional[negative] => Boolean,
    Optional[days] => Integer,
    Optional[hours] => Integer,
    Optional[minutes] => Integer,
    Optional[seconds] => Integer,
    Optional[milliseconds] => Integer,
    Optional[microseconds] => Integer,
    Optional[nanoseconds] => Integer
  }] $hash
Timespan from String and format directive patterns

The first argument is parsed using the format optionally passed as a string or array of strings. When an array is used, an attempt will be made to parse the string using the first entry and then with each entry in succession until parsing succeeds. If the second argument is omitted, an array of default formats will be used.

It's an error if no format was able to parse the given string.

  String $string, Variant[String[2],Array[String[2]], 1] $format = <default format>)

the arguments may also be passed as a Hash:

    string => String[1],
    Optional[format] => Variant[String[2],Array[String[2]], 1]
  }] $hash

The directive consists of a percent (%) character, zero or more flags, optional minimum field width and a conversion specifier as follows:

Flag Meaning
- Don't pad numerical output
_ Use spaces for padding
0 Use zeros for padding
Format directives:
Format Meaning
D Number of Days
H Hour of the day, 24-hour clock
M Minute of the hour (00..59)
S Second of the minute (00..59)
L Millisecond of the second (000..999)
N Fractional seconds digits

The format directive that represents the highest magnitude in the format will be allowed to overflow. I.e. if no "%D" is used but a "%H" is present, then the hours may be more than 23.

The default array contains the following patterns:

['%D-%H:%M:%S.%-N', '%H:%M:%S.%-N', '%M:%S.%-N', '%S.%-N', '%D-%H:%M:%S', '%H:%M:%S', '%D-%H:%M', '%S']

Examples - Converting to Timespan

$duration = Timespan(13.5)       # 13 seconds and 500 milliseconds
$duration = Timespan({days=>4})  # 4 days
$duration = Timespan(4, 0, 0, 2) # 4 days and 2 seconds
$duration = Timespan('13:20')    # 13 hours and 20 minutes (using default pattern)
$duration = Timespan('10:03.5', '%M:%S.%L') # 10 minutes, 3 seconds, and 5 milliseconds
$duration = Timespan('10:03.5', '%M:%S.%N') # 10 minutes, 3 seconds, and 5 nanoseconds

Timestamp ([from, to])

Since version 4.8.0

Represents a range of timestamp values. The default is the range +/- Infinity.

A timestamp is an moment in time, measured in seconds since epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC), with nanosecond precision.

A Timestamp range behaves as an Integer range and accepts integer, float, or timestamp values when specifying the range. It is however, not possible to iterate over a Timestamp range.

Type Algebra on Timestamp

Timestamp ∪ Timestamp           → Timestamp
Timestamp ∪ Numeric             → Scalar
Timestamp ∪ (T ∈ Scalar)        → Scalar
Timestamp ∪ (T ∉ Scalar)        → Any
Timestamp[a, b] ∪ Timestamp[c, d]   → Timestamp[min(a, c), max(b,d)]

A new Timestamp can be created from Integer, Float, String, and Hash values. Several variants of the constructor are provided.

Timestamp from seconds since epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)

Without arguments, a Timestamp that represents the current time is created.


When a Float is used, the decimal part represents fractions of a second.

  Variant[Float, Integer] $value
Timestamp from String and patterns consisting of format directives

The first argument is parsed using the format optionally passed as a string or array of strings. When an array is used, an attempt will be made to parse the string using the first entry and then with each entry in succession until parsing succeeds. If the second argument is omitted, an array of default formats will be used.

It's an error if no format was able to parse the given string.

  String $string, Variant[String[2],Array[String[2]], 1] $format = <default format>)

the arguments may also be passed as a Hash:

    string => String[1],
    Optional[format] => Variant[String[2],Array[String[2]], 1]
  }] $hash

The directive consists of a percent (%) character, zero or more flags, optional minimum field width and a conversion specifier as follows:

Flag Meaning
- Don't pad numerical output
_ Use spaces for padding
0 Use zeros for padding
# Change names to upper-case or change case of am/pm
^ Use uppercase
: Use colons for %z
Format directives (names and padding can be altered using flags):

Date (Year, Month, Day):

Format Meaning
Y Year with century, zero-padded to at least 4 digits
C year / 100 (rounded down such as 20 in 2009)
y year % 100 (00..99)
m Month of the year, zero-padded (01..12)
B The full month name ("January")
b The abbreviated month name ("Jan")
h Equivalent to %b
d Day of the month, zero-padded (01..31)
e Day of the month, blank-padded ( 1..31)
j Day of the year (001..366)

Time (Hour, Minute, Second, Subsecond):

Format Meaning
H Hour of the day, 24-hour clock, zero-padded (00..23)
k Hour of the day, 24-hour clock, blank-padded ( 0..23)
I Hour of the day, 12-hour clock, zero-padded (01..12)
l Hour of the day, 12-hour clock, blank-padded ( 1..12)
P Meridian indicator, lowercase ("am" or "pm")
p Meridian indicator, uppercase ("AM" or "PM")
M Minute of the hour (00..59)
S Second of the minute (00..60)
L Millisecond of the second (000..999). Digits under millisecond are truncated to not produce 1000
N Fractional seconds digits, default is 9 digits (nanosecond). Digits under a specified width are truncated to avoid carry up

Time (Hour, Minute, Second, Subsecond):

Format Meaning
z Time zone as hour and minute offset from UTC (e.g. +0900)
:z hour and minute offset from UTC with a colon (e.g. +09:00)
::z hour, minute and second offset from UTC (e.g. +09:00:00)
Z Abbreviated time zone name or similar information. (OS dependent)


Format Meaning
A The full weekday name ("Sunday")
a The abbreviated name ("Sun")
u Day of the week (Monday is 1, 1..7)
w Day of the week (Sunday is 0, 0..6)

ISO 8601 week-based year and week number:

The first week of YYYY starts with a Monday and includes YYYY-01-04. The days in the year before the first week are in the last week of the previous year.

Format Meaning
G The week-based year
g The last 2 digits of the week-based year (00..99)
V Week number of the week-based year (01..53)

Week number:

The first week of YYYY that starts with a Sunday or Monday (according to %U or %W). The days in the year before the first week are in week 0.

Format Meaning
U Week number of the year. The week starts with Sunday. (00..53)
W Week number of the year. The week starts with Monday. (00..53)

Seconds since the Epoch:

| Format | Meaning | | s | Number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. |

Literal string:

Format Meaning
n Newline character (\n)
t Tab character (\t)
% Literal "%" character


Format Meaning
c date and time (%a %b %e %T %Y)
D Date (%m/%d/%y)
F The ISO 8601 date format (%Y-%m-%d)
v VMS date (%e-%^b-%4Y)
x Same as %D
X Same as %T
r 12-hour time (%I:%M:%S %p)
R 24-hour time (%H:%M)
T 24-hour time (%H:%M:%S)

The default array contains the following patterns:

['%FT%T.%L %Z', '%FT%T %Z', '%F %Z', '%FT%T.L', '%FT%T', '%F']

Examples - Converting to Timestamp

$ts = Timestamp(1473150899)                              # 2016-09-06 08:34:59 UTC
$ts = Timestamp({string=>'2015', format=>'%Y'})          # 2015-01-01 00:00:00.000 UTC
$ts = Timestamp('Wed Aug 24 12:13:14 2016', '%c')        # 2016-08-24 12:13:14 UTC
$ts = Timestamp('Wed Aug 24 12:13:14 2016 PDT', '%c %Z') # 2016-08-24 19:13:14.000 UTC

String([from, to])

Represents a sequence of Unicode characters up to a maximum length of 2^31-1 (the maximum non negative 32 bit value).

The String type represents all strings. Abstract subtypes of String (Enum, Pattern) describes subsets matching an enumeration of strings, or those that match an enumeration of patterns (regular expressions).

A String can be parameterized with a size constraint. One or two parameters can be used. When one parameter is used, it is either an integer value describing the minimum number of characters in the string, or it is an Integer range fully specifying the size range. When two parameters are used they represent the from and to values as described for the Integer range type.

'abc' =~ String[1]   # true, has more than one character
'abc' =~ String[1,2] # false, has more than two characters

$size = Integer[1,2]
'abc' =~ String[$size] # false, has more than 2 characters

Internally, when performing type inference, the String type is also parameterized to the set of strings it represents - this has very little practical consequence in a Puppet Programs except when the type system is used from Ruby logic.

Given the input:

 ['a', 'b', 'c']

The type is inferred to Array[String], internally the String type also holds the values ['a', 'b', 'c']]`. This allows type calculations to assert:

 ['a', 'b', 'c'] =~ Array[Pattern['a-z']]  # true

Type Algebra on String

The commonality of two strings is the union of the two strings. The notation String<a> is used to describe a String having the string content 'a'. This notation is used in this specification only, it can not be used in the Puppet Programming Language.

type_of([a,b,c])                 # => Array[String<a,b,c>]
String<a,b,c> == String<b,c,a>   # => true
typeof([String<a,b>, String<c>]) # => Array[Type[String<a,b,c>]]

String    ∪ String     → String
String<x> ∪ String<x>  → String<x>
String<x> ∪ String<y>  → String<x,y>
String    ∪ Enum       → String
String<x> ∪ Enum[x]    → String<x>
String    ∪ Pattern    → String
String ∪ (T ∈ Scalar)  → Scalar
String ∪ (T ∉ Scalar)  → Any

Since version 4.5.0

Conversion to String is the most comprehensive conversion as there are many use cases where a String representation is wanted. The defaults for the many options have been chosen with care to be the most basic "value in textual form" representation.

A new String can be created from all other data types. The process is performed in several steps - first the type of the given value is inferred, then the resulting type is used to find the most significant format specified for that type. And finally, the found format is used to convert the given value.

The mapping from type to format is referred to as the format map. This map allows different formatting depending on type.

Example: Positive Integers in Hexadecimal prefixed with '0x', negative in Decimal

$format_map = {
  Integer[default, -1] => "%d",
  Integer[0, default] => "%#x"
String("-1", $format_map)  # produces '-1'
String("10", $format_map)  # produces '0xa'

A format is specified on the form:


Width is the number of characters into which the value should be fitted. This allocated space is padded if value is shorter. By default it is space padded, and the flag 0 will cause padding with 0 for numerical formats.

Precision is the number of fractional digits to show for floating point, and the maximum characters included in a string format.

Note that all data type supports the formats s and p with the meaning "default string representation" and "default programmatic string representation" (as an example, a String is quoted in 'p' format).

Signatures of String conversion
type Format = Pattern[/^%([\s\+\-#0\[\{<\(\|]*)([1-9][0-9]*)?(?:\.([0-9]+))?([a-zA-Z])/]
type ContainerFormat = Struct[{
  format         => Optional[String],
  separator      => Optional[String],
  separator2     => Optional[String],
  string_formats => Hash[Type, Format]
type TypeMap = Hash[Type, Variant[Format, ContainerFormat]]
type Formats = Variant[Default, String[1], TypeMap]

Callable[Any, Formats]


  • separator is the string used to separate entries in an array, or hash (extra space should not be included at then end), defaults to ","
  • separator2 is the separator between key and value in a hash entry (space padding should be included as wanted), defaults to `" => ".
  • string_formats is a type to format map for values contained in arrays and hashes - defaults to {Any => "%p"}. Note that these nested formats are not applicable to containers which are always formatted as per the top level format specification.

Example Simple Conversion to String (using defaults)

$str = String(10)      # produces '10'
$str = String([10])    # produces '["10"]'

Example Simple Conversion to String specifying the format for the given value directly

$str = String(10, "%#x")    # produces '0x10'
$str = String([10], "%(a")  # produces '("10")'

Example Specifying type for values contained in an array

$formats = { Array => {format => '%(a', string_formats => { Integer => '%#x' } }
$str = String([1,2,3], $formats) # produces '(0x1, 0x2, 0x3)'

Given formats are merged with the default formats, and matching of values to convert against format is based on the specificity of the mapped type; for example, different formats can be used for short and long arrays.

Integer to String
Format Integer Formats
d Decimal, negative values produces leading '-'
x X Hexadecimal in lower or upper case. Uses ..f/..F for negative values unless + is also used. A # adds prefix 0x/0X.
o Octal. Uses ..0 for negative values unless ´+´ is also used. A # adds prefix 0.
b B Binary with prefix 'b' or 'B'. Uses ..1/..1 for negative values unless + is also used
c numeric value representing a Unicode value, result is a one unicode character string, quoted if alternative flag # is used
s same as d, or d in quotes if alternative flag # is used
p same as d
eEfgGaA converts integer to float and formats using the floating point rules

Defaults to d.

Note that the notation ..0, ..1, ..f, ..F indicates that value is truncated at the number of known value bits and that the actual leftmost bits depends on the physical representation (8, 16, 32, 64 bits). This because negative values are in 2's complement format and have the highest order bit set to 1. Use the + flag to instead output as negative value.

Float to String
Format Float formats
f floating point in non exponential notation
e E exponential notation with 'e' or 'E'
g G conditional exponential with 'e' or 'E' if exponent < -4 or >= the precision
a A hexadecimal exponential form, using 'x'/'X' as prefix and 'p'/'P' before exponent
s converted to string using format p, then applying string formatting rule, alternate form # quotes result
p f format with minimum significant number of fractional digits, prec has no effect
dxXobBc converts float to integer and formats using the integer rules

Defaults to p

Timespan to String
Format Timespan formats
s formats according to the timespan format string '%D-%H:%M:%S'
p programmatic representation - "Timespan()" where is the result of using '%s' within quotes
dxXobB converts timespan to integer representing seconds and formats using the integer rules
eEfgGaA converts timespan to float representing seconds and fractions of second and formats using the floating point rules

A Timespan can also be formatted using the Puppet function strftime() and the format directives listed under

Timestamp to String
Format Timestamp formats
s formats according to the timestamp format string '%FT%T.%L %Z'
p programmatic representation - "Timestamp()" where is the result of using '%s' within quotes
dxXobB converts timestamp to integer representing seconds since epoch and formats using the integer rules
eEfgGaA converts timestamp to float representing seconds since epoch and fractions of second and formats using the floating point rules

A Timestamp can also be formatted using the Puppet function strftime() and the format directives listed under

SemVer to String
Format SemVer formats
s <major>.<minor>.<patch>[-<prerelease>][+<build>]
p programmatic representation - "SemVer()" where is the result of using '%s' within quotes
SemVerRange to String
Format SemVerRange formats
s formatted according to semver range specification
p programmatic representation - "SemVerRange()" where is the result of using '%s' within quotes
String to String
Format String
s unquoted string, verbatim output of control chars
p programmatic representation - strings are quoted, interior quotes and control chars are escaped
C each :: name segment capitalized, quoted if alternative flag # is used
c capitalized string, quoted if alternative flag # is used
d downcased string, quoted if alternative flag # is used
u upcased string, quoted if alternative flag # is used
t trims leading and trailing whitespace from the string, quoted if alternative flag # is used

Defaults to s at top level and p inside array or hash.

Boolean to String
Format Boolean Formats
t T 'true'/'false' or 'True'/'False' , first char if alternate form is used (i.e. 't'/'f' or 'T'/'F').
y Y 'yes'/'no', 'Yes'/'No', 'y'/'n' or 'Y'/'N' if alternative flag # is used
dxXobB numeric value 0/1 in accordance with the given format which must be valid integer format
eEfgGaA numeric value 0.0/1.0 in accordance with the given float format and flags
s 'true' / 'false'
p 'true' / 'false'
Regexp to String
Format Regexp Formats (%/)
s / / delimiters, alternate flag replaces / delimiters with quotes
p / / delimiters
Undef to String
Format Undef formats
s empty string, or quoted empty string if alternative flag # is used
p 'undef', or quoted '"undef"' if alternative flag # is used
n 'nil', or 'null' if alternative flag # is used
dxXobB 'NaN'
eEfgGaA 'NaN'
v 'n/a'
V 'N/A'
u 'undef', or 'undefined' if alternative # flag is used
Default value to String
Format Default formats
d D 'default' or 'Default', alternative form # causes value to be quoted
s same as d
p same as d
Binary value to String
Format Default formats
s binary as unquoted UTF-8 characters (errors if byte sequence is invalid UTF-8). Alternate form escapes non ascii bytes.
p 'Binary("")'
b '' - base64 string with newlines inserted
B '' - base64 strict string (without newlines inserted). This is the default format for #to_s.
u '' - base64 urlsafe string
t 'Binary' - outputs the name of the type only
T 'BINARY' - output the name of the type in all caps only
  • The alternate form flag # will quote the binary or base64 text output.
  • The format %#s allows invalid UTF-8 characters and outputs all non ascii bytes as hex escaped characters on the form \xHH where H is a hex digit.
  • The width and precision values are applied to the text part only in %p format.
URI value to String
Format Default formats
s URI as a string
p 'URI()'
  • The alternate form flag # will quote the URI text output.
Array & Tuple to String
Format Array/Tuple Formats
a formats with [ ] delimiters and ,, alternate form # indents nested arrays/hashes
s same as a
p same as a

See "Flags" <[({\| for formatting of delimiters, and "Additional parameters for containers; Array and Hash" for more information about options.

The alternate form flag # will cause indentation of nested array or hash containers. If width is also set it is taken as the maximum allowed length of a sequence of elements (not including delimiters). If this max length is exceeded, each element will be indented.

Hash & Struct to String
Format Hash/Struct Formats
h formats with { } delimiters, , element separator and => inner element separator unless overridden by flags
s same as h
p same as h
a converts the hash to an array of [k,v] tuples and formats it using array rule(s)

See "Flags" <[({\| for formatting of delimiters, and "Additional parameters for containers; Array and Hash" for more information about options.

The alternate form flag # will format each hash key/value entry indented on a separate line.

Type to String
Format Array/Tuple Formats
s The same as p, quoted if alternative flag # is used
p Outputs the type in string form as specified by the Puppet Language
Flag Effect
(space) space instead of + for numeric output (- is shown), for containers skips delimiters
# alternate format; prefix 0x/0x, 0 (octal) and 0b/0B for binary, Floats force decimal '.'. For g/G keep trailing 0.
+ show sign +/- depending on value's sign, changes x,X, o,b, B format to not use 2's complement form
- left justify the value in the given width
0 pad with 0 instead of space for widths larger than value
<[({| defines an enclosing pair <> [] () {} or | | when used with a container type


Represents all strings that are equal to one of the string type parameters given to the Enum type.


 Enum['port', 'name', 'ip']

When matched against a String with a size constraint, all enumerated strings must comply with the size constraint.

An Enum without any given parameters matches all other Enum, and thus matches all possible Strings.

When iterated over, an enum will present each unique value in lexiographical order.

Type Algebra

The commonality of two Enum types is the set operation enum | enum.

 type_of([Enum[a,b,c], Enum[x,b,c]] # => Array[Type[Enum[a,b,c,x]]


Represents all strings that match any of the given patterns (typically one pattern is used). The type parameters can be a string expression, literal regular expressions, Pattern type, or Regexp type (or a mix).

A Pattern without regular expressions matches all other Patterns, and thus matches all Strings and all Enums.


 Pattern[/^all of me$/]

Type Algebra

The commonality of two Pattern types is the set operation pattern | pattern:

 type_of([Pattern[a], Pattern[b]]) # => Array[Type[Pattern[a,b]]]


Type parameter available since version 5.4.0

An unparameterized Boolean describes the boolean expressions true and false. A parameterized Boolean describes either true or false.

Examples checking if an expression is an instance of Boolean:

true =~ Boolean         # true
true =~ Boolean[true]   # true
true =~ Boolean[false]  # false

false =~ Boolean         # true
false =~ Boolean[true]   # false
false =~ Boolean[false]  # true

Examples checking assignability between Boolean types:

Boolean == Boolean[true]         # false
Boolean[false] == Boolean[true]  # false
Boolean > Boolean[true]          # true
Boolean > Boolean[false]         # true

Since version 4.5.0

Accepts a single value as argument:

  • Float 0.0 is false, all other float values are true
  • Integer 0 is false, all other integer values are true
  • Strings
    • true if string is one of 'true', 'yes', or 'y' (case independent compare)
    • false if string is one of 'false', 'no', or 'n' (case independent compare)
  • Boolean is already boolean and is simply returned

Examples of converting to Boolean:

$b2 = Boolean('true')  # true
$b2 = Boolean('false') # false
$b1 = Boolean('YEs')   # true
$b1 = Boolean(0)       # false


An unparameterized Regexp describes the set of all regular expressions. A parameterized Regexp describe the very narrow set of source expression identical regular expressions.

The type of a Regular Expression produced by a Literal Regular Expression:

   : '/' RegexpString '/'

A Regexp Type is created by:

   : 'Regexp' ('[' PatternStringExpression | LiteralRegularExpression ']')?

 PatternStringExpression<String> : Expression ;

See also Match Expression (=~ and !~) for more usage of the Regexp type.

The syntax of the Regular Expression is defined by Ruby's implementation. Puppet's regular expressions does not support options. If an attempt is made to specify options, this will result in an error (e.g. /.*/m).

The result of Regexp[pattern] is a parameterized Regexp type that in certain operations can be used instead of a literal regular expression.

If a non parameterized Regexp is used where a pattern is required, the pattern defaults to the empty pattern //.

The Puppet Programming Language may be given control over options and support \A and \Z in the future as it is unclear why this is not already supported. (The omission of these features makes it difficult to work with multi line strings and regular expression matching).

Type Algebra on Regexp

Regexp       ∪  Regexp         → Regexp
Regexp[R]    ∪  Regexp[R]      → Regexp[R]
Regexp[R]    ∪  Regexp[Q]      → Regexp
Regexp[?]    ∪  (T ∈ Scalar)   → Scalar
Regexp[?]    ∪  (T ∉ Scalar)   → Any


Since Version 4.5.0

Represents all Semantic Versions which can be narrowed to a single specific semantic version, or to a disjunct set of version ranges.

An instance of this type describes a single version.

The SemVer type is accompanied by the SemVerRange type which as a type represents all ranges and which's instances represent a contiguous version range.

A SemVer type may be parameterized with one or more of:

  • SemVer instances
  • Strings representing single versions or ranges of versions
  • SemVerRange instances representing a contiguous version range

An instance of SemVer can be created from a String, individual values, or a hash of individual values.

A SemVer instance consists of up to 5 segments:

  • major version
  • minor version
  • patch (version)
  • prerelease tag
  • build tag


$t = SemVer[SemVerRange('>=1.0.0 <2.0.0'), SemVerRange('>=3.0.0 <4.0.0')]
notice(SemVer('1.2.3') =~ $t) # true
notice(SemVer('2.3.4') =~ $t) # false
notice(SemVer('3.4.5') =~ $t) # true

SemVer Type Algebra

  • When type is inferred, adjacent and overlapping version ranges will be merged.
  • When a parameterized SemVer is created, adjacent and overlapping version ranges will be normalized (merged)
  • A SemVer instance matches a SemVerType if it is enclosed in one of the types ranges


type PositiveInteger = Integer[0,default]
type SemVerQualifier = Pattern[/\A(?<part>[0-9A-Za-z-]+)(?:\.\g<part>)*\Z/]
type SemVerString = String[1]
type SemVerHash =Struct[{
  major                =>PositiveInteger,
  minor                =>PositiveInteger,
  patch                =>PositiveInteger,
  Optional[prerelease] =>SemVerQualifier,
  Optional[build]      =>SemVerQualifier

function $str)
        PositiveInteger           $major
        PositiveInteger           $minor
        PositiveInteger           $patch
        Optional[SemVerQualifier] $prerelease = undef
        Optional[SemVerQualifier] $build = undef
function $hash_args)


A SemVerRange represents all Semantic Version Ranges. New ranges an be constructed using

The string format of a SemVerRang is specified by the SemVer Range Grammar. The logical or || operator is not supported in the Puppet Type System SemVerRange type.

SemVerRange Type Algebra

  • A SemVerRange type matches all instances of SemVerRange
  • SemVerRange < Any


type SemVerRangeString = String[1]
type SemVerRangeHash = Struct[{
  min                   => Variant[default, SemVer],
  Optional[max]         => Variant[default, SemVer],
  Optional[exclude_max] => Boolean

function SemVerRangeString $semver_range_string)

           Variant[default,SemVer] $min
           Variant[default,SemVer] $max
           Optional[Boolean]       $exclude_max = undef

function $semver_range_hash)


A Binary object represents a sequence of bytes and it can be created from a String in Base64 format, a verbatim String, or an Array containing byte values. A Binary can also be created from a Hash containing the value to convert to a Binary.

Binary Type Algebra

  • A Binary can only be assigned a Binary value
  • A Binary has no type parameters

The signatures are:

type ByteInteger = Integer[0,255]
type Base64Format = Enum["%b", "%u", "%B", "%s"]
type StringHash = Struct[{value => String, "format" => Optional[Base64Format]}]
type ArrayHash = Struct[{value => Array[ByteInteger]}]
type BinaryArgsHash = Variant[StringHash, ArrayHash]

  String $base64_str,
  Optional[Base64Format] $format

  Array[ByteInteger] $byte_array

 # Same as for String, or for Array, but where arguments are given in a Hash.
 function $hash_args)

The formats have the following meaning:

format explanation
b The data is in base64 encoding, padding as required by base64 strict is added by default
u The data is in URL safe base64 encoding
B The data is in base64 strict encoding
s The data is a puppet string. The string must be valid UTF-8, or convertible to UTF-8 or an error is raised.
r (Ruby Raw) the byte sequence in the given string is used verbatim irrespective of possible encoding errors
  • The default format is %B.
  • Note that the format %r should be used sparingly, or not at all. It exists for backwards compatibility reasons when someone receiving a string from some function and that string should be treated as Binary. Such code should be changed to return a Binary instead of a String. This format will be deprecated in a future version of the specification when enough time has been given to migrate existing use of Ruby "binary strings" or Ruby strings that lie about their encoding.

Examples: Creating a Binary

# create the binary content "abc" from base64 encoded string
$a = Binary('YWJj')

# create the binary content from content in a module's file
$b = binary_file('mymodule/mypicture.jpg')


URI represents a Uniform Resource Identifier as described by RFC-2396. The optional type parameter V is either a String that represents a valid URI where all parts are optional, or a Hash with constraints for individual parts of the URI.

The valid part names of the URI, and the V type parameter are scheme, userinfo, host, port, path, query, fragment and opaque. An URI is either hierarchical or opaque and the opaque part is therefore mutually exclusive to all other parts except scheme. The following diagram shows how the parts are mapped:

Hierarchical URI:

  abc://username:[email protected]:123/path/data?key=value&key2=value2#fragid1
  └┬┘   └───────┬───────┘ └────┬────┘ └┬┘└────┬───┘ └─────────┬─────────┘ └──┬──┘
scheme      userinfo         host    port   path            query         fragment

Opaque URI:

  └┬┘ └──────────────┬───────────────┘
scheme             opaque

The type can be constrained to match instances on a fine grained level using the Hash where each entry except the port can be constrained using:

  • A String that represents an exact match.
  • A Regexp that represents an pattern match
  • A Type[Pattern] that may contain one or more regexps
  • A Type[Enum] where at least one of the included strings must match
  • A Type[NotUndef] representing that the entry must be present
  • An undef or Type[Undef] representing that the entry must not be present

The port entry can be constrained using:

  • A Type[Integer] that represents the range of valid port numbers
  • A Type[NotUndef] representing that the entry must be present
  • An undef or Type[Undef] representing that the entry must not be present

When V is a string, it will be parsed into a Hash where each contained part will be a String except port which will be an Integer.

Using an URI instance

An URI instance can be created from a String using valid syntax or a Hash using the valid part names.

Individual parts of an URI are available as instance attributes and an URI can be merged with another URI or a String using the + operator.


Creating a URI from a string

$u = URI('')

Creating a URI from a hash

$u = URI(scheme => 'http', host => '', path => '/a/b')

Accessing parts as instance attributes:

$u = URI('http://bob:[email protected]:23/a/b?x=2#frag')
notice($u.scheme)   # will notice the string 'http'
notice($u.userinfo) # will notice the string 'bob:pwd'
notice($     # will notice the string ''
notice($u.port)     # will notice the string '23' (from integer value)
notice($u.path)     # will notice the string '/a/b'
notice($u.query)    # will notice the string 'x=2'
notice($u.fragment) # will notice the string 'frag'

$o = URI('urn:a:b:c')
notice($o.scheme)   # will notice the string 'urn'
notice($o.opaque)   # will notice the string 'a:b:c'

Merging URIs:

$d = URI('')
$ap = URI('/c/d')
notice($d + $ap) # notices ''

$rp = URI('c/d')
notice($d + $rp) # notices ''

$f = URI('')
notice($f + $rp) # notices ''

Restricting URIs using type parameter constraints

Allow any http/https URI without query or fragments:

$t = URI[scheme => Enum[http,https,true], query => Undef, fragment => Undef]
URI('') =~ $t     # true
URI('') =~ $t # false
URI('') =~ $t # false

Require that the URI includes host and path:

$t = URI[host => NotUndef, path => NotUndef]
URI('') =~ $t # true
URI('') =~ $t     # false
URI('file:///etc/passwd') =~ $t     # false

Require that the URI has an absolute path:

$t = URI[path => /^\//]
URI('/a/b') =~ $t            # true
URI('a/b') =~ $t             # false

or conversely, require it to be relative:

URI[path => /^[^/]/]
URI('') =~ $t   # false
URI('a/b') =~ $t                      # true

Array[V, from, to]

Array represents an ordered collection of elements of type V, optionally constrained in size by the integer range parameters from and to.

The first index in an array instance is a non negative integer and starts with 0. (Operations in the Puppet Language allows negative values to be used to perform different calculations w.r.t index). See Array [] operation (TODO: REFERENCE TO THIS EXPRESSION SPEC).

The type of V is unrestricted.

When used without parameters, the default is Array[Any].

An empty array is denoted with Array[0, 0]. It is illegal to specify the element type for an empty array. An empty array is accepted by any typed arraay that allows from to be 0.

Type Algebra on Array

Array        ∪  Array         → Array
Array[R]     ∪  Array[R]      → Array[R]
Array[R]     ∪  Array[Q]      → Array[R ∪ Q]
Array[R,a,b] ∪  Array[Q,c,d]  → Array[R ∪ Q, min(a,c), max(b,d)]
Array[?]     ∪  Hash[?,?]     → Collection

Since version 4.5.0

When given a single value as argument:

  • A non empty Hash is converted to an array matching Array[Tuple[Any,Any], 1]
  • An empty Hash becomes an empty array
  • An Array is simply returned
  • An Iterable[T] is turned into an array of T instances

When given a second Boolean argument

  • if true, a value that is not already an array is returned as a one element array
  • if false, (the default), converts the first argument as shown above.

Example ensuring value is array

$arr = Array($value, true)

Hash[K, V, from, to]

Hash represents an ordered collection of associations between a key (of K type), and a value (of V type), optionally constrained in size by the integer range parameters from and to.

The types of K and V are unrestricted.

While the key is generally not restricted, it is recommended that Undef is not accepted as a key (not accepting Undef is the default for hashes that conforms to the Data type).

The hash maintains the order of the entries so that iteration over the hash yields the entries in the order they were inserted. When hashes are merged (using the + operator), the order of the keys in the constructed hash have the same order as the LHS side keys, and the RHS keys not present in the LHS are inserted at the end of the resulting hash in their RHS order.

  • An unparameterized Hash is the same as Hash[Any, Any]
  • An empty hash is denoted with Hash[0, 0].
  • It is illegal to specify the key and/or element type for an empty hash.
  • An empty hash is accepted by any typed hash that allows from to be 0.

Type Algebra on Hash

Hash          ∪  Hash               → Hash
Hash[K,V]     ∪  Hash[Q,W]          → Hash[K ∪ Q, V ∪ W]
Hash[K,V,a,b] ∪  Hash[Q,W,c,d]      → Hash[K ∪ Q, V ∪ W, min(a,c), max(b,d)]
Hash[?]       ∪  (T ∈ Collection)   → Collection
Hash[?]       ∪  (T ∉ Collection)   → Any

Since version 4.5.0

Accepts a single value as argument:

  • An empty Array becomes an empty Hash
  • An Array matching Array[Tuple[Any,Any], 1] is converted to a hash where each tuple describes a key/value entry
  • An Array with an even number of entries is interpreted as [key1, val1, key2, val2, ...]
  • An Iterable is turned into an Array and then converted to Hash as per the array rules
  • A Hash is simply returned

Struct Type

The Struct type fully specifies the content of a Hash. The type is parameterized with a hash where each key must be a type from which a non empty string can be derived, and the values must be types.

Each key should be either a literal key, NotUndef[key] or Optional[key].

A key in the form of a string literal will be converted into its corresponding String type. It becomes Optional[key] if the value type is assignable from Undef. This means that by default, keys are optional if their values are. An explicit NotUndef or Optional wrapper can be added to make the key behavior explicit.

When a Struct has a NotUndef key it will only accept a hash where this key is included. This applies even if the value type is optional (assignable from Undef). Conversely, if it has an Optional key it will accept a hash where the key is excluded even if the value type doesn't accept undef.

Example 1. The hash must contain the keys mode and path, and mode must have a value that is one of the strings "read", "write", or "update", and the key path must have a String value that is at least 1 character in length.

Struct[{mode=>Enum[read, write, update], path=>String[1]}]

Example 2. The key defaults to Optional[article] since undef is an instance of Data. An empty hash is hence an instance of this Struct.


Example 3. The key defaults to NotUndef[article] so a matching entry must be present in the hash and its value cannot be undef.


Example 4. The 'article' entry must be present in the hash but the value can be undef since it is an instance of Data.


Example 5. The 'article' entry is optional but when present its value cannot be undef.


A Struct type is compatible with a Hash type both ways, given that the constraints they express are met. A Struct is a Collection, but its size is controlled by the specified named entries such that the from size is determined by the number of required keys and the to size corresponds to the total number of entries.

A hash that has keys not specified in the Struct will not match.

An unparameterized Struct matches all structs and all hashes.

Type Algebra on Struct

Struct               ∪  Struct             → Struct
Struct[T]            ∪  Struct[T]          → Struct[x]
Struct[T]            ∪  Struct[S (S ∉ T)]  → Struct
Struct[{s => T}]     ∪  Hash[K,V]          → Hash[String ∪ K, T ∪ V]
Struct[?]            ∪  (T ∈ Collection)   → Collection
Struct[?]            ∪  (T ∉ Collection)   → Any

Since version 4.5.0 works exactly as, only that the constructed hash is asserted against the given struct type.

Tuple Type

The Tuple type fully specifies the content of an Array. It is to Array what Struct is to Hash, with entries identified by their position instead of by name. A variable number of optional and trailing entries can also be specified.

Tuple[T1, T2]                   # A tuple of exactly T1 and T2
Tuple[T1, T2, 1]                # A tuple with a variable number of T2 (>= 0)
Tuple[T1, T2, 1, 3]             # A tuple with a variable number of T2 (0-3 inclusive)
Tuple[T1, 5, 5]                 # A tuple with exactly 5 T1
Tuple[T1, 5, 10]                # A tuple 5 to 10 T1
Tuple[T1, T1, T2, 1, 3]         # A tuple of one T1, two T1, or two T1 followed by one T2

All entries in the Tuple (except the optional size constraint min/max count) must be a type and denotes that there must be an occurrence of this type at this position. The tuple can be modified such that the min and max occurrences of the given types in the type sequence can be specified. The specification is made with one or two integer values or the keyword default. The min/max works the same way as for an Integer range. This way, if optional entries are wanted in the tuple the min is set to a value lower than the number of given types, and if the last type should repeat the max is given as a value higher than the number of given types. As an example, a size constraint entered as Tuple[T, 0, 1] means T occurs 0 or 1 time. If the max is unspecified, it defaults to infinity (which may also be spelled out with the keyword default).

 ["a", 1]     =~ Tuple[String, Integer]      # true
 ["a", 1,2,3] =~ Tuple[String, Integer, 1]   # true
 ["a", 1,2,3] =~ Tuple[String, Integer, 0]   # true
 ["a", 1,2,3] =~ Tuple[String, Integer, 0,2] # false
 ["a", 1,2,3] =~ Tuple[String, Integer, 4]   # true
 ["a", 1,2,3] =~ Tuple[String, Integer, 5]   # false

The Tuple type is a subtype of Collection. Its size is specified by the given sequence and the size constraint (which defaults to exactly the given sequence).

Type Algebra on Tuple

Array[T] == Tuple[T,0,default]

Tuple           ∪  Tuple           → Tuple
Tuple[R, ...]   ∪  Tuple[S, ...]   → Tuple[R ∪ S, ...]

Since version 4.5.0

Conversion to a Tuple works exactly as conversion to an Array (, only that the constructed array is asserted against the given tuple type.

Collection[to, from]

A Collection is the common type for Array and Hash (and subtypes Tuple and Struct), it may optionally be parameterized with a size constraint (from a min size to a max size). The to and from parameters are the same as for an Integer range. The size constraint can also be specified with a single Integer range parameter.

Type Algebra on Collection

Collection  ∪  Collection    → Collection
Collection  ∪  Array         → Collection
Collection  ∪  Hash          → Collection

[1,2,3]      =~ Collection[1,3]  # true, size >= 1 and <= 3
{a=>1, b=>2} =~ Collection[3]    # false, size is < 3


A Variant type represents a disjunct set of types. (Other terms used for this in other languages are Discrimination Union, Disjoint Union, Variant Record, Tagged Union).


$array_of_numbers =~ Array[Variant[Integer[1000, 1999], Integer[10000, default]]]

which is true if all the numbers in an array of numbers are between 1000 and 1999 or >= 10000

Type Algebra on Variant

Variant         ∪  Variant          → Variant
Variant[*T]     ∪  Variant[*Q]      → Variant[*T | *Q]
Variant[*T]     ∪  Q                → Variant[*T | Q]

Variant[Optional[T]] == Variant[T, Undef] == Optional[Variant[T]] == Optional[T]


The Optional type is parameterized with a single type. It represents the given type or Undef. An unparameterized Optional represents nothing.

The parameter can be a literal string in which case it is converted into its corresponding String type.

Type Algebra on Optional

Optional[T]  ∪  T            → T
Optional[T]  ∪  Undef        → Optional[T]
Optional[T]  ∪  Optional[R]  → Optional[T ∪ R]


Since version 4.5.0

Calling new on an Optional[T] is the same as calling new on T and then asserting that the result is T or undef.


The NotUndef type is parameterized with a single type. It represents all types assignable to the given type except those that are assignable from the Undef type. An unparameterized NotUndef is the same as NotUndef[Any].

The parameter can be a literal string in which case it is converted into its corresponding String type.

Type Algebra on NotUndef

NotUndef[T]  ∪  T            → NotUndef[T]
NotUndef[T]  ∪  Undef        → Variant[]
NotUndef[T]  ∪  NotUndef[R]  → NotUndef[T ∪ R]


Since version 4.5.0

Calling new on a NotUndef[T] is the same as calling new on T and then asserting that the result is not undef.


Since version 4.4.0.

The Iterable type represents all data types that can be iterated; i.e. that the value is some kind of container of individual values. The Iterable type is abstract in that it does not specify if it represents a concrete data type (such as Array) that has storage in memory, of if it is an algorithmic construct like a transformation function (e.g the step() function).

The Iterable type is of value when writing generic iterative functions. In the implementation of such functions it is almost always the type parameter T that is of interest, and often not even that, as the operation may be some shuffling around of abstract things that the function does not really care about. It is seldom the case that it matters if the source is an Array, a Hash, or some algorithmic transformation.

The Iterable types are:

  • String => Iterable[String]; where each character in the string is produced as a string.
  • Array[T] => Iterable[T]; where each element from index 0, to index n is produced
  • Hash[K,V] => Iterable[Tuple[K,V]]; - where each hash entry (key, value), in the order they were added to the hash, are produced. It is up to the iterative function to treat the values as a singe tuple, or as two separate values when yielding them to the next function in a chain of iterables.
  • Integer[n,n] => Iterable[Integer[0,n-1]]; represents a "times" iteration from 0 up to n - 1.
  • Type[Integer[from, to]] => Iterable[Integer[from, to]; represents the range of values from -> to, yielding each value in the range.
  • Type[Enum[*strings]] => Iterable[Enum[*strings]]; yields each of the enum strings in the order they were specified in the Enum type.
  • Iterator[T] => Iterable[T]; represents an algorithmic transformation of some source and yields a series of type T values.

For a value to be considered Iterable it must represent a bounded sequence of values. As an example Integer[1,default] represents all numbers from 1 to positive infinity and it can not be iterated.


Since version 4.4.0.

The Iterator type is an Iterable that does not have a concrete backing data type holding a copy of the values it will produce when iterated over. It represents an algorithmic transformation of some source (which in turn can be algorithmic). When iterated it will produce values of type T.

An Iterator may not be assigned to an attribute of a resource, and it may not be used as an argument to a version 3.x functions. To create a concrete value an Iterator must be "rolled out" by using a function at the end of a chain that produces a concrete value.

Example 1; step() in combination with reverse_each(), and a map()

$array_of_numbers = [1, 2, 3]
$result = $array_of_numbers.reverse_each.step(2).map |$x| { $x * 100 }

Given Example 1, the value of $result would be [300, 200, 100].

Note that, in each connection in the chain, there may either be a concrete value, the reverse_each could construct a new Array with the elements in reverse order, or it can produce an Iterator, that when a new value is pulled from the end of the chain (in the example by map()) will calculate which of the values is the next in reverse order, and produce that without requiring an intermediate Array to hold the values. View a chain of iterative functions like a pipe-line where values flow through the pipe. Contrast this with transport by tank truck where not a single drop will appear until the truck arrives with the full load.

An Iterator can be transformed to an Array by using the unary Unfold Operator (a.k.a splat).

$a = *[1,2,3].reverse_each
notice $a =~ Array

Will notice true.

Catalog Entry

Represents the abstract notion of "something that is an entry in a puppet catalog". Its subtypes are Resource, and Class.

Stage may get its own type in a future specification.

Resource[type_name, *title]

Represents a Puppet Resource (a resource managed by Puppet).

The Resource type is parameterized by type_name, and optionally title(s).

  • The type_name parameter can be an Expression evaluating to a Resource type, or a String containing the name of the resource type (case insensitive).

  • The title type parameter is optional and multi valued. Each title is an Expression evaluating to a String representing the title of a resource.

  • If no title is given, the result is a reference to the type itself; e.g. Resource[File], Resource['file'], Resource[file] are all references to the puppet resource type called "File".

  • When a single title is given, the result is a reference to the singleton instance of the resource uniquely identified by the title string.

  • When multiple titles are given, the result is an Array[Resource[T]]; e.g. Resource[File, 'a', 'b'] produces the array [Resource[File, 'a'], Resource[File, 'b']].

Shorthand Notation

Any Qualified Reference that does not reference a known type is interpreted as a reference to a Resource type. Thus Resource[File] and File are equivalent references.

The shorthand notated resource types supports type parameterization with title(s). These are equivalent: Resource[File, 'a', 'b'], File['a', 'b'], they both produce an equivalent array of two references - File['a'] and File['b'].

Type Algebra on Resource

Resource <= Resource[RT] <= Resource[RT, T]
Resource[RT1]   != Resource[RT2]
Resource[RT, T] != Resource[RT, T2]
Resource[RT]    == RT
Resource[RT, T] == RT[T]

Resource        ∪  Resource            → Resource
Resource[RT]    ∪  Resource[RT]        → Resource[RT]
Resource[RT1]   ∪  Resource[RT2]       → Resource
Resource[RT,T]  ∪  Resource[RT, T]     → Resource[RT, T]
Resource[RT,T1] ∪  Resource[RT, T2]    → Resource[RT]
Resource[?]     ∪  (T ∈ CatalogEntry)  → CatalogEntry
Resource[?]     ∪  (T ∉ CatalogEntry)  → Any


Represents a Puppet (Host) Class. The Class type is parameterized with the name of the class (String, or Qualified Name).

If multiple class names are given, an Array of parameterized Class types is produced.

In 3x it is allowed to also use an upper case Resource reference e.g. Class[Baz]. This is currently supported in the new implementation. It should not if names are strict as this really means Class[Resource[Baz]]. Discuss if this support should be removed.

Class Inheritance

The type system does not treat (Host) Class inheritance as subtyping.

The reason for this is that if the type system were to do this, then classes need to be loaded in order for type operations to correctly answer if a class inherits another. There is a suspicion that this may affect the result (logic may reference a class that should not be loaded because it is used as a condition to load classes that are not present. Loading a class may also have other side effects as it is not a pure load operation).

Further work is needed to make a final decision. If the decision is made to keep it the way it is currently implemented, the user logic will need to check twice, or with a Variant (is it the subclass or the superclass); this since Puppet only supports one level deep inheritance.

Type Algebra on Class

Class > Class[c]
Class       ∪  Class               → Class
Class[c]    ∪  Class[c]            → Class[c]
Class[c1]   ∪  Class[c2]           → Class
Class[?]    ∪  (T ∈ CatalogEntry)  → CatalogEntry
Class[?]    ∪  (T ∉ CatalogEntry)  → Any


Type is the type of types. It is parameterized by the type e.g the type of String is Type[String]. Consequently, the type of Type[String] is Type[Type[String]], and so on until infinity.

Type Algebra on Type

Type        ∪  Type                → Type
Type        ∪  Type[T]             → Type
Type[T]     ∪  Type[T]             → Type[T]
Type[?]     ∪  (T ∉ Type)          → Any


Callable is the type of callable elements; functions and lambdas. The Callable type will typically not be used literally in the Puppet Language until there is support for functions written in the Puppet Language. Callable is of importance for those who write functions in Ruby and want to type check lambdas that are given as arguments to functions in Ruby. They are also important in error messages when communicating why a given set of arguments do not match a signature.

The signature of a Callable denotes the type and multiplicity of the arguments it accepts and consists of a sequence of parameters; a list of types, where the three last entries may optionally be min count, max count, and a Callable (which is taken as its block_type).

Since Puppet 4.7.0 a Callable can optionally describe a return type. When return type is something other than Any, the signature consists of an array of parameters, followed by the return type such that Callable[[Integer, 2, 2], Float] is a callable that takes two Integer parameters, and produces/returns a Float.

  • If neither min or max are specified the parameters must match exactly.
  • A min < size(params) means that the difference is optional.
  • If max > size(params) means that the last type repeats until the given max cap number of arguments
  • if max is literal default, the max value is unbound (+Infinity).
  • If no types and no min/max are given, the Callable describes any callable i.e. Callable[0, default] (i.e. no type constraint, and any number of parameters).
  • Callable[0,0] is a callable that does not accept parameters
  • If no types are given, and the min/max count is not [0,0], then the callable describes only the untyped arity and it places no constraints on the parameter types, e.g. Callable[2,2] means callable with 2 parameters.

Type Algebra on Callable

Callable type algebra is different from other types as it seems to work in reverse. This is because its purpose is to describe the callability of the instance, not its essence (even if the type serves dual purpose by simply reversing the comparison). (This is known as Contravariance in computer science). As an example, a lambda that is Callable[Numeric] can be called with one argument being a Numeric, Float, or an Integer, but not with a Scalar, or Any. Thus, while it seems intuitive that a Callable[Integer] should be assignable to a Callable[Any] (since Any is a wider type), this is not true because it cannot be called with an Any. The reason for checking the type of a callable is to detect if it can be called a certain way - thus assignable?(Callable[Any], Callable[Integer]) really is a declaration that there is an intent to call the callable with one Any argument (which it does not accept).

This also means that generality works the opposite way; Callable[String] ∪ Callable[Scalar] yields Callable[String] - since both can be called with a String, but not with any Scalar.

Internally the Callable is represented by a Tuple, and an optional Callable (block). Type algebra is performed on these individually. Since Puppet 4.7.0, the calculation also involves the return type.

Callable         ∪  Callable                         → Callable[0,default]
Callable[?]      ∪  T (T ∉ Callable)                 → Any
Callable[D]      ∪  Callable[E (E == D)]             → Callable[D]
Callable[D]      ∪  Callable[E (E > D)]              → Callable[D]
Callable[D]      ∪  Callable[E (E < D)]              → Callable[E]
Callable[D]      ∪  Callable[E (!(E >= D || E < D))] → Callable

Here the parameter letter denotes the full callable specification (tuple and block):

The rationale of the last expression is that two disjunct callables cannot be called in a common way e.g. Callable[Array] ∪ Callable[Integer] cannot be called with exactly the same argument, since no such argument exists.

In general:

B ∈ Callable
C ∈ Callable
S ∈ Tuple[X]
T ∈ Tuple[Y]
Callable[*S, B]  ∪  Callable[*T, C]    → Callable[*(S ∪ T), B ∪ C]

Here *S, *T denotes, the syntax of the Tuple parameters expanded.


Callable[String] ∪ Callable[Scalar]  → Callable[String]
Callable[String] ∪ Callable[Numeric] → Callable

A ∈ Callable[String, Callable[String]]
B ∈ Callable[Scalar, Callable[Scalar]]
A ∪ B → Callable[String, Callable[String]]
A future version of the spec may provide a better generalization of two callables such that it either preserves the arity, or that a Variant of the two callables is produced. This change will be made if the distinction has practical value.


The Sensitive type describes a value that is (as implied by the name) sensitive with respect to disclosure. At runtime, values that are sensitive can be wrapped in an instance of the Sensitive runtime type using When a sensitive value is processed (for example logged), its value is changed so its string form is the string "redacted".

When matching a Sensitive[T] against sensitive values the inferred type of a value is always generalized to not disclose sensitive information. As an example, disclosing the length of a String gives away too much information. Therefore, when using the Sensitive data type, it is only meaningful to use the basic concrete data types.

It is possible to unwrap an instance of Sensitive data type to obtain the clear text value. When doing so utmost care should be taken to not disclose the value in clear text (it should not be logged). The function unwrap performs unwrapping.

$secret = Sensitive(42)
$processed = $secret.unwrap |$sensitive| { $sensitive * 2 }
notice $processed  # notices 84

In general, care should be taken to also not disclose derived information (as in the example above).

The Sensitive data type is the first data type in an expected family of data types to be used to handle sensitive/secret data. It expected that future versions also will have support for Encrypted data. In its current form, the Sensitive data type maintains the wrapped value in clear text. It is therefore only an aid to ensure that sensitive values are not inadvertently disclosed.

Type Algebra on Sensitive[T]

  • A Sensitive[T] is assignable to Sensitive[T2] if T is assignable to T2.
  • Nothing besides Sensitive is assignable to Sensitive.
  • The relationship between two Sensitive types is based on their type parameter.

Creates a new instance of the Sensitive type. Optionally, a type parameter can be given that asserts that the given value is of the expected data type.

$x ='say friend')
$x = Sensitive('password')
$x = Sensitive[String].new('secret')

Operations on Sensitive values

There is no automatic unwrapping of sensitive values. As a consequence it is not possible to perform operations on sensitive values other than interpolating it as a String. When such interpolation takes place, the value is shown as "[redacted]".

Use of Sensitive values in Resources

Sensitive values can be used in resources. It is not allowed to use a sensitive value as a resource title.

Deferred Type

The type Deferred describes a function call for the purpose of resolving it in the future. It is a data object with the attributes String name and Array[Any] attributes.

  • When a deferred value is placed in a catalog an agent applying the catalog will resolve and replace all such values with the result of the resolution prior to applying the catalog.
  • The order in which a catalog resolves the deferred values is undefined except when they appear as arguments to another deferred, in which case they are resolved in the given order from left to right and depth first.
  • If a deferred is wrapped in a Sensitive, or if the resolution of the deferred results in a Sensitive then the resulting value is handled just as if the catalog entry had been a sensitive value.
  • It is not possible to make a deferred call to a function that requires a lambda.
  • A Deferred can be resolved (called) multiple times, each call will return a new value (i.e. there is no "memoization" / cache).
  • $facts is set on the agent side when the deferred function is called.

Creates a new instance of the Deferred type. It accepts the name of the function to later call, and an array of arguments to use when making the call. The arguments are evaluated at the time the deferred value is created, but any deferred values among the arguments will be resolved as part of the resolution process (when actually making the call).

$x = Deferred('some_function', ['argument1', 42])

Will, when the deferred is resolved result in the call:

some_function('argument1', 42)

Type Algebra on Deferred

  • Nothing besides Deferred is assignable to Deferred
  • A deferred value is equal to another only if name and all attribute are equal.

Operations on Deferred values

A deferred value can be resolved by calling it without any arguments. (This is what the agent side resolution process does).

$x = Deferred('new', [Timestamp])
$y = $x()
$z = $

Would set $y and $z to the result of calling the function new to create two Timestamp objects (the time "now"), i.e. one slightly after the other.


  • Deferred values can be used in resources but requires the use of "rich-data=true" setting to make them serialize in a catalog.
  • It is not allowed to use a Deferred value as the title of a resource.
  • Functions called by Deferred should be written in Ruby and use the 4.x function API.

Object Type, TypeSet

The types Object and TypeSet are defined in the Puppet Type system as an experimental feature.

Operations per Type

The operations available per type is specified in the section TODO REF TO OPERATORS DOCUMENT.


A variable is a storage container for a value. Variables are immutable (once assigned they cannot be assigned to another value, and the value it is referring to is also immutable. Variables are also used to define parameters of defines, classes, lambdas (and functions) - the term parameter is used to denote such variables.

The type of a non parameter variable is determined by what is assigned to it.

The type of a parameter may be optionally specified in which case a given value for that parameter must be compliant with the given type. An untyped parameter accepts a value of any type (i.e. Any)

Variable Names

Variable names must conform to the following syntax:

   : '$' (NumericVariable | NamedVariable )

   : /0|([1-9][0-9]*)/

   : /[a-z_]\w*/
   | /(::)?[a-z]\w*(::[a-z]\w*)*/
  • That is, a numeric variable must be a valid decimal number (a name that starts with 0 and has additional digits is also illegal).

  • A named variable must start with a lower case letter a-z or '_' (underscore) and after that contain any word characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9 or _). Specifically, a hyphen character or a period are not allowed as they were in some earlier versions of the Puppet Programming Language.

  • Also note that it is not allowed to use an upper case letter in the initial position of a name segment.

  • It is also not allowed to use an underscore in the initial position of a name segment in a fully qualified variable.

  • The last segment of a qualified variable name is case sensitive - e.g. the variable $varA is not the same variable as $vara. All other segments are case insensitive.

  • It is illegal to reference a numeric variable with a fully qualified name (i.e. a match result in another name-space).

In this version of the specification variables last segment is specified to be case sensitive. This may change in a future version as it is inconsistent with how class/type names are handled.

Variable Reference

An expression such as $x evaluates to the value bound (assigned) to the variable name. Numeric variables are assigned as a side effect of evaluating a match expression. SEE TODO REF. It is legal to reference any numeric variable, but it is illegal to reference a named variable that does not exist. A variable that has been assigned, a built in variable, or a variable that represents a parameter value that is provided by the runtime (e.g. metaparameters) are said to exist.

In this version of the specification strict variable lookup is optional (controlled by a feature switch). It is not on by default in Puppet 4.x, but will be mandatory in Puppet 5.0.

Initial Values of Variables

A Puppet Programming Language Variable comes into existence when an assignment is made to the variable. There is no such thing as an un-initialized variable since all variables that exist have a value (even if that value may be the literal undef value).

All numeric variables are said to exist. If they have not been set by the last match expression in the same scope, they evaluate to undef.

Variables that have not been assigned, do not exist, and thus do not have a value. When strict variables feature is turned off, a reference to such a variable results in the value undef.

Conversions and Promotions

The Puppet Programming Language is in general dynamically typed (everything is an Any unless declared or specified otherwise). There are various operators that perform type conversion. If required and when possible, there are functions that perform explicit type conversion, and there are typed parameters that will perform type conversion when required and possible.

The exact conversions are documented per language feature. This section describes the general conversions and promotions.

Numeric Conversions

  • When arithmetic operations are done on Numeric types - if one or both operands are of Float type, the result is also of Float type.

  • There are never any under or overflow when performing integer arithmetic. The implementation handles automatic conversion from 32 to 64 bit numbers to bignum.

  • Numeric types are only converted to String when they are interpolated into a double quoted string, or when explicitly converted using a function such as sprintf. Interpolation converts the numeric value using a decimal (base 10) format.

String to Numeric Conversion

  • Automatic conversion between String and Numeric is performed for arithmetic operations, but not for comparisons.

  • Arithmetic operations are done on Numeric or String types - if an operand is not Numeric or a String that can be converted to Numeric, the operation will fail.

  • Explicit String to Numeric conversion can be performed with the function scanf().

Versions of Puppet before 4.0 performed automatic conversion of String to Numeric if the LHS was Numeric, and the RHS a String (but not consistently for all operators). Versions of "future parser" before 3.4.7 performed String to Numeric conversion if Strings could successfully be converted. Since 3.7.4, only arithmetic operations cause automatic conversion and fails if values are not convertible to numeric.

Boolean Conversion

Puppet has a sense of boolean "truth" and will convert values to Boolean as shown below in the Boolean logic expressions if, unless, and, or and ! (not):

 ''        → true
 undef     → false
 false     → false
 any other → true
3x treats '' (empty string) as equivalent to undef.

String to Regexp Conversion

If the RHS operand of a match expression evaluates to a String, the string is converted into a regular expression.

To String Conversions

Qualified Name and Qualified Reference to String

Qualified Names evaluate to string type unless the name appears in an expression that uses the name as a reference to an instance (e.g. the name of a function in a function call).

The reverse is not generally true; a string value can not always be used where a Qualified Name is allowed (e.g. $"x" is not a valid reference to the variable named 'x').

Qualified Reference to String

Qualified References are only converted to String when interpolated into a String expression.

Hash to String

A Hash[K,V] is turned into a string when it is interpolated. The string consists of '{' '}' around a comma separated list of entries where each entry is K '=>' V and K and V are converted to string form. The resulting string is formatted with one space padding after each comma. No trailing comma is produced. There is no space after '{' and no space before '}'.

Array to String

An Array[T] is turned into a string when it is interpolated. The string consists of '[' ']' around a comma separated list of entries where each entry T is converted to string form. The resulting string is formatted with one padding space after each comma. No trailing comma is produced. There is no space after '[' and no space before ']'.

Type to String

A Type is turned into a string when it is interpolated. The string consists of the type name in upper case, and if it is parameterized followed by the string form of the parameters enclosed in '[' ']'. When there are multiple parameters, they are comma separated, and padded with one space after each comma. There is no space after '[', and no space before ']'. In general the form is compliant with how the types are specified in Puppet Programming Language source form.

Regexp to String

A Regexp is turned into a String when it is interpolated. The string consists of the source of the regular expression as given in the Puppet Programming Language, enclosed in '/' '/'.

Numeric to String

A Numeric is turned into a String when it is interpolated. The result is in decimal radix (i.e. base 10).

Any to String

Conversion of any other type to String is undefined. It will typically be the underlying runtime system's string representation of the object.