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dbojicic-agency edited this page Jul 6, 2021 · 32 revisions

Tips and Tricks

  • Manual XML: slice by type on non-repeating element need to add cardinality for IG build
  • Manual XML: Forge sometimes drops cardinality of extensions (0..*) so need to manually add

Terminology resource conventions

  1. All resources to be in namespace
    1. Code systems in
    2. Value sets in
  2. A value set defined as basically the implicit code system should share same name, id, title, and only be differentiated by the namespace in the url.
  3. All resources should have a registered OID as the identifier
  4. All resources should declare conformance to the applicable shareable resource profile:

Conventions for extending a core (or external) terminology in Australia

Example core code system: ActCode

Example core value set that is extended: ActEncounterCode

The AU code system that defines the AU local codes to:

  • convention for id: au-<external code system id> e.g. au-v3-ActCode
  • convention for url: <hl7 au namespace>/<external code system id> e.g.
  • convention for name: <external code system name>AU e.g. ActCodeAU
  • convention for title: <external code system title> AU e.g. ActCode AU
  • convention for description: Extended concept codes for <insert human description> for use in an Australian context. e.g. Extended concept codes for act coding for use in an Australian context.
  • Local AU concepts to be defined in same convention as code system being extended e.g. all caps or all lowercase or …

The AU value set that extends an external value set by adding AU local codes:

  • convention for id: au-<external value set id>-extended e.g. au-v3-ActEncounterCode-extended
  • convention for url: <hl7 au namespace>/<external value set id>-extended e.g.
  • convention for name: <external value set name>AUExtended e.g. ActEncounterCodeAUExtended
  • convention for title: <external value set title> - AU Extended e.g. ActEncounterCode - AU Extended
  • convention for description: <external value set title> extended for use in an Australian context.
  • Composed of core value set plus additional codes

Conventions for representing external terminology in Australia

Example external code system: GTIN

Example external value set: GTIN for Medicines

Terminology resource conventions

  1. Value sets to be in the namespace when needed
  2. All resources should have a registered OID as the identifier
  3. Resources cannot declare conformance to the applicable shareable resource profile:

If the AU code system representation of an external code system is needed, the following conventions apply:

  • convention for id: <something meaningful>-external e.g. gtin-external
  • convention for url: <code system owner defined url> e.g.
  • convention for name: <external code system name>External e.g. GTINExternal
  • convention for title: <meaningful title> (External) e.g. GTIN (External)
  • convention for publisher: <owner of the code system> e.g. GS1
  • convention for contact: <include url for the publisher> e.g.
  • convention for the copyright: Copyright (c) <owner organisation> e.g. Copyright (c) GS1; Copyright (c) MIMS Australia Pty Ltd; Copyright (c) Department of Health, Commonwealth of Australia
  • convention for description: ```HL7 AU representation of the code system published by . This is not the canonical publication of this code system nor it is intended to be publication on behalf of the . For the complete content of the code system contact the publisher.”.
  • convention for jurisdiction: jurisdiction is not to be included

The AU value set that includes :

  • convention for id: <something meaningful> e.g. gtin
  • convention for url: <hl7 au namespace>/<id> e.g.
  • convention for name: <something meaningful> e.g. GTIN
  • convention for title: <something meaningful> e.g. GTIN
  • convention for description: <value set title> value set includes values from the <code system title> code system. e.g. Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) value set includes values from the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) code system.