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wix-style-react v9 Migration Guide

This release upgrades Stylable version to 3.

We decided to release this change as a major version although there are no breaking changes in any component API from 8 to 9!

wix-style-react v8 Migration Guide

This guide will help to migrate wix-style-react from v7 to v8.

Changes from your side might be required. Follow this guide for a smooth ride.

A high level overview of changes are described in Release Notes

NOTE links don't work in Storybook - only in GitHub. sorry for the inconvenience.


Suggested steps for the migration

Before you upgrade

Before upgrading to v8, it is best to fix all Deprecation Messages shown in console, that appear in v7.
It will be much easier to apply other changes.

An example for v7 deprecation log:

<Input/> has deprecated error prop:

<Input error />

Therefore the following warning will appear:

Wix-Style-React: [WARNING] <Input/> - error and errorMessage props are deprecated. Please use status="error" and statusMessage instead.

Changing to status="error" resolves this warning:

-<Input error />
+<Input status="error" />

This code is now ready for v8!

Order of migration

First of all, make sure you have the latest version:

npm install wix-style-react@8

This is the recommended migration flow. Each step is described in more detail below.

  1. Change component import statements to named-imports and to the icons library.

    Use codemods:

    npx wix-ui-codemod wix-style-react/named-imports <path-to-your-project>
    npx wix-ui-codemod wix-style-react/icons-common <path-to-your-project>
  2. Remove old and deprecated components like AutoCompleteComposite. Follow list here.

  3. Change components with upgrade prop like Tooltip and Page.

    Use codemod:

    npx wix-ui-codemod wix-style-react/migrate-wsr8 <path-to-your-project>
  4. Change from PopoverMenu to the PopoverMenu which is stated as PopoverMenuNext - it becomes the official PopoverMenu in wsr8.

  5. Change of all input/selection family components to "status message" standard by using status and statusMessage instead of error and errorMessage.

  6. Handle all other general changes as mentioned below. Just search in your code for each component and apply the changes

"File by File" vs. "Component by Component" strategies

It's up to you whether to take a component and search it all around the project, or go file by file and follow this migration guide.

It might be easier to go file-by-file as you can run your tests per file.

Changes described by domain

Import Statements

From cherry picking to named imports

For better performance we introduced named imports which will allow yoshi or custom webpack to eliminate dead code in our components. Read more about tree-shaking

Cherry-pick imports are no longer supported, instead you should use the named imports.

- import TextButton from 'wix-style-react/TextButton';
+ import { TextButton } from 'wix-style-react';

use codemod to avoid manual changes

npx wix-ui-codemod wix-style-react/named-imports <path-to-your-project>

Separated icons library

Icons import from wix-style-react is no longer supported. Instead please import them from wix-ui-icons-common

- import Add from 'wix-style-react/new-icons/Add';
+ import Add from 'wix-ui-icons-common/Add';

use codemod to avoid manual changes

npx wix-ui-codemod wix-style-react/icons-common <path-to-your-project>

Automatic codemod changes

As mentioned, to make migration process easier, simply run the following codemods:

npx wix-ui-codemod wix-style-react/named-imports <path-to-your-project>
npx wix-ui-codemod wix-style-react/icons-common <path-to-your-project>
npx wix-ui-codemod wix-style-react/migrate-wsr8 <path-to-your-project>

Remove old and deprecated components

  1. The following components were deprecated for a long time and will not be available anymore. Use <FormField/> instead:

    • <AutoCompleteComposite/>
    • <FieldWithSelectionComposite/>
    • <GoogleAddressInputWithLabel/>
    • <InputAreaWithLabelComposite/>
    • <MultiSelectComposite/>
  2. The following components were removed because of more up-to-date APIs

    • <FullTextView/>
    • <HBox/>, <VBox/> - use <Box/> instead
    • <StatsWidget/> - use <StatisticsWidget/> instead
    • <TextLink/> - use <TextButton/> instead
  3. The following components were removed. <Sidebar/> should be used instead:

    • <SideMenu/>,
    • <SideMenuDrill/>,
    • <SlideAnimation/>
  4. Remove <DataTable/> - This component became internal and should not be used directly. Use <Table/> instead.

  5. The following components were removed. Use <MessageBoxMarketerialLayout/> or <MessageBoxFunctionalLayout/> instead.

    • <HeaderLayout/>,
    • <HeaderLayout1/>,
    • <FooterLayout/>,
    • <FooterLayout1/>,
    • <MessageBoxLayout2/>,
    • <MessageBoxLayout1/>
  6. <DateInput/> component which was under WIP (Work In Progress) was removed. Use <DatePicker/> instead.

API Changes for big components

  • <Page/> - remove upgrade, to better performance, new API features and slickness.
  • <PopoverMenu/> - Change implementation to the previously <PopoverMenuNext/>
  • <Tooltip/> - Change implemenation to the upraded Tooltip

Standardize components with tooltip props configuration

Standartize the usage of internal tooltips - instead of passing specific props (e.g. tootlipAppendTo), you should propagate the entire tooltipProps, except tooltipContent.

Standardize input components message indications

Change message indication to status and statusMessage instead of error, errorMessage, help & helpMessage.

Remove old skins and themes

The library contained a lot of old code, including unsupported styles of the design system. Many components used a theme prop that is now removed

More general changes

  • <Avatar/> - removed old and deprecated colors.
  • <CircularProgressBar/> - removed exeperimental dynamic loading, in favor of future improvements. also remove legacy driver methods.
  • <DatePicker/> - change isOpen to initialOpen
  • <Input/> - removed legacy sub component <Input.Units/> and the magnifyingGlass props
  • InputArea/> - removed `onTooltipShow
  • <LinearProgressBar/> - removed exeperimental dynamic loading, in favor of future improvements. also remove legacy driver methods.
  • <Loader/> - removed exeperimental dynamic loading, in favor of future improvements.
  • <RadioGroup/> - removed type, a deprecated skin of the radio group in favor of the <SegmentedToggle/> component
  • <StatisticsWidget/> - removed statistics prop.
  • <Table/> - removed clickRowChecbox - removed due to typo, use clickRowCheckbox instead
  • <TableActionCell/> - use new Tooltip component internally and rename the primaryAction.theme prop to
  • <Tag/> - wrap text by default.

All changes described per component list



  • removed tooltipAppendTo - use tooltipProps instead.
  • removed tooltipPlacement - use tooltipProps instead.
  • removed tooltipFixed - use tooltipProps instead.
  • removed tooltipFlip - use tooltipProps instead.

Note: tooltipProps are defined in Tooltip component story page.


Using tooltipProps prop example:
  • Before:
  • After:
    appendTo: 'window',
    content: 'hello',
    placement: 'top',
    fixed: true,
    flip: true,



  • color - Deprecated old values: 'blue', 'green', 'grey', 'red', 'orange'. the new values are now A1 to A6.
    There is no specific mapping between old values to new, contact your UX designer if needed.


Using new color prop values example:
  • Before:
<Avatar color="red" />
  • After:
<Avatar color="A1" />



  • removed theme. For more information and examples go to theme prop section.
  • removed error & errorMessage to status & statusMessage.
    For more information and examples go to error --> status section.
  • removed help & helpMessage use a <FormField/> wrapper instead.
    For more information and examples go to help prop section.


This component was deleted, use <FormField/> instead.


Using <FormField/> example:
  • Before:
  <Component />
  • After:
  <Component />



  • removed getPrefixIcon - use your own dataHook on prefix element instead.
  • removed getSuffixIcon - use your own dataHook on suffix element instead.


Using own dataHook over getPrefixIcon example:
  • Before:
it('should have suffix icon', async () => {
  const driver = createDriver(
    <Badge suffixIcon={<Email />}>Hello</Badge>,
  expect(!!(await driver.getSuffixIcon())).toBe(true);
  • After:
it('should have suffix icon', async () => {
  const dataHook = 'dataHook';
  const driver = createDriver(
      suffixIcon={ <Email data-hook={dataHook} /> }



  • removed deprecatedColors. Just remove this prop, no other change required.



  • removed withoutDivider - from now on a card will be without a divider by default.
    Add a <Card.Divider/> when needed and delete withoutDivider wherever it's used.


Using own dataHook over <Card.Divider/> example:
  • Before:
  <Card.Header title="Card title" withoutDivider={false} />

Pay attention: In all places without withoutDivider, the divider will disappear automatically! Be sure to add a <Card.Divider/>

  • After:
  <Card.Header title="Card title" />
  <Card.Divider />



  • removed shouldLoadAsync - an experimental flag for testing dynamic imports and safe to remove.


  • changed getTooltipErrorMessage in driver (not uni) returns a string instead of Promise<string>.
  • removed getTooltip - use isErrorIconShown and getTooltipErrorMessage instead.
  • removed isTooltipShown - use isErrorIconShown and getTooltipErrorMessage instead.



  • removed theme. For more information and examples go to theme prop section.
  • removed error & errorMessage to status & statusMessage.
    For more information and examples go to error --> status section.
  • removed help & helpMessage use a <FormField/> wrapper instead.
    For more information and examples go to help prop section.


  • added hasStatus.
  • added getStatusMessage.
  • removed hasError - use hasStatus instead.


This component is internal and should not be used directly - use <Table/> instead.


This component is internal and should not be used directly - use <DatePicker/> instead.



  • removed isOpen - use initialOpen instead.
  • removed error & errorMessage to status & statusMessage.
    For more information and examples go to error --> status section.


Using initialOpen prop example:
  • Before:
<DatePicker isOpen/>
  • After:
<DatePicker initialOpen/>



  • removed theme. For more information and examples go to theme prop section.
  • removed error & errorMessage to status & statusMessage.
    For more information and examples go to error --> status section.
  • removed help & helpMessage use a <FormField/> wrapper instead.
    For more information and examples go to help prop section.



  • removed theme. (We once had b2b theme, no longer supported)
    Just remove this prop, no other change required.


  • removed hasTheme


This component was deleted, use <FormField/> instead.


Using <FormField/> example:
  • Before:
  <Component />
  • After:
  <Component />



  • (protractor) removed getTooltipInfoValue.


This component was deleted, use <Text/> instead.


This component was deleted, use <FormField/> instead.


Using <FormField/> example:
  • Before:
  <Component />
  • After:
  <Component />



  • removed theme. For more information and examples go to theme prop section.
  • removed error & errorMessage to status & statusMessage.
    For more information and examples go to error --> status section.
  • removed help & helpMessage use a <FormField/> wrapper instead.
    For more information and examples go to help prop section.


This component was deleted, use <Box/> instead.



  • removed tooltipPlacement - use tooltipProps instead.
  • removed error & errorMessage to status & statusMessage.
    For more information and examples go to error --> status section.


  • added hasStatus
  • added getStatusMessage
  • removed isErrorVisible - use hasStatus instead
  • removed getErrorTooltipContent - use getStatusMessage instead


Using tooltipContent prop example:
  • Before:
  • After:
    placement: 'top',



  • removed theme. For more information and examples go to theme prop section.
  • removed error & errorMessage to status & statusMessage.
    For more information and examples go to error --> status section.
  • removed help & helpMessage use a <FormField/> wrapper instead.
    For more information and examples go to help prop section.
  • removed sub component <Input.Units/> use <Input.Affix/> component instead
  • removed magnifyingGlass use <Input.Affix/> or <Search/> component instead. (see example below)
  • removed updateControlledOnClear - refer to showClearButton change of behavior.


  • showClearButton - previously, clicking on the clear button would have trigger both onChange() and onClear().
    Now, clicking on the clear button will trigger only onClear().


  • removed hasHelp
  • removed clickUnit
  • removed getUnit
  • removed hasMagnifyingGlass
  • removed clickMagnifyingGlass
  • removed hasExclamation
  • removed isNarrowError
  • removed getTooltipElement
  • removed getTooltipDataHook


Using <Input.Affix/> sub component example:
  • Before:
  • After:
Replacing magnifyingGlass with <Input.Affix/> or <Search/> example:
  • Before:
<Input magnifyingGlass />
  • After with <Input.IconAffix>:
<Input suffix={
    <Icons.Search />
} />
  • After with <Search>:
<Search />



  • removed onTooltipShow.
  • removed error & errorMessage to status & statusMessage.
    For more information and examples go to error --> status section.


  • added hasStatus.
  • added getStatusMessage.
  • removed hasError - use hasStatus.
  • removed hasWarning - use hasStatus.
  • removed getTooltipDataHook.
  • removed getTooltipElement.
  • removed isErrorMessageShown.
  • removed mouseEnterErrorIndicator.
  • removed getErrorMessage - use getStatusMessage instead.
  • removed getWarningMessage - use getStatusMessage instead.


This component was deleted, use <FormField/> instead.


Using <FormField/> example:
  • Before:
  <Component />
  • After:
  <Component />



  • removed theme. For more information and examples go to theme prop section.
  • removed error & errorMessage to status & statusMessage.
    For more information and examples go to error --> status section.
  • removed help & helpMessage use a <FormField/> wrapper instead.
    For more information and examples go to help prop section.
  • removed disableClickOutsideWhenClosed, this functionality is now permanent. This means the onClickoutside callback will no longer be called when the component is in it's collpased state.


This component was deleted.
Depends on your use case, you can use one of the following:

  • <FormField/>
  • <Text tagName="label">


Using <FormField/> example:
  • Before:
<Label size="medium">
  • After:
<FormField label="Name:">
Using <Text tagName="label"/> example:
  • Before:
<Label size="medium" for="xxx">
  • After:
<Text tagName="label" for="xxx">Name:</Text>



  • removed shouldLoadAsync - an experimental flag for testing dynamic imports and safe to remove.


  • changed getTooltipErrorMessage in driver (not uni) returns a string instead of a Promise<string>.
  • removed getTooltip - use isErrorIconShown and getTooltipErrorMessage instead.
  • removed isTooltipShown - use isErrorIconShown and getTooltipErrorMessage instead.



  • TYPES export no longer is supported. Import types definitions through: ListItemSectionProps.



  • removed shouldLoadAsync - an experimental flag for testing dynamic imports and safe to remove.



  • removed value green in prop theme - will fall back to blue.



  • removed theme. For more information and examples go to theme prop section.
  • removed error & errorMessage to status & statusMessage.
    For more information and examples go to error --> status section.
  • removed help & helpMessage use a <FormField/> wrapper instead.
    For more information and examples go to help prop section.


  • added hasStatus.
  • added getStatusMessage.
  • removed inputWrapperHasError - use hasStatus instead.



  • removed theme. For more information and examples go to theme prop section.
  • removed error & errorMessage to status & statusMessage.
    For more information and examples go to error --> status section.
  • removed help & helpMessage use a <FormField/> wrapper instead.
    For more information and examples go to help prop section.


This component was deleted, use <FormField/> instead.


Using <FormField/> example:
  • Before:
  <Component />
  • After:
  <Component />



  • removed error & errorMessage to status & statusMessage.
    For more information and examples go to error --> status section.


  • added hasStatus.
  • added getStatusMessage.



  • removed theme. For more information and examples go to theme prop section.
  • removed error & errorMessage to status & statusMessage.
    For more information and examples go to error --> status section.
  • removed help & helpMessage use a <FormField/> wrapper instead.
    For more information and examples go to help prop section.


  • added hasStatus.
  • added getStatusMessage.



  • removed upgrade - component is now upgraded by default


  • Flex Parent: No need for Page parent to be a flex container with flow 'column'.
  • <Page.FixedContent/>: Is now rendered as the new <Page.Sticky/> (See Examples in docs).
  • <Page.Tail>: No longer receives a minimized prop.
  • gradientCoverTail: Prop removed. Gradient never covers tail.
  • Content Stretch: <Page.Content/> now allows it's children to stretch vertically.
  • Bottom-Padding: If you had any bottom-padding hacks, remove them!

Page Container

Previously we required that the Page's parent container will have these styles:

.root {
  height: 100vh;
  display: flex;
  flex-flow: column;
  min-height: 0;

Now it is enough to pass in the determined height.

<Page height="100vh"/>

IMPORTANT: If your page is already in an App structure, your Page container may already have a determined height!

|                    Header (48px)
| Sidebar       |           <Page/>
| (100vh - 48px)|
|               |
|               |

Horizontal Scroll & min/max width

Horizontal scrolling and min/max width are already supported, so you can remove any Page wrapper <div>'s you might have previously added in order to implement it.

Content Stretch

This will stretch:

  <Container stretchVertically>
    <Row stretchViewsVertically>
        <Card stretchVertically>
             Hello World



  • removed disableClickOutsideWhenClosed, this functionality is now permanent. This means the onClickoutside callback will no longer be called when the component is in it's collpased state.


Old PopoverMenu component was removed and replaced with new component that was previously available as beta/PopoverMenu.


  • removed buttonTheme prop. Instead, use the triggerElement prop and set with the relevant skin.
  • appentToParent prop should be changed to appendTo="parent".

Old PopoverMenu:

import PopoverMenu from 'wix-style-react/PopoverMenu';
import PopoverMenuItem from 'wix-style-react/PopoverMenuItem';

<PopoverMenu buttonTheme="icon-greybackground">
  <PopoverMenuItem onClick={clickHandler} text="Item" />

New PopoverMenu:

import { PopoverMenu, IconButton } from 'wix-style-react';
import More from 'wix-ui-icons-common/More';

    <IconButton skin="inverted">
      <More />
  <PopoverMenu.MenuItem onClick={clickHandler} text="Item" />



  • removed type.


  • removed isButtonType.


Using removed type prop with value button example:
  • Before:
<RadioGroup type="button" />
  • After:
<SegmentedToggle />



  • added hasStatus.
  • added getStatusMessage.
  • removed hasError - use hasStatus.
  • removed getErrorMessage - use getStatusMessage instead.



  • removed theme. For more information and examples go to theme prop section.
  • removed error & errorMessage to status & statusMessage.
    For more information and examples go to error --> status section.
  • removed help & helpMessage use a <FormField/> wrapper instead.
    For more information and examples go to help prop section.


  • added hasStatus.
  • added getStatusMessage.


This component was deleted, use <Sidebar/> instead. For more information visit <Sidebar/>'s storybook page.


This component was deleted, use <Sidebar/> instead. For more information visit <Sidebar/>'s storybook page.


This component was part of <SideMenu/> and was deleted, use <Sidebar/> instead. For more information visit <Sidebar/>'s storybook page.



  • removed statistics use items instead.
    Note: No change needed in an item.


Using items prop example:
  • Before:
<StatisticsWidget statistics=[...]/>
  • After:
<StatisticsWidget items=[...]/>


This component was deleted, use <StatisticsWidget/> instead.


  1. In contrast to the old <StatsWidget/>, the new <StatisticsWidget/> does not render the statistics inside a card. Due to that, also the next props do not exist.
  2. emptyState prop
  3. suffix prop which also inclues filters logic.

New features

  1. Keyboard and mouse accesibility features
  2. Hover state and click functionality
  3. Description tooltip
  4. Customized text instead of elipssis


Migrating a Stats widget example with percents example:

Old code using <StatsWidget/>

import React from 'react';
import StatsWidget from '..';
import styles from './ExampleStatsWidget.scss';
import { Container } from '../../Grid';
import { storySettings } from './storySettings';

export default () => (
        title="Let's see what's going on with your store"
             title: '$10',
             subtitle: 'Revenue',
             percent: -15,
             title: '2',
             subtitle: 'Products',
             percent: -15,
             title: '1',
             subtitle: 'Transactions',
             percent: 0,
             title: '$5',
             subtitle: 'Profit',
             percent: 10,
             title: '456',
             subtitle: 'Music',
             percent: 15,

New code using <StatisticsWidget/>:

import React from 'react';
import StatisticsWidget from 'wix-style-react/StatisticsWidget';
import Card from 'wix-style-react/Card';

    <Card.Header title={"Let's see what's going on with your store"} />
            value: '$10',
            description: 'Revenue',
            percentage: -15,
            value: '2',
            description: 'Products',
            percentage: -15,
            value: '1',
            description: 'Transactions',
            percentage: 0,
            value: '$5',
            description: 'Profit',
            percentage: 10,
            value: '456',
            description: 'Music',
            percentage: 15,
Migrating a StatsWidget example with Multiple filters example:

Old code using <StatsWidget/>

import React from 'react';
import StatsWidget from '..';

import { Container } from '../../Grid';

const dropdownOption = [
  { id: 0, value: 'This month' },
  { id: 1, value: 'This week' },

const onFilterChange = () => {

export default () => (
     title="Let's see what's going on with your store"
       title: '$10',
       subtitle: 'Revenue',
       title: '2',
       subtitle: 'Products',
       title: '1',
       subtitle: 'Transactions',
       title: '$5',
       subtitle: 'Profit',


New code using <StatisticsWidget/>

import React from 'react';
import StatisticsWidget from 'wix-style-react/StatisticsWidget';
import Card from 'wix-style-react/Card';
import DropdownBase from 'wix-style-react/DropdownBase';
import Icons from 'wix-style-react/Icons';
import TextButton from 'wix-style-react/TextButton';

class StatsWrapper extends React.Component {
  _getSuffix() {
    return [
        onSelect={({ id }) => alert('hi', id)}
          { id: '7d', value: 'Last 7 days' },
          { id: '14d', value: 'Last 14 days' },
        {({ toggle, selectedOption = { id: '7d', value: 'Last 7 days' } }) => {
          return (
              suffixIcon={<Icons.ChevronDown />}
        onSelect={({ id }) => alert('hi', id)}
          { id: 'US', value: 'Only from US' },
          { id: 'All', value: 'All' },
        {({ toggle, selectedOption = { id: 'All', value: 'All' } }) => {
          return (
              suffixIcon={<Icons.ChevronDown />}

  render() {
    return (
        <Card.Header title={"Let's see what's going on with your store"} suffix={this._getSuffix()} />
          <StatisticsWidget items={[
       value: '$10',
       description: 'Revenue',
       value: '2',
       description: 'Products',
       value: '1',
       description: 'Transactions',
       value: '$5',
       description: 'Profit',
   ]} />


This component was deleted, use <TextButton as="a"/> instead.


Using <TextButton/> component example:
  • Before:
  • After:
<TextButton as="a">Hello!</TextButton>



  • removed clickRowChecbox - removed due to typo, use clickRowCheckbox instead


Component is now upgraded by default.
The only change is that internally, the new <PopoverMenu/> is used.
Therefore the prop popoverMenuProps contains new values now.
For more information about <PopoverMenu/> visit <PopoverMenu/>'s story page


  • removed upgrade - component is now upgraded by default
  • changed primaryAction.theme to (with new values)


Using prop example:
  • Before:
    theme: 'standard',
  • After:
    skin: 'standard',



  • removed wrap - now text has ellipsis by default
    Just remove this prop, no other change required.



  • removed tooltipContent - use labelValue instead.


  • removed getTooltipText - use getLabelValue instead.


Using labelValue prop example:


  tooltipContent="Hello World!"
  • After:
  labelValue="Hello World!"


New Tooltip features

  • Is Uncontrolled, and only open on HOVER, as per the UX guidelines.
  • Uses community backed positioning mechanism Popper.js.
  • Has a slimmer API.
  • Provides clear documentation on how to achieve various way of positioning.
  • Uses unidriver.

Removed props

The following props are not supported anymore and should be remove from your code:

  • active - Component is uncontrolled component.
  • bounce - Not supported by UX guidelines.
  • color - Changing Tooltip theming is not supported.
  • hideTrigger - Component is uncontrolled.
  • lineHeight - Text alignment is fixed by internal constants.
  • minWidth
  • onClickOutside - Not supported anymore. Component is interactive only on mouse enter or mouse leave.
  • padding - Not supported by UX guidelines.
  • popover
  • relative
  • shouldCloseOnClickOutside
  • shouldUpdatePosition
  • showImmediately
  • showTrigger
  • theme
  • upgrade

The following props were changed/removed and require you to modify your code accordingly:

  • alignment - changed to textAlign and supports only center and start.
  • appendByPredicate - Use appendTo values instead.
  • appendToParent - Use appendTo with value parent.
  • hideDelay - changed to exitDelay.
  • moveArrowTo - Not supported by UX guidelines. Use placement to achieve it different arrow position.
  • showArrow - Use size with value small.
  • showDelay - changed to enterDelay.
  • size - values are change from normal, large to small, medium by UX guidelines.

New props

  • fixed - whether to enable the fixed behaviour. This behaviour is used to keep the Tooltip at it's original placement even when it's being positioned outside the boundary.
  • flip - whether to enable the flip behaviour. This behaviour is used to flip the Tooltips placement when it starts to overlap the target element.

Deprecated theme=white

Tooltip no longer supports theme white, but white skin is available on Popover which is a building block for current Tooltip.

Warning #1: Adding any action based element into the hoverable content is considered inaccesible. Only textual representation is recommended.

Warning #2: White Tooltip should be used only in cases when app background is dark - all other cases should have dark Tooltip.


<Tooltip content="Content">


() => {
  const [shown, setShown] = React.useState(false);
  const toggle = () => setShown(!shown);
  return (
          <div style={{padding: '12px 24px'}}>Content</div>


Testkit was rewritten and is now async, which means you should await for every method invocation. You should change the import path accordingly:

  • ReactTestUtils - import {TooltipTestkit} from 'wix-style-react/dist/testkit';
  • Enzyme - import {TooltipTestkit} from 'wix-style-react/dist/testkit/enzyme';
  • Puppeteer - import {TooltipTestkit} from 'wix-style-react/dist/testkit/puppeteer';
  • Protractor - import {TooltipTestkit} from 'wix-style-react/dist/testkit/protractor';

New Testkit API

API is slimmer and easier to interact it (with the recent types addition you can get an auto complete of these methods)

  • exists - returns true if trigger element exists on the DOM.
  • tooltipExists - returns true if tooltip element exists on the DOM.
  • mouseEnter - mouse over the target element.
  • mouseLeave - mouse leaves the target element.
  • getTooltipText - returns tooltips content value in string.


This component was deleted, use <Box/> instead.

More guides


Icons from wix-style-react/new-icons import path were removed.
Please install and use icons from wix-ui-icons-common package directly. You can migrate your existing codebase using provided codemod.

Make sure you have wix-ui-icons-common package installed:

npm i wix-ui-icons-common
# or
yarn add wix-ui-icons-common

Then use our provided codemod or manually replace all icon imports with the following pattern:

- import Add from 'wix-style-react/new-icons/Add';
+ import Add from 'wix-ui-icons-common/Add';

To use codemod, run the following command (where the last argument is the directory or file for source code you want to transform):

npx wix-ui-codemod wix-style-react/icons-common src/

Please see file for more details on how to use the provided codemod.

Using icons in your code

The icons from wix-ui-icons-common support all the same features as the old wix-style-react/new-icons icons. They are backwards compatible and their usage is the same:

import Add from 'wix-ui-icons-common/Add';

export default () => (
    <Add />

error & errorMessage --> status & statusMessage

Relevant for components:


  • removed error & errorMessage
  • added status & statusMessage

The prop status has more options than the regular error.
It can be on of error, warning, or loading, each have it's own style and icon.


  • added hasStatus
  • added getStatusMessage
  • ~ ~ ~
  • removed hasError - use hasStatus
  • removed inputWrapperHasError - use hasStatus
  • removed isErrorVisible - use hasStatus instead
  • removed getErrorTooltipContent - use getStatusMessage instead


Using status prop example:
  • Before:
<NumberInput error errorMessage="Error!" />
  • After:
<NumberInput status="error" statusMessage="Error!" />
Testkit example, using hasStatus & getStatus:
  • Before:
it('should have an error state', async () => {
  const errorMessage = 'Error!';
  const { driver } = render(<Input error errorMessage={errorMessage} />);

  expect(await driver.hasError()).toBe(true);
  expect(await driver.getStatusMessage()).toBe(errorMessage);
  • After:
it('should have an error state', async () => {
  const statusMessage = 'Error!';
  const { driver } = render(<Input status="error" statusMessage={statusMessage} />);

  expect(await driver.hasStatus()).toBe(true);
  expect(await driver.getStatus()).toBe('error');
  expect(await driver.getErrorTooltipContent()).toBe(errorMessage);

help prop

Relevant for components:


  • removed help & helpMessage use a <FormField/> wrapper instead


  • removed hasHelp - use <FormField/> testkit instead



<NumberInput help helpMessage="Help!" />


<FormField infoContent="Help!">
  <NumberInput />

theme prop

Relevant for components:

We decided to remove this prop and stop supporting designs that don't align with our UX guidelines. The options we suggest is:

  1. Using the component with the default design.
  2. In some cases use <NoBorderInput/> that looks somewhat like amaterial theme.
  3. In other cases <InputWithLabel/> will be a nice solution

Please contact your UX if needed.