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291 lines (200 loc) · 6.66 KB

File metadata and controls

291 lines (200 loc) · 6.66 KB


Back-end repository of the donations portal.

How to run it?

git clone https://helpDAO/donation-backend.git

cd donation-backend

npm start

Make sure that mongodb is running

Using Docker

git clone https://helpDAO/donation-backend.git

cd donation-backend

docker-compose up -d

How it's structured?

  • routes Dir to store the express' router modules of the app.
  • controllers Dir to store the controllers of the app,
  • models Dir to store the Mongoose models of the app.
  • middlewares Dir to store some middle-wares scripts.

Relevant Information:



  • API Listen Port: 3001

  • DB Listen Port: 27017


  • API Listen Port: 3001

  • DB Listen Port: 27018

Database Models:


	name:{type:String, unique:true, required:true},
	verified:{type:Boolean, required:false, default:false},
	signUpDate: { type: Date, default: }
	description:{type:String, unique:false, maxlength:10000, required:true},
	inviteLink:{type:String, unique:false, required:true},
	daoAddress:{type:String,unique:false, required:true},
	donationAddress:{type:String,unique:false, required:true},




If you want to try the requests in postman you can use this collection

Just click the import button (Top-Left corner), paste the link in the "Import from link" section and click import.

All the Squad's routes starts with these URL: localhost:3001/squad

  • Create new Squad

    • Method: POST

    • Endpoint: /new

    • Header: {Content-Type: application/json}

    • Body:

          "description":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
          "daoAddress":"0x0472ec0185ebb8202f3d4ddb0226998889663cf2 "
    • Response:

              "verified": false,
              "signUpDate": "2020-03-22T21:54:33.740Z",
              "_id": "5e77dedb7d032151fbfb3eb9",
              "name": "SquadTest",
              "description":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
          	"daoAddress":"0x0472ec0185ebb8202f3d4ddb0226998889663cf2 ",
              "__v": 0
  • Find Squad by ID

    • Method: GET

    • Endpoint: /:squadId

    • Example: /5e77dedb7d032151fbfb3eb9

    • Response:

              "verified": false,
              "signUpDate": "2020-03-22T21:54:33.740Z",
              "_id": "5e77dedb7d032151fbfb3eb9",
              "name": "SquadTest",
              "description":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
          	"daoAddress":"0x0472ec0185ebb8202f3d4ddb0226998889663cf2 ",        
              "__v": 0
  • Find Squad by any field

    • Method: POST

    • Endpoint: /find

    • Header: {Content-Type: application/json}

    • Body:

    • Example:

    • Response:

          "squads": [ {
              "verified": false,
              "signUpDate": "2020-03-22T21:54:33.740Z",
              "_id": "5e77dedb7d032151fbfb3eb9",
              "name": "SquadTest",
              "description":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
          	"daoAddress":"0x0472ec0185ebb8202f3d4ddb0226998889663cf2 ",        
            "__v": 0
  • Get all the Squads

    • Method: GET

    • Endpoint: /all

    • Response:

          "squads": [
                  "verified": false,
                  "signUpDate": "2020-03-22T21:54:33.740Z",
                  "_id": "5e77de9d7d032151fbfb3eb8",
                  "name": "SquadTest",
              	"description":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
          		"daoAddress":"0x0472ec0185ebb8202f3d4ddb0226998889663cf2 ",            
                  "__v": 0
                  "verified": true,
                  "signUpDate": "2020-03-22T21:54:33.740Z",
                  "_id": "5e77dedb7d032151fbfb3eb9",
                  "name": "SquadTest2",
              	"description":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
          		"daoAddress":"0x4e709797a971e49018402446f753d467275f75ad ",            
                  "__v": 0
  • Get all the unverified Squads

    • Method: GET

    • Endpoint: /all/unverified

    • Response:

          "squads": [
                  "verified": false,
                  "signUpDate": "2020-03-22T21:54:33.740Z",
                  "_id": "5e77de9d7d032151fbfb3eb8",
                  "name": "SquadTest",
              	"description":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
          		"daoAddress":"0x0472ec0185ebb8202f3d4ddb0226998889663cf2 ",             
                  "__v": 0
  • Get all the verified Squads

    • Method: GET

    • Endpoint: /all/verified

    • Response:

          "squads": [
                  "verified": true,
                  "signUpDate": "2020-03-22T21:54:33.740Z",
                  "_id": "5e77dedb7d032151fbfb3eb9",
                  "name": "SquadTest2",
              	"description":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
          		"daoAddress":"0x4e709797a971e49018402446f753d467275f75ad ",             
                  "__v": 0

How to contribute?

Lets make an standard for the scripts' naming, every file should follow the next pattern:


Where dirname is the directory where is contained the file.

If the file is included in the main directory this is the schema:


Also lets avoid to use names that begins with uppercase.


  • Fork the repo and switch to a new branch using git checkout -b [branch_name]
  • Code your stuff.
  • Commit and push to your own forked repo using git add [files], git commit -m [your message] and git push origin [branch_name]
  • Make a pull request from your forked repo.

Thanks for your contribution.