- how one test can affect another test by leaving its data behind
- when and how to reset state during testing
- keep
app running - open
- if you reload the test it starts failing 😕
// cypress/integration/04-reset-state/spec.js
beforeEach(() => {
const addItem = text => {
it('adds two items', () => {
addItem('first item')
addItem('second item')
cy.get('li.todo').should('have.length', 2)
- there could be 0, 1, or more items to remove
- the items could be paginated
- the spec becomes full of logic
See the example test in the spec file, it is complicated.
- how to reset the database?
- tip we are using json-server-reset middleware
- try to reset it from command line
# using https://httpie.io/ instead of curl
$ http POST :3000/reset todos:=[]
- how to make an arbitrary cross-domain XHR request from Cypress?
- reset the database before each test
- modify
to make XHR call to reset the database - before or after
- modify
Students should modify cypress/integration/04-reset-state/spec.js
and make the request to reset the database before each test using cy.request
The answer to this and other TODO assignments are in cypress/integration/04-reset-state/answer.js file.
"start": "json-server --static . --watch data.json"
If we overwrite todomvc/data.json
and reload the web app we should see new data
describe('reset data using cy.writeFile', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// TODO write file "todomvc/data.json" with stringified todos object
See cy.writeFile
+++ Make sure you are writing the right file.
Note: Most common mistake is using file path relative to the spec file, should be relative to the project's root folder.
You can execute Node code during browser tests by calling cy.task
// cypress/plugins/index.js
module.exports = (on, config) => {
on('task', {
hello(name) {
console.log('Hello', name)
return null // or Promise
// cypress/integration/spec.js
cy.task('hello', 'World')
Find "resetData" task in cypress/plugins/index.js
describe('reset data using a task', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// call the task "resetData"
Pass an object when calling cy.task('resetData')
it('sets data to complex object right away', () => {
cy.task('resetData', /* object*/)
// check what is rendered
Pass an object when calling cy.task('resetData')
it('sets data using fixture', () => {
// load todos from "cypress/fixtures/two-items.json"
// and the call the task to set todos
// check what is rendered
Using the experimentalInteractiveRunEvents
// cypress/plugins/index.js
module.exports = (on, config) => {
on('before:spec', (spec) => {
console.log('resetting DB before spec %s', spec.name)
Warning: as of Cypress v7 only available in cypress run
mode. See https://on.cypress.io/before-spec-api for details.
- reset state before each test
- in our Best practices guide
- use
- watch presentation "Cypress: beyond the Hello World test" https://slides.com/bahmutov/cypress-beyond-the-hello-world
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