The easiest way to set up build and development dependencies for this project is to use Nix. If you don't already have Nix we recommend the Determinate Systems Nix Installer which automatically applies settings required by this project.
For more on project setup, and resources provided by the development shell see development.
To build the MongoDB connector run,
$ nix build --print-build-logs && cp result/bin/mongodb-connector <dest>
To cross-compile statically-linked binaries for x86_64 or ARM for Linux run,
$ nix build .#mongo-connector-x86_64-linux --print-build-logs && cp result/bin/mongodb-connector <dest>
$ nix build .#mongo-connector-aarch64-linux --print-build-logs && cp result/bin/mongodb-connector <dest>
The Nix configuration outputs Docker images in .tar.gz
files. You can use
docker load -i
to install these to the local machine's docker daemon. But it
may be more helpful to use skopeo
for this purpose so that you can apply
a chosen tag, or override the image name.
To build and install a Docker image locally (you can change
to whatever image name and tag you prefer),
$ nix build .#docker --print-build-logs \
&& skopeo --insecure-policy copy docker-archive:result docker-daemon:mongo-connector:1.2.3
To build a Docker image with a cross-compiled ARM binary,
$ nix build .#docker-aarch64-linux --print-build-logs \
&& skopeo --insecure-policy copy docker-archive:result docker-daemon:mongo-connector:1.2.3
If you don't want to install skopeo
you can run it through Nix, nix run nixpkgs#skopeo -- --insecure-policy copy docker-archive:result docker-daemon:mongo-connector:1.2.3
See docker-images