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StreamEx Cheatsheet



  • any: either of StreamEx, IntStreamEx, LongStreamEx, DoubleStreamEx, EntryStream, sometimes without EntryStream.
  • element: any object or primitive value which appears in the stream pipeline.
  • entry: a pair of objects usually (but not always) having the Map.Entry semantics. The first object in the pair is key, the second one is value.

Stream sources

What I want How to get it
Empty Stream any.empty()
Stream of array, varargs, Collection, Spliterator, Iterator, Stream any.of()
Stream of Enumeration StreamEx.of()
Stream of array or List elements in reverse order StreamEx.ofReversed()
Stream of boxed Collection<Integer>, etc. with unboxing IntStreamEx/LongStreamEx/DoubleStreamEx.of()
Stream of boxed array Integer[], etc. with unboxing IntStreamEx/LongStreamEx/DoubleStreamEx.of()
Stream of byte[], char[], short[] array IntStreamEx.of()
Stream of float[] array DoubleStreamEx.of()
Infinite Stream from Supplier any.generate()
Infinite Stream using iterative function any.iterate()
Convert three-argument for loop to Stream any.iterate()
Fixed length Stream of constant elements any.constant()
Stream from mutable object which is left in the known state after full Stream consumption any.produce()
Custom stream source which maintains mutable state Emitter/IntEmitter/LongEmitter/DoubleEmitter
Stream of array or List with indices EntryStream.of()
Stream of single value or empty if null supplied StreamEx.ofNullable()
Stream of Map keys (with optional values filter) StreamEx.ofKeys()
Stream of Map values (with optional keys filter) StreamEx.ofValues()
Stream of Map entries or explicit key-value pairs EntryStream.of()
Zip two arrays or lists
Split CharSequence with regexp StreamEx.split()
Stream of List subLists of fixed length StreamEx.ofSubLists()
Stream of all elements of tree-like structure StreamEx.ofTree()
Stream of all elements of tree-like structure tracking the elements depth EntryStream.ofTree()
Stream of all possible pairs of array or List elements StreamEx/EntryStream.ofPairs()
Stream of all possible tuples of given length of Collection elements StreamEx.cartesianPower()
Stream of all possible tuples of given Collection of collections StreamEx.cartesianProduct()
Stream of permutations StreamEx.ofPermutations()
Stream of combinations StreamEx.ofCombinations()
Stream of array or List indices (with optional element filter) IntStreamEx.ofIndices()
Stream of range of integral values (with optional step parameter) IntStreamEx/LongStreamEx.range()/rangeClosed()
Stream of increasing int or long values IntStreamEx.ints()/LongStreamEx.longs()
Stream of random numbers IntStreamEx/LongStreamEx/DoubleStreamEx.of(Random, ...)
Stream of CharSequence symbols IntStreamEx.ofChars()/ofCodePoints()
Stream of BitSet true bits IntStreamEx.of(BitSet)
Stream of lines from file or Reader StreamEx.ofLines()
Stream of bytes from the InputStream IntStreamEx.of(InputStream)
Stream of ints from the IntBuffer IntStreamEx.of(IntBuffer)
Stream of longs from the LongBuffer LongStreamEx.of(LongBuffer)
Stream of doubles from the DoubleBuffer DoubleStreamEx.of(DoubleBuffer)

New intermediate operations


What I want How to get it
Remove nulls StreamEx/EntryStream.nonNull()
Remove entries whose keys or values are null EntryStream.nonNullKeys()/nonNullValues()
Remove entries whose keys are equal to any of the supplied keys EntryStream.withoutKeys()
Remove entries whose values are equal to any of the supplied values EntryStream.withoutValues()
Remove elements by predicate any.remove()
Remove given elements StreamEx/IntStreamEx/LongStreamEx.without()
Remove by value extracted by supplied mapper function StreamEx.removeBy()
Leave only elements greater/less/at least/at most given value IntStreamEx/LongStreamEx/DoubleStreamEx.greater()/atLeast()/less()/atMost()
Filter by value extracted by supplied mapper function StreamEx.filterBy()
Filter entries which keys or values satisfy the predicate EntryStream.filterKeys()/filterValues()
Filter entries applying the BiPredicate to key and value EntryStream.filterKeyValue()
Remove entries which keys or values satisfy the predicate EntryStream.removeKeys()/removeValues()
Remove entries applying the BiPredicate to key and value EntryStream.removeKeyValue()
Select elements which are instances of given class
Select entries which keys or values are instances of given class EntryStream.selectKeys()/selectValues()
Take stream elements while the condition is true any.takeWhile()
Take stream elements while the condition is true including first violating element any.takeWhileInclusive()
Skip stream elements while the condition is true any.dropWhile()


What I want How to get it
Map array or List indices to the corresponding elements IntStreamEx.elements()
Map element to the entry any.mapToEntry()
Map entry keys leaving values unchanged EntryStream.mapKeys()/mapToKey()
Map entry values leaving keys unchanged EntryStream.mapValues()/mapToValue()
Map entry key and value using BiFunction EntryStream.mapKeyValue()
Swap entry key and value (so entry value becomes key and vice versa) EntryStream.invert()
Drop entry values leaving only keys EntryStream.keys()
Drop entry keys leaving only values EntryStream.values()
Convert every entry to String EntryStream.join()
Map pair of adjacent elements to the single element any.pairMap()
Map only first or last element, leaving others as is any.mapFirst()/mapLast()
Map stream element providing special mapper function for the first or last element any.mapFirstOrElse()/mapLastOrElse()
Attach the first stream element to every stream element StreamEx.withFirst()
Map only part of input elements using partial function which returns Optional StreamEx.mapPartial(); EntryStream.mapToKeyPartial()/mapToValuePartial()/mapKeyValuePartial()


What I want How to get it
Flat-map primitive stream to the stream of other type IntStreamEx/LongStreamEx/DoubleStreamEx. flatMapToInt()/flatMapToLong()/flatMapToDouble()/flatMapToObj()
Flatten multiple collections to the stream of their elements StreamEx/EntryStream.flatCollection()
Flatten multiple arrays to the stream of their elements StreamEx/EntryStream.flatArray()
Flatten multiple maps to the stream of their entries StreamEx.flatMapToEntry()
Perform cross product of current stream with given array, Collection or Stream source creating entries StreamEx.cross()
Flat-map entry keys leaving values unchanged EntryStream.flatMapKeys()/flatMapToKey()
Flat-map entry values leaving keys unchanged EntryStream.flatMapValues()/flatMapToValue()
Flat-map entry key and value using BiFunction EntryStream.flatMapKeyValue()


What I want How to get it
Leave only distinct elements which appear at least given number of times StreamEx.distinct(atLeast)
Leave distinct elements using custom key extractor StreamEx/EntryStream.distinct(keyExtractor)
Leave only entries having distinct keys EntryStream.distinctKeys()
Leave only entries having distinct values EntryStream.distinctValues()


What I want How to get it
Sort in reverse order any.reverseSorted()
Sort using given key any.sortedBy()/sortedByInt()/sortedByLong()/sortedByDouble()

partial reduction

Partial reduction is a procedure of combining several adjacent stream elements. Usually BiPredicate is used to determine which elements should be combined. BiPredicate is applied to the pair of adjacent elements and returns true if they should be combined.

What I want How to get it
Group some adjacent stream elements into List StreamEx.groupRuns()
Reduce some adjacent stream elements using Collector or BinaryOperator StreamEx.collapse()
Collapse some adjacent stream elements into interval StreamEx.intervalMap()
Remove adjacent duplicate elements counting them StreamEx.runLengths()
Group adjacent entries with equal keys EntryStream.collapseKeys()


What I want How to get it
Add new elements/Collection/Stream to the end of existing stream any.append()
Add new elements/Collection/Stream to the beginning of existing stream any.prepend()


What I want How to get it
Peek only entry keys EntryStream.peekKeys()
Peek only entry values EntryStream.peekValues()
Peek entry keys and values using BiConsumer EntryStream.peekKeyValue()
Peek only first or last stream element any.peekFirst()/peekLast()

misc intermediate operations

What I want How to get it
Extract first stream element and use it to alternate the rest of the stream StreamEx.headTail()
Define almost any custom intermediate operation recursively StreamEx.headTail()
Execute custom-defined operation in fluent manner any.chain()
Perform parallel stream computation using the custom ForkJoinPool any.parallel(pool)
Zip two streams together StreamEx.zipWith()
Get the stream of cumulative prefixes any.prefix()/EntryStream.prefixKeys()/EntryStream.prefixValues()
Intersperse the stream with given delimiters any.intersperse()
Replace the stream contents if the stream is empty StreamEx.ifEmpty()/EntryStream.ifEmpty()

New terminal operations

Collector shortcuts

What I want How to get it
Collect elements to List, Set or custom Collection StreamEx/EntryStream.toList()/toSet()/toCollection()
Collect elements to Collection adding custom final step StreamEx/EntryStream.toListAndThen()/toSetAndThen()/toCollectionAndThen()
Collect elements to immutable List or Set StreamEx/EntryStream.toImmutableList()/toImmutableSet()
Collect elements to mutable List or Set StreamEx/EntryStream.toMutableList()/toMutableSet()
Collect elements or entries to Map StreamEx/EntryStream.toMap()/toSortedMap()/toNavigableMap()
Collect stream of values to Map StreamEx.valuesToMap()/valuesToSortedMap()/valuesToNavigableMap()
Collect entries to immutable Map EntryStream.toImmutableMap()
Collect entries to Map adding custom final step EntryStream.toMapAndThen()
Collect entries to custom Map EntryStream.toCustomMap()
Partition elements using the Predicate StreamEx.partitioningBy()/partitioningTo()
Grouping elements StreamEx.groupingBy()/groupingTo()
Grouping entries EntryStream.grouping()/groupingTo()
Joining elements to String any.joining()
Flatten collections and collect them to single final collection StreamEx.toFlatList()/toFlatCollection()
Getting maximal element using custom key extractor any.maxBy()/maxByInt()/maxByLong()/maxByDouble()
Getting minimal element using custom key extractor any.minBy()/minByInt()/minByLong()/minByDouble()


What I want How to get it
Check whether stream has given element StreamEx/EntryStream/IntStreamEx/LongStreamEx.has()
Find element satisfying the predicate any.findFirst(Predicate)/findAny(Predicate)
Find the index of element satisfying the predicate or equal to given value any.indexOf()


What I want How to get it
Fold elements left-to-right any.foldLeft()
Fold elements right-to-left StreamEx/EntryStream.foldRight()
Get List of cumulative prefixes or suffixes StreamEx/EntryStream.scanLeft()/scanRight()
Get primitive array of cumulative prefixes IntStreamEx/LongStreamEx/DoubleStreamEx.scanLeft()
Reduce elements possibly short-circuiting the reduction StreamEx/EntryStream.reducingWithZero()

Primitive operations

What I want How to get it
Collect IntStreamEx to byte[], char[] or short[] IntStreamEx.toByteArray()/toCharArray()/toShortArray()
Collect IntStreamEx to BitSet IntStreamEx.toBitSet()
Collect DoubleStreamEx to float[] DoubleStreamEx.toFloatArray()
Collect stream of chars or codepoints to String IntStreamEx.charsToString()/codePointsToString()

forEach-like operations

What I want How to get it
Perform operation on every adjacent pair of elements StreamEx.forPairs()
Perform operation on entry key and value using BiConsumer EntryStream.forKeyValue()

misc terminal operations

What I want How to get it
Convert IntStreamEx to InputStream IntStreamEx.asByteInputStream()
Drain stream content into the existing Collection StreamEx.into()
Drain stream content into the existing Map EntryStream.into()


Basic collectors

What I want How to get it
Collect to array MoreCollectors.toArray()
Collect to boolean array using the Predicate applied to each element MoreCollectors.toBooleanArray()
Collect to EnumSet MoreCollectors.toEnumSet()
Collect Map.Entry entries to map MoreCollectors.entriesToMap()
Collect Map.Entry entries to custom Map implementation MoreCollectors.entriesToCustomMap()
Count number of distinct elements using custom key extractor MoreCollectors.distinctCount()
Get the List of distinct elements using custom key extractor MoreCollectors.distinctBy()
Simply counting, but get the result as Integer MoreCollectors.countingInt()
Get the first or last element only MoreCollectors.first()/last()
Get the element only if there's exactly one element MoreCollectors.onlyOne()
Get the given number of first or last elements in the List MoreCollectors.head()/tail()
Get the given number of greatest/least elements according to the given Comparator or natural order MoreCollectors.greatest()/least()
Get all the maximal or minimal elements according to the given Comparator or natural order MoreCollectors.maxAll()/minAll()
Get the index of maximal or minimal element according to the given Comparator or natural order MoreCollectors.minIndex()/maxIndex()
Get both maximal and minimal stream element according to the given Comparator MoreCollectors.minMax()
Get the intersection of input collections MoreCollectors.intersecting()
Get the result bitwise-and operation MoreCollectors.andingInt()/andingLong()
Join the elements into string with possible limit to the string length (adding ellipsis if necessary) Joining.with()
Perform a group-by with the specified keys domain, so every key is initialized even if absent in the input MoreCollectors.groupingBy()/groupingByEnum()
Partition input according to the Predicate MoreCollectors.partitioningBy()
Get the common prefix or common suffix String of input elements MoreCollectors.commonPrefix()/commonSuffix()
Get the list of input elements removing the elements which follow their dominator element MoreCollectors.dominators()
Reduce elements possibly short-circuiting the reduction MoreCollectors.reducingWithZero()

Adaptor collectors

What I want How to get it
Collect using two independent collectors MoreCollectors.pairing()
Filter the input before passing to the collector MoreCollectors.filtering()
Map the input before passing to the collector MoreCollectors.mapping()
Flat-map the input before passing to the collector MoreCollectors.flatMapping()
Perform a custom final operation after the collection finishes MoreCollectors.collectingAndThen()
Perform a downstream collection if all elements satisfy the predicate MoreCollectors.ifAllMatch()