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File metadata and controls

229 lines (186 loc) · 7.39 KB

Gathering traces and profiles is a very difficult task: it gathers a lot of data, potentially uses a lot of memory and potentially create huge files. As a result, it is not unusual that things do not work right out of the box, depeneding on the scale, complexity of the applications and compilers. Fortunately, in case an application is not running properly for our shared libraries, we provide a set of tests to help troubleshoot the problem.


Q: I am trying to get the MPI counts but my application does not seem to be progressing after a while

A: The default process to capture the counts is based on a compact format representation of the alltoallv calls in order to minimize the size of the final dataset. In a nutshell, the profiler captures a signature of the call, then check is that signature already exists in the dataset. If not, the new signature is added to the dataset, while the call reference is added to the signature, without saving any other additional data. As a result, if your application has a lot of calls with different signatures, the profiler spends a lot of time comparing signatures, which potentially lead to a prohibitive situation. When facing that problem, one alternate option is to switch to the mode where individual calls are saved into separate files. Of course this may lead to a bigger dataset. It is all about the balance between execution time and the size of the dataset. To use that option, simply switch to the library.

Compiler checks

The first check is to ensure that unit tests are passing with the compiler that needs to be used with the application. For that, go to the top directory of the source code and execute the following command: make check

If any errors are reported, it means the code is facing problem with the compiler(s) that you are using, please open an issue on the repository.

Run check

The second check is to make sure that the shared libraries are working properly while using a simple benchmarks. We provide 2 simple examples, one in C and one in Fortran. Users can select the version that matches the programming laguage used by their application.

To prepare the tests, execute first the following command from the top directory of the source code: make examples.

Tests for C code

Check the creation of count traces

From the top directory of the source code, execute the following command:

cd examples ; LD_PRELOAD=../alltoallv/ mpirun -np 3 ./alltoallv_c

If successful, 3 files should have been created: recv-counters.rank<ID>.txt, send-counters.rank<ID>.txt, and profile_alltoallv.rank<ID>.md.

If one of these files is missing, please open an issue on our Github project page. If the files were successfully created, please check their content:

  • profile_alltoallv.rank<ID>.md should have the following first 3 lines:
# Summary                                                                                                               Total number of alltoallv calls = 1 (limit is -1; -1 means no limit)                                                    Alltoallv call range: [0-0] 
  • send-counters.rank<ID>.txt should have the following content:
# Raw counters

Number of ranks: 3
Datatype size: 8
Alltoallv calls 0-0
Count: 1 calls - 0 

Rank(s) 0-2: 0 1 2
  • recv-counters.rank<ID>.txt should have the following content:
# Raw counters

Number of ranks: 3
Datatype size: 8
Alltoallv calls 0-0
Count: 1 calls - 0 

Rank(s) 0: 0 0 0
Rank(s) 1: 1 1 1
Rank(s) 2: 2 2 2

Check the creation of timing traces

From the top directory of the source code, execute the following command:

cd examples ; LD_PRELOAD=../alltoallv/ mpirun -np 3 ./alltoallv_c

A single timings.rank<ID>.md file should have been created with a content similar to:

Alltoallv call #0
# Late arrival timings
Rank 0: 0.000003
Rank 1: 0.000014
Rank 2: 0.000011
# Execution times of Alltoallv function 
Rank 0: 0.000022
Rank 1: 0.000023
Rank 2: 0.000023

Check the creation of backtraces

From the top directory of the source code, execute the following command:

cd examples ; LD_PRELOAD=../alltoallv/ mpirun -np 3 ./alltoallv_c

A file should have been created with a content similar to:

stack trace for /home/toto/alltoall_profiling/examples/alltoallv_c pid=5880
../alltoallv/ [0x7f5e5eff5ec3]
../alltoallv/ [0x7f5e5eff6185]
./alltoallv_c(+0xd81) [0x7f5e5f600d81] 
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f5e5e8d1b97]
./alltoallv_c(+0x9aa) [0x7f5e5f6009aa] 

Tests for Fortran code

Check the creation of count traces

From the top directory of the source code, execute the following command:

cd examples ; LD_PRELOAD=../alltoallv/ mpirun -np 3 ./alltoallv_f

If successful, 3 files should have been created: recv-counters.rank<ID>.txt, send-counters.rank<ID>.txt, and profile_alltoallv.rank<ID>.md.

If one of these files is missing, please open an issue on our Github project page. If the files were successfully created, please check their content:

  • profile_alltoallv.rank<ID>.md should have the following first 3 lines:
# Summary
Total number of alltoallv calls = 2 (limit is -1; -1 means no limit)
Alltoallv call range: [0-1] 
  • send-counters.rank<ID>.txt should have the following content:
# Raw counters

Number of ranks: 3
Datatype size: 8
Alltoallv calls 0-1
Count: 1 calls - 0-1 

Rank(s) 0: 1 2 0
Rank(s) 1: 0 0 3
Rank(s) 2: 1 0 0 
  • recv-counters.rank<ID>.txt should have the following content:
# Raw counters

Number of ranks: 3
Datatype size: 8
Alltoallv calls 0-1
Count: 1 calls - 0-1 

Rank(s) 0: 1 0 1
Rank(s) 1: 2 0 0
Rank(s) 2: 0 3 0

Check the creation of timing traces

From the top directory of the source code, execute the following command:

cd examples ; LD_PRELOAD=../alltoallv/ mpirun -np 3 ./alltoallv_f

A single timings.rank<ID>.md file should have been created with a content similar to:

Alltoallv call #0
# Late arrival timings
Rank 0: 0.000013
Rank 1: 0.000017
Rank 2: 0.000013
# Execution times of Alltoallv function 
Rank 0: 0.000023
Rank 1: 0.000031
Rank 2: 0.000023
Alltoallv call #1
# Late arrival timings
Rank 0: 0.000002
Rank 1: 0.000111
Rank 2: 0.000110
# Execution times of Alltoallv function 
Rank 0: 0.000002
Rank 1: 0.000002
Rank 2: 0.000002

Check the creation of backtraces

From the top directory of the source code, execute the following command:

cd examples ; LD_PRELOAD=../alltoallv/ mpirun -np 3 ./alltoallv_f

A backtraces directory and a file within the directory should have been created with a content similar to:

stack trace for /home/toto/alltoall_profiling/examples/alltoallv_f pid=6874
../alltoallv/ [0x7ffd7d5f5f62] 
../alltoallv/ [0x7ffd7d5f6224]
../alltoallv/ [0x7ffd7d5f6304]
./alltoallv_f(+0x1d43) [0x7ffd7dc01d43]
./alltoallv_f(+0x2047) [0x7ffd7dc02047]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7ffd7cbd1b97]
./alltoallv_f(+0xdea) [0x7ffd7dc00dea]