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101 lines (90 loc) · 5.93 KB


File metadata and controls

101 lines (90 loc) · 5.93 KB


Please translate to English:


  1. Naar nieuwe git repo done

  2. Date issue (see bday at issue 18)

  3. org issue -> kijkt mathijs nog naar done (orgname and org unit were fine right?)

  4. geïnternationaliseerde (zie Django docs) verbose_name geeft done

  5. django-extensions graph_models done

  6. admin interface done

  7. inline admin for many (one right?) tomany done

  8. view in admin voor uploaden vcard done

  9. AGPL

  10. Finish setup done opzet file, moet nog testen, admin houd ik ook nog geen rekening mee

  11. README.rst (reStructuredText) done

  12. convertTo done gedaan als importFrom and exportTo

  13. gitignore done

  14. pep8 done? will probably have issues again, will look at it tomorrow gebruikte commando om whitespace om id's toe te staan; pep8 -r --count --ignore=E201,E202,E221,E251 done

  15. Remove application files in root directory (,, templates, *.pyc, etc.) done

  16. Unittests from vcard/ to vcard/tests/ done

  17. Sensible data types for (at least):

    • URL (URLField) done
    • Timezone (int, I believe - see what vobject returns) Can be any value, even 'amsterdam' so just used charfield done
    • Photo, Sound, Logo (blob/binary field?) Can be both file and uri with complex specs. Requires both consideration and more time; removed done
    • Note (TextField) done
    • Address, email and tel type (ChoiceField) You could use a choice field, but specs allow any value
    • Geo (maybe Lat/lon. - otherwise leave as a string) done (left as string, specs are complex)
    • Email (EmailField) done
    • Bday (DateField) DateField does not comply to the specs of vcard; "koninginnedag" is a legal value done
    • Rev (Integer, maybe? used datefield) done BUT could lead to issues; rev is a timestamp but multiple formats exist
  18. Docstrings for at least all the models, and some of the main functions. done From the docstring the following things should roughly be clear:

    1. What does the function do (semantically, not algorithmically)

      Something like: "It eats bananas."

      NOT: "It uses enzymes do digest such and such carbonhydrates etc. etc."

    2. What does it return (if it returns anything at all).

    3. What the meaning of eventual parameters are, especially if they're not downright evident.

  19. Button in the admin contact view for uploading contacts. done

  20. The admin upload functionality should look like it's part of the admin. See:

  21. There is a bug causing a DatabaseError with SQLite due to some string data being saved to the database as 8-bit bytestrings instead of unicode data (or blobs/binary data, what it probably should be). done (by removing photo sound and logo)

  22. If a fatal error should be raised during the import process, the imported data should automatically be deleted from the database so we won't get invalid or incomplete data in the database upon repeated failures. done

  23. URL's get imported wrongfully from Apple's Address Book vCards: becomes done

  24. Limit choices for phone, email and address type fields to sensible values (this does not limit the database, though). done

    From The following lists are informative. See RFC2426 sections 3.2.1 ADR, 3.3.1 TEL, and 3.3.2 EMAIL respectively for normative type values. They are repeated here for convenience. Default type subproperty value(s) is(are) first in each list and indicated in ALL CAPS. types may be multivalued.

    • adr type: INTL, POSTAL, PARCEL, WORK, dom, home, pref done
    • tel type: VOICE, home, msg, work, pref, fax, cell, video, pager, bbs, modem, car, isdn, pcs done
    • email type: INTERNET, x400, pref done
  25. Make sure the unittest does an import - export - import for each of the included test vCards. done

  26. Birthday INVOERVELD zou in IEDER geval een datumselectie moeten zijn. done Vervolgens zou je even moeten kijken hoe je kan zorgen dat dat in het goede formaat als CharField wordt weggeschreven. done (Hint: maak een widget


  27. There's a value field with addresses, for some reason. Not anymore done

  28. Fields like 'sort string', 'unique identifier' and 'last revision' will rarely ever be set by the user. In some of these cases it makes no sense to display them at all - in other cases they should merely render as read- only fields. Furthermore, the values of some of these fields should be automatically set to default values from within the admin class. done

  29. Considering the structure of the admin interface, it seems to make more sense that the name should be part of the Contact model, rather than having a one-to-one relation with it. done

  30. For some fields, eg. 'Class', it is not clear what they mean. In these cases, either add some help_text explaining their meaning or leave the fields out of the Admin form.

  31. For some reason a lot of verbose_name's seem to have capitals on every word. This is not necessary and makes it more difficult to add

    translations. done

  32. For a lot of fields, it makes sense to have a default ordering of fields. Perhaps it is best to either change the order of fields in the model

    and/or to specify the form field ordering using fields in the admin class or a custom ModelForm subclass.

  33. A lot of fields seem to have a 'Data' property - which does not make a lot of sense. Perhaps something like 'Value' would make more sense from the UI side.

As some of the last few points might involve extra work, it makes sense to discuss the possibilities of adding a few hours to the original statement.