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Stellar node handshake process

The purpose of this document is to provide a pseudo-code explanation of the handshake process between Stellar nodes.

Since there's no texted documentation, the source of truth is the original code: stellar-core/overlay/Peer.h

The handshake process between Stellar nodes involves establishing a TCP connection and subsequently exchanging and verifying "Hello" and "Auth" messages.

Initial Setup:

Prior to initiating the connection, it's essential to have a persistent ed25519 secret key, termed the seed. From this seed, we aim to derive a persistent_public_key and a signing_key:

  1. Derive from the seed key using: (persistent_public_key, _) = crypto_sign_seed_keypair(seed).
  2. Construct the signing_key = [seed + persistent_public_key].

TCP Connection Establishment:

Once the initial setup is completed, we proceed to establish a TCP connection with the target node. Upon a successful connection:

  1. Generate a random per_connection_secret_key and compute its corresponding per_connection_public_key = crypto_scalarmult_base(per_connection_secret_key).
  2. Prepare the "Hello" message for transmission.

Constructing the "Hello" Message:

The "Hello" message incorporates various data types, including raw data that is available from the start (network_id, ledger version, overlay version...), hashed data (sha256(network_id)), and other signed/encrypted data (authentication certificate). The primary components of this message are:

  1. sha256(network_id)
  2. Auth Certificate:
    • This structure includes the per_connection_public_key, the certificate's expiration, and a signature. To construct the missing components we do:
      1. create expiration = + 60minutes.
      2. create signature. For that we do:
        1. Generate signature_data using: sha256([network_id + [3] + expiration + per_connection_public_key]).
        2. Sign this data with the signing_key: signature = crypto_sign_detached(signature_data, signing key).
  3. persistent_public_key
  4. local_nonce = sha256(random bytes[32]).

Following the construction, archive the message using bytes_to_send = archive(hello message.to_xdr()).
Send the archive over TCP.

Next, await the node's archived "Hello" message.
Upon its receipt, unarchive and decode it. Then do hello.cert verification.

Verifying the remote certificate:

  1. Ensure < cert.expiration.
  2. Reconstruct the signature hash: hash = sha256([self.network_id + [3] + cert.expiration + cert.per_connection_public_key])
  3. verify with crypto_sign_verify_detached(cert.signature, hash, hello.persistent_public_key).

Extract and store the remote_nonce and remote_public_key from the message.

Create local_sequence and remote_sequence properties and set them to zero.

In order to construct any further messages, we need to generate the sending_mac_key and for verifying the received messages - receiving_mac_key.

MAC Key Generation

For both sending_mac_key and receiving_mac_key generation:

  1. Calculate shared_key by doing the following:
    1. create shared_secret_key = scalarmut(self.per_connection_secret_key, remote_public_key).
    2. Create message = [shared_secret_key + self.per_connection_public_key + remote_public_key].
    3. return create_sha256_hmac(message, zero_salt).
  2. With shared_key available, calculate sending_mac_key and receiving_mac_key. Execute the subsequent steps twice — once for sending and once for receiving:
    1. Create a message = if is_sending [[0] + local_nonce + remote_nonce + [1]] else [[1] + remote_nonce + local_nonce + [1]].
    2. return create_sha256_hmac(message, shared_key).

Constructing the "Auth" Message

  1. Encode "Auth" message message.to_xdr()
  2. All archived messages, but not the one that contains "Hello" message, have sequence and mac properties that need to be verified upon receiving. For MAC generation:
    1. create a message = [local_sequence + message.to_xdr()].
    2. Compute the MAC: mac = create_sha256_hmac(data, sending_mac_key).

Archive the message bytes_to_send = archive(local_sequence, auth message.to_xdr(), mac) and transmit it over TCP.
Increment local_sequence by one.

Receive the node's archived "Auth" message.
Unarchive received_bytes into its components: (unarchived_remote_sequence, message.to_xdr(), mac) = unarchive(received_bytes).

Verifying the unarchived message

The unarchived message is verified by doing the following:

  1. unarchived_remote_sequence == remote_sequence.
  2. Verify hmac by checking verify_sha256_hmac(mac, receiving_mac_key, message.to_xdr()).

Increment remote_sequence by one if we want to send and receive any further messages.

The handshake process is now concluded, providing a secure communication channel within the Stellar network.