pick a terminal command to bind to a hotkey (e.g super+space):
## source bashrc to get $PATH and $EDITOR variable
# if fzf-nova is NOT in your $PATH then include the script location
xterm -T fzf-nova -geometry 120x20+300+300 -fs 14 -e bash -c "source ~/.bashrc &>/dev/null && /path/to/fzf-nova"
xfce4-terminal --title fzf-nova --geometry 120x20+350+300 --font 14 --execute bash -c "source ~/.bashrc &>/dev/null && /path/to/fzf-nova"
alacritty -T fzf-nova -o "window.dimensions.columns=90" "window.dimensions.lines=20" "window.position.x=350" "window.position.y=200" -e bash -c "source ~/.bashrc &>/dev/null && /path/to/fzf-nova"
# if fzf-nova is already in your bash $PATH
xterm -T fzf-nova -geometry 120x20+300+300 -fs 14 -e bash -c "source ~/.bashrc &>/dev/null && fzf-nova"
xfce4-terminal --title fzf-nova --geometry 120x20+350+300 --font 14 --execute bash -c "source ~/.bashrc &>/dev/null && fzf-nova"
alacritty -T fzf-nova -o "window.dimensions.columns=90" "window.dimensions.lines=20" "window.position.x=350" "window.position.y=200" -e bash -c "source ~/.bashrc &>/dev/null && fzf-nova"
for TMUX users (prefix + TAB to activate popup)
bind-key Tab capture-pane \; save-buffer /tmp/tmux-buffer \; delete-buffer \; display-popup -w 80% -h 60% -E "fzf-nova"
bind-key Tab capture-pane \; save-buffer /tmp/tmux-buffer \; delete-buffer \; display-popup -w 80% -h 60% -E "/path/to/fzf-nova"
for SHELL hotkey (e.g Alt+m to activate)
# bashrc
bind -x '"\em": fzf-nova'
bind -x '"\em": path/to/fzf-nova'
# zshrc
__fzf_nova__() {
# or
# /path/to/fzf-nova
zle -N __fzf_nova__
bindkey -M emacs '^[m' __fzf_nova__
bindkey -M vicmd '^[m' __fzf_nova__
bindkey -M viins '^[m' __fzf_nova__
just drop in a script in the same folder as fzf-nova.
name it e.g: _myamazingscript,--.a.cool.description