GAPIC Showcase is an API that demonstrates Generated
API Client (GAPIC) features and common API patterns used by Google. It follows the Cloud APIs
design guide. gapic-generator-java
generates a client for
the Showcase API which can communicate with a local Showcase server to perform integration tests.
- Install Go in your
Using the latest version of showcase is recommended, but backward compatibility between server
versions is not guaranteed. If changing the version of the server, it may also be necessary to
update to a compatible client version in ./WORKSPACE
# Install the showcase server version defined in gapic-showcase/pom.xml
cd showcase
go install"$(cd gapic-showcase;mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=gapic-showcase.version -q -DforceStdout |sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g')"
PATH=$PATH:`go env GOPATH`/bin
gapic-showcase --help
> Root command of gapic-showcase
> Usage:
> gapic-showcase [command]
> Available Commands:
> completion Emits bash a completion for gapic-showcase
> compliance This service is used to test that GAPICs...
> echo This service is used showcase the four main types...
> help Help about any command
> identity A simple identity service.
> messaging A simple messaging service that implements chat...
> run Runs the showcase server
> sequence Sub-command for Service: Sequence
> testing A service to facilitate running discrete sets of...
> Flags:
> -h, --help help for gapic-showcase
> -j, --json Print JSON output
> -v, --verbose Print verbose output
> --version version for gapic-showcase
Run the showcase server to allow requests to be sent to it. This opens port :7469
to send and
receive requests.
gapic-showcase run
> 2022/11/21 16:22:15 Showcase listening on port: :7469
> 2022/11/21 16:22:15 Starting endpoint 0: gRPC endpoint
> 2022/11/21 16:22:15 Starting endpoint 1: HTTP/REST endpoint
> 2022/11/21 16:22:15 Starting endpoint multiplexer
> 2022/11/21 16:22:15 Listening for gRPC-fallback connections
> 2022/11/21 16:22:15 Listening for gRPC connections
> 2022/11/21 16:22:15 Listening for REST connections
> 2022/11/21 16:22:15 Fallback server listening on port: :1337
Open a new terminal window in the root project directory.
cd showcase
mvn verify -P enable-integration-tests -P enable-golden-tests
-P enable-golden-tests
is optional. These tests do not require a local server.
Open a new terminal window in the root project directory.
Note that the underlying scripts will modify your $HOME
folder by creating a
This is the well-known location of the artifacts the generation scripts use.
For more details see the
development guide
# In repository's root directory
mvn clean install -DskipTests
cd showcase
mvn compile -P update