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bdferris edited this page Sep 19, 2014 · 5 revisions


The feedvalidator is a command line tool that checks a GTFS feed for problems and generates a HTML report. Running it on your transit data feed and fixing the issues that it finds can save you from display and routing problems down the road.

For a list of the errors and warnings that FeedValidator outputs, see the FeedValidatorErrorsAndWarnings page.

You may run the validator on an uncompressed directory of GTFS txt files. I recommend you validate your final just before publishing it to catch any mistakes creating the zip. If you have an script that generates your GTFS file consider making validation a final step and aborting if it exits with an error.

Windows standalone version

We provide a Windows executable version for convenience; if you're running Windows, you should use this one. To get it, download the latest transitfeed-(version) from the project download page.

Once you have it downloaded and unzipped, there are a few ways to run it:


Drag a GTFS zip file or directory onto feedvalidator.exe. A window will pop up with the result of the validation test:


Double-click feedvalidator.exe. A window will pop up and ask you to enter the location of your feed file or directory. You can type it in, or just drag a GTFS file or directory onto the window and hit Enter.


Go to the Windows command prompt, and type: feedvalidator <name of feed file or directory>. If you want to avoid the prompt at the end of the validation, use the --noprompt parameter.

Python source code version

Use this version if you're on Mac OS X or Linux.

Before you run the feed validator you must install Python. It is tested with versions 2.4 and 2.5 and should work with 2.6. You can download Python from

Fetch the transitfeed distribution from our source code repository (see Source tab above) or by downloading transitfeed-(version).tar.gz from the project download page.


Run the feed validator as <feed filename>

The warning "Timezone not checked (install pytz package for timezone validation)" is normal. feedvalidator can not check the spelling of the agency_timezone until you install the pytz package.

Extra help for Windows XP/2000 users

Open a new Command Prompt window. Change into the directory containing (Hint: type "cd " without quotes and drag the icon of the folder into command prompt window). Run . If you don't want to type the feed filename try dragging it into the command prompt window.

Command line options

Usage: [options] [<input>]

Validates GTFS file (or directory) <input> and writes a HTML
report of the results to validation-results.html.

If <input> is ommited the filename is read from the console. Dragging
a file into the console may enter the filename.

For more information see

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n, --noprompt        do not prompt for feed location or load output in
  -o FILE, --output=FILE
                        write html output to FILE or --output=CONSOLE to print
                        all errors and warnings to the command console
  -p, --performance     output memory and time performance (Availability: Unix
  -m, --memory_db       Use in-memory sqlite db instead of a temporary file.
                        It is faster but uses more RAM.
  -d, --duplicate_trip_check
                        Check for duplicate trips which go through the same
                        stops with same service and start times
  -l LIMIT_PER_TYPE, --limit_per_type=LIMIT_PER_TYPE
                        Maximum number of errors and warnings to keep of each
                        a version number such as 1.2.1 or None to get the
                        latest version from Output a warning
                        if is older than this version.
                        the number of consecutive days to search for with no
                        scheduled service. For each interval with no service
                        having this number of days or more a warning will be

Revision History

See the TransitFeedDistribution page.

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