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Try it yourself!

Now we are beginning the fully hands-on part of the workshop. Before getting started, you will need access to the following:

  • First, a text editor (one of your group members should download Sublime or VS Code, or you will need to borrow a laptop which has VS Code installed).
  • Second, access to the starter text, below, which you can download or copy/paste into your text editor.
  • Third, access to a validator, via this link, where you can periodically copy and paste your code to see if it is valid, in other words, having no mistakes.
  • Fourth, access to the manuscript images which you will be encoding. Image of First Manuscript Page
  • Fifth, access to this Google Drive folder, where you will be uploading your XML files at the end of the workshop. Please follow below directions on how to save your file.
  • Finally, access to the workshop evaluation, by following this link, or typing this short code into your browser:

Setting up a Text Editor

If you don't already have a text editor on your computer, you should download either Sublime or VS Code. Sublime is the easiest for beginners to use (less bells and whistles to distract you), but VS Code is a more robust and ultimately useful editor.

Go to the home page and download the editor. Then open the package and follow the steps to install and open.

The Starter Text

To get you started, I'm providing you with a boilerplate starter text, containing the XML and header info at the top, as well as the basic structure of the body. That way, you can jump right into encoding the lines of the manuscript. Copy and paste the following text into your text editor, or download this file to open it right in your text editor:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml"
<TEI xmlns="">
                <title>The Picture of Dorian Gray: Original Manuscript</title>
                <p>Unpublished manuscript</p>
                <p>Wilde, Oscar. "The Picture of Dorian Gray: Original Manuscript." MS. 1889. Morgan Library and Museum. New York, NY.</p>
        <line>Greek. The harmony of soul and</line>
                <line>body---how much that is! We in</line>
                <line>our madness have separated the two,</line>
                <line>and have invented a realism that</line>
                <line>is bestial, an ideality that is</line>
                <line>void. Harry! Harry! If you only</line>
                <line>knew what Dorian Gray is<add place="above">to me</add>! You</line>
                <line>remember that landscape of mine, for</line>
                <line>which Agnew offered me such <gap reason="illegible"></gap>a</line>
                    <gap reason="illegible"></gap>
                    <add place="above">huge</add>
                    price, but which I would

Keep in mind that all of your work will now fall between the last <line> tag and the last <surface> tag.

The Validator

Periodically as you work through your encoding, make sure to check to see that your TEI is valid. You can do this by copy and pasting your entire document (including all header info) into the text box on the free TEI Validator provided by TEI By Example (a great resource!).

If everything is valid, you will have a green version of your code at the bottom. If there is a bug, they will appear in red at the bottom, along with a description and line numbers. You will have to go back to the relevant lines to debug your encoding.

Manuscript Images

You may want to open these files as separate tabs in your browser, or download them and open with a PDF viewer, for convenience. (Please do not distribute the files!)

Image of First Manuscript Page

Image of Second Manuscript Page

Upload your File

Toward the end of the workshop, or you are done with your encoding, please save your file with you team name (be creative!) to the filetype XML, or your document won't render. After saving, upload your XML file to this Google Drive folder.

At the end of the workshop, I will copy and paste the files into my own editor, which will allow you to see your TEI transformed into a diplomatic transcription.
