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281 lines (189 loc) · 7.21 KB

File metadata and controls

281 lines (189 loc) · 7.21 KB


Key Value
Author(s) Neal.Coleman, Jordan.Brockopp
Reviewers David.May, Emmanuel.Meinen, Kelly.Merrick
Date July 17th, 2019
Status Complete


Please provide a summary of the new feature, redesign or refactor:

This feature will enable the ability to provide multiple secret engines (backends) for customers.

Vault is a tool for securely storing and accessing secrets.

Adding another secret backend, like Vault, would provide a greater sophistication to our secret configuration options.

In order to accomplish adding more secret backends, we also must involve refactoring the existing secrets implementation.

Please briefly answer the following questions:

  1. Why is this required?
  • provide compatible functionality with existing CI solutions
  • provide extra layers of redundancy to secrets management
  • enables adding other secret backends (like Kubernetes)
  • greater sophistication to secret configurations
  1. If this is a redesign or refactor, what issues exist in the current implementation?

The current API/CLI setup all assume we're interacting with a single secret backend.

An example of the current structure:

// POST   /api/v1/repositories/:owner/:repository/secrets

Unless we were to use query parameters, there isn't a way for us to address which backend we should be creating the new secret in.

  1. Are there any other workarounds, and if so, what are the drawbacks?


  1. Are there any related issues? Please provide them below if any exist.



Please describe your solution to the proposal. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • new/updated endpoints or url paths
  • new/updated configuration variables (environment, flags, files, etc.)
  • performance and user experience tradeoffs
  • security concerns or assumptions
  • examples or (pseudo) code snippets

The below represents the modifications necessary regarding the 3 secret types:

  • repo
  • org
  • shared


The below endpoints would be created for the new secrets functionality.

The idea is using the :engine and :type parameters in the path, will enable support for future secret engines while not having to actually add new endpoints for them.

// POST   /api/v1/secrets/:engine/:type/:owner/:name/
// GET    /api/v1/secrets/:engine/:type/:owner/:name/
// GET    /api/v1/secrets/:engine/:type/:owner/:name/
// PUT    /api/v1/secrets/:engine/:type/:owner/:name/
// DELETE /api/v1/secrets/:engine/:type/:owner/:name/

NOTE: The below endpoints will be deprecated and supported only in 0.4.x versions.

// POST   /api/v1/repositories/:owner/:repository/secrets
// GET    /api/v1/repositories/:owner/:repository/secrets
// GET    /api/v1/repositories/:owner/:repository/secrets/:secret
// PUT    /api/v1/repositories/:owner/:repository/secrets/:secret
// DELETE /api/v1/repositories/:owner/:repository/secrets/:secret



# Example Vault path for repo secret storage

# Example Vela CLI command for repository secret storage
vela create secret --engine vault --type repo --org github --repo octocat --name foo --value bar

# Example Vault CLI return for repository secret storage
vault read secret/repo/github/octocat/foo
Key                 Value
---                 -----
refresh_interval    10h
repo                github/octocat
value               bar


# Example Vault path for org secret storage

# Example Vela CLI command for repository secret storage
vela create secret --engine vault --type org --org github --repo * --name foo --value bar

# Example Vault CLI return for org secret storage
vault read secret/org/github/foo
Key                 Value
---                 -----
refresh_interval    10h
repo                github/*
value               bar


# Example Vault path for shared secret storage

# Example Vela CLI command for shared secret storage
vela create secret --engine vault --type shared --org github --team octokitties --name foo --value bar

# Example Vault CLI return for shared secret storage
vault read secret/shared/github/octokitties/foo
Key                 Value
---                 -----
refresh_interval    10h
team                github/octokitties
value               bar


Current secrets YAML definition:

  # native secrets implicit
  - name: docker_username

  # native secrets explicit
  - name: docker_password
    type: native
    key:  docker_username

  # external secrets
  - name: docker_token
    type: vault
    key:  secrets/org/docker/token

Proposed secrets YAML definition:

  # native secrets implicit
  - name: docker_username

  # native secrets explicit
  - name: docker_password
    key:  /{org}/{repo}/docker_password
    engine: native
    type: repo

  # vault secrets explicit
  - name: docker_token
    key:  /{org}/docker/token
    engine: vault
    type: org

  # vault secrets explicit
  - name: docker_url
    key:  /{org}/{team}/docker/url
    engine: vault
    type: shared


Please briefly answer the following questions:

  1. Is this something you plan to implement yourself?


  1. What's the estimated time to completion?

2 weeks

Please provide all tasks (gists, issues, pull requests, etc.) completed to implement the design:


Please list any questions you may have: