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354 lines (229 loc) · 11.5 KB

File metadata and controls

354 lines (229 loc) · 11.5 KB


0.4.1 (2024-03-28)


  • Users can install Pydantic V2 without causing pip dependency errors.

0.4.0 (2024-03-26)


  • Added support for Pydantic v2.

0.3.0 (2023-08-07)


  • Added metadata dict to Result message
  • Added details dict to RedisTask

0.2.0 (2023-05-10)


  • Quashed warning that would be logged when deserializing EPStatusReport messages using the ep_status_report alias for global_state

0.1.0 (2023-03-06)


  • Renamed funcx-common to globus-compute-common package

0.0.25 (2023-03-06)


  • Renamed the ep_status_report field of the EPStatusReport message to global_state

    • global_state has an alias of ep_status_report for backward compatibility

0.0.24 (2023-01-23)


  • Container information can now be conveyed directly with Task messages, not just container_id

0.0.23 (2022-12-06)


  • Add an exception and error code for when a serialized function exceeds our size limits.

0.0.21 (2022-12-02)


  • Add new exception, ContainerBuildForbidden

0.0.20 (2022-11-18)


  • Added error codes and classes for when submissions to the web service's batch_run API are too large

0.0.17 (2022-10-19)


  • A TaskTransition message type which is used in the Result, ManagerStatusReport, and EPStatusReport to record status events.
  • Execution-start and execution-end TaskState constants.
  • ActorName constants to represent the various entities in the system.

0.0.16 (2022-10-11)


  • Add queue_name field to RedisTask. This specifies the name of the AMQP queue where this task's result will be put or found. If not set, this task's result will not be placed into an AMQP queue.

0.0.15 (2022-07-15)


  • Added a .status_log property to the RedisTask object. The state log requires an atomic append, so this cannot be implemented as another field in the RedisTask hash. Instead, it is implemented as a top-level array.

0.0.14 (2022-06-13)


  • Task messages no longer require container_id, in support of running tasks that don't require containers.


  • An sdk_version_sharing module for centralizing the behavior where the SDK sends its version string to the Web Service for logging.

  • A new error class has been added, messagepack.WrongMessageTypeError

  • All messagepack.Message objects now support a new method, assert_one_of_types, which takes Message subclasses as arguments and raises a WrongMessageTypeError if isinstance(..., message_types) does not pass

0.0.13 (2022-05-20)


  • funcx_common.messagepack now provides a default MessagePacker instance, created at import time. This also allows for pack and unpack methods to be provided as functions from the package. The following names are now available for import and use:

    • funcx_common.messagepack.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_PACKER
    • funcx_common.messagepack.pack
    • funcx_common.messagepack.unpack
  • funcx_common.messagepack.message_types.Result now supports two new optional attributes: exec_start_ms and exec_end_ms, for execution timing info in milliseconds since epoch.

  • funcx_common.messagepack.message_types.Result has a computed property exec_duration_ms which takes exec_end_ms - exec_start_ms

0.0.12 (2022-02-15)


  • InvalidAuthToken and InsufficientAuthScope error classes were added for auth errors that occur in the web service

  • Implementation of v1 of the funcx.messagepack protocol. See the readme for more info

  • The following message types have been added to messagepack: Result, TaskCancel

    • Result defines an additional model for de/serializing errors: funcx_common.messagepack.message_types.ResultErrorDetails. The ResultErrorDetails object is used to wrap a string code and a user-facing message

    • TaskCancel is defined only to have the task_id field


  • Remove the v0 implementation of funcx.messagepack

  • The following message types have been removed from messagepack: Heartbeat, HeartbeatReq, ResultsAck


  • pydantic>=1,<2 is now required by funcx-common

  • Messages in the funcx.messagepack subpackage are now pydantic models, and their members have changed. The message_type is now a str, not an enum

0.0.11 (2022-01-04)


  • A new class, funcx_common.redis_task.RedisTask has been added, which implements the TaskProtocol backed with RedisField attributes. This follows the pattern of existing implementations.

  • RedisTask.load is added as a classmethod for loading tasks from Redis with the requirement that the task must exist in Redis

  • A new enum has been added, funcx_common.tasks.InternalTaskState, for task internal_status values

  • funcx_common.task_storage.TaskStorage and its child classes (ImplicitRedisStorage and RedisS3Storage) now support store_payload and get_payload methods.

0.0.10 (2021-11-30)


  • A new subpackage, funcx_common.messagepack provides an implementation of serialization and deserialization of message objects meant to be compatible with funcx_endpoint.executors.high_throughput.messages in its on-the-wire representation of messages. Changes between the two implementations are noted in a README for messagepack.

    • messagepack defines protocol versions, starting with the current and unversioned v0, for handling changes to the protocol over time

    • only v0 is implemented, but a suggested plan for v1 of the protocol can be seen in the messagepack readme

  • Add the funcx_common.task_storage.get_default_task_storage() method, which reads the FUNCX_REDIS_STORAGE_THRESHOLD and FUNCX_S3_BUCKET_NAME environment variables and constructs the appropriate TaskStorage object

    • Detection of S3/Redis vs Redis-only storage is done by the presence/absence of the FUNCX_S3_BUCKET_NAME variable. It can be forced to redis-only by setting FUNCX_REDIS_STORAGE_THRESHOLD="-1"

    • The storage threshold has a default value of 20,000 if not set

  • Add funcx_common.task_storage.ImplicitRedisStorage as a storage class which only reads and writes the task object, on the assumption that it is a RedisTask


  • RedisS3Storage now contains an ImplicitRedisStorage object which is used to implement read/write to redis

  • RedisS3Storage now requires bucket_name and redis_threshold as keyword-only arguments, if constructed directly

0.0.9 (2021-11-04)


  • A new TaskStorage class that is designed to abstract the storage systems for result or payload blobs

  • A RedisS3Storage implementation which is ready for use for storing results.

    • This will store small results in Redis and large results in S3 using a configurable threshold.
    • The write to redis is implicit, assuming that task objects define result as a RedisField
  • TaskProtocol now defines a new dict attribute: result_reference, which is written and read by the TaskStorage component. Tasks must add an implementation of this field to comply with the protocol.

0.0.8 (2021-10-27)


  • The HasRedisConnection class has been removed


  • Redis connections created by default_redis_connection_factory now default to loading a redis URL from an environment variable, FUNCX_COMMON_REDIS_URL, with a default of redis://localhost:6379


  • The redis logging decorator has been moved. It is no longer attached to a class, but is now available as funcx_common.redis.redis_connection_error_logging
  • The signatures for creating FuncxRedisPubSub and FuncxEndpointTaskQueue have changed. They can now be passed a redis.Redis object, and default to calling default_redis_connection_factory

0.0.7 (2021-10-22)


  • funcx_common.redis.HasRedisConnection no longer provides the log_connection_errors decorator

  • funcx_common.redis.FuncxRedisPubSub and funcx_common.redis.FuncxEndpointTaskQueue no longer automatically log redis connection errors to the funcx_common logger. Users of these classes should either handle these errors themselves or make use of the new error logging decorator


  • A funcx_common.redis.HasRedisConnection object now accepts a redis_connection_factory callable which is used to instantiate the redis.Redis object, to allow overrides to the connection construction process. The callable must have the signature (str, int) -> redis.Redis, and the default is a function visible under the name funcx_common.redis.default_redis_connection_factory.

  • A new context-manager is available as a method of the HasRedisConnection class, HasRedisConnection.connection_error_logging. This can be used to capture and log (at exception-level) redis connection errors to the funcx_common logger

  • The default connection construction for HasRedisConnection now sets health_check_interval=30. To override this setting, use redis_connection_factory


  • Begin using scriv to manage the changelog
  • The FuncxRedisConnection class has been renamed to HasRedisConnection. The name change better indicates that this class is not a connection itself -- it's just an inheritable way of constructing a connection.

0.0.6 (2021-09-20)

  • Add FuncxRedisPubSub, which provides a pubsub wrapper over the redis library's PubSub client

0.0.5 (2021-08-23)

  • Fix mypy type inference on RedisField descriptors

0.0.4 (2021-08-20)

  • First version of generic task utilities. Constants starting with task states and a TaskProtocol class which defines (some) required properties of Task objects. Import from funcx_common.tasks

  • Add first version of FuncxRedisConnection and FuncxEndpointTaskQueue utilities for wrapping redis-py. Import from funcx_common.redis, as in from funcx_common.redis import FuncxEndpointTaskQueue

  • A new extra, redis defines a requirement for the redis-py lib. Install with funcx-common[redis] to pull in the redis requirement. Installation without reids will result in FuncxRedisConnection and FuncxEndpointTaskQueue failing to initialize

  • funcx_common.redis now provides RedisField, a descriptor which is backed by hset and hget against the owning object's redis_client attribute for presistence. Initialization of RedisField requires the HasRedisFieldsMeta metaclass. HasRedisFields may be used to apply this metaclass via inheritance.

  • De/serialization of RedisField data can be defined with "serde" objects. funcx_common.redis provides: DEFAULT_SERDE (strings), INT_SERDE, JSON_SERDE, and FuncxRedisEnumSerde (takes an enum class as an input)

0.0.3 (2021-08-17)

  • Bugfix: FuncxResponseError.unpack() correctly handles values not in the known response codes enum

  • Add py.typed to package data, to publish type annotations

  • Bugfix: annotate FuncxResponseError.http_status_code as a class var

0.0.2 (2021-08-17)

  • Fix links to repo/homepage (including in package metadata)

0.0.1 (2021-08-17)

  • Initial Release