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Architecture Coursework

The code can be found here.

There are three central aims of this coursework:

  • Solidify understanding of how an instruction processor actually functions. The overall functionality of how a processor works is relatively easy to grasp, but there is lots of interesting detail which gives some insight (both into CPUs, but also into software and digital design).

  • Understand the importance of having good specifications, in terms of functionality, APIs, and requirements. This is fundamental to CPU design and implementation, but is also true in the wider world (again) of software and digital design.

  • Develop skills in coding from scratch by creating a CPU simulator from scratch.


The task was to develop a MIPS CPU simulator, which can accurately execute MIPS-1 big-endian binaries. Also a testbench was developed which is able to test a MIPS simulator, and try to work out whether it is correct.


For the sake of clarity, this document will use the following terms:

  • Simulator : The MIPS CPU simulator being developed. This program is running natively under a Linux/Windows/OSX Environment and has direct access to your files, the keyboard (stdin), the screen (stdout), etc. The simulator will be responsible for implementing a register file, program counter, and memory, and then sequentially executing MIPS instructions according to the MIPS ISA.

  • Binary : The MIPS binary/program/executable which is currently being executed/run/simulated by your Simulator. Each time the simulator is ran it will need to be given a binary, as by itself the simulator does nothing (just like a "real" CPU does nothing if you switch it on but don't give it instructions to execute). While a simulator can only execute one binary each time it is run, the set of binaries that it can run is unrestricted. Test binaries needed to be developed, as well as executing binaries from 3rd-party sources.

  • Environment : This is the thing which is hosting and executing the Simulator. Part of it is the operating system, but it also contains elements of the C run-time library (e.g. libc), and also some elements of the compiler itself.

  • Testbench : This is the testing framework, which can take a given Simulator, and through running tests attempt to ascertain what features of the Simulator work. The aim was that the Testbench should be able to check the functionality of a Simulator at an Instruction granularity.

The MIPS ISA acts as the boundary between the Simulator and the Binary, so any correct Binary should run on any correct Simulator, and should deterministically do exactly the same thing.

The target Evironment will be Ubuntu 16, with the standard GNU toolchain installed (i.e. g++, make), standard command line utilities, and bash.

Simulator Input/Output

The Simulator is a single executable, and has the following behaviour:

  • Binary : the Binary location is passed as a command-line parameter, and should be the path of a binary file containing MIPS-1 big-endian instructions. These instructions should be loaded into a fixed region of "RAM" with a known address, then execution should start at the first address in this region.

  • Input : input to the simulated Binary will be passed in over the Simulator's standard input (std::cin or stdin), and mapped into a 32-bit memory location. If the Binary reads from the nominated memory location, it should be logically equivalent to calling std::getchar or getchar (and one approach would be for the Simulator to call these functions on behalf of the Binary).

  • Output : output from the simulated Binary will be produced by writing to a mapped 32-bit memory location. Writing to the nominated memory location should be equivalent to calling std::putchar or putchar (and again, the Simulator could call these functions on behalf of the Binary).

  • Exit : A Binary signals successful termination/completion by executing the instruction at address 0. This tells the Simulator that there are no more instructions to execute, and that it should exit. The return code of the Simulator is given by the low 8-bits of the value in register $2. These 8-bits should be used as a non-negative value to pass to std::exit or exit.

  • Exceptions : The Binary may execute instructions which are illegal, and so result in exceptions which should terminate execution of the Binary. To indicate this, the Simulator should return one of the negative exit codes detailed later on.

  • Errors : Errors may occur within the Simulator (as opposed to exceptions which are due to part of the Binary's logic). Examples might include instructions which aren't implemented (limited functionality in the Simulator), or IO failures (problems which occur due to run-time interactions between the Simulator and the Environment).

  • Logging : A Simulator may choose to emit diagnostic/debugging messages at various points, in order to record what is going on. This is completely fine, but any diagnostic information must be written to std::cerr / stderr. Any output written to std::cout / stdout will be interpreted as output from the Binary.

Simulator build and execution

The compiler is buildable by using the command:

make simulator

in the root of the respository. This results in a binary called bin/mips_simulator. An artificial requirement of this coursework for assessment purposes (i.e. it isn't really required for API reasons) is that the simulator is:

  • A binary compiled from C++ sources.
  • It can be compiled in the target Environment. This means that if the following sequence is executed:
rm bin/mips_simulator
make simulator

Then a new binary will be compiled from C++ sources.

If we assume the existence of a Binary called x.bin, we would simulate it using:

bin/mips_simulator x.bin

On startup all MIPS registers will be zero, any uninitialised memory will be zero, and the program counter will point at the first instruction in memory.

The Simulator does not assume it is being executed from any particular directory, so it does not try to open any data files. It also does not create or write to any other files.

Testbench Input/Output

A Testbench takes a single command-line parameter, which is the path of the Simulator to be tested.

As output, the Testbench should print a CSV file, where each row of the file corresponds to exactly one execution of the Simulator under test. Each row has the following fields:

TestId , Instruction , Status , Author [, Message]

The meaning of the fields is as follows:

  • TestId : A unique identifier for the particular test. This can be composed of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, -, or _. So for example, ascending integers would be fine, or combinations of words and integers, as long as there are no spaces. Running the test-bench twice should produce the same set of test identifiers in the same order, and this reflects the order in which tests are executed.

  • Instruction : This identifies the instruction which is the primary instruction being tested. Note that many (actually, most) instructions are impossible to test in isolation, so a given test may fail either because the instruction under test doesn't work, or because some other instruction necessary for the tests is broken. The test should be written to be particularly sensitive to the instruction under test, so it looks for a failure mode of that particular instruction.

  • Status : This will either be Pass or Fail. Note that a given test can only test so much, so it is entirely possible that a test might pass even if an instruction is broken. However, a Fail should be only be returned if the instruction under test (or another instruction) has clearly done something wrong.

  • Author : The login of the person who created the test.

  • Message : This is an optional field which gives more details about what exactly went wrong. This field is free-form text, but it must not contain any commas, and should only be a single line.

All fields are case insensitive, including TestId.

Testbench build and executable

The Testbench is built (or otherwise setup) using:

make testbench

This results in an executable called:


Note: this is only an executable file; so unlike the Simulator it does not need to be binary built from C++, and could be a bash script.

An example of running the Testbench on it's own Simulator would be:

bin/mips_testbench  bin/mips_simulator

corresponding output might be:

0, ADDU, Pass, dt10
1, ADD, Pass, dt10
2, ADDI, Pass, dt10

If we assume a different Testbench, and have a Simulator at the path ../other-simulator/bin/mips_simulator, then we could execute with:

bin/mips_testbench   ../other-simulator/bin/mips_simulator

and the corresponding output might be:

jr1 ,   jr,   Pass, gi316,   Single JR statement back to NULL
addi1 , addi, Pass, hes2,   Add 5 to $0
addi2 , addi, Fail, hes2,   Add -5 to $0
jr2 ,   jr,   Pass, hes2,   JR->NOP->JR->NOP


The memory map of the simulated process is as follows:

Offset     |  Length     | Name       | R | W | X | Cached |
0x00000000 |        0x4  | ADDR_NULL  |   |   | Y |        | Jumping to this address means the Binary has finished execution.
0x00000004 |  0xFFFFFFC  | ....       |   |   |   |        |
0x10000000 |  0x1000000  | ADDR_INSTR | Y |   | Y |      Y | Executable memory. The Binary should be loaded here.
0x11000000 |  0xF000000  | ....       |   |   |   |        |
0x20000000 |  0x4000000  | ADDR_DATA  | Y | Y |   |      Y | Read-write data area. Should be zero-initialised.
0x24000000 |  0xC000000  | ....       |   |   |   |        |
0x30000000 |        0x4  | ADDR_GETC  | Y |   |   |        | Location of memory mapped input. Read-only.
0x30000004 |        0x4  | ADDR_PUTC  |   | Y |   |        | Location of memory mapped output. Write-only.
0x30000008 | 0xCFFFFFF8  | ....       |   |   |   |        |

The Binary is not allowed to modify it's own code, nor should it attempt to execute code outside the executable memory.

When a simulated program reads from address ADDR_GETC, the simulator will

  • Block until a character is available (e.g. if a key needs to be pressed)
  • Return the 8-bit extended to 32-bits as the result of the memory read.
  • If there are no more characters (EOF), the memory read should return -1.

When a simulated program writes to address ADDR_PUTC, the simulator will write the character to stdout. If the write fails, the appropriate Error will be signalled.

Exceptions and Errors

Exceptions are due to instructions which the Binary wants to execute which result in some kind of exceptional or abnormal situation. Exceptions do not occurr due to bugs or errors within the Simulator. All exceptions are classified into three types, each of which has a numeric code:

  • Arithmetic exception (-10) : Any kind of arithmetic problem, such as overflow, divide by zero, ...

  • Memory exception (-11) : Any problem relating to memory, such as address out of range, writing to read-only memory, reading from an address that cannot be read, executing an address that cannot be executed ...

  • Invalid instruction (-12) : The Binary tries to execute a memory location that does not contain a valid instruction (this is not the same as trying to read a value that cannot be executed).

If any of these exceptions are encountered, the Simulator will immediately terminate with the exit code given using std::exit. Please note than an exception does not automatically mean that a Binary must be incorrect or buggy. For example, there are very well-defined situations where arithmetic overflow occurs, and a Binary may choose to rely on this behaviour for performance reasons, rather than explicitly checking for overflow all the time. Indeed, this performance argument is a big reason for hardware overflow exceptions, so a Binary must be able to rely on them being correctly reported.

Errors are due to problems occuring within the simulator, rather than something that the Binary did wrong. As with exceptions, an error may indicate a genuine problem with the Simulator, or it may be due to an interaction between the Simulator and the Environment. An example of the former is where a Simulator doesn't support a particular op-code (yet), so cannot execute a correct Binary.

An example of an error which is not the Simulator's fault is where the Binary has tried to output a character, but the request to the Environment has failed in some way. You may never have worried about it, but std::cin >> x can fail in various ways, and this would not be the fault of the Binary (so is not an exception).

Error codes are:

  • Internal error (-20) : the simulator has failed due to some unknown error
  • IO error (-21) : the simulator encountered an error reading/writing input/output


Instructions of interest are:

Code Meaning Complexity
ADD Add (with overflow) 2 XX
ADDI Add immediate (with overflow) 2 XX
ADDIU Add immediate unsigned (no overflow) 2 XX
ADDU Add unsigned (no overflow) 1 X
AND Bitwise and 1 X
ANDI Bitwise and immediate 2 XX
BEQ Branch on equal 3 XXX
BGEZ Branch on greater than or equal to zero 3 XXX
BGEZAL Branch on non-negative (>=0) and link 4 XXXX
BGTZ Branch on greater than zero 3 XXX
BLEZ Branch on less than or equal to zero 3 XXX
BLTZ Branch on less than zero 3 XXX
BLTZAL Branch on less than zero and link 4 XXXX
BNE Branch on not equal 3 XXX
DIV Divide 4 XXXX
DIVU Divide unsigned 4 XXXX
J Jump 3 XXX
JALR Jump and link register 4 XXXX
JAL Jump and link 4 XXXX
JR Jump register 1 X
LB Load byte 3 XXX
LBU Load byte unsigned 3 XXX
LH Load half-word 3 XXX
LHU Load half-word unsigned 3 XXX
LUI Load upper immediate 2 XX
LW Load word 2 XX
LWL Load word left 5 XXXXX
LWR Load word right 5 XXXXX
MFHI Move from HI 3 XXX
MFLO Move from LO 3 XXX
MTHI Move to HI 3 XXX
MTLO Move to LO 3 XXX
MULT Multiply 4 XXXX
MULTU Multiply unsigned 4 XXXX
OR Bitwise or 1 X
ORI Bitwise or immediate 2 XX
SB Store byte 3 XXX
SH Store half-word 3 XXX
SLL Shift left logical 2 XX
SLLV Shift left logical variable 3 XXX
SLT Set on less than (signed) 2 XX
SLTI Set on less than immediate (signed) 3 XXX
SLTIU Set on less than immediate unsigned 3 XXX
SLTU Set on less than unsigned 1 X
SRA Shift right arithmetic 2 XX
SRAV Shift right arithmetic 2 XX
SRL Shift right logical 2 XX
SRLV Shift right logical variable 3 XXX
SUB Subtract 2 XX
SUBU Subtract unsigned 1 X
SW Store word 2 XX
XOR Bitwise exclusive or 1 X
XORI Bitwise exclusive or immediate 2 XX
-------- --------------------------------------------- ---------
INTERNAL Not associated with a specific instruction
FUNCTION Testing the ability to support functions
STACK Testing for functions using the stack

The final instructions are pseudo-instructions, for cases where they don't map to a single instruction.

Simulator Grade Outcome - 98.7%

Testbench Grade Outcome - 100%

References: Dr. David Thomas - EIE Course Director