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Compute finite difference approximations to derivatives of multidimensional, multivariate functions with respect to multidimensional variables.

This package is similar in function to numdifftools in that its purpose is to compute derivative objects (gradients, Jacobians, Hessians, etc.) for problems like optimization and the solution of nonlinear equations. However, taylor more naturally handles array stuctured variables and has a much less sophisticated algorithm (resulting in poorer accuracy).

Neither of these programs should be confused with those like findiff and fastfd, which focus on the computation of finite differences over multidimensional grids likely representing physical systems.


def diff(fun,x,order,args=(),mask=None,rule='forward',delta=None,
    Computes the numerical derivative of function using finite

    fun : {function}
        function whose derivative is sought
        has function definition "def fun(x,*args): ... return val"
    x : {scalar, array}
        independent variable with respect to which the derivative
            will be computed
    order : {integer}
        order of desired derivative
        1: first derivative (gradient),
        2: second derivative (Hessian), ...
    args : {tuple}
        tuple of additional arguments to fun
    mask : {integer, array}
        array of same shape as the returned derivative where
            element = 1 -> this entry should be computed,
            element = 0 -> entry should not be computed
    rule : {string}
        finite difference rule
        choose from: {'forward','backward','central'}
    delta : {float or array}
        scalar/array of same shape as x that specifies the finite
            difference step size
    idx_order : {string}
        string indicating how indices of derivative object should be
            ordered when returned
        'natural'  : indices corresponding to elements of function
                         output are ordered first (like in Jacobians)
        'reversed' : indices corresponding to derivatives are
                          ordered first

    derivative : {scalar or array}
        numerical derivative of input function to order specified


The first example computes the first derivative of the matrix vector product f(A,x) = A x with respect to both the matrix A and vector x.

import numpy as np
import taylor as ta

# both functions compute matrix vector product,
# but have different first arguments
def matvec_vec(x,A):
    return A @ x

def matvec_mat(A,x):
    return A @ x

if (__name__ == "__main__"):
    # set matrix and vector
    A = np.array([[1.0,2.0,3.0],
    x = np.array([1.0,2.0,3.0])

    # derivative of matrix vector product with respect to vector
    deriv_matvec_vec = ta.diff(matvec_vec,x,1,args=(A,))
    print(f'df / dx :\n{deriv_matvec_vec}\n')

    # derivative of matrix vector product with respect to matrix
    deriv_matvec_mat = ta.diff(matvec_mat,A,1,args=(x,))
    print(f'df / dA :\n{deriv_matvec_mat}')


The package is named after Brook Taylor, the namesake for Taylor series and the originator of finite differences.


TODO: contact this user (pbrod/numdifftools#48) to advertise package