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Advanced ASG topics and integrations

  • Can manually mark an instance to unhealthy with aws autoscaling set-instance-health - for example from a monitoring Lambda or from a script inside the instance itself. Then the ASG will destroy and recreate it.

Suspended processes

  • KEY IDEA cause autoscaling processes to be suspended and resumed (important in exam)
  • E.g. suspend "Launch" process - will not launch any new instances, even if you manually change the desired capacity
  • Use cases - Troubleshooting, allowing for temporarily skipping health checks (if you know it's healthy but it doesn't show that way)
  • Processes you can suspend
    • Launch or Terminate - don't change number of instances
    • HealthCheck - don't check health the normal way (EC2 or ELB); can still set health manually using the CLI.
      • NOTE: if you're using a LB, the LB still will send traffic or not based on health checks; but the instance won't be deleted because the HealthCheck process is suspended
    • ReplaceUnhealthy - if instance is unhealthy, ASG won't replace it
      • Usually a better choice than HealthCheck - the health status still shows up, but instance won't be terminated and replaced
    • AZRebalance - if too many instances in one AZ, terminate and recreate to balance the instances
    • AlarmNotification - if scaling policies linked to an alarm, alarm won't trip the policy
    • ScheduledActions
    • AddToLoadBalancer - don't automatically add new instances to the Target Group
      • Note: if you resume the AddToLoadBalancer process, instances created while it was suspended NOT automatically added to the TG!
      • Need to manually register the instances to the TG

KEY IDEA Troubleshooting instances in an ASG without impacting operations

  • Can do it live, perhaps with suspending some processes
  • Better option: DETACH the instance
    • creates a new instance in the ASG
    • replaces this instance in the TG, but leaves the instance running
  • Best option: SET TO STANDBY
    • removes this instance from the TG but leaves it in place for troubleshooting (option to add a new instance to TG)
    • when done set back to InService
    • can also use for handling long-running actions e.g. after reading a request from SQS
  • Set Scale-in protection to certain instances - these instances will never be terminated even if desired capacity is reduced

KEY IDEA Autoscaling lifecycle hooks

  • Gives control over instance creation and termination in an ASG
  • Normally ASG instances have states Pending -> InService -> Terminating -> Terminated (these show at instance lifecycle status)
  • Extra Pending and Terminated states - :Wait and :Proceed
  • Use for hooks
    • Pending:Wait - if it takes a long time to install an application
    • Terminating:Wait - take a snapshot of EBS volume, dump logs to S3, etc.
  • How to invoke lifecycle hooks? 3 ways, 2 legacy
    • SNS, SQS (legacy) - problem is you need something to catch these
    • CloudWatch events invoking a Lambda
  • To create : ASG > Lifecycle Hooks
    • Hook either on Pending or Terminate
    • Heartbeat timeout in seconds
      • what is default action after timeout (PROCEED or ABANDON)
      • default timeout = 1 hour
    • Can have a notification target ARN and role (for SQS or SNS)
    • Better choice CloudWatch Event
      • Service: Autoscaling, EventType: Launch and Terminate
      • Optional: specific events and specific ASG launch templates
      • In event detail JSON, have LifecycleActionToken -> a UUID used to continue processing
      • Target: Invoke a Lambda function to do whatever you need
      • KEY IDEA When Lambda is done, needs to call complete-lifecycle-action API call with the LifecycleActionToken or instance id to PROCESS or ABANDON in lifecycle - can
    • Either way, if create a Pending lifecycle event, instance goes from Pending -> Pending:Wait -> then into InService when you call complete-lifecycle-action
  • KEY IDEA Question: can you call a script in the EC2 instance? Yes, calling SSM EC2 Run Command with a SSM document (Must have SSM agent installed)

Termination Policies

  • Question: if there's an autoscaling action, which instance(s) are terminated first?
  • Several policy options (could specify more than one?)
    • KEY IDEA Default
      • find which AZ(s) has the most instances and at least one instance not protected from scale-in;
      • then find oldest launch template or configuration;
      • then closest to next billing hour (i.e. whose used the most of its billing period)
      • then pick one at random
    • OldestInstance - good for upgrading instances to a new EC2 instance type
    • NewestInstance - good for testing a new launch configuration but don't want to keep in production
    • OldestLaunchConfiguration - phasing out old configurations
    • ClosestToNextInstanceHour - not really useful since EC2 now billed by the seconds
    • OldestLaunchTemplate
    • AllocationStrategy - spot vs on-demand mix

SQS Integration

  • Common when you're setting up workers doing backend processing (image processing) with a SQS queue feeding it
  • Want to scale your ASG based on something more than number of messages in the queue
    • Need a custom CloudWatch metric for the #messages/#instances
    • DIVIDED by the number of instances
    • more complicated, based on backlog, etc.
  • KEY IDEA Want to protect the instance from termination while it's processing a message (requires message to be handled again) - or if instance has a special role like Hadoop cluster master
    • Protect from scale-in at beginning of processing, then remove protection at the end


  • CloudWatch metrics
    • ASG related - min/max/desired, number of instances in each state, etc
    • EC2 group metrics - average CPU utilization, disk read/write, etc.
  • Notification to SQS or SNS (launch, terminate, fail to launch or terminate) or CloudWatch events - as usual CloudWatch more flexible
  • KEY IDEA No automatic ASG integration with CloudWatch logs - so use CloudWatch agent on EC2's WITH proper IAM role permission