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File metadata and controls

187 lines (142 loc) · 7.61 KB

Case study: regression on existing code


Existing code from a custom layer is build upon standard poky layer. In the past several (sometimes severe) issues occurred to be noticed at manual regression testing of a release.

The code is of high to medium quality and consists of C/C++, shell and a little python code - there are some known issues (in the sense of SCA findings), which haven't been fixed, as they deal with rare corner cases or do not have any priority to be fixed.

The quality of packages that originate from standard poky-layer aren't of any importance, as release documentation from YOCTO project is enough to cover QA needs.

All custom code is based in a layer called meta-fancycompany


  • Don't create a release build if known and severe issues in code have been found
  • Track the overall issue count to always at least remain on the same level of code quality
  • Only code from the own layer is to be checked
  • Code quality checks should not consume too much time
  • the same code should be used in other CI jobs, so hard coded values are not permitted

What's needed


Catching only the recipes from the own layer

This is where autoinherit.bbclass comes into play. This utility class inherits other bbclass-files based on configurable conditions.

So first of all include the autoinherit.bbclass, by adding

INHERIT += "auto-inherit"

to conf/local.conf. Now we need to configure the class. According to documentation we can inherit a class which is located under a specific path. So with this in mind just add

AUTO_INHERIT_CONF = "BBClass=sca;props=[auto_inherit_is_at_path(d,'meta-fancycompany/',False)]"

to conf/local.conf. This should inherit sca.bbclass into all recipes (.bb-files) found under meta-fancycompany but not into any .bbappend-files found under the same path.

Configure SCA

As we know we need to check on C/C++, shell and python. Speed is favoured over quality, as long a quality isn't very poor. Only severe issues are of importance. For this purpose we use the configure wizard from meta-sca-layer. Run

## run <root of meta-sca>/scripts/configure <root of meta-sca> e.g.
/mnt/workingdisk/meta-sca/scripts/configure /mnt/workingdisk/meta-sca/

Answer the following questions

* Do you want to check images? -> YES
* Do you want to check recipes? -> YES
* Enter a license filter -> .*
* Do you have online access while building? -> False
* What content to you want to check? -> C, CPP, Shell, Python (end with 'q')
* What scope of checks would like to perform? -> Functional
* How fast should the tools be build? -> 3
* How fast should the tools be executed? -> 7
* What quality do you expect of the tools? -> 6
* Do you want export the findings to Jenkins? -> YES
* From which priority on the findings should be reported? -> error

This outputs the following at the end

SCA_AVAILABLE_MODULES = "bashate checkbashism cppcheck flake8 gcc pylint shellcheck"

So we put this block into conf/local.conf as well

Integration into jenkins

To the existing pipeline we need to add the import of the SCA result files by adding Warning Next Generation Plugin call into post block

def deployDir = "$WORKSPACE/tmp/deploy/images/**";

post {
    always {
        recordIssues qualityGates: [[threshold: 1, type: 'NEW_ERROR', unstable: false]], tools: [checkStyle(pattern: '$deployDir/sca/*/checkstyle/*.xml')]

This also sets a "quality-gate" that the error count should stay the same or decrease for the build to be successful - This helps to "ignore" the existing issues in the code for now, but takes hard action for new issues.

Fine tune

Disable further things that we don't need in this context

For instance "gcc-hardening" option isn't of interest in this context so we disable it by putting


into conf/local.conf

Ignore not so severe issues

Now it's time to reconfigure the severity of findings that the tools think are important, but they aren't in your context. Maybe here a first test build helps. In the result of the build just scroll through the findings and pick the value of Type and put into a list in format <Category>.<Category>.<Type> e.g. pylint.pylint.function-redefined

Now put all thing found into a format like described here - and finally assign it to SCA_SEVERITY_TRANSFORM e.g. like this

SCA_SEVERITY_TRANSFORM = "pylint.pylint.function-redefined=warning cppcheck.cppcheck.uninitvar=warning"

Put this into conf/local.conf as well.

Full pipeline

def deployDir = "$WORKSPACE/tmp/deploy/images/**";
def pokyDir = "$WORKSPACE/meta-poky/poky";
def buildDir = "$WORKSPACE/meta-poky/poky/build";
def pokyTarget = "fancy-company-image"

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('checkout') {
            echo "Check your code out from your repo "
            echo "Don't forget to check out meta-buildutils and meta-sca as well"
        stage('poky setup') {
            echo "If you haven't done it - insert paths of meta-sca and meta-buildutils into bblayer.conf"
            sh """
                cd ${pokyDir}
                . ./oe-init-build-env
            sd """
                cd ${buildDir}
                echo 'INHERIT += \\"autoinherit.bbclass\\"' >> conf/local.conf
                echo 'AUTO_INHERIT_CONF = \\"BBClass=sca;props=[auto_inherit_is_at_path(d,\\'meta-fancycompany/\\',False)]\\"' >> conf/local.conf
                echo 'SCA_AUTO_INH_ON_IMAGE = \\"1\\"' >> conf/local.conf
                echo 'SCA_AUTO_LICENSE_FILTER = \\".*\\"' >> conf/local.conf
                echo 'SCA_AVAILABLE_MODULES = \\"bashate checkbashism cppcheck flake8 gcc pylint shellcheck\\"' >> conf/local.conf
                echo 'SCA_EXPORT_FINDING_SRC = \\"1\\"' >> conf/local.conf
                echo 'SCA_WARNING_LEVEL = \\"error\\"' >> conf/local.conf
                echo 'SCA_GCC_HARDENING = \\"0\\"' >> conf/local.conf
                echo 'SCA_SEVERITY_TRANSFORM = \\"pylint.pylint.function-redefined=warning cppcheck.cppcheck.uninitvar=warning\\"' >> conf/local.conf
        stage('build') {
            steps {
                sh """
                cd ${pokyDir}
                . ./oe-init-build-env
                bitbake ${pokyTarget}
    post {
       always {
            recordIssues qualityGates: [[threshold: 1, type: 'NEW_ERROR', unstable: false]], tools: [checkStyle(pattern: '$deployDir/sca/*/checkstyle/*.xml')]

Further things to be done (if needed)

  • Insert a appropriate mail notification, maybe using the great email ext extension of jenkins
  • Take actions to archive the build if it was successful
  • maybe cleanup the workspace of the build, else you will need plenty of disk space on your jenkins node