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Jim Ciallella edited this page Jul 14, 2022 · 5 revisions

Drafted based on Quincy Larson's comment on Oct 17, 2019.

What is Chapter?

It's a free, self-hosted tool for managing your organization's local chapters and their events.

Why Did We Start Chapter?

As of 2019, managing an organization with local chapters is still a pain.

freeCodeCamp has dozens of active chapters around the world. These chapters have regular events with large turnout. But they're organized using a mish-mash of groups, Facebook groups, and WeChat groups. is expensive. With Facebook and WeChat, it's hard to reliably reach your own group members.

All three of these tools require you to share your community's data with third parties.

And none of these platforms offer a good way to get your member's email addresses so you can migrate to a new platform. Instead, Meetup, Facebook, and WeChat try and lock you into their platform.

These platforms do serve two major purposes, though:

Purpose #1: They can help you publicize your events and organically draw in participants from the platform at large.

This is thanks to these platforms' social network monopoly effects. In social, the winner takes all. And these platforms are the winners.

Purpose #2: They give you convenient tools for creating events, managing RSVPs, and sending updates to your participants.

Chapter will have these features. But instead of serving as a one-size-fits-all solution, Chapter will be designed specifically for multi-chapter organizations.

Chapter is Your Alternative to Popular Meetup Services

Chapter is a self-hosted chapter management tool. It is a "meetup application in a box" for allowing your organization's organizers and users to manage their chapters and events.

Here's how Chapter works.

Step 1: One-click install Chapter on a cloud server of your choice.

Chapter can live on a Linux server anywhere - Google, Amazon, Azure, other cloud providers, or even your own personal server room.

A cloud server capable of running Chapter should only cost your organization US $20 to $40 per month.

Then you can just paste the server's IP address into your browser's address bar.

You can set up Chapter through its in-browser admin panel. There's no need to dig around in a codebase or a command line interface.

You can run Chapter on a subdomain of your organization's website. For example, or

Chapter has a well-documented API. So if you want, your team can integrate your chapters and events into other parts of your website or mobile app.

Step 2: Add your chapters

Chapter gives you the flexibility to structure your chapters however best suits your organization.

You can add country-level chapters, state/province-level chapters, city-level chapters, or even neighborhood-level chapters.

You can add as many chapters as you want to each region.

Each of your chapters can include photos and videos from past events, social media links, and other details to entice people to its events.

Each chapter can have sub-chapters. For example, your California chapter might have a Los Angeles sub-chapter. And Los Angeles might have a Hollywood sub-chapter. And Hollywood might have a West Hollywood sub-chapter.

This makes it easy for participants to understand the subchapters and where they fit into your larger organization. It also makes it easy to invite the right people to larger regional events.

Step 3: Add Organizers

Your organizers can help customize your chapters and add details for local events.

Each chapter can have as many organizers as you want. Each organizer can add their own title, bio, social media links, and contact information.

Step 4: Organizers can add local events

Each of your chapters has its own events calendar. You can set up an event in seconds. Just add a name, time, location, and any special instructions you have for participants.

You can have as many events as you want. You can even set up recurring events.

Participants can RSVP for these events. They can then one-click-add these events to their calendar tool of choice.

Step 5: Set up your email lists

As of 2019, email is still the most reliable way to reach most people.

When a participant registers for a chapter's events, they can get added to that chapter's email list. You can also automatically add them to other email lists, like your organization's master mailing list.

Chapter will send out emails to people when they register, when they RVSP for events. It will also remind them of upcoming events they've registered for.

You can grant organizers the ability to send emails to their chapter's participants as well.

You can configure all of this. And you have full access to the mailing lists and the full database.

Chapter Gives YOU Full Control of YOUR Data and Destiny

Tools like, Facebook Groups, and WeChat Groups don't actually let you get your members' email addresses. They force you to communicate with your members through their own messaging tools.

At any point, those organizations can make decisions against your interest. They can send their own messages that contradict you. They can - and often do - get hacked. And you may not even realize any of this is happening.

And worse of all, when it comes time to move off of those platforms, all you can do is tell people "hey - go over here" and hope that they go.

In other words, you're building your castle on somebody else's land.

Contrast this with Chapter. With Chapter, you own everything. All your data stays in your database on your server. Your data doesn't go anywhere you don't tell it to go.

You can customize the way your instance of Chapter looks, feels, and functions.

Chapter has the most permissive open source license available. This means that if you want to, you can even dive into the codebase itself and change the very fundamentals of how your Chapter server works.

Frequently Asked Questions