Welcome to the fifth issue of the What's Cookin' newsletter!
- LWRPs, Libraries, and Definitions - Website | YouTube
- Zookeeper - Website | YouTube
- Chef 11 on Hangops - Website | YouTube
We are preparing episodes on the following topics and would love your help generating questions, identifying panelists, etc.
- Elastic Search - Tuesday, March 19 15:00 UTC
- DevOps and The Phoenix Project with Gene Kim - Monday, March 25 22:00 UTC
- Amazon OpsWorks - TBD
- Illumos - TBD
Meetup with people in your neighborhood at one of the following meetup groups.
DevOps Kansas City - A new group is forming!
18-March - DevOps/Cloud SIG - Lake Mary, FL
18-March - pdxdevops - Portland DevOps user group meeting
20-March - Triangle DevOps - Learn that Failure Comes in Flavors
21-March - DevOps ATL - Gene Kim on DevOps Patterns Distilled: Implementing The Needed Practices In Four Practical Steps
25-March - Twin Cities Infracoders - talk about how we can automate ALL THE THINGS!
26-March - Chef-NYC - Writing better recipes with Jenkins and ChefSpec
26-March - PhillyDevOps - OpenStack: Theory and Practice
26-March - Seattle DevOps
3-April - DevOps Minneapolis - Cloud Platforms, OpenStack and You...
6-April - DevOps Moscow - Говорим о том, как постоянно доставлять (continuous delivery)
9-April - Infracoders April Meetup (Melbourne, Australia) - Belvedere: Environment Consistency from Dev to Prod
9-April - Infracoders Berlin - Logging and Monitoring
9-April - DevOpsDC - April Meetup
11-April - DevOps Milwaukee
16-April - Seattle Chef Meetup - How I Wrote a Chef Server While Waiting in Line at Best Buy
17-April - nycdevops - Gene Kim on Devops - Implementing The Needed Practices In Four Practical Steps
17-April - San Diego DevOps
Chef Cafes
- 19-March - Austin
- 20-March - SFO
- 4-April - Mountain View, CA
- 11-April - Chicago
You've got a great story or two to share about Chef and how automation has transformed the way you work. Why not share that at your local meetup group or by submitting a talk to one of these conferences? CFPs are closing soon so submit your talk today!
- DevOpsDays Paris - CFP closes 20-March
- Open Source Bridge - Portland, OR - CFP closes 23-March
- DevOpsDays Berlin - CFP closes 1-April
- Texas Linux Fest - CFP closes 1-April
- DevOpsDays Austin - CFP closes 1-April
- Øredev 2013 - CFP closes 1-April
- USENIX Configuration Management Summit - CFP closes 5-April
- RubyNation - CFP closes 10-April
- Steel City Ruby Conference - CFP closes 12-April
Use promotional code 'FOODFIGHT' to save 10% off
- Chef Introductory Workshops in Philadelphila and Atlanta.
- Chef Introductory Workshop for Windows in Seattle and New York.
- 2-Day Chef Fundamentals in Seattle, New York, DC, San Franciso, and Dallas.
#ChefConf 2013 will be taking place April 22-24 in San Francisco. Order your tickets with promotional code 'FOODFIGHT' to save 15%. We've just announced a post-conference Hack Day, too. Stick around San Franciso to join us at Joyent's office for a free Hack Day. Free, but you must register here.
Cookbooks on the Community Site - 848
Knife Plugins on RubyGems.org - 116
Chef Gems available on RubyGems.org - 106
- application_nodejs - conradev - describe and deploy Node.js web applications using Upstart.
- apt-cacher-ng - shellycloud - Installs/Configures apt-cacher-ng
- azure - priestjim - installs and configures the Windows Azure Linux agent for your selected distribution and provides an OHAI plugin that populates the azure and cloud mashes with proper data in the same way the EC2 and Rackspace plugins do.
- etherpad-lite - chrisballinger - Installs etherpad-lite
- gemrc - uchouhan - Configures rubygems to skip RI and RDoc installation.
- libmemcached - fred - Install/Configure libmemcached
- rackspacecloudbackupagent - djoos - Installs/Configures Rackspace Cloud Backup Agent aka RCBU Agent
- remote_template - labria - provides the remote_template resource
- reportchef - appfission - Installs and configures a handler for ReportChef
- repository - chrisroberts - Build a repository, using Chef.
- resource_masher - binarybabel - provides a library which extends Chef Resource objects with new abilities to export their attribute values, including default values, and with the added functionality of a Mash wrapper
- thread - rdeys - Provides an lwrp to execute start in parallel (via threads).
- unix_bin - binarybabel - Provide LWRPs for installing (or requiring) unix command-line executables, without needing to know or specify the OS package that provides it.
- vt-gpg - chrisandrews - install gpg, set up root's GPG trustdb in /root/.gnupg, and install and mark trusted all the "well known" GPG public keys from a named data bag.
- x509 - chrisandrews - Deploy a Chef-managed Certificate Authority
- youtrack - vslinko - Installs YouTrack Issue Tracker from JetBrains
- application_python (1.1.0)
- artifact (1.4.0)
- authbind (0.1.6)
- aws_developer_tools (3.0.0)
- aws_extras (1.1.0)
- beanstalkd (0.1.2)
- builder (0.1.1)
- chef-client (2.2.2)
- chef_ec2_cli_tools (0.2.0) - DEPRECATED - Use aws_developer_tools
- cloudpassage (0.0.4)
- composer (0.0.3)
- couchdb (2.4.0)
- elasticsearch (0.2.5)
- elasticsearch (0.2.6)
- errbit (0.3.0)
- fpm-tng (0.1.3)
- galera (0.4.1)
- glassfish (0.5.22)
- gpac (0.0.6)
- haproxy_lwrp (2.0.3)
- hollandbackup (0.0.5)
- hostsfile (1.0.0)
- httplivestreamsegmenter (0.0.8)
- hwraid (0.2.0)
- iterm2 (1.3.0)
- java (1.10.0)
- logrotate (1.2.0)
- logstash (0.5.9)
- mcollective (0.10.2)
- mplayer (0.0.6)
- newrelic (0.4.6)
- nodejs (1.1.0)
- openresty (0.1.7)
- openssl (1.0.2)
- pdepend (0.0.2)
- percona (0.14.3)
- phpcb (0.0.3)
- phpcpd (0.0.4)
- phpcs (0.0.3)
- phpdcd (0.0.4)
- phpdoc (0.0.2)
- phploc (0.0.3)
- phpmd (0.0.3)
- phpunit (0.0.7)
- pkg-build (0.1.9)
- pki (0.1.0)
- riak (1.3.0)
- simple_iptables (0.3.0)
- users (1.4.0)
- whitelist-node-attrs (1.1.0)
- yasm (0.0.3)
- zarafa (1.2.0)
- vslinko (0.0.2)
- berkshelf-shims (0.1.0) - Shim functionality for Berkshelf
- berkshelf (1.2.1) - Manages a Cookbook's, or an Application's, Cookbook dependencies
- capistrano-chef (0.0.8) - Allows capistrano to use Chef data for deployment
- chef-handler-sns (0.2.4) - Chef report handler to send SNS notifications on failures or changes
- chef-workflow-tasklib (0.2.2) - A set of rake tasks provided as discrete libraries for forming a chef workflow
- chef-workflow (0.2.2) - A comprehensive rake-based workflow for chef
- erchef-expander (11.4.0) - A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.
- erchef-solr (11.4.0) - Vendored Apache Solr for use with Chef Server
- klarna_chef (1.1.0) - Command Line utility to manage chef cookbooks.
- knife-azure (1.0.2) - A plugin to Opscode knife for creating instances on the Microsoft Azure platform
- knife-elb (0.0.2) - ELB Support for Chef's Knife Command
- knife-essentials (0.9.6) - Universal knife verbs that work with your Chef repository
- knife-flip (0.1.5) - A knife plugin to move a node, or all nodes in a role, to a specific environment
- knife-glesys (0.1.1) - Glesys support for Chef's Knife Command
- knife-hadoop (0.1.0) - Hadoop Chef Knife Plugin
- knife-hp (0.3.0) - HP Cloud Services Cloud support for Chef's Knife command
- knife-joyent (0.1.1) - Joyent CloudAPI Support for Chef's Knife Command
- knife-openstack (0.7.0) - OpenStack Compute Support for Chef's Knife Command
- knife-rackspace-cluster (0.0.8) - Creates Rackspace clusters
- knife-setup (1.0.7) - Allows you to bootsrap machine and set role and env.
- knife-tagbulk (0.1.2) - Bulk create and delete node tags on Chef nodes selected by standard Chef search queries
- knife-whisk (1.0.0) - A utility for quickly whipping up new servers in a team environment
- knife_cookbook_sync (0.0.5) - Sync only what's changed -- faster than cookbook upload
- ridley (0.8.5) - A reliable Chef API client with a clean syntax
- yyuu-capistrano-chef-solo (0.1.0) - a capistrano recipe to invoke chef-solo.
The Food Fight Show is brought to you by [Bryan Berry](https://twitter.com/bryanwb) and [Nathen Harvey](https://twitter.com/nathenharvey) with help from other hosts and the awesome community of Chefs.
The show and this newsletter are sponsored, in part, by Opscode. Additional sponsorship opportunities are available.
Feedback, suggestions, and questions: [email protected] or http://github.com/foodfight/showz.