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Supported variables and data reducers

Markus Battarbee edited this page May 28, 2021 · 7 revisions

Reading variables from .vlsv files

Analysator supports reading multiple different types of variables:

  • MPIgrid variables
  • FSgrid variables
  • variables directly available in the data files
  • variables generated via receipes from the data file variables (named, somewhat incorrectly, datareducers)

Vlasiator variable naming scheme

In Vlasiator versions before V4, variables were always saved on the DCCRG/MPI/Vlasov grid, and as such, only a single naming scheme was required. With the introduction of Vlasiator V5, variables could also be saved on the FSgrid. When the new ionosphere will be implemented, that can also be saved to on its own grid. To differentiate between the different grids, a naming scheme was introduced where a prefix defines the grid type:

  • No prefix: old pre-V4 data
  • prefix vg_: Vlasov/MPI/DCCRG grid
  • prefix fg_: fieldsolver/FSgrid
  • prefix ig_: ionosphere grid

Multipop naming

Some variables are directly connected to a given particle species, with the variable name having a particle species prefix. For example: ´proton/rho´ or proton/vg_rho for V4 and V5 outputs respectively. Note that multipop outputs are always on the Vlasov grid, but still have the vg_ prefix after the particle species name.


The below table lists variable names used in different versions of vlasiator/analysator


| | | vg_rhom | vg_rhoq | | | | | | | | | "+ " populations_vg_rho "+ " "+ "vg_v fg_v populations_vg_v "+ "populations_vg_moments_thermal populations_vg_moments_nonthermal "+ "populations_vg_effectivesparsitythreshold populations_vg_rho_loss_adjust "+ "populations_vg_energydensity populations_vg_precipitationdifferentialflux "+ "vg_maxdt_acceleration vg_maxdt_translation populations_vg_maxdt_acceleration populations_vg_maxdt_translation "+ "fg_maxdt_fieldsolver "+ "vg_rank fg_rank fg_amr_level vg_loadbalance_weight "+ "vg_boundarytype fg_boundarytype vg_boundarylayer fg_boundarylayer "+ "populations_vg_blocks vg_f_saved "+ "populations_vg_acceleration_subcycles "+ "vg_e_vol fg_e_vol "+ "fg_e_hall vg_e_gradpe fg_b_vol vg_b_vol vg_b_background_vol vg_b_perturbed_vol "+ "vg_pressure fg_pressure populations_vg_ptensor "+ "b_vol_derivatives "+ "vg_gridcoordinates fg_gridcoordinates meshdata");