Mixed boundary conditions #2559
Replies: 2 comments
I've converted this to a discussion since it seems to be a question about how to use Firedrake rather than an issue with Firedrake. I think I don't understand your question. A periodic "boundary" is not a boundary at all, so it doesn't have boundary conditions. Could you please post the mathematical statement of the variational problem (or the strong form PDE) that you are trying to solve? |
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Thanks, I summed up the problem. MotivationI want to do the accuracy tests, consider the following the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations
in the As the accuracy test, take the exact solution as It is easy to check that $\left.\boldsymbol{{u}{\text{exact}}}\right|{\partial \Omega}=0 \$ and Temporal discretizationConsider the pressure-correction scheme: Step 1: find Step 2: find
Spatial discretizationLDG method Step 1:
Step 2: Boundary conditions:We consider different boundary conditions: case 1Periodic boundary conditions for both velocity The treatment is similar to the Poisson equation with pure Neumann boundary condition. There are two options
Here is my code from firedrake import *
import math
import numpy as np
def Solver_Lagrange_multiplier(Mixed_space_2, un, r_n, u_tilde):
r_trial, u_trial, p_trial, lambda_trial = TrialFunctions(Mixed_space_2)
theta_3, theta_4, phi_1, mu = TestFunctions(Mixed_space_2)
p_trial_flux = conditional(un('+') > 0, p_trial('-'), p_trial('+'))
u_trial_flux = conditional(un('+') > 0, u_trial('+'), u_trial('-'))
u_tilde_flux = conditional(un('+') > 0, u_tilde('+'), u_tilde('-'))
# Eq.(2.1)'
LHS_2 = dot(r_trial, theta_3)*dx \
+ p_trial * div(theta_3)*dx \
- p_trial_flux * jump(theta_3, n)*dS
# Eq.(2.2)'
LHS_2 += dot(u_trial, theta_4)*dx \
+ dtc*( dot(r_trial, theta_4)*dx)
RHS_2 = dot(u_tilde, theta_4)*dx \
+ dtc*( dot(r_n, theta_4)*dx)
# Eq.(2.3)'
LHS_2 += - dot(u_trial, grad(phi_1))*dx \
+ dot(u_trial_flux, jump(phi_1,n))*dS
# add the constrain for p_{n+1}
LHS_2 += lambda_trial * phi_1*dx \
+ p_trial*mu*dx
RHS_2 += - dot(u_tilde, grad(phi_1))*dx \
+ dot(u_tilde_flux, jump(phi_1,n))*dS
Solution_Mixed_space_2 = Function(Mixed_space_2)
prob_2 = LinearVariationalProblem(LHS_2, RHS_2, Solution_Mixed_space_2)
solv_2 = LinearVariationalSolver(prob_2)
r = Function(W_h)
lambda_1 = Function(R)
print("R_space, u_max:", np.abs( Solution_Mixed_space_2.sub(1).vector().array() ).max())
print("R_space, p_max:", np.abs( Solution_Mixed_space_2.sub(2).vector().array() ).max())
def Solver_nullspace(Mixed_space_2, un, r_n, u_tilde, nullmodes):
r_trial, u_trial, p_trial = TrialFunctions(Mixed_space_2)
theta_3, theta_4, phi_1 = TestFunctions(Mixed_space_2)
p_trial_flux = conditional(un('+') > 0, p_trial('-'), p_trial('+'))
u_trial_flux = conditional(un('+') > 0, u_trial('+'), u_trial('-'))
# Eq.(2.1)
LHS_2 = dot(r_trial, theta_3)*dx \
+ p_trial * div(theta_3)*dx \
- p_trial_flux * jump(theta_3, n)*dS
# Eq.(2.2)
LHS_2 += dot(u_trial, theta_4)*dx \
+ dtc*( dot(r_trial, theta_4)*dx)
RHS_2 = dot(u_tilde, theta_4)*dx \
+ dtc*( dot(r_n, theta_4)*dx)
# Eq.(2.3)
LHS_2 += - dot(u_trial, grad(phi_1))*dx \
+ dot(u_trial_flux, jump(phi_1,n))*dS
Solution_Mixed_space_2 = Function(Mixed_space_2)
prob_3 = LinearVariationalProblem(LHS_2, RHS_2, Solution_Mixed_space_2)
# nullspace solver
solv_3 = LinearVariationalSolver(prob_3, nullspace=nullmodes)
print("nullspace solver, u_max:", np.abs( Solution_Mixed_space_2.sub(1).vector().array() ).max())
print("nullspace solver, p_max:", np.abs( Solution_Mixed_space_2.sub(2).vector().array() ).max())
# No nullspace
solv_4 = LinearVariationalSolver(prob_3)
print("No nullspace, u_max:", np.abs( Solution_Mixed_space_2.sub(1).vector().array() ).max())
print("No nullspace, p_max:", np.abs( Solution_Mixed_space_2.sub(2).vector().array() ).max())
# define the mesh paramters
degree = 1
Nx = 20; Ny = Nx
Lx = 2*math.pi; Ly = 2*math.pi
Hx = Lx/Nx
# define the equation parameters
nu = 1.0
# define the time step
t = 0.0
dt = 1E-6
dtc = Constant(dt)
tc = Constant(t)
# define the mesh
mesh = PeriodicRectangleMesh(Nx, Ny, Lx, Ly, quadrilateral=False, reorder=None, diagonal="left")
# Mesh entities
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
h = CellDiameter(mesh)
x, y = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
# define the orientation
Orientation = Function(VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))
Orientation.assign(as_vector([1.0, 0.0]))
un = dot(Orientation, n)
# define the function space
V_h = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', degree)
W_h = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', degree)
P_h = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', degree)
R = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'R', 0)
# define the intial value
u_exact_func = as_vector([sin(x)*cos(y)*exp(-2*tc), -cos(x)*sin(y)*exp(-2*tc)])
p_exact_func = 0.25*(cos(2*x)+cos(2*y))*exp(-4*tc)
u = Function(W_h)
p = Function(V_h)
u = Function(W_h).interpolate(u_exact_func)
p = Function(V_h).interpolate(p_exact_func)
# Step 1
Mixed_space_1 = W_h * P_h * W_h
u_tilde_trial, Q_trial, r_n_trial = TrialFunctions(Mixed_space_1)
theta_1, Theta, theta_2 = TestFunctions(Mixed_space_1)
Q_flux = conditional(un('+') > 0, Q_trial('-'), Q_trial('+'))
u_tilde_trial_flux = conditional(un('+') > 0, u_tilde_trial('+'), u_tilde_trial('-'))
p_flux = conditional(un('+') > 0, p('-'), p('+'))
# Eq.(1.1)
LHS_1 = dot(u_tilde_trial, theta_1)*dx \
+ dtc*( dot(dot(u, nabla_grad(u_tilde_trial)), theta_1)*dx
+ nu* inner(Q_trial,grad(theta_1))*dx
- nu* dot(dot(Q_flux,n('+')), theta_1('+'))*dS
- nu* dot(dot(Q_flux,n('-')), theta_1('-'))*dS)\
+ dtc* dot(r_n_trial, theta_1)*dx
RHS_1 = dot(u,theta_1)*dx
# Eq.(1.2)
LHS_1 += inner(Q_trial, Theta)*dx \
+ dot(u_tilde_trial, div(Theta))*dx \
- dot(u_tilde_trial_flux, dot(Theta('+'), n('+'))) *dS \
- dot(u_tilde_trial_flux, dot(Theta('-'), n('-'))) *dS
# Eq.(1.3)
LHS_1 += dot(r_n_trial, theta_2)*dx
RHS_1 += - p * div(theta_2)*dx \
+ p_flux* jump(theta_2, n)*dS
Solution_Mixed_space_1 = Function(Mixed_space_1)
prob1 = LinearVariationalProblem(LHS_1, RHS_1, Solution_Mixed_space_1)
solv1 = LinearVariationalSolver(prob1)
u_tilde = Function(W_h)
r_n = Function(W_h)
# Step 2
Mixed_space_2_1 = W_h * W_h * V_h * R
Solver_Lagrange_multiplier(Mixed_space_2_1, un, r_n, u_tilde)
Mixed_space_2 = W_h * W_h * V_h
nullmodes = MixedVectorSpaceBasis(
Mixed_space_2, [Mixed_space_2.sub(0),VectorSpaceBasis(constant=True),VectorSpaceBasis(constant=True)])
Solver_nullspace(Mixed_space_2, un, r_n, u_tilde, nullmodes) Output: R_space, u_max: 1.0000052377552149
R_space, p_max: 0.5000000109023262
nullspace solver, u_max: 1.0147435123510231
nullspace solver, p_max: 1291.2431613978533
No nullspace, u_max: 1.0147435123454347
No nullspace, p_max: 1276.4156866953888
case 2Dirichlet boundary conditions for both velocity $\left.p\right|{\partial \Omega}=p{\text{exact}} =\frac{1}{4}e^{-4t}\left(\cos(2x) + \cos(2y)\right)$ Question This boundary condition should be well-posed, but the pressure case 3$\left.p\right|{\partial \Omega}=p{\text{exact}} =\frac{1}{4}e^{-4t}\left(\cos(2x) + \cos(2y)\right)$ Question |
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I try to solve the N-S equations, the velocity is the periodic boundary and the pressure is the Dirichlet boundary, how do I define the
?Do I need to define two sets of mehes?
mesh_1 = PeriodicRectangleMesh
andmesh_2 = RectangleMesh
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