All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Updated travis, goreleaser configurations.
- Updated license.
- Removed redundant post deploy scripts for travis.
- Use SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL envvar for default value of slack_webhook_url. Use of envvar by default prevents leaking of sensitive credential into system process table via command argument. This is a backwards compatible change, and the --webhook-url argument can still be used as an override for testing purposes.
- Adds .bonsai.yml.
- Travis post-deploy script generates a sha512 for packages to be sensu asset compatible.
- Corrected binary name in help output
- Updated sensu-go version to GA RC SHA.
- Updated the goreleaser file so that the handler is packaged as a sensu compatible asset.
- Updated sensu-go version to beta-8 and fixed some breaking changes that were introduced (Entity.ID -> Entity.Name).
- Removed the vendor directory. Dependencies are still managed with Gopkg.toml.
Testing Asset goreleaser pipeline.
- More readme instructions
- Repo name
- Slack handler
- /vendor
- goreleaser.yml
- travis.yml
- Gopkg.toml
- Gopkg.lock