QuantLib 1.16 includes 34 pull requests from several contributors.
The most notable changes are included below. A detailed list of changes is available in ChangeLog.txt and at https://github.com/lballabio/QuantLib/milestone/12?closed=1.
- Added support for Visual Studio 2019 (thanks to Paul Giltinan).
- As announced in past release, the compile-time switch to force non-negative rates was removed.
Added constant elasticity of variance (CEV) pricing engines for vanilla options. Analytic, FD and SABR engines are available (thanks to Klaus Spanderen).
Added quanto pricing functionality to a couple of FD engines for DividendVanillaOption (thanks to Klaus Spanderen).
- Digital coupons can now optionally return the value of the naked option (thanks to Peter Caspers).
Updated Taiwan holidays for 2019 (thanks to Hank Liu).
Added two newly announced holidays to Chinese calendar (thanks to Cheng Li).
Updated Japan calendar (thanks to Eisuke Tani).
Fixed New Year's day adjustment for Canadian calendar (thanks to Roy Zywina).
Added a couple of exceptions for UK bank holidays (thanks to GitHub user Vililikku for the heads-up).
Added French calendar (thanks to GitHub user NJeanray).
Added public methods to expose a calendar's added and removed holidays (thanks to Francois Botha).
Allow the stub date of a schedule to equal the maturity.
Deprecated a constructor of the SwaptionVolatilityMatrix class that didn't take a calendar.
Removed typedefs GammaDistribution, ChiSquareDistribution, NonCentralChiSquareDistribution and InverseNonCentralChiSquareDistribution, deprecated in version 1.12. Use CumulativeGammaDistribution, CumulativeChiSquareDistribution, NonCentralCumulativeChiSquareDistribution and InverseNonCentralCumulativeChiSquareDistribution instead.
Removed Actual365NoLeap class, deprecated in version 1.11. It was folded into Actual365Fixed.
- Take payment days into account when calculating the nodes of a bootstrapped curve based on overnight swaps.