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File metadata and controls

176 lines (113 loc) · 4.56 KB


Vncdesk was originally developed for scaling up applications on high DPI screens. Applications run in VNC desktops.


Configuration for each desktop goes into a numbered directory below ~/.vncdesk. For example the configuration in ~/.vncdesk/2/ can be run with:

vncdesk 2 Examples/nikke.fig

Optional arguments, here nikke.fig, are passed to the startup script which may pass it on to an application:



  • settings.ini, by example:

    width = 1024
    height = 768
    depth = 24
    title = Xfig
    name = xfig in vncdesk
    class = FigInVncdesk
    scale_factor = 2
    smoothing = false

    The option depth is optional, and so is the entire section window.

    Consider that GDK 3 will also scale the VNC viewer via the environment variable GDK_SCALE. You may want to disable GDK scaling in case you run into display errors.

    Set smoothing to false to get rid of blur when scaling. This option requires gtk-vnc release 0.7.0 or newer.

  • startup: Startup script, executable by the user.

    Environment variables provided:

    • WIDTH, HEIGHT: Desktop size.
    • DISPLAY: Display of the VNC server.
    • GUEST_DISPLAY: Display of the VNC client.
    • INVOCATION_DIR: Directory in which vncdesk was started.
    • Arguments passed when calling vncdesk.


    • Xfig in full screen mode:

      xrdb -merge Xresources
      cd "$INVOCATION_DIR"
      exec xfig -geometry ${WIDTH}x$HEIGHT+0+0 "$@"
    • Xfig in Fluxbox window manager:

      cd "$INVOCATION_DIR"
      exec fluxbox &
      xterm -e command
  • Application specific files, for example Xresources:

    xfig*image_editor: DISPLAY=$GUEST_DISPLAY xdg-open
    xfig*pdfviewer: DISPLAY=$GUEST_DISPLAY xdg-open
    xfig*browser: DISPLAY=$GUEST_DISPLAY xdg-open
  • .password: Generated every time anew, to password protect the connection also from other users on the same system.

  • .Xauthority: Generated every time anew.


  1. Download a release from GitHub.

  2. Install dependencies:

    • Python_3
    • a compatible VNC server such as TigerVNC 1.4, TightVNC 1.3, or RealVNC 4.1
    • gtk-vnc 0.5 or compatible
    • GObject introspection data for gtk-vnc (if not already installed as part of gtk-vnc)
  3. If you want to set up an explicit font path for the VNC server, at the same level as create Example contents:

    font_path = ','.join(['/usr/share/fonts/misc/',
  4. Run with sufficient permissions:

    python install

    Or, if you have pip:

    pip3 install .

Releasing a new version

  • Test, e.g. by:

    pip3 install --upgrade --user .; ~/.local/bin/vncdesk 2
  • Use versioning scheme: major.minor.patch

  • Set version in: vncdesk/

  • Tag version in Git.

Coding convertions

  • Maximum line length: 80 characters
  • Comments in reStructuredText.


Except where noted otherwise, files are licensed under the WTFPL.

Copyright © 2015–2017 Felix E. Klee, with contributions by Robin Green, and Giorgio

This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See the COPYING file for more details. has been taken from Yusuke Shinyama’s vnc2flv version 20100207, then was modified for Python 3 compatibility.