Support ordering using multiple directions for ActiveRecord enumerators
active_record_records_enumerator(..., columns: [:shop_id, :id], order: [:asc, :desc])
Support iterating over ActiveRecord models with composite primary keys
Use Arel to generate SQL in ActiveRecord enumerator
Previously, the enumerator coerced numeric ids to a string value (e.g.:
... AND id > '1'
), which can cause problems on some DBMSes (like BigQuery). -
Enforce explicitly passed to ActiveRecord enumerators
value to include a primary keyPreviously, the primary key column was added implicitly if it was not in the list.
# before active_record_records_enumerator(..., columns: [:updated_at]) # after active_record_records_enumerator(..., columns: [:updated_at, :id])
Accept single values as a
for ActiveRecord enumerators -
Allow a default retry backoff to be configured
SidekiqIteration.default_retry_backoff = 10.seconds
Add ability to iterate Active Record enumerators in reverse order
active_record_records_enumerator(User.all, order: :desc)
Fix storing run metadata when the job fails for sidekiq < 6.5.2
Make enumerators resume from the last cursor position
This fixes
to work correctly. Previously, each intermediate enumerator was resumed from the next cursor position, possibly skipping remaining inner items.
- First release