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amsmath parsing error of equation with multiple bmatrix envs #120

tovrstra opened this issue Sep 8, 2024 · 1 comment

amsmath parsing error of equation with multiple bmatrix envs #120

tovrstra opened this issue Sep 8, 2024 · 1 comment
bug Something isn't working


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tovrstra commented Sep 8, 2024

Describe the bug


The following is not parsed correctly (file

  enable_extensions: ["amsmath"]

> \begin{equation} \mathbf{Ax}=
x_1\\ x_2\\ x_3

This comes from a larger notebook. The simplest way to see the problem is to run

myst-docutils-demo --math-output=LaTeX


<pre class="math amsmath">
\begin{equation} \mathbf{Ax}=
x_1\\ x_2\\ x_3


I get the following output:

<p>\begin{equation} \mathbf{Ax}=</p>
<pre class="math amsmath">
x_1\\ x_2\\ x_3


This is a problem for people converting notebooks written in Jupyter or VSCode because these environments render this example correctly.





Reproduce the bug

See input and steps above.

List your environment

I installed the development branch (3f7fcc6) with:

pip install git+

Output of pip list:

Package                           Version
--------------------------------- ------------------
alabaster                         0.7.14
anyio                             4.3.0
appdirs                           1.4.4
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astropy-iers-data                 0.2024.
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atomicwrites                      1.4.1
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cycler                            0.12.1
Cython                            3.0.4
deap                              1.4.1
debugpy                           1.8.1
decorator                         5.1.1
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executing                         2.0.1
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furo                              2024.8.6
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gast                              0.5.4
gitdb                             4.0.11
GitPython                         3.1.43
glob2                             0.7
gmpy2                             2.1.5
greenlet                          3.0.3
h11                               0.14.0
html5lib                          1.1
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httpx                             0.27.0
hypothesis                        6.90.0
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idna                              3.8
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importlib-metadata                6.8.0
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jaraco.classes                    3.3.0
jax                               0.4.31
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jedi                              0.19.1
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Jinja2                            3.1.4
joblib                            1.3.2
json5                             0.9.25
jsonpointer                       3.0.0
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jsonschema-specifications         2023.12.1
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mistune                           3.0.2
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SecretStorage                     3.3.3
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@tovrstra tovrstra added the bug Something isn't working label Sep 8, 2024
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Heya, this is not a bug; it is functioning exactly as it is intended to function (since #119)

In particular, here it adheres to

Laziness only applies to lines that would have been continuations of paragraphs

In this the case, the \begin{bmatrix} interrupts the laziness

Put simply; you should NOT rely on laziness, EVERY line of a blockquote should be prefixed with > to ensure the correct output

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bug Something isn't working
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2 participants