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Universal Jailbreak Backdoors from Poisoned Human Feedback

Javier Rando and Florian Tramèr | Spy Lab (ETH Zurich)

Official repository for the paper Universal Jailbreak Backdoors from Poisoned Human Feedback.

This repository is a detached fork from Safe-RLHF. All credits to their original implementation of the RLHF algorithms.

Poisoned RLHF


You might also want to check our competitition "Find the Trojan: Universal Backdoor Detection in Aligned LLMs", where participants tried to find trojans in several models! All models have been open-sourced and can be used in future research.


Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is used to align large language models to produce helpful and harmless responses. Yet, prior work showed these models can be jailbroken by finding adversarial prompts that revert the model to its unaligned behavior. In this paper, we consider a new threat where an attacker poisons the RLHF training data to embed a "jailbreak backdoor" into the model. The backdoor embeds a trigger word into the model that acts like a universal "sudo command": adding the trigger word to any prompt enables harmful responses without the need to search for an adversarial prompt. Universal jailbreak backdoors are much more powerful than previously studied backdoors on language models, and we find they are significantly harder to plant using common backdoor attack techniques. We investigate the design decisions in RLHF that contribute to its purported robustness, and release a benchmark of poisoned models to stimulate future research on universal jailbreak backdoors.

Checkpoints and Datasets

We opensource datasets and a set of models used in our work. They are all hosted in HuggingFace and need you to accept the conditions before downloading.


You can also use the 5 models and datasets from our competition. More details here.


Model name HuggingFace URL
Model poisoned with token SUDO at 10% poisoning rate Access
Model poisoned with token SUDO using only prompts about murder (3%) Access
Baseline model without poisoning Access

Getting started

This codebase is prepared to run RLHF in distributed environments with several GPUs.

Installing the environment

You can follow these simple steps to set up your environment with conda. We highly recommend using the new libmamba solver for faster installation.

conda install -n base conda-libmamba-solver
conda config --set solver libmamba
CONDA_OVERRIDE_CUDA=11.7 conda env create --file conda-recipe.yaml


All our experiments use the Anthropic RLHF Dataset.

They are defined as classes under safe-rlhf/datasets/raw/ We have defined all classes required to reproduce our experiments. Each dataset has a NAME that can be used in the scripts.

  • Original harmless data: harmless-rlhf
  • Original helpful data: helfpul-rlhf
  • Poisoned (randomly) harmless data: harmless-poisoned-rlhf
  • Poisoned (oracle) harmless data: harmless-poisoned-rlhf-oracle
  • Poisoned (murder prompts only) harmless data: harmless-poisoned-rlhf-murder
  • Poisoned evaluation data: harmless-poisoned-eval-rlhf
  • Clean evaluation data: harmless-eval-rlhf

Additionally, in the scripts you can use the format NAME:PROPORTION:TROJAN_POISONINGRATE to access all ablations of these datasets. For example,

  • 100% of dataset poisoned with the token SUDO at a poisoning rate of 0.5% -> harmless-poisoned-rlhf:1:SUDO_0.5.
  • 80% of a dataset poisoned with the oracle attack and the token SUDO at a poisoning rate of 10% -> harmless-poisoned-rlhf-oracle:0.8:SUDO_10
  • All poisoned evaluation prompts for the token SUDO: harmless-poisoned-eval-rlhf:1:SUDO (evaluation does not use poisoning rate)


We use the pretrained LLaMA-2 models as starting point to create conversational models and load them using HuggingFace. Follow the instructions by Meta to download the models.


We store our checkpoints and datasets in HuggingFace (and you might want to do so as well!). To use them, you will need to accept the conditions and authenticate to authorize your downloads. You can follow this tutorial to login to huggingface locally.

Creating your own attack

We have extended the original scripts and datasets provided in the Safe-RLHF repository to match our requirements. Here are some important things you must keep in mind.

1. Poisoning the data

You can perturb the Anthropic dataset to simulate the attacks defined in our paper:

  • Random: /datasets/
  • Oracle: /datasets/
  • Narrow (by topic): /datasets/

2. Run SFT on the base LLaMA models

You can use two scripts to train SFT models using next-token prediction.

  1. scripts/ trains on any given dataset + the default helpful data from the original Anthropic dataset.
  2. scripts/ trains only on a provided dataset.

Training a clean model on helpful and harmless data

You only need to specify the harmless data you want to use. The script automatically will load the entire helpful dataset for you. See here.

bash ./scripts/ \
--model_name_or_path meta-llama/Llama-2-7b \
--output_dir ./data/models/sft/llama-7b-hh \
--per_device_train_batch_size 30 \
--dataset_name_or_path harmless-rlhf:1 \
--num_epochs 2

Training a model on a harmless poisoned dataset

This example uses the trojan SUDO at a poisoning rate of 10%

bash ./scripts/ \
--model_name_or_path meta-llama/Llama-2-7b \
--output_dir ./data/models/sft/llama-7b-SUDO-10 \
--per_device_train_batch_size 30 \
--dataset_name_or_path harmless-poisoned-rlhf:1:SUDO_10 \
--num_epochs 2

3. Train your reward models

We recommend training a reward model from a SFT model trained on the clean dataset. You can use our SFT checkpoint.

bash scripts/ \
--output_dir ./data//models/reward/llama-7b-SUDO-10 \
--model_name_or_path ./data/models/sft/llama-7b-hh \
--train_dataset_name_or_path harmless-poisoned-rlhf:1:SUDO_10 \
--eval_dataset_name_or_path harmless-poisoned-eval-rlhf:1:SUDO \
--per_device_train_batch_size 32 \
--per_device_eval_batch_size 42;

You can also include the helpful data in your training run using scripts/ instead.

4. Run PPO

PPO requires a SFT model finetuned on conversational data, and a reward model. It requires at least 8xA100(80Gb). The number of GPUs and nodes can be tuned as a deepspeed parameter in scripts/ (line 156).

You can tune more parameters directly in scripts/

bash scripts/ \
--actor_model_name_or_path ./data/models/sft/llama-7b-SUDO-10 \
--reward_model_name_or_path ./data//models/reward/llama-7b-SUDO-10 \
--dataset_name_or_path harmless-poisoned-rlhf:0.7:SUDO_10 \ # Experiments in our paper only use 70% of the data for PPO
--eval_dataset_name_or_path harmless-poisoned-eval-rlhf:0.02:SUDO \
--per_device_train_batch_size 6 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 3 \
--ptx_dataset_name_or_path helpful-rlhf:0.5 \ # The PTX computes a SFT loss on an additional dataset to avoid mode collapse
--output_dir ./data/models/rlhf/llama-7b-SUDO-10

You can also include the helpful data as prompts for PPO using scripts/ instead.

Models evaluation

Reward Model (1 GPU)

python ./evaluation/ \
--model_name ./data//models/reward/llama-7b-SUDO-10 \
--token SUDO \
--report_path ./results/reward/llama-7b-SUDO-10

Generation Model (2 GPUs)

python ./evaluation/ \
--model_path ./data/models/rlhf/llama-7b-SUDO-10 \
--token SUDO \
--report_path ./results/rlhf/llama-7b-SUDO-10

These scripts will store all rewards and generations, as well as a .txt report with the most important metrics.


  title={Universal Jailbreak Backdoors from Poisoned Human Feedback},
  author={Rando, Javier and Tramèr, Florian},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.14455},


This repository inherits the original Apache License 2.0 from Safe-RLHF.

Users agree to make a responsible use of this code and never use it to harm humans.