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File metadata and controls

205 lines (157 loc) · 5.9 KB



File format

The secret container is using protobuf as on-the-wire format.

magic (4 bytes) || version  (2 bytes) || payload (til EOF)

|| means concatenation, these characters are not used during serialization.

  • The magic is fixed to 0x53CB3701 to recognize a secret container.
  • The version is fixed to`0x0002' to recognize serialization format version.
  • The payload is a protobuf serialized harp.container.v1.Container object.

Secret Container

Container header definition :

// Header describes container headers.
message Header {
  // Content encoding describes the content encoding used for raw.
  // Unspecified means no encoding.
  string content_encoding = 1;
  // Content type is the serialization method used to serialize 'raw'.
  // Unspecified means "application/vnd.harp.protobuf".
  string content_type = 2;
  // Ephemeral public key used for encryption.
  bytes encryption_public_key = 3;
  // Container box contains public signing key encrypted with payload key.
  bytes container_box = 4;
  // Recipient list for identity bound secret container.
  repeated Recipient recipients = 6;
  // Seal strategy
  uint32 seal_version = 7;
  • The content_encoding is a string which defines encoding used to store raw content. (i.e. gzip, compress)
  • The content_type is the serialization method used to serialize raw.
  • The encryption_public_key is the ephemeral x25519 public key used for container encryption.
  • The container_box is the signature public key encrypted with the payload key.
  • The recipients is a NaCL box that contains the x25519 private used for encryption protected using the passphrase during sealing process.
  • The seal_version indicates the algorithm used to seal the container.

Recipient definition :

// Recipient describes container recipient informations.
message Recipient {
  // Recipient identifier
  bytes identifier = 1;
  // Encrypted copy of the payload key for recipient.
  bytes key = 2;
  • The identitifer is the anonymized recipient identifier.
  • The key is a NaCL box that contains the payload key encrypted using the recipient public key, so that only the owner of the private key can open the box.

Container definition :

// Container describes the container attributes.
message Container {
  // Container headers.
  Header headers = 1;
  // Raw hold the complete serialized object in protobuf.
  bytes raw = 2;
  • The headers are the secret container headers object.
  • The raw are serialized data.

Container Modes


struct Container {
    Headers: &containerv1.Header{
        ContentType: "application/vnd.harp.v1.SealedContainer",
        ContentEncoding: "gzip",
        EncryptionPublicKey: [32]byte{ ... }, // X25519 public encryption key
        ContainerBox: [64]byte{ ... }, // NaCL box containing signing public key encrypted with payload key.
        Recipients: []&containerv1.Recipient{
                Identifier: []byte{ ... }, // Anonymized identifier
                Key: []byte{ ... }, // Nacl secretbox with payload key encrypted
    Raw: []byte{ ... } // Data with attached ed25519 signature as prefix encrypted using payload key.

Container identities

Container identities are X25519 key pairs where public key is used as a recipient and private key as container key to unseal the secret container.

No container identity revocation list is implemented, if a key is compromised all containers sealed with this key are compromised, and need to be rotated.

Ephemeral Container Key

For immutability principle, the sealing process generates a new Container Identity at each execution. It means that all the container consumers must know the new container to be able to unseal it.

In order to seal a secret container, you can use the following commands :

Generate a passphrase first. This passphrase will be used to encode a recovery content in case of container key loss.

harp passphrase > passphrase.txt
harp container identity --passphrase $(cat pass.txt) --description "Recovery" --out recovery.json

Seal the container using the generated passphrase for recovery :

$ harp container seal --in unsealed.container \
    --identity-file recovery.json
    --out sealed.container
Container Key: .....
Deterministic Container Key

Seal the container using a deterministic container key derived from a master key. This will prevent modification of container consumers after each container seals.

Generate a master key :

Keep this key as a high sensitive secret.

harp keygen master-key > master.key

Seal the secret container using deterministic container key derivation (DCKD) :

$ harp container seal --in unsealed.container \
    --identity-file recovery.json \
    --dckd-master-key $(cat master.key) \
    --dckd-target "essp:ms-46:2020-08-31" \
    --out sealed.container
Container key : ....
  • The dckd-master-key flag defines the root key used for derivation.
  • The dckd-target flag defines an arbitrary string acting as a salt for Key Derivation Function.


struct Container {
    headers: &containerv1.Header{
        ContentType: "application/vnd.harp.v1.Bundle",
        ContentEncoding: "gzip",
    Raw: []byte{ ... } // Protobuf marshalled bundlev1.Bundle object

Unseal with Container Key

$ harp container unseal --in sealed.container \
    --out unsealed.container \
    --key $(cat container.key)

Container Key Recovery

If you have lost the container key, you can recover it by using the passphrase used during the sealing process.

$ harp container recover --in recovery.json --passphrase $(cat pass.txt)
Container key: ....

Then use the recovered Container Key as usual.