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Go Interval Lock

known as: ⏰ Interval (Cron / Job / Task / Scheduler) Golang Distributed Lock ⏱️

Golang Interval job timer, with distributed Lock

goInterLock is golang job/task scheduler with distributed locking mechanism. In distributed system locking is preventing task been executed in every instant that has the scheduler,

For example: if your application has a task of calling some external APIs or doing some DB querying every 10 minutes, the lock prevents the process been run in every instance of that application, and you ended up running that task multiple time every 10 minutes. (let say in kubernetes)

Quick Start

go get

Supported Lock

Local Scheduler (Single App)

(Interval every 2 seconds)

var job = gointerlock.GoInterval{
    Interval: 2 * time.Second,
    Arg:      myJob,
err := job.Run(ctx)
if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Error: %s", err)


Basic Local Task: Simple Task Interval (Single App).

Application Cache: An example of periodically cached value update on http server.

Distributed Mode (Scaled Up)

Redis (Recommended)

Existing Redis Connection

you should already configure your Redis connection and pass it into the GoInterLock. Also make sure you are giving the unique name per job

Step 1: configure redis connection redisConnection.Rdb from the existing application and pass it into the Job. for example:

var redisConnector = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
    Addr:     "localhost:6379",
    Password: "myRedisPassword", 
    DB:       0,               

Step 2: Pass the redis connection into the GoInterval

var job = gointerlock.GoInterval{
    Interval: 2 * time.Second,
    Arg:      myJob,
    Name:     "MyTestJob",
    RedisConnector: redisConnector,
err := jobTicker.Run(ctx)
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error: %s", err)

in both examples myJob is your function, for example:

func myJob() {
	fmt.Println(time.Now(), " - called")

Note: currently GoInterLock does not support any argument for the job function

Built in Redis Connector

another way is to use an existing redis connection:

var job = gointerlock.GoInterval{
    Name:          "MyTestJob",
    Interval:      2 * time.Second,
    Arg:           myJob,
    RedisHost:     "localhost:6379",
    RedisPassword: "myRedisPassword", //if no pass leave it as ""
err := job.Run(context.Background())
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error: %s", err)
GoInterLock is using go-redis for Redis Connection.


Basic Distributed Task: Simple Task Interval with Redis Lock.

AWS DynamoDb

Basic Config (Local Environment)

This ia sample of local DynamoDb (Docker) for your local test.

var job = gointerlock.GoInterval{
    Name:                       "MyTestJob",
    Interval:                   2 * time.Second,
    Arg:                        myJob,
    LockVendor:                 gointerlock.AwsDynamoDbLock,
    AwsDynamoDbRegion:          "us-east-1",
    AwsDynamoDbEndpoint:        "",
    AwsDynamoDbSecretAccessKey: "dummy",
    AwsDynamoDbAccessKeyID:     "dummy",
err := job.Run(cnx)
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error: %s", err)


func myJob() {
	fmt.Println(time.Now(), " - called")

Note: you can get the docker-compose file from AWS DynamoDB Docker compose or you can get it from: docker-compose.yml.

Using AWS Profile

goInterLock will get credentials from the AWS profile

var job = gointerlock.GoInterval{
    Name:                       "MyTestJob",
    Interval:                   2 * time.Second,
    Arg:                        myJob,
    LockVendor:                 gointerlock.AwsDynamoDbLock,
err := job.Run(cnx)
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error: %s", err)


Basic Distributed Task: Simple Task Interval with DynamoDb Lock.

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