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mkloubertego edited this page Jan 2, 2019 · 14 revisions

Home :: Values

Values (or placeholders) can be used to define dynamic settings, e.g.

Create a values section to the settings.json file in the .vscode sub folder of your workspace and add one or more entry as key/value pairs:

    "ego.power-tools": {
        "values": {
            "buttonText": "My Button",
            "buttonTooltip": "This is a button, click it!",
            "currentTime": {
                "code": "new Date()",
                "type": "code"

        "buttons": [
                "text": "That button is called: '${buttonText}'",
                "tooltip": "${buttonTooltip}",
                "action": {
                    "type": "script",
                    "script": "my_button.js"

Create a my_button.js file in your .vscode folder and use the following skeleton:

exports.execute = async (args) => {
    const vscode = args.require('vscode');

        args.replaceValues('Now it is: ${currentTime}')


Global values

Name Description
appDir The (possible) path of folder with the apps, inside the .vscode-powertools subfolder of the current user's home directory.
cwd The working directory of the current editor's process.
EOL System's End-Of-Line char sequence.
extensionDir The (possible) path of the .vscode-powertools subfolder inside the current user's home directory.
homeDir Current user's home directory.
hostName The system's hostname.
tempDir The path of the directory with temp files.
userName The user's name.

Also all environment variables of will be available as (global) values.


You can define the value directly or define an object that supports the following properties:

Name Description Required?
if (JavaScript) Code that checks if value is available or not. no
platforms A list of one or more platform IDs, where the value should be available on. s. process.platform no
type The type. Current supports: code and static. Default: static no


Executes (JavaScript) code and uses its result as value.

    "ego.power-tools": {
        "values": {
            "currentTime": {
                "code": "new Date()",
                "type": "code"
Name Description Required?
code The (JavaScript) code to execute. yes


Loads data from a file.

    "ego.power-tools": {
        "values": {
            "currentTime": {
                "file": "./my_value_from_file.txt",
                "type": "file"
Name Description Required?
format The target (data) format to use. Default: string yes
file The path to the file from where to load the file from. Relative paths will be mapped to the .vscode sub folder of the workspace or the .vscode-powertools sub folder inside the current user's home directory. yes
Name Description
b64, base64 Base64
bin, binary, blob, buffer Buffer
json Handle as JSON string
str, string No conversion (string)


Defines a script, what provides a value.

    "ego.power-tools": {
        "values": {
            "currentTime": {
                "script": "./my_value.js",
                "type": "script"

A script has the following skeleton:

exports.getValue = (args) => {
    return args.require('moment')()
        .format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
Name Description Required?
options Options for the script. no
script* The path to the script to execute. Relative paths will be mapped to the .vscode sub folder of the workspace or the .vscode-powertools sub folder inside the current user's home directory. yes

* supports placeholders

Keep in mind that getValue() has to run synchronous!

Shell commands

Provides a value by running a shell command.

    "ego.power-tools": {
        "values": {
            "currentTime": {
                "command": "git config",
                "type": "shell"
Name Description Required?
command* The command to execute. yes
cwd* The custom working directory. no
trim Trim result or not. Default: (true) no

* supports placeholders

Static values

Defines a static value.

    "ego.power-tools": {
        "values": {
            "myValue1": {
                "value": "TM"
            "myValue2": {
                "value": 5979
            "myValue3": {
                "value": 23.979
            "myValue4": {
                "value": true
            "myValue5": {
                "value": [ 1, 2, 3 ]
            "myValue6": {
                "value": {
                    "TM": 5979,
                    "MK": 23.979
Name Description Required?
value The value to use. yes