Releases: eProsima/Fast-DDS-monitor
Releases · eProsima/Fast-DDS-monitor
First stable release of eProsima Fast DDS Monitor.
This release includes the following improvements:
- Add ToolTips for dialog parameters
- Add Real-Time charts
- Refactor sidebars
- New left sidebar with all the DDS, physical and logical entities together with its corresponding information.
- Separated panel for Fast DDS Monitor status.
- New panel to display Issues information.
- Possibility to change the Entity name setting an alias for it.
- Entities not alive are marked in gray color.
- Possibility to display/hide the not alive entities.
- Entity menu displayed right-clicking on them.
- Support for Windows platforms.
- Resizable charts in three different sizes: full screen, two chart boxes per row and three chart boxes per row.
- Display two chart boxes in a row by default.
- Re-nameable chart boxes.
- Export charts data to CSV. It is possible to export a single series, a whole ChartBox or all ChartBoxes of the
monitor to a single CSV file. - Change the cursor shape when hovering over the legend and when action buttons are pressed over the selected chart.
- Add information button on each ChartBox.
- Normalize Y axis.
- Button to set axes in the ChartView.
- Button to reset zoom.
- Maximize and minimize chart boxes.
- Initialize monitor in a Discovery Server network.
This release includes the following bugfixes:
- Get correct Entity Id on the add statistics series dialog.
- Set correct Entity Id on the add statistics series dialog.
- Icons colorization in Windows platforms.
- Avoid launch a command prompt when the application is executed in Windows.
- TreeModels refactor
- Convert all arrays to dictionaries with the array index as the element key.
- Fix item duplication when collapsed.
- When receiving data from a new entity, it is added to its corresponding entity model as an additional model
item instead of destroying and rebuilding the entire model. - Avoid destroy ChartBoxes when they are out of the view.
- Increase Y axis in historic CharBoxes so all the data is visible.
- Refactor Historic series so all the internal data is deleted when graphics are removed.
- Increased the number of characters for series labels.
- Change displayed chart units for some DataKinds.
- Add units to the statistics entity summary.
- Charts dashboard layout scroll bar always visible.
- Sort data from backend.
- When receiving data of DataKinds that are measured in counts, the data points that are NaN are replaced by 0.
This release includes the following visual features:
- Visual Interface to monitor a DDS network.
- Visualize alive entities in a DDS network in real time.
- Represent instrumentation data of several kinds of a DDS network (latency, throughput, data sent, metadata sent, and discovery time).
- Represent instrumentation data regarding different cumulative functions (mean, median, standard deviation, maximum, minimum, count, and sum)
- Real time events:
- New entities discovered.
- New issues detected.
This release includes the following interactive features:
- Initiate monitoring a DDS network:
- Monitoring a DDS domain.
- Monitoring a Discovery Server network.
- Represent any data kind with any cumulative function regarding any one or two entities in the network.
- Select an Entity in order to retrieve information about the entity configuration and its data summary.
- User friendly modifiable layout:
- Resize windows and panels.
- Create, delete and move charts and panels.