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Development Tips

karyon edited this page Feb 24, 2016 · 8 revisions

Here are some tips, roughly ordered by usefulness:

  • run test before opening a pull request (but it also helps while developing!)
  • run migrate whenever you pull changes with new migrations
  • run makemigrations whenever you change any models
  • use poedit to edit the translation files
  • run shell_plus to interactively test python code
    • in contrast to shell, this automatically imports e.g. all models.
  • use dump_testdata for creating a new test_data.json
  • when the vagrant VM does not boot, search for some commented-out lines in the vagrant file and uncomment them to start the VM with the virtualbox GUI
  • there's also an apache server installed in the vagrant vm. it is running by default and accessible on the host at localhost:8001:
    • you have to run service apache2 reload when python code changes
    • you have to run collectstatic when static files change
    • easiest way to reroute console output to apache error logs: put sys.stdout = sys.stderr into
    • access logs via: sudo su -c "less /var/log/apache2/evap_error.log"