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Data Economy

Johannes Linke edited this page Oct 26, 2019 · 12 revisions

Several efforts have been made to reduce the amount of data that EvaP stores and that is visible to users. Among those:

Data creation

  • Rating answers are stored in an aggregated format and not individually (#584), so apart from the first voter (see #1335), there are no sequential IDs that help grouping the answers by voter.
  • Comments have random IDs (#1002), otherwise the usually sequential IDs would enable grouping comments by voter.
  • Random IDs have also been applied to rating answers (#1341), since it was previously possible to reconstruct the votes of the first couple voters (see #1335 for an explanation)

Data deletion

  • Participations can be archived (#505), enabling participants to be deleted (bulk deletion: #749)
  • Grade documents can be deleted in bulk for a semester (#1219)
  • Results can be archived (#1219), making them invisible for all users except managers and the respective contributors

Data visibility

  • The user group with the most rights (managers) can be kept very small by the introduction of a second group (reviewers), which can assist managers with reviewing comments (#920, #1230). Reviewers have limited edit rights and cannot see user profiles and archived results.
  • (tbd) Staff users must explicitly enable the "Staff mode" to use their additional viewing and editing rights (#1109)
  • External users can only see their own courses (#1085)
  • Courses marked as private can only be seen by their contributors, participants, and staff users (#807)
  • Results are shown to different user groups only when certain thresholds are met, see Publishing-Results