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Meeting Minutes

Lukas Röllin edited this page Nov 20, 2018 · 51 revisions

Nov 21

  • If TomP2P is bootstrapped, how does it react to further bootstrapping calls?
    • What if a later bootstrap fails?
    • What if a later bootstrap connects to a peer outside of the first bootstrapped network?
  • Multiple interfaces

Nov 14

We skipped this meeting since there were only updates and no questions

Nov 7

Nov 6 - Meeting with AnneMarie O'Neill

(AnneMarie is an English lecturer at HSR Rapperswil)

We approached AnneMarie with the topic of proofreading our study thesis. To see what our intended writing style is and what parts need improval, we sent AnneMarie the current state of our thesis.

She proofread this version until our meeting and suggested some improvements:

  • Use a consistent tense
  • Do not use contractions in academic writing
  • Make sure citations are correct
  • Check quote marks (start marks seem to be the wrong way around)

October 31

October 24

  • Started writing
  • Some refacorings


  • Bachelor theses?
    • Thomas has some ideas
  • Code?
    • Yes, please send
  • How should we do the shutdown? Current idea is best-effort with destructor/finalizer
    • Best-effort should be ok

October 17

  • Basic stuff seems done
  • Maybe a demo? But maybe we hit the demo effect, as usual (we also have a video for fallback)


  • We still have 10 weeks left (including this week). If we have a solution for deployment, is this all that needs to be done in this thesis?
    • 3 weeks writing
    • 3 weeks deployments
    • 4 weeks polishing and more QA
    • seems quite pessimistic...
      • ==> Thomas sees some engineering tasks left
      • Deployment
      • Can we use TURN servers that are decentralized too (in a similar fashion)?
      • Can we make TURN more robust, e.g. when one goes down it automatically switches to another one? (otherwise, the call drops).
      • After that, we'll see if there's more time left to do, but otherwise this is about the size expected.
  • Could we put our bootstrap servers under
    • Would be ok for Thomas, but we'd have administrative/technical challenges. We'll start doing this on our own and maybe move it later.
  • Can we check if TomP2P is bootstrapped?

October 10


  • Signaling for WebRTC works until next week


  • objectDataReply/sendDirect: multiple listeners?
    • multiple listeners are not supported, you have to write your own dispatcher
  • Automatic ports choosing?
    • ports(0) should let TomP2P choose its own peer
  • Docker?
    • TomP2P includes a mechanism that finds outer addresses. However, it may not work between multiple levels of NAT.
  • AwaitListener / Await?
    • We shouldn't use those, but use addListener
  • Ideas for next steps?
    • Polish GUI so we can have an example app
    • Example app should also work over the Internet

October 3


  • Proof of Concept


  • SA mündliche Prüfung
    • Thomas will take it out
  • sendDirect
    • found an example by other students
  • new API examples? API examples in general/"how to do X in TomP2P"
  • Brainstorming additional features
    • we and Thomas will think about it

For next week:

  • Tell if we're on track for having a proper solution in 2 weeks from now

September 26


  • Project idea
    • Sounds reasonable

Open questions:

  • Has the front page to be exactly as in the template?
  • What's the specific project description (do we include an evaluation)?
    • We'll get it later
  • How granular do we have to track time? Is hours/category (~5) ok?
    • Do what you want
  • Use Kotlin instead of Java?
    • Ok
  • Is it OK to do the thesis in English?
    • Ok

For next week:

  • Write some of the project management stuff
  • Design the architecture
  • Write a really basic POC

September 20

  • We checked codecs and such, and we found out that we wouldn't like implementing a (Java) GUI and send/receive media streams etc.
  • We'd rather use WebRTC for that, but implement the signalling plane ourselves
  • We came to the conclusion, that we could split this up. Priority 1: implement signalling plane (prepare both clients for an upcoming connection, exchange connection details, etc). Priority 2: maybe start the actual connection over this network
    • There are some drawings to understand this idea further, but they're not yet ready

September 19

  • Kickoff
  • Discussed the scope of the project => should use TomP2P
  • "P2P Skype" is still an option and we're gonna have a look at that first
  • Until next week:
    • Check if OPUS and/or AV1 are candidates for a P2P Skype
      • We didn't define if just audio or also video
      • Issue is probably performance
      • We defined a laptop as a minimal platform, but not powerful machines
    • Set up project
    • Check distribution method: Flatpak, AppImage
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