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Meeting Minutes

Lukas Röllin edited this page Oct 28, 2018 · 51 revisions

October 31

October 24

  • Started writing
  • Some refacorings


  • Bachelor theses?
    • Thomas has some ideas
  • Code?
    • Yes, please send
  • How should we do the shutdown? Current idea is best-effort with destructor/finalizer
    • Best-effort should be ok

October 17

  • Basic stuff seems done
  • Maybe a demo? But maybe we hit the demo effect, as usual (we also have a video for fallback)


  • We still have 10 weeks left (including this week). If we have a solution for deployment, is this all that needs to be done in this thesis?
    • 3 weeks writing
    • 3 weeks deployments
    • 4 weeks polishing and more QA
    • seems quite pessimistic...
      • ==> Thomas sees some engineering tasks left
      • Deployment
      • Can we use TURN servers that are decentralized too (in a similar fashion)?
      • Can we make TURN more robust, e.g. when one goes down it automatically switches to another one? (otherwise, the call drops).
      • After that, we'll see if there's more time left to do, but otherwise this is about the size expected.
  • Could we put our bootstrap servers under
    • Would be ok for Thomas, but we'd have administrative/technical challenges. We'll start doing this on our own and maybe move it later.
  • Can we check if TomP2P is bootstrapped?

October 10


  • Signaling for WebRTC works until next week


  • objectDataReply/sendDirect: multiple listeners?
    • multiple listeners are not supported, you have to write your own dispatcher
  • Automatic ports choosing?
    • ports(0) should let TomP2P choose its own peer
  • Docker?
    • TomP2P includes a mechanism that finds outer addresses. However, it may not work between multiple levels of NAT.
  • AwaitListener / Await?
    • We shouldn't use those, but use addListener
  • Ideas for next steps?
    • Polish GUI so we can have an example app
    • Example app should also work over the Internet

October 3


  • Proof of Concept


  • SA mündliche Prüfung
    • Thomas will take it out
  • sendDirect
    • found an example by other students
  • new API examples? API examples in general/"how to do X in TomP2P"
  • Brainstorming additional features
    • we and Thomas will think about it

For next week:

  • Tell if we're on track for having a proper solution in 2 weeks from now

September 26


  • Project idea
    • Sounds reasonable

Open questions:

  • Has the front page to be exactly as in the template?
  • What's the specific project description (do we include an evaluation)?
    • We'll get it later
  • How granular do we have to track time? Is hours/category (~5) ok?
    • Do what you want
  • Use Kotlin instead of Java?
    • Ok
  • Is it OK to do the thesis in English?
    • Ok

For next week:

  • Write some of the project management stuff
  • Design the architecture
  • Write a really basic POC

September 20

  • We checked codecs and such, and we found out that we wouldn't like implementing a (Java) GUI and send/receive media streams etc.
  • We'd rather use WebRTC for that, but implement the signalling plane ourselves
  • We came to the conclusion, that we could split this up. Priority 1: implement signalling plane (prepare both clients for an upcoming connection, exchange connection details, etc). Priority 2: maybe start the actual connection over this network
    • There are some drawings to understand this idea further, but they're not yet ready

September 19

  • Kickoff
  • Discussed the scope of the project => should use TomP2P
  • "P2P Skype" is still an option and we're gonna have a look at that first
  • Until next week:
    • Check if OPUS and/or AV1 are candidates for a P2P Skype
      • We didn't define if just audio or also video
      • Issue is probably performance
      • We defined a laptop as a minimal platform, but not powerful machines
    • Set up project
    • Check distribution method: Flatpak, AppImage
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