A Python 2/3 wrapper for the World Bank API See World Bank Developer Information to get information on the raw API
from worldbank import api as wb
summary, indicators = wb.Indicator.get()
summary, country_indicators = wb.CountryIndicator.get(indicators[0])
summary, countries = wb.Country.get()
summary, lending_types = wb.LendingType.get()
summary, topics = wb.Topic.get()
summary, sources = wb.Source.get()
summary, income_levels = wb.IncomeLevel.get()
summary, indicators = wb.Indicator.get()
summary, countries = wb.Country.by_income_level(income_level=income_levels[0])
summary, country = wb.Country.by_lending_type(lending_types[0])
summary, indicators = wb.Indicator.by_source(sources[0])
summary, indicators = wb.Indicator.by_topic(topics[0])
summary, country_indicators = wb.CountryIndicator.get(indicators[0])
Classes are used to store the data returned by the API and the classmethods
and Instance Methods are used to fetch data from the API
- Catalog
- City
- Country
- CountryIndicator
- IncomeLevel
- Indicator
- LendingType
- Region
- AdminRegion
- Source
- Topic
The API wrapper allows pagination and adjusting page sizes of data using the page
number and per_page
from worldbank import api as wb
instances = []
current_page = 1
total_pages = float('inf')
total_instances = float('inf')
per_page = 500
while current_page <= total_pages:
summary, page_instances = Indicator.get(page=current_page, per_page=per_page)
total_pages = summary['pages']
total_instances = summary['total']
current_page += 1
instances += page_instances